Shaundakul DM |

I am looking to start a PBP campaign based in Brevoy. The game will start with all PC's on a boat sailing from New Stetven to Silverhall. The PC's may or may not know each other, we can work that out based on backgrounds submitted. This will be a sandbox style campaign. I will have some stuff prepped in advance, some done ad hoc based on choices made by characters, and may even throw in pre-made adventures if they fit.
Recruitment will last until Friday Sept 2.
Submission requirements
1. Submit a detailed background including where the character is from, if not from Brevoy, why are they there? Why are they traveling from New Stetven to Silverhall?
2. Character Sheet - No need to worry about inventory prior to selection, but you can do inventory if you want. I will allow some changes prior to game start if needed.
3. Are you currently in one or more PbP games? If so, how many? I will give preference to gamers not currently playing in another game since competition seems to be fierce. However, I will make sure the party works well together class wise.
Character Creation
1. 25 Point buy (I'd rather err on the side of characters being extra powerful than not powerful enough)No stats greater than 18 or less than 8 prior to racial modifiers being applied.
2. Core Races only.
3. All official classes/archetypes from official Paizo sources allowed.
4. No evil characters.
5. Max HP at first level.
6. Starting gold will be max for class.
7. Two traits.
-Please be able to post at least once per day. If you are going to be unable to post due to a planned event, let me know prior. I will run the character for that time period if necessary.
Let the submissions begin.

Rowena Lordail |

Rowena Lordail here. She was originally created for a Magnimar-based campaign, but it's easy enough to change that city to the main city of Brevoy (can't remember it off the top of my head) and pick some other crime figure for her to fail at taking out.
However, I am in more PbP games than I care to count at the moment (although many are in stasis). I am posting to express interest and look for a spot in the highly unlikely event you get little interest for this one.
I applaud your decision to create a game for those one these boards who haven't been lucky enough to get accepted into one.

Faelar Braegen |

Here is a quick run down of the Halfling Sorceress.
Name - Kerri Corynian
Race - Halfing
Class - Sorceror (Linnorm-Ice)
Age - 22 years
Height - 2'10"
Weight - 25lb
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Str - 6
Dex - 16
Con - 10
Int - 10
Wis - 14
Cha - 20
Bluff - 9
Fly - 7
Perception - 8
Eschew Materials
Point Blank Shot
Speed - 20 ft
Initiative - +5
Fortitude - +1
Reflex - +4
Will - +5
Hit Points - 6
Experience - 0
Reactionary - Gain a +2 Trait bonus to Initiative
Lore Seeker - Message, Magic Missile and Reduce Person are treated as +1 CL whenever cast
Level o: Unlimited / day
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost
Level 1: 5 / day
Magic Missile
Reduce Person
Kerri has spent all of her life, living with her small tribe of fellow Halflings in the Gronzi Forest, just north of the “Old Rostland”. She stayed there happily for many years until one day the village elder told her some fascinating stories about the History of their people and their allies. After hearing such beautiful tales, she was engrossed, she wanted to know more. So she asked if she could go out and learn more about her tribes past, but she was not allowed to leave the village. She never knew why, people had always given her special attention, but never allowed her to be free. Well She kicked up a fuss about not being allowed to leave and that is when she found out…She was not what she thought. She was “gifted” as the elders said it. Back in the day of dragons, it had been her family who had secured this place for them to live in peace, she already knew that, but what she didn’t know was the price. One of her ancestors had to lay with the dragon (a thought that seemed too unreal and pretty pointless, but when she asked why no-one seemed to know), but apparently every few generations a “gifted” is born from that family. A child with a small amount of powers that was given to the ancestors by the dragon for the deed was born. Unfortunately for her, she was the gifted one this time, so she could never leave the village in case someone found her and took away her powers (which she couldn’t use yet).
Well after hearing all this she ran as fast as she could, but she did not get far as she realized she was out of the village. What she saw was beautiful, trees everywhere, grass, bright sunlight (all the same as the village, but it just seemed so much nicer out here). So she decided a little walk in the sun wouldn’t hurt, so she went out for her walk, she met a few people (who she was scared of at first, these were big people at least double her height if not more) but they just said hello as went on their way. After a few more people had passed by with the same reaction, she saw someone the same size as her, a small man, clean shaven, short hair and skipping along with a big woman. So she went up to him and asked who all these big people were, he just replied “mummy?”. Well one of the big men behind the small man heard this and started shouting “wild half person!”, of course Kerri looked around for this wild half person thing, but saw nothing or anyone. When she turned back around a group of big men were walking towards her, well she ran straight back into the forest (she didn’t know if they were going to hurt her, or show her the wild thing, but the way they looked at her scared her.)
After running for about 30 minutes she arrived back at the village, where everyone had been looking for her. She went straight to the elder and asked what a wild half person was (well she soon wished she hadn’t) and told him what had happened. After that she was followed everywhere, trained to bring out her gifts and finally found out what a wild half person was…HER! They wanted to kill the wild, half person…ME, just for saying hello to another man?! These big men were strange. Well after about 4 years she finally started to understand her gifts and start to control them, but she only seemed to be good at hiding (which suited her fine, she didn’t want to be caught out by the big men again and if she could hide, all the better). So she carried on practicing (at the elders request and order) and finally started to learn this to defend herself.
During this time the elder had decided to sate her curiosity about the past and while she was training, he would teach her about her ancestors, more and more. Well just after she learned to defend herself, the elder died; apparently everyone knew it was coming (everyone except Kerri). So after the performed the passing on ritual, she decided to leave the safety of the village and learn what she could, so one day she could return and tell all the young tribes people, at that time about the past. To carry on the elders work. So in the middle of the night, she used her gifts to make it so no-one would see her easily and she left the village. She headed to Brevoy, the new land to learn, but every time she saw someone she would hide. So it took her a long time to get there, but she eventually found herself there…well almost there she needed to get to Silverhall (apparently a place of great wealth and knowledge) and the only way to get there was by walking across the water. But there was this wooden thing that people were walking on that lay on the water and didn’t fall in. So she asked if she could have some help getting to Silverhall (which took a lot of courage). The captain amazed she didn’t know what a boat was said he would take her, but she had to help out with whatever she could. Something which she agreed to quickly and happily.
Kerri is a white halfling, VERY white as in actually white. She has black hair, which is down to her waist. She is still attractive, although being so pale. She likes to wear animal furs, instead of any armour, but looks like she could pull off wearing a noble dress well.
I hope that is okay, I have had her in my mind for a while and would love to get a chance to try her out. Just had to change a few things about her. If there is anything you don't like, just say and we can see if we can get her right...if I am lucky enough to make the cut.

