Blades in the dark: Servants of Halthar

Game Master Meetch

Characters and crew

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Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

So what are we waiting on? Who is going to perform the sacrifice at the jail?

Spider ~ 2:(Consort/Study/Finesse) 1:(Attune/Sway/Hunt/Prowl) ~ Resolve:3 Insight:2 Prowess:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 5 ~
Gear - 5/5 Load:
Blueprints, sap, armor, pistol

I thought Tarnikos would have killed someone by now.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

I'm as surprised as you are, frankly.

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

I'm perfectly happy to turn people to hamburger I just thought it had to be Velaris or Hutch, because leadership and chosen one and I was leading the greycloaks away for someone else to do it.

Tarnikos loops around and returns to the jail, out of breath.

That's the hardest I've ran in a long time. Now for the finale.

He pulls out an amulet with Halthar's sigil painted on it, draws a knife and heads inside.


Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

The final greycloaks turn to look at you. You have a risky position.

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

Skirmish, Not to be Trifled With: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4) = 14

Tarnikos rushes in and attacks.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Not to be trifled with...are you doing crazy strength on one, or a normal amount of strength on a bunch of guys?

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

Oh, sorry. A bunch of guys variety.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Tarnikos, you begin slashing at the greycloaks viciously. You manage to cut one quite deeply and the rest start to back off. What do you do?

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

Tarnikos takes the wounded greycloak by the chin, forcing him to his knees before cutting his throat.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

The other greycloaks turn and run.

The bells of the crematorium begin to ring wildly as deaths occur throughout the city, the ravens flying out wildly to locate the far flung bodies. It'll take a little bit before the Spirit Wardens arrive at this spot, but there's no time to dawdle. The greycloaks are fleeing, what do you do?

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

Tarnikos beats feet and gets away from the jail as quickly as possible.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Mender, Tarnikos comes running to you. You've been holding the escape route waiting for him. What do you do?

Hutch, you hear the bells, the other murders have occurred. It's time to do whatever you're going to do.

Velaris is dead, obviously...but where is Emaline for all of this?

Spider ~ 2:(Consort/Study/Finesse) 1:(Attune/Sway/Hunt/Prowl) ~ Resolve:3 Insight:2 Prowess:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 5 ~
Gear - 5/5 Load:
Blueprints, sap, armor, pistol

Out of curiosity, what can be done? Honestly, I thought I was super-attuning the whale bone with the constellation of murder.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

This is your ritual, is there anything you need to do or is it super-attuned just from the killings?

Spider ~ 2:(Consort/Study/Finesse) 1:(Attune/Sway/Hunt/Prowl) ~ Resolve:3 Insight:2 Prowess:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 5 ~
Gear - 5/5 Load:
Blueprints, sap, armor, pistol

I suppose it feels like it needs to be closed.

Hutch, manic and cackling hysterically, walks to the center of the circle, and the body of Velaris. Stooping, he runs his fingers through the pooling blood and washes the freshly tooled bone. "As the navigators of the bygone age did before me, I bessech you, Halthor, for your resplendent guidance. May we see the patterns in your divine providence, and secure on the earth what was lost from the skies."

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

"Did all go well with your...ritual?" asks Mender as he helps Tarnikos into the tunnel and then closes the grate. He then motions for Tarnikos to move with him away from the entrance, lest they be discovered by pursuers.

Once they are what they are what Mender deems to be far enough away, he will light a lantern and take a look at Tarnikos, looking for injuries.

Study: 1d6 ⇒ 51d6 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 5

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

Tarnikos grins like a madman but says nothing, showing his lack of injury.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Sorry for the delay everyone. Let's gather everyone back into the lair for a quick immediately post score scene and then we'll do downtime

Lurk ~ 2:(Attune/Prowl/Survey) 1:(Finnesse/Wreck/Command) ~ Prowess:3 Resolve:2 Insight:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 0 ~
Gear - 0/5 Load:

Hutch's coat is unbuttoned and hangs open. Two of his pockets are torn, and the seam in his shoulder is splitting open. His sleeves are stained past the elbows with blood. He stands in front of the fireplace in the lounge, staring into the flames, arms at his sides, breathing deeply like some massive sleeping beast.

A woman none of you has seen before sits in a chair facing the door, drinking expensive scotch from the decanter. She has the look of a shade: barely substantial and predatory. "You lot didn't die! My brother owes me sweets... Anyone fer a drink?" She swirls the last three ounces of scotch in the decanter.

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

"I was never in any real danger my dear. I was merely backup in this scenario. Bye the bye, who are you exactly?"

Lurk ~ 2:(Attune/Prowl/Survey) 1:(Finnesse/Wreck/Command) ~ Prowess:3 Resolve:2 Insight:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 0 ~
Gear - 0/5 Load:

"I'm on the payroll -though not for this job, exactly. Exactly who I am is Cissa of the Black Diamonds. From what I gather, darling, we may have more to discuss in private. For now, let's count our losses. Your Blackstar popped off again, but not without doing his part in the ritual. The atifact is attuned. Where is the other blademaster? The bitey one?" Cissa finishes the scotch with a pop.

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

"Do ya mean me? I'm right here."

Tarnikos lumbers into the room, unsure of the situation.

Lurk ~ 2:(Attune/Prowl/Survey) 1:(Finnesse/Wreck/Command) ~ Prowess:3 Resolve:2 Insight:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 0 ~
Gear - 0/5 Load:

Cissa claps her hands, delighted. "Good, good. No significant casualties to speak of..." There's a pause as the woman dares the two of you to object. "My brother tells me the two of you have been... off-put? -by all the wyrd majyk, and I want to assure you that we will be returning to more pragmatic ventures. In fact, we might be clearing out some of the wyrd influences in this region. Mender, I want to put a special focus on your objectives for now. You let me know what materials you need, and I'll have my brother make the arrangements."

