MCKhaos |
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I've started the next post about 3 times and have realized I need to go back a read a lot of old posts to make sure continuity is there. I'll get something up tonight. If you haven't looted yet please roll it.

MCKhaos |

I'm about halfway through re-reading the gameplay thread and am taking much more copious notes/correcting notes that I have. No substantive post yet, but this will be helpful in the long run. I completely forgot that you all bought badass clothing right after defeating the sewer elemental. Dapper AF.

MCKhaos |
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Alright, I've read through everything, have identified the outstanding hooks, and have prepared a brief summary of events so far that I put on the campaign page if you want a refresher. This shit is good, I'm tempted to write it up in full on narrative fashion, if nobody objects. Since this universe is clearly the same as Mooshy's Kobold campaign universe, that could be an interesting. I'm recovering from minor surgery currently and will get something up as soon as I can. I do want to say that I very much enjoy this group, and think we've got a good thing going here.

MCKhaos |

The paparazzi record Sona's speech and then follow Big Shooter out into the street to film the aftermath. Several of the fallen mercenaries begin to rise but Huxton commands them to stay still.
Horvus speaks as the group boards the aircar. Thank you for keeping it outside. I'll clean this up, but a I wouldn't expect them to stop hunting you. They have a reputation to maintain after all. We'll be in touch.
The door closes and the aircar lifts off, struggling somewhat under the combined weight of Thorne, Simmons, Rotgut, Retzack, Big Shooter (if he joins), the RAB, 2BR, Yaelin, Hephaestus, and Sona. How do you spend the trip?
I'm slightly changing up looting. 10+ rolls will choose between 2 items that I think are useful or interesting or complementary to the class. 7-9 won't have a choice. 6- will get something that I think is interesting/problematic. We'll skip over the spout lore rolls to identify. I'll get the items up soon.
The aircar returns to Grellick's domain without incident and you recuperate while the ship overhaul is complete. What two rooms do you all want to add?
It's a little early for an end of session but that was a hell of a fight and the last session was very long. Let's do another end of session.
In the morning the head mechanic knocks on the door to the large apartment that Grellick provided to you. Ship's ready! You gotta see it. Shields are back, weapons reloaded. I even managed to strengthen the primary hull beans with a new self spreading nano-epoxy I made myself. The little goblin is horribly excited and blabbers on until someone interrupts him.
Oh yeah, Grellick wants you to call him when you are ready. Something's up, he didn't sound happy.
What do you all do?

Sona Θ3 |

During the downtime, Sona keeps herself busy reconfiguring her operations and melting down some Lode Star equipment to restock her arsenal.
Operation (Forge Core): 2d6 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1) + 3 - 1 = 5
There are other things causing conflicts in her processor, and she probably melts some weapons into unusable slag and heat. When she gets back to the apartment she seems moody and distant.
Bonds: I think it’s time to advance Sona’s bond with 2BR from “As an older model, I must protect and respect BunkR BustR.“ to “Pops is growing more erratic by the day, we may have to visit Theta headquarters for a tune-up.” +1
Alignment: Punish the socially disruptive? Check. +1
Lore: As a team, we learned there are artifacts that the Flesh shy away from. Sona learned that Lodestar are crazy and deserve to be harvested for raw materials. +1
Obstacle: Getting through that fight with minimal casualties was a challenge. It wouldn’t have been before those mechs showed up. +1
Loot: I believe these are incoming. +1
That would put Sona at 11/12 experience.

MCKhaos |
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I'm just glad the primary hull beans are safe. Proof reading? We don't need no stinking proof reading!

BunkR BustR |

Bonds: No change
Alignment: Inflict suffering. Yup. +1
Lore, Obstacle, Loot: +3
XP at 7/12
Not sure if I confirmed, but does the Mech Cannon count as a built-in weapon? If not, can I get it fully installed, and would this count for Seek-and-Destroy Unit?

MCKhaos |

Yes it is built in for seek and destroy.