Faelar Braegen |

How does this sound?
Kerri has spent all of her life, living with her small tribe of fellow Halflings in the Gronzi Forest, just north of the “Old Rostland”. She stayed there happily for many years until one day the village elder told her some fascinating stories about the History of their people and their allies. After hearing such beautiful tales, she was engrossed, she wanted to know more. So she asked if she could go out and learn more about her tribes past, but she was not allowed to leave the village. She never knew why, people had always given her special attention, but never allowed her to be free. Well She kicked up a fuss about not being allowed to leave and that is when she found out…She was not what she thought. She was “gifted” as the elders said it. Back in the day of dragons, it had been her family who had secured this place for them to live in peace, she already knew that, but what she didn’t know was the price. One of her ancestors had to lay with the dragon (a thought that seemed too unreal and pretty pointless, but when she asked why no-one seemed to know), but apparently every few generations a “gifted” is born from that family. A child with a small amount of powers that was given to the ancestors by the dragon for the deed was born. Unfortunately for her, she was the gifted one this time, so she could never leave the village in case someone found her and took away her powers (which she couldn’t use yet).
Well after hearing all this she ran as fast as she could, but she did not get far as she realized she was out of the village. What she saw was beautiful, trees everywhere, grass, bright sunlight (all the same as the village, but it just seemed so much nicer out here). So she decided a little walk in the sun wouldn’t hurt, so she went out for her walk, she met a few people (who she was scared of at first, these were big people at least double her height if not more) but they just said hello as went on their way. After a few more people had passed by with the same reaction, she saw someone the same size as her, a small man, clean shaven, short hair and skipping along with a big woman. So she went up to him and asked who all these big people were, he just replied “mummy?”. Well one of the big men behind the small man heard this and started shouting “wild half person!”, of course Kerri looked around for this wild half person thing, but saw nothing or anyone. When she turned back around a group of big men were walking towards her, well she ran straight back into the forest (she didn’t know if they were going to hurt her, or show her the wild thing, but the way they looked at her scared her.)
After running for about 30 minutes she arrived back at the village, where everyone had been looking for her. She went straight to the elder and asked what a wild half person was (well she soon wished she hadn’t) and told him what had happened. After that she was followed everywhere, trained to bring out her gifts and finally found out what a wild half person was…HER! They wanted to kill the wild, half person…ME, just for saying hello to another man?! These big men were strange. Well after about 4 years she finally started to understand her gifts and start to control them, but she only seemed to be good at hiding (which suited her fine, she didn’t want to be caught out by the big men again and if she could hide, all the better). So she carried on practicing (at the elders request and order) and finally started to learn this to defend herself.
During this time the elder had decided to sate her curiosity about the past and while she was training, he would teach her about her ancestors, more and more. Well just after she learned to defend herself, the elder died; apparently everyone knew it was coming (everyone except Kerri). So after the performed the passing on ritual, she decided to leave the safety of the village and learn what she could, so one day she could return and tell all the young tribes people, at that time about the past. To carry on the elders work. So in the middle of the night, she used her gifts to make it so no-one would see her easily and she left the village. She headed to Brevoy, the new land to learn, but every time she saw someone she would hide. So it took her a long time to get there, but she eventually found herself there…well almost there she needed to get to Silverhall (apparently a place of great wealth and knowledge) and the only way to get there was by walking across the water. But there was this wooden thing that people were walking on that lay on the water and didn’t fall in. So she asked if she could have some help getting to Silverhall (which took a lot of courage). The captain amazed she didn’t know what a boat was said he would take her, but she had to help out with whatever she could. Something which she agreed to quickly and happily.
Str - 6
Dex - 16
Con - 10
Int - 10
Wis - 14
Cha - 20
Name - Kerri Corynian
Race - Halfling
Class - Sorceror (Linnorm-Ice)
Gender - Female
Age - 22 years
Height - 2'10"
Weight - 25lb
Alignment - Chaotic Good
Additional Stats
Speed - 20 ft
Initiative - +5
Fortitude - +1
Reflex - +4
Will - +5
Hit Points - 6
Bluff - 9
Fly - 7
Perception - 8
Eschew Materials
Point Blank Shot
Level : 0 - Unlimited / day
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost
Level : 2 - 5 / day
Magic Missile
Reduce Person
Reactionary - Gain a +2 Trait bonus to Initiative
Lore Seeker - Message, Magic Missle and Reduce are cast at +1 Caster level
Kerri is a white skinned Halfling and I mean WHITE, bleach white. She has long black hair, which flows down to her waist, which she wears down. She dislikes heavy clothes or armour and is happier when wearing animal furs. Although she does look like she could pull off wearing a nobles dress really easily.
Obviously if there is anything you would like to know, just ask and I shall try to explain it to you. I have been wanting to play this character for a while and just had to tweak her a little for it. I have left the end of the back story open, just in case you decide to have me in your group and then if any other player wants to have a connection with Kerri at the start of the game, they can. Just means altering how she got on the boat.