Spider ~ 2:(Consort/Study/Finesse) 1:(Attune/Sway/Hunt/Prowl) ~ Resolve:3 Insight:2 Prowess:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 5 ~
Gear - 5/5 Load:
Blueprints, sap, armor, pistol

"How strange that nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude..." Other than this odd quip, Hutch does not move from the fireplace, nor move his gaze from the flames. His shadow stirs restlessly.

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

"You mean Verlaris has left again?" asks Mender. Turning to Hutch, Mender says "Why did you invite this woman into our base, and how does she know about my research?"

Spider ~ 2:(Consort/Study/Finesse) 1:(Attune/Sway/Hunt/Prowl) ~ Resolve:3 Insight:2 Prowess:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 5 ~
Gear - 5/5 Load:
Blueprints, sap, armor, pistol

"Yes," Hutch croaks. "Cissa is my sister, she has always been welcome here, but she has only now stepped out of the shadows. In the dark of the night, I have sent her whispers of our dealings. She is quite taken with your work, Mender, or what of it I understood."

"There was an attack. The acolytes are disposing of the bodies."

Female Akorosi Hound | Attune 1, Hunt 2, Prowl 1, Skirmish 1, Study 1, Survey 1 | Resistances - I:3, P:2, R: 1 | Harm:0 | Load:

Prophet's on a bender again? Emaline says Is this just the place he holes up between those? She asks.

Nice to meet you, Cissa Emaline says

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

"Sure seems like that's how he sees this whole thing sometimes..."

Tarnikos frowns to Emaline.

"People here call me Tarky."

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ]

"So, then, have we concluded our due diligence with your faith-based activities?"

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

"I certainly hope so. I need to blow off some steam."

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Ok, lets roll into downtime!

Payoff: 2 coin for the offetory, 3 more coin snatched from the Greycloaks

Heat: This was pretty chaotic, but it was distributed chaos. Because of all the other murders that happened last night, I'm going to only give you 2 heat.

Entanglements! 1 wanted level: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Cooperation: A +3 status faction asks you for a favor. Agree to do it, or forfeit 1 rep per Tier of the friendly faction, or lose 1 status with them. If you don't have a +3 faction status, you avoid entanglements right now.

You don't have a +3 status faction, so you're under no obligation to do anyone a favor!

It's time for your downtime activities. Please let me know if you need a refresher on what you can do!

Spider ~ 2:(Consort/Study/Finesse) 1:(Attune/Sway/Hunt/Prowl) ~ Resolve:3 Insight:2 Prowess:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 5 ~
Gear - 5/5 Load:
Blueprints, sap, armor, pistol

Cissa will take 1 coin and give Mender and Tarnikos 2 coin each, assuming there won't be any argument.

You addressed a challenge with calculation or conspiracy.
Very yes. This was Hutch's first Grand Design, so at least a +1.

You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
Got to murder Velarius, got to ride a goat across rooftops, played messenger, and brought his sister back from the shadows. A firm +2.

You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.
I have a trauma now, but this one still has to wait.


Hutch is invariably found standing over the attuned whale bone, humming discordantly as if he were trying to tune an instrument. Occasionally, someone walking down the hall might hear him talking to someone, but when they enter the ritual sanctum, the conversation ends, and no one is there.
Indulge Vice(Insight): 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7

Hutch continues to correspond with the Flock, and seeks out information he can use to blackmail Jeren into loosening his grip on the archives.
LTP: Unflip Jeren (Consort/Study): 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

I'm going to give you 2 for a challenge with calculation or conspiracy. That was a masterful play!

Can you tell me a little more of what you're doing to sway Jeren?

Spider ~ 2:(Consort/Study/Finesse) 1:(Attune/Sway/Hunt/Prowl) ~ Resolve:3 Insight:2 Prowess:1 ~ 0 Harm ~ Stress: 5 ~
Gear - 5/5 Load:
Blueprints, sap, armor, pistol

Thank you!

Hutch wants to figure out why Jeren isn't answering, and gather everything needed to sway him because he's not great at swaying people. Maybe Jeren's clammed up on all the local spiders, or it's personal. He will absolutely not approach Jeren yet. This is trying to find leverage.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Ok, that small amount of roll gets you the information that what ever has spooked Jeren is personal. He's not talking to you in particular.

Female Akorosi Hound | Attune 1, Hunt 2, Prowl 1, Skirmish 1, Study 1, Survey 1 | Resistances - I:3, P:2, R: 1 | Harm:0 | Load:

No stress, and no LTP's.

[b]yeah, So, where to, now that we're done with the weird ghost stuff? Shoud I get to finding him... Again?[/] She says

Training playbook xp twice.

Male Cutter | Skirmish 3, Prowl 1, Command 1, Survey 1, Consort 1, Sway 1

You addressed a challenge with violence or coercion

Well I murdered a guy and drew a hell of a diversion with caltrops and gunfire, 2?

You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background

Not really.

You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas

Not really.

Tarnikos hits the pits and spends way too much money gambling it away. Indulge Vice, Insight: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Not sure what else I should do.

Reenforcements arrive 2/6. Bone carved: 6/6. Murder signal 9/12

Do you have a long term project you’re interested in? What drives Tarnikos? What does he want?

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