Blades in the dark: Servants of Halthar

Game Master Meetch

Characters and crew

Current Characters

Queen Esmyra

[Sheets] [Map]
(1,453 posts)
Vrog Skyreaver

(6,309 posts)
Trumpet Blower

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

played by Vrog Skyreaver (416 posts)
DM Volsung

played by Elsine (1,586 posts)
Emaline Templeton

Female Akorosi Hound | Attune 1, Hunt 2, Prowl 1, Skirmish 1, Study 1, Survey 1 | Resistances - I:3, P:2, R: 1 | Harm:0 | Load:

played by Elsine (28 posts)
Felfiz Darner

Spider ~ 2:(Consort/Study/Finesse) 1:(Attune/Sway/Hunt/Prowl) ~ Resolve:3 Insight:2 Prowess:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 5 ~
Gear - 5/5 Load:
Blueprints, sap, armor, pistol

played by BastianQuinn (238 posts)
Halthar's Voice

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

played by Meetch (474 posts)
Kreza the Last

Lurk ~ 2:(Attune/Prowl/Survey) 1:(Finnesse/Wreck/Command) ~ Prowess:3 Resolve:2 Insight:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 0 ~
Gear - 0/5 Load:

played by BastianQuinn (32 posts)
Clanartus Viliras

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

played by Derz (116 posts)
Priest of Pharasma
Velaris Kessarin

played by Elsine (155 posts)

Previous Characters

Velriana Hypaxes
Briar Barb

Hound | Hunt 2, Prowl 2, Study 2, Survey 2 | Resistances - I:2, P:2, R: 0 | Harm:1 | Load: Medium

played by Kittenmancer (83 posts)

Previous NPCs

Poor Eledia

(708 posts)