Faelar Braegen |

The Linnorm bloodline is inside the Ultimate magic book. It is a mutated version of Draconic (Wild-blooded I think it is called). The only difference between the 2 is that Draconic gives you claws that get better over time. Linnorm gives you "Elemental Spit", whic gives you a 30ft elemental attack dealing 1D6 points of damage of your type (in my case cold). That can be used 3 times a day plus your Charisma modifier.
If you don't want me using the Ultimate Magic book, I will just change it back to the original Draconic.

Arknight |

Here's my idea for a Gunslinger:
When he awoke, amazingly it was to a new life. The smith hadn't held it against Vergian for taking the food, only admonished him that if he'd asked the smith would have given him that and more. Feeling guilty, Vergian asked to stay to help the man out with chores for a few days. In the end, Vergian stayed for years. Over the time, he learned about smithing and metals as well as how to construct the guns that made Alkenstar a place for business. However, not only did the smith teach him to make the weapons, she taught him to use them. The entire relationship made Vergian feel like he actually did have a mother, and the feeling of mother to son also was the feeling of the smith to Vergian.
The family feeling ended as abruptly as it began however when the smith left to meet an associate in the city of Silverhall. The smith was to meet several associates to investigate a series of attacks on caravans nearby. As the woman had been doing the same previously, Vergian didn't think much of it. When he was awoken by the feeling of tragedy his mind changed. Unsure of what he was feeling, he spent days in a bit of a mood. When a package was delivered to him from the smith, he knew what put him in a mood. The package contained a letter and a journal partialy covered in blood. The last entry in the journal was talking about an ambush on the smith's arrival in Brevoy. The entry was ended in someone else's hand, with notations of the inn where the event ocurred at and the name of the bartender who apparently retrieved the journal after the smith met her demise in the ambush.
Leaving the business in the hands of others, Vergian began his journey to Silverhall by a trip to New Stetvan. There, he spoke with several people who remembered his 'mother' and also the strange individuals asking after her once she left. With a anxious heart, he began his trip to Silverhall by ship. Something though told him that it wasn't going to be a simple journey though...
Male Human (Azlanti) Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10. . (+4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +5 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Ranged Pistol +5 (1d8/20/x4)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Deadly Aim -1/+2, Gunsmithing, Weapon Finesse
Traits Child of the Streets, Reactionary
Skills Bluff +5, Climb +5, Craft (Alchemy) +6, Craft (Blacksmith) +6, Diplomacy +2, Knowledge (Local) +6, Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +9
Languages Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Osiriani
SQ Deeds, Grit (Ex), Gunslinger's Dodge (Ex), Quick Clear (Ex), Up Close and Deadly +1d6
Combat Gear Pistol;
Grit (1/day) - 0/1
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deeds Gunslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the gunslinger some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longerlasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as a gunslinger has at least 1 grit point. The
Grit (Ex) A gunslinger makes her mark upon the world with daring deeds. Some gunslingers claim they belong to a mystical way of the gun, but it's more likely that the volatile nature of firearms simply prunes the unlucky and careless from their ranks. Whatever
Gunslinger's Dodge (Ex) At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made against the gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing so grants the gunslinger a
Gunsmithing You know the secrets of repairing and restoring firearms.
Benefit: If you have access to a gunsmith's kit, you can create and restore firearms, craft bullets, and mix black powder for all types of firearms. You do not need to make a Craft c
Quick Clear (Ex) At 1st level, as a standard action, the gunslinger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. The gunslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform t
Up Close and Deadly +1d6 At 1st level, when the pistolero hits a target with a one-handed firearm that is not making a scatter shot, she can spend 1 grit point to deal 1d6 points of extra damage on a hit. If she misses with the attack, she grazes the target, dealing half the
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I am in a couple of other games, but I'd love to see how the gunslinger works out in play. :)
Thoughts? :)