MCKhaos |

First, the party as a whole finds an immovable rod, because I want to see what clever stuff you get up to with it.
Immovable Rod A funny metal rod with a button on it. Press the button and the rod just sticks. It freezes in place—in midair, standing up or lying down. It can’t be moved. Pull it, push it, try as hard as you like, the rod stays. Maybe it can be destroyed, maybe it can’t. Push the button again and it’s free—take it along with you. Might be useful to have such a stubborn thing along.
Rotgut (8):
The Sartar Duck An odd, hand-carved wooden duck. Who would make such a funny thing? While you bear it, you find yourself an exceptionally gifted storyteller—no matter the language, you can make yourself and your story clear to any audience. They will understand your meaning, if not your words.
Sona (8):
Infinite Datadrive This data drive contains an infinite number of documents. With no limit to the number of documents, everything that ever was, is, or will be is contained somewhere in the data drive. Luckily the index is great. When you spout lore while consulting the data drive you gain an extra clause: On a 12+, the GM will give a solution to a problem or situation you’re in. Slow, 1 Weight
(let me know if you feel this is too close to how your ORACLE unit works and I'll exchange it)
BoT (8):
Sacred Herbs The sacred herbs, collected and prepared by an order of lost wizard-monks, can be found in bundles with two or three uses to them. Kept dry, they last indefinitely. When smoked in a pipe or consumed in an incense burner and the thick, blue smoke inhaled, these herbs will grant you strange visions of faraway places and distant times. If you focus your will on a particular person, place or thing, the herbs will respond: roll+WIS. On a 10+, the vision is clear and useful— yielding some valid information. On a 7–9, the vision is about the thing desired, but is unclear, fraught with metaphor or somehow difficult to understand. On a miss, the GM will ask you, “What is it you fear most?” You must answer honestly, of course. 3 Uses.
Retzack (11):
Choose one:
Death Mask This mask is made of a waxy substance, and seems to be a rather bland generic face. It will not tear or burn, and can not be destroyed by non-magical means. If it is placed upon the face of a recently dead humanoid, it will steal their face, leaving only bone behind. Speak the name of anyone the mask contains, and you can take on a perfect disguise of the dead person (face, body, voice, scent, etc). The soul of the dead you are disguised as will whisper truths about any person or place that you see, if they are familiar with them. 1 Weight
Soul Reaper Robe This black and purple velvet robe is adorned with delicately stitched necromantic symbols. The inner lining is inscribed with the with words, "to my dearest pupil." While wearing the robe, you can make a necrotic touch attack (range Hand) against a creature with a soul. If your attack kills the creature, the robe gains +1 Soul. The next time you roll Last Breath, roll +Soul instead of the flat 2d6. Additionally, all the souls in the robe are released into what lies beyond the Black Gate, and it reverts back to 0 Soul. 1 Weight
2BR (10):
Choose one:
The Epoch Lens An archmage, old and too frail to leave his tower, crafted this intricate and fragile device of glass and gold to examine the histories and relics he so loved. Looking at an object through the lens reveals visions of who made it and where it came from. 1 Weight
Sword of Violation A legendary blade, said to have been thrust backwards in time from some grim future, the Sword of Violation is crafted of strange green iron. The blade strikes at the mind of those it wounds, as well as the body. When you hack and slash on a 10+ you have an additional option: you can deal your normal damage, let them counterattack you, and instill the emotion of your choice (maybe fear, reverence, or trust). Reach, 2 Weight

Sona Θ3 |

I wouldn't say it's that similar. The ORACLE is quick, grants a bonus for following through with a plan Sona generates, and is tied to her fluctuating operations bonus and slots. This drive takes time to query, produces its own solution, and is tied to her INT score and load slots. It's subtle, but the distinction is not lost on me.
If you're having trouble thinking up stuff for Sona, don't be afraid to drop her some Sci-fi flavored scrolls. There are lots of Operations (and spells) that are Sona's level, but would take up too many slots for regular use. They could be proprietary programs loaded onto disposable modules which burn themselves out with one use. We can call them Ouroboros drives, or 'boros. They can even have old-school D&D spell names, since they're proprietary.

BunkR BustR |

Two questions: Sona (or anyone) would you like the Epoch Lens? It seems like a useful item, just not for 2BR. Secondly, what would happen if I installed the immovable rod within my chassis, got hit by a knockback effect and turned it on?

