GM Netherpongo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hi everyone! This is Nathan. We'll probably have a few growing pains as we try to move the campaign over to play-by-post, and it may not even work. I'm glad everyone is willing to give it a shot though!
Take a look at the "How to format your text" section below, as we'll be using the tags down there. Typical conventions are that character spoken text go in bold tags, out of character tags go in out of character & so forth. I'll probably be using spoiler tags to hide information that you can acquire by making a skill check with an associated DC. We're going to at least try rolling dice with the dice tags as well unless it gives us trouble. If it is working correctly, an attack might be like:
Attack: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (1) + 28 = 29
Damage: 4d6 + 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 3) + (3, 5) + 5 = 31
I recommend clicking on the leftmost tab (Campaign Info) and bookmarking that link. In the campaign I'm already participating in, we never post in that one. That makes it useful to reload the page, however, since the other tabs will then tell you if there are new posts to view. If you bookmark the Gameplay thread, you'll constantly be scrolling to the bottom of the page to find out if anything new has happened.
There's more I'm sure, but that is enough for now!

GM Netherpongo |

Looks good, Heidi! You might want to look into creating an alias specific for Lozhen and pick out an icon from their available set. There aren't really any genasi icons, but maybe an elven one would work.

GM Netherpongo |

Looks good. You guys might want to experiment with some of the dice rolling tags and such as well. As far as icons for Felix, I bet at least one of the Valeros ones would be serviceable. If not, there's probably something more kingly in the human male package.

GM Netherpongo |

Good. It looks like most everyone has gotten here in some form or another. If you haven't yet, you may want to create an alias specific to the character, kind of like how Shaun posted on Kobeer first and then Zaar Warfang. Setting the character alias as default or switching the 'post as' for each of your posts will allow you to post as your character as we go.

Zaar Warfang |

Is that Zaar?
Grathurtorm yells in amazement and joy. Then tries to punch Zaar.
[dice=punch] 1d20+24
Remember when Zaar punched Grathurtorm?
As Grathurtorm's fist connects to Zaar's left cheek, his dormant eyes flicker with the light of recognition.
A jagged grin cracks open on the on the surface of Zaar's disfigured and scaled jaw. "Ah, I haven't felt this alive for quite some time!" His nostrils greedily pulls in the acrid musk of his assailant, then the dragonborn exhales softly: "I feel like I've been in a haze for some time now."
Hahaha, I can't remember exactly WHY I punched you but I'm pretty sure it was for a good reason, or he just didn't like your face.

GM Netherpongo |

Is there a reason that no one is really posting? Victor posted earlier but no one else. Even if your characters don't feel like interacting with Circle, there are other things you could be doing right now.

GM Netherpongo |

My Account at the top of the page -> sign in again -> Create a new Alias button in one of the lefts-side panels.

GM Netherpongo |

In the email thread, I've been talking a lot about how play-by-post game conventions. I don't intend to be picky about following everything in here, but people might want to review the main advice thread in the forums:

GM Netherpongo |

Second topic for right now: What do people have in general terms for gear? I need to help Zaar get up to speed and I feel like I only have a broad idea of what I gave you guys. I'm most interested in the spread of the enhancement bonuses on your big three items as well (like +5/+5/+4) and how many minor vs major items you have in other slots.

![]() |

Item list:
Weapon: +5 Voice of All Fullblade
Armor: +5 Teleportation Nagascale
Neck: +5 Badge of the Berserker
(Equipped - Arms) Heroic Tier Executioners Bracers
(Equipped - Waist) Paragon Tier Baldric of Tactical Positioning
(Equipped - Feet)Paragon Tier Battlestrider Greaves
(Equipped - Head)Paragon Tier Crown of Tymnirath (Renamed Crown of Neverwinter)
(Equiped - Hands) Heroic Tier Strikebacks
Paragon Tier Gloves of Dimensional Grasp
Paragon Tier Keoghotom's Ointment
+4 Stormbolt Javelin
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2 Left)
Epic Tier Lolth's Fickel Favor
Epic Tier Erathis's Beacon

GM Netherpongo |

Thank you for the responses on gear. I think we have enough of that to help Shaun out for now.

GM Netherpongo |

We're about to enter our first combat map in the play-by-post game, and so we'll need to have tokens for you guys. Assuming that I know what I'm doing (dubious assumption) we should be fine with tokens that are 50x50 pixels. If you guys want me to, I can make those for you based on your forum avatars. Optionally, you can create the file yourself based on something else.
While I'm talking about forum avatars, I want to make a suggestion for Lisa: take a look at the forum avatars and just select "Deity -> Nethys". There's a Priestess of Nethys avatar there that has half black & half white hair. It's totally up to you of course, but I've thought for a while that it would make a great Siythe avatar.

GM Netherpongo |

Dazed means you can take a standard, move or minor action...but just one of those (so yes, attacks are fine). Also you grant combat advantage while dazed.

GM Netherpongo |

I'm checking the thread almost every day. I've had two responses since my last GM turn, though. I could nag everyone to take their turn all the time, but I don't want to do that.