Dr. Benedict Darcy |

Here is Benedict. I am currently in 2 PBP's, but the GM is currently MIA in one of them. I think there is enough in his background for character development hooks, but let me know if you want more. He is Neutral because he will do some morally questionable stuff for what he considers the greater good, but he is not cruel or sadistic. He can be traveling on a mission for his mentor as a reason for traveling, but I would want to collaborate with you about what that mission would be. It will be easy to change him to a 25 point build if I am selected.

shroin |

I'd be very interested in being involved in this campaign. I've been wanting to try out a Summoner for a while now, here's my concept:
The character made his living as a bodyguard in New Stetven, where he was born and raised. He grew up as a baker, but when he turned 16 and his abilities as a summoner manifested he began to look for greater excitement than sourdough. He found his new career protecting the lesser nobles and merchants of New Stetven.
He is an extremely dedicated person, who would rather take a crossbow bolt than see any harm come to his client. He is very lawful neutral, and once his word is given he will do everything in his power to keep it. His eidolon takes the form of a man-at-arms in medium armor with a two-handed sword across his back and a sap at his side for situations where deadly force is innapropriate.
There's a lot of possibility on hooks as to why he's on his way to Silverhall. The first one which jumps out to me is that he could be guarding another party member on their journey to Silverhall. If that does not work, he could have recently failed in his task of protecting a lesser noble, and has decided to leave town for a while after some... less than encouraging feedback from the nobles remaining family.

JasonX |

Alistair Frenholm:
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +0
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13. . (+3 armor, +5 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Dueling Sword +7 (1d8+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +6 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Str 14, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 18 (19 vs. Feint19 vs. Grapple)
Feats Combat Expertise +/-1, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, Aldori Dueling, Weapon Finesse
Traits Sword Scion, Threatening Defender
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +5, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5, Ride +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4, Swim +1
Languages Aklo, Common
SQ Heart of the Wilderness +0, Hero Points (1)
Combat Gear Dueling Sword, Studded Leather;
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Heart of the Wilderness +0 +5 on CON checks to stabilize, +1/2 level to negative HP level for death, +1/2 level Survival.
Sword Scion +1 to hit and CMB with longswords and Aldori Dueling Swords.
Alistair was raised in the area near Restov. Much of his youth was spent in the wilderness of the Stolen Lands. When he was 12, his father had him fostered by a minor lord in Restov. Alistair took to the style of the Swordlords of Restov immediately. His natural talents earned him a spot in the Restov Dueling Academy from which he just recently graduated. Unfortunately he has not been as naturally inclined to life at court in Restov. The growing tensions with the Issian half of Brevoy have attracted him to the more restless groups that have been clamoring for seperation. Because of this, his foster father has sent him away from the city for now to try and prevent him from getting into further trouble.

Dolum Breaker |

Dolum would like to throw his hat in the ring. Dolum has been traveling for several years now and he finds himself in Brevoy contemplating a the possibility of an expedition to Numeria, or perhaps to the Observatory. In any event any interesting tales of ancient locked, trapped and warded locations will draw him like a moth to the flame.

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

Here is my entry as promised(Veshly). I can post more than once per day. I'm in the Central time zone of the USA.
Warning! The background has a scene of violence and violation.
The sounds of battle ring in her ears. Domna Lebeda, Knight of the Holy Order of Gorum, lies on that battlefield too weak to move. Thudding footfalls sound close. A grunt comes from behind as she is picked up and turned around. In spite of herself, she weakly screams as she stares into the face of an grinning Orc. Struggling helplessly, she knows the punishment Gorum has decreed for her failure...
… Head snapping back from the blow, Zaxarii endures another of Mother's tantrums. “You'll not disgrace me again whelp!” Mother screams from her beet-red face. “You will learn the all the weapons of war, so you can demolish your foes and not make me look bad!” Zaxarii says nothing knowing it will only make things worse as he tries to fight back against his powerful tormentor. Still he vows, I learn what I learn, Gorum's weapons are good enough.
… Years at the Temple of Gorum in New Stetven passes. Zaxarii is on a battlefield acting as page, bringing water to the wounded. Going back to the river for more water he comes across a fallen warrior feebly trying to mutter prayers to Gorum. Zaxarii stops at him and tries to help, saying the prayers with him. After a moment blood gushes for Zaxarii's hands, turning into water, falling into the man's parched mouth. Zaxarii is in rapture, filled with the strength of Gorum. The priest struggles to rise and croaks out, “Welcome to the fight, fellow Chosen of Gorum.”...
…More years of battles pass. One day Bloodletter Zaxarii is summonded to a Captain's office. He crashes his fist to his breastplate in salute. “Bloodletter Zaxarii reporting as ordered”. The aging woman behind the desk scowls at him. “ I just got a letter from my niece saying she needs my help, first I've heard from her since her … elevation. I'm much too busy with Gorum's tasks to go, so I'm sending you to uphold family honor. Don't disgrace me. I've booked passage on a ship to Silverhall for you; here's a letter for my niece and some money for you. Dismissed!” Zaxarii salutes and pauses at the door. Impishly he says, “ Love you too, Mother. Bye.” He ducks out the door leaving his mother scowling at his back.
A very large half-orc in metal armor with red braids falling from under his helmet. The emblem of Gorum is on his breastplate and a greatsword is strapped to his back.
Battle! to fight! and maybe some healing too. Not skilled at all but with the scent ability can often know when to prepare for battle. Aid others in the eternal stuggle as well.
Sometimes embracing the sterotype is the way to go.