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Whoa. Nice items! That Soul Reaper robe is so badass! But the Death mask is just too sweet to pass up. Does it really also disguise as well as inform? Mask it is!
Also, the potentiality of the Epoch Lens is just...amazing. But I already got sumpin sweet, so I don't wanna appear greedy. But, if no one wants it.... =)

MCKhaos |

Two questions: Sona (or anyone) would you like the Epoch Lens? It seems like a useful item, just not for 2BR. Secondly, what would happen if I installed the immovable rod within my chassis, got hit by a knockback effect and turned it on?
Your parts would want to move. The rod wouldn't.

Sona Θ3 |

When things settle, Sona finds a moment to sit down with Yaelin. "Daerol and A'Gatha... Especially Daerol- They seem to insist on following this 0ne. Theta 3s are not equipped to maintain organic systems. We should discuss what form and frequency of payment will keep you satisfied with your work. You've seen what kind of danger they put themselves in. Any supplies you require can be requisitioned through this 0ne's maintenance budget, as well as any fiscal requirements you yourself may have. Was the 500 credit stick satisfactory? Regretfully, it is a substantial portion of the share allotted to this 0ne."
Yaelin pulls a plastic pouch from her coat and peels it open to reveal a thin green cigar. She places it between her teeth and pulls the ignition tab. "It's quite a show you put on. You leave quite a bloody gash in yer wake, an' I don't think the others see it fer true. Can't say I understand it m'self, let alone trust it, but Fùqīn always said a mechanic seekin' perfection should first sharpen her tools. I'll hold on to this bit just now, and let you know when I'll need more."
Confused, Sona is left to corral those crewmates best suited to facing Grellick's orders and/or reproach.
> Captain Buckaneero? Lieutenant Retzack? Lieutenant Jamee? Our benefactor requests an audience. Should the call be placed now? Have we sufficiently obscured our exhaust ports?

MCKhaos |

What about a shield with the Rod hidden in the middle somewhere? Could that be feasible?
This is the kind of clever stuff I expected. The shield's connection to the rod would be the weak point, but I don't see why it wouldn't function.

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After things have settled down, Retzack relaxes with his two new friends.
All three men are fully sprawled onto beanbag chairs there were somehow acquired, and all three are drinking from bottles of cold alcohol, also mysteriously acquired.
"Simmons, this is Big Shooter. He did the right thing planetside, and has graciously signed on with our happy family of soon-to-be-rich people.
Big Shooter, you've already met Simmons, and I'm glad that you two are getting on famously.
Now, mind you, there is one minor detail I forgot to mention. Well, it's more of a perk than a detail. You see later we--"
Retzack stops speaking as his name comes across the com. "Ah, well, work work work. I'll get us squared away with our benefactor and see to our next lucrative contract."
As Retzack left on business, Simmons and Big Shooter chatted amicably between them. It turns out they had much in common. They shared a favorite laserball player, they both lost their virginity the same year in high school, and they both feel they got double-crossed by their latest employer.
The future seemed bright.
"I have always thought," Retzack begins, answer Sona's question, "that you should always do now a thing that could be put off until later. Hence, yes, do make the call. After all," and, somehow, though he says it ironically, he does not say it sarcastically, "we all know that life...is short."
3 points for Big Shooter, yeah? He's totally a Protector. =)

BunkR BustR |

Ok, is everyone ok with me taking the Immovable Rod and having the Epoch lens become group property?
Additionally, Sona, could you create a buckler with the Rod as it's core structure?

Blast-O-Tron v3 |

Jamee has a basic molecular scanner in his room that he uses to determine the quality of the mysterious herbs he found. It was a wonder that they could be discovered on this cosmopolitan, urban world, but Jamee didn't challenge his own good luck.
Satisfied with the results of his findings and resolving to use the herbs extensively later, Jamee resolves that it's time to join the conversation with the rest of the crew. He pilots his RAB to the part of the ship where everyone has congregated and uses a voice modulator to conceal his youthful-sounding voice, making it sound older and more experienced.
"Hello Sona," he responds to her query over the shipwide comms. "I suggest we give him the audience he seeks. If he's mad, I can deal with him for the Captain."

MCKhaos |

As you all enter the bridge you can't help but notice how ... shiny everything is. The goblins apparently ripped the Sixes down to its roots and rebuilt her, down to the chairs. Grellick apparently spared