Faelar Braegen |

I too am able to post multiple times a day and my time zone is GMT +0 (London), but I am up through most of the night any way, so can post during the same time as most people of the USA time zone.
My back-story is able to be changed slightly at the end (When boarding the boat) if anybody wants to have characters knowing each other prior to the adventure.

Veltzeh |
I am interested! I got inspired just now and wrote up Vorhel, an elven druid:
Appearance: Vorhel is a young (120-year-old) elf with pale skin, dark green eyes and long, rather unruly hair of indiscernible greenish brown colour. He is 181 cm tall and weighs 62 kg. He has high cheekbones, large eyes (even for an elf), wide nose and a dent in his right ear. His voice is usually silent and soft. For some reason, he looks often like he had seen a ghost. He looks like he should be smiling more than he is, and whenever he does smile, the expression washes away rather quickly. His clothes are simple and earth-toned in colour: a tunic, breeches, sturdy boots, worker's gloves, an overcoat and a hunter's hat.
Personality: Vorhel is (or at least tries to be) optimistic and likes to think of himself as capable. He doesn't tend to ask for help but does accept it when it's given. As a nomad, he isn't all that used to people and doesn't know what to do with them, but he has met enough of them to have learned to not judge everything by their looks. He seems like a loner even though he isn't really; he just doesn't exactly know how to talk to strangers about things other than the weather. During his travels, Vorhel got used to who knows what kind of things, but if there's one thing he hates unconditionally, it's mushrooms. He'll never eat one if he can possibly avoid it. Lately Vorhel has been in danger of overcoming by helplessness. Whenever he seems like his eyes start staring into nothingness, his tiger Tholniw nudges him out of it.
Background: Like many elves, Vorhel was born in the Kyonin forest. His parents were Valathal and Yullon. Very young and nomadic, the couple had left their own parents early to make their own way in the forest. Eventually their curiosity outgrew the forest and they left for other lands. Vorhel wasn't quite grown up yet, but was old enough to get by with their help.
The small family spent a year here and a couple there, seeing glimpses of the lives of other elves and peoples outside Kyonin. They were in no hurry to anywhere and made a winding journey of several years from Kyonin to Razmiran and Exalted Wood, Echo Wood, Numeria, Mendev and Estrovian Forest, across the Lake of Mists and Veils to Port Ice in Brevoy and to Icerime Peaks.
The three had not heard good things about The Valley of Fire and were going to stay away from it. They took a day's break in their travels as young Vorhel was finally ready to call his very first animal companion to him. For a whole day, Vorhel prayed silently and meticulously and felt a bond forming as time went by. Still, when the ritual was complete, the animal had not showed itself. Yullon said that it was probably just taking its time for one reason or another, so the three elves settled to sleep.
They did not sleep long. Even though they were still a safe distance away from the dangers of The Valley if Fire, they were brutally ambushed. The creature they faced was unspeakably horrendous, and before he even knew it, Vorhel was running with his parents shouting and telling him to run faster. Valathal and Yullon stayed and fought.
Terrified, Vorhel ran until his legs gave in and he collapsed in a thorny rose bush.
When he awoke, it was nearly morning and a big tiger was licking his face. For a moment, he was only happy that his first animal companion had come and he didn't even remember what had happened in the night. As moments passed, he remembered and, nearly panicked and worrying like never before, he ran back to his parents, following his own tracks. When he finally arrived, he found only elven blood scattered in a surprisingly wide area, a few torn pieces of clothing and broken items. No clue whatsoever remained of the creature that had attacked them and Vorhel had not even seen it properly.
It took Vorhel some moments to get over the shock, but he managed to recall what his parents had advised him to do. In his bag was a scroll of reincarnate and the required oils... but his bag was gone as well since he couldn't have remembered to take it with him when he started running, and nothing of his parents remained. Vorhel refused to be overcome with sorrow and instead went through the whole area with a fine comb and after half a day, managed to procure six long hairs, one of which was probably his own, two were the dark hairs of his mother and three probably his father's whose hair colour resembled his own. He didn't even have any way of knowing whether these particular hairs had been part of his parents when they died.
With only the clothes on his back, a few items in his belt pouch, a new animal companion and his parents' hairs, he ran west across the plains and forest, next to the river, heading to New Stetven. People more powerful than him lived in cities and they could help him.
Though he had resolved to not start dwelling in sorrow, he grew rather serious during his running trip as he realised that he had no idea how to go about getting help. The tiger gave him much comfort in his time of stress, so he named her Tholniw, "Raincloud", for she washed the worries from his mind like soft early summer rain.
When Vorhel finally arrived in New Stetven, he was rather desperate and was definitely not well received, what with not knowing how to deal with the locals, having a tiger in tow and demanding people to help him raise his dead parents. Having no clue what to do, he could only try to head for the next town, Silverhall. He heard that a ship was just leaving and made his best to get passage on it, though he had no idea what he could do differently in the other town to receive help.
Tholniw: Tholniw is a young and playful tiger. She especially likes to wrestle with Vorhel and lie on him. She is wary of other persons and either circles Vorhel or sits behind him when he's talking to others. Outwardly, she doesn't seem to be extraordinary in any way: she looks just like a regular tiger.
Elf druid (pack lord) 1
NG medium humanoid (elf)
Init +3
Senses Perception +10, low-light vision
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
HP 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6
Special Defenses Immunity to sleep, +2 saves vs. enchantment
Speed 30 ft.
Orisons 3
1st 2
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 10
BAB +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Point-blank Shot
Skills {ranks}
Acrobatics +3,
Appraise +2,
Bluff +0,
Climb -1,
Craft () +2,
Diplomacy +0,
Disguise +0,
Fly +3,
Handle animal +4 (+6 for Tholniw) {1},
Heal +4,
Intimidate +0,
Knowledge (geography) +7 {1},
Knowledge (nature) +10 (+11 in forest) {1},
Perception +10 {1},
Perform () +0,
Ride +3,
Sense motive +4,
Spellcraft +6 {1},
Stealth +3,
Survival +11 (+12 in forest) {1},
Swim -1
Traits Armor Expert (-1 ACP), Devotee of the Green (+1 knowledge (geography, nature))
Languages Elven, Common, Druidic, Draconic, Sylvan
SQ elf: low-light vision, elven immunities, keen senses, woodcraft; druid: nature bond, nature sense, wild empathy
Favored class: druid; favored class bonus: +1 HP.
Alternative racial trait: elven magic replaced with woodcraft.
Pack lord archetype: nature bond replaced with pack bond.
Despite the pack lord archetype, I promise I wouldn't keep a zoo unless people actually wanted that. (Most people I've played with before didn't approve of a horde of animal companions...)
N medium animal (tiger)
HD 2
Init +3
Senses Perception +6, low-light vision, scent
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 natural armor)
HP 14 (2d8+2*1+3)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d6+1), 2 claws +2 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks rake
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10
BAB +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Toughness
Skills {ranks}
Acrobatics +3,
Climb +1,
Fly +3,
Intimidate +0,
Perception +6 {1},
Stealth +3,
Survival +6 {1},
Swim +1
Bonus Tricks Attack
I'm in only one other PBP game here. I'm usually able to post many times a day, though with my time zone (GMT+2) it's usually just a couple.
I can certainly change the background for convenience or other character relations or if I got something wrong while writing it.

Wise Owl |

Hi, I've never played a PbP before, but am really interested to try it. Below is "Lucky" Tabon Joyfoot, a Halfing Fighter.
I can post several times a day, but most consistently either in the early mornings EST or in the afternoons same. I would, of course, need a bit of a hand-holding in terms of form and such, though I've been through a few of the PbP threads to see what's what before.
“Lucky” Tabon Joyfoot
1rst Level Halfling Fighter:
STR 15(+2)
DEX 15(+2)
CON 14(+2)
INT 13(+1)
WIS 11
CHA 12(+1)
Languages:Common(Taldan), Halfling, Hellit
Skills:Climb +7, Perception +3, Stealth +7,
Feats:Weapon Focus(Halberd), Combat Reflexes
Birthed in Galt during the ‘Revolution’, he had never known an era without the bloodshed and rolling heads of the Republic. His parents owned a small Inn that was a place of gathering for some particular revolutionaries of the so-called ‘Red Cravat’ faction, and it was for this that his mother was eventually executed by the revolutionary council. For ‘Offering Shade and Shelter to enemies of the Revolutionary Government’.
It was perhaps some cold comfort when, a few years later, he got to see the heads of those who had ordered his mothers death roll down the same steps that lead up to the guillotine. In time he himself joined the ‘Red Cravats’ and was raised into position in a halfling regiment called “The 41st Revolutionary Legion, the Hellion Halfling Halberds”
He trained within his unit for several years, until a new political shift brought low his favoured political faction. One day, while he, as the member of the troop to have lost the dice toss, was out getting the tabaco, different units of government troops fells upon his unit and slaughtered them to a man. Those who were not killed outright had a date with the lady. By the time he returned, the blood was already washing away on the streets with the rain. Having watched all he loved torn apart a second time he did the only thing he could do, he ran.
He is now embittered. Unable to return to his country, where he is, if mostly forgotten, still a wanted ‘criminal’, he has taken his ideals, tattered and tarnished as they are, and his Halberd, and set upon himself the life of a Soldier of Fortune. He hopes one day to see a new order rise in his homeland that holds dear the heart and hope of the revolution, but that he keeps in the tightest part of his soul. He has lived through too much hardship to have anything but a bitter, cycnical outlook on life. That he has dodged execution so many times earned him the nickname ‘lucky’ which he loaths, though never objects to openly. Sometimes he wonders if those who died under the blade were the lucky ones.
He has travelled to Brevoy on word that it is place a halfling with some skill at arms might earn himself some coin, and to perhaps find himself among new friends to replace those he lost. If the characters start out knowing each other, he will be a sullen, somewhat detached member of the party who is, none-the-less, very defensive of his friends, and with a smile that cracks through now and again during games of dice or drinking songs. Indeed, even if he hasn't stated out knowing the party, he is sociable, if often melancholy and would probably give this impression to most on the ship they travel on, though he opens up far more to 'friends', especially those who have fought with him.

![]() |

Dolum would like to throw his hat in the ring. Dolum has been traveling for several years now and he finds himself in Brevoy contemplating a the possibility of an expedition to Numeria, or perhaps to the Observatory. In any event any interesting tales of ancient locked, trapped and warded locations will draw him like a moth to the flame.
** spoiler omitted **
Are you in any other play by post games?

Dolum Breaker |

Dolum Breaker wrote:Are you in any other play by post games?Dolum would like to throw his hat in the ring. Dolum has been traveling for several years now and he finds himself in Brevoy contemplating a the possibility of an expedition to Numeria, or perhaps to the Observatory. In any event any interesting tales of ancient locked, trapped and warded locations will draw him like a moth to the flame.
** spoiler omitted **
I am not playing in any other games right now. I was in one a while back before the DM couldn't continue. I will be able to post daily, at a minimum.

Shaundakul DM |

Here is my entry as promised(Veshly). I can post more than once per day. I'm in the Central time zone of the USA.
Warning! The background has a scene of violence and violation.
** spoiler omitted **...
This won't determine, whether you are in the game, but
I can't tell from your character sheet which domains you've chosen, and whether you channel positive or negative energy.
Shaundakul DM |

This is what I have so far:
Kerri – Halfling Sorceror - 1
Dr. Bennedict Darcy – Half-Elf – 2+
Adrian Vaselescu – Human Summoner – 1
Rowena Lordail – Human Monk - 2+
Vergian – Human Gunslinger 2+
Alistair Frenholm – Human Fighter – 0
“Lucky” Talbon Joyfoot – Halfling Fighter – 0
Kzira Maiwith – Human Fighter – 2+
Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda – Half-Orc Cleric – 0
Vorhel – Elf Druid – 1
Dolum Breaker Trulock – Dwarf Rogue – 0
Interested – Full Submission yet to come
Havoc xiii – Ninja
Inquisitor Leet – Galtan Rogue
Weynolt – Fighter type?
Let me know if I missed something

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

Sorry, I thought the program would have output that info but it seems not. Domains are War and Ferocity(Sub domain of Strength).
As for channeling:
... The light glistens green off the face of the man standing in an office full of battle trophies. He looks towards his superior with respect as the Master of the Temple speaks to him. “We are losing too many of our numbers. Many honorably in battle but many are seduced by the vile promises of wealth and luxury of the those damned Abadarites.” The man nods waiting for his master to come to the point. "Young Zaxarii comes along well now?” Tilting his head toward his master, he replies, “Yes, but I am concerned; the blood we share leads to great rage and his mother's harshness drives him further, he may do well in battle rage but be of little other use.” The Master contemplates, then says, “Train him as a battle healer as well as Bloodletter, if Gorum so wills, that should help hold him back from being solely a raging warrior.” He smiles wanly. “After all, his mother counts for three.” The subordinate bows and says, “By Gorum's will and the strength of your sword, your will be done!”...
Zaxarii channels positive energy as Gorum wills and the Master decreed. Anyone that objects may talk to the sword. :)
And in case your tongue is twisting, Zaxarii is pronounced Zachary.
Character sheet is updated.

Shaundakul DM |

I'm closing this recruitment Friday night, so those who have expressed interest and not posted anything should do so soon. Remember, those players not currently ina PbP game get preference as long as party balance makes sense.
Gustav, I have added you to the list of potential players. Were you thinking of making changes to your class as your last post implies?

Inquisitor Leet |

Sorry for the delay in putting Harbador together! And I am in no pbp games despite my many attempts lol. Let me know of any questions and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
-Inquisitor Leet
Harbador spent his childhood locked away in his mother’s library reading dusty tomes about the outside world and the political structure of his homeland. He was a bright boy who took quickly to education, outpacing every lesson plan created for him by his parents. While his mother ensured he knew his numbers, geography, and history, Nytherio taught Harbador about life on the road and how to fight. Violence is a tool as dangerous as an idea, his father taught. One could not simply badger their opponents with philosophy and ideology and expect change; the same was with swordplay. One should always work in the shadows; strike when they leas expect it. Ideas that challenged the status quo should be silently distributed amongst those who desire such change and only when the seeds of victory are sowed should one come into the light to harvest the fruit of change.
Change was what Harbador desired above all else. He sought to amend the failures of the Red Revolution that left so many dead and even more wanting. He saw the tyranny of the Grey Gardeners and how their rule of fear was just as abhorrent as the rule of kings long since dead. Revolution may have failed Galt once, but Harbador would ensure that it would fail again. Using the wealth of his family and skills taught by his father, the young half-elf set up a printing press and began publishing a manuscript he had penned over the course of his life entitled ‘The Infinite Will of the People’. This radical text ridiculed Galt’s Red Revolution and the cult of personality that Citizen Cross and his cronies had established. It attacked the ideas of nationhood and suggested a new Golarion without borders or armies. These ideas proved rapidly popular in Woodsedge, Harbador’s home, and a growing number of intellectuals flocked to city to hear the exciting new ideas. This movement did not go unnoticed by the forces of Citizen Goss and the Revolutionary Council who did not want to see a challenge to their authority go unpunished.
It was raining when the Grey Gardeners descended upon Woodsedge. Every citizen panicked for the city was a den of dissent and a ripe field for change.Yet the Gardeners sought only one man, the author of such a fiery piece of literature; they sought Harbador Hex. Harbador had no idea of the consequences of his works, he had spent too much of his life insulated from the violence of Galt’s endless revolutions and now he would pay dearly. Yet by luck or divine intervention, Harbador was outside of Woodsedge taking shelter from the storm in a nearby village with his father and mother. They had been traveling the countryside, taking a break from their revolutionary work to enjoy the pleasant wilds of Galt. Word reached the family of the Gardeners’s intent and Syrella sprang into action, using a network of contacts she had established for herself in the event that she had to flee Galt. Luckily, Syrella and Nytherio were never married and there was no real evidence that Harbador was their son. The Half-Elf’s life was spent out of the public eye until he appeared under the alias of Hex.
Despite his desire to stay and fight, Harbador was smuggled North into the wilds of the River Kingdoms. Kept alive by his father, he quickly learned the perils of the real world outside of his insulated study. Violence and chaos reigned supreme and one’s place in the social order was decided by their blade and wit, not by their ideals. Nytherio took Harbador to Brevoy, a land far enough from Galt and frequented enough by outsiders so as not to draw attention. From New Stetven they parted ways, Nytherio was to return to Galt to see the damage done by Harbador’s writings and the half-elf was to travel to Silverhall to meet his uncle Authello, an elven duelist in the employ of Baron Sturoksi; a minor scion of House Lebeda. Throughout his journey Harbador has been masquerading as student of dueling who is seeking a master to teach him the Aldori dueling style so famous in Brevoy.
Now alone for the first time in his life, Harbador is at once excited and terrified. He naively believes that he will somehow be able to continue the struggle he worked for in Galt in this new land, yet his ignorance of the Houses of Brevoy may prove to be his undoing or perhaps his greatest strength as he is not constrained by the social orders that chain so many of Brevoy in place. His ultimate goal is to build a movement, an army even so that one day he may return to Galt and feed Citizen Goss and his cronies to the guillotines the leaders have so enjoyed.
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid
Rogue level 1 (skill points 10)
Init +6; Senses Low-light Vision; Perception +5
AC 18, Touch 15, flat footed 13 (+ Studded Leather, + Shield, none)
(+4 Dex, +3 armour, +1 feats)
hp 10 (1d8+2+1);
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0
Immunity to sleep, Resistance to Enchantment +2sv
Speed 30
Single Attack Rapier +1 (1d6+1/18-20)
or Shortbow +4 (1d6 X3)
Full Attack
Rapier +1 (1d6+1/18-20)
Dagger-5 (1d4/19-20)
or Shortbow +4 (1d6 X3) range 70
Space 5ft.; Reach 5ft.
Special Attacks
Sneak Attack Sneak attack at an extra (D6) 1
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Chr 13
Base Attack 0 CMB 1; CMD 15
Armour Prof Light,
Dodge: add 1 to AC ,
Simple Weapon Proficiency,
Skill Focus (Bluff): +3 Bluff
Skills Acrobatics 7, Appraise 6, Bluff 8, Climb 0, Diplomacy 5, Disable Device 6, Disguise 5, Escape Artist 3, Intimidate 5, Know Dungeon 2, Know Local 6, Linguistics 6, Perception 8, Sense Motive 0, Sleight of Hand 3, Stealth 7, Swim -1, Use Magic Device 1
Languages Common, Elven, Hallit
Inspiring Speaker Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks when addressing crowds of 10 people or more.
Reactionary Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Shaundakul DM |

Sorry for the delay in putting Harbador together! And I am in no pbp games despite my many attempts lol. Let me know of any questions and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
-Inquisitor Leet** spoiler omitted **...
What are your plans for advancement? Rogue all the way through?

Kerri Corynian |

Can you foresee any problems with that? I know that size increases and decreases do not affect your speed, so I will still be moving at the same speed as everyone else.

Kerri Corynian |

Inquisitor Leet |

Inquisitor Leet wrote:What are your plans for advancement? Rogue all the way through?Sorry for the delay in putting Harbador together! And I am in no pbp games despite my many attempts lol. Let me know of any questions and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
-Inquisitor Leet** spoiler omitted **...
Yep definitely rogue all the way, focusing in two weapon combat to represent his gradual understanding of dueling/his real life application of such a martial art. I might go for the duelist PRC depending on how things progressed, though that's a bit far from my mind.
-Inquisitor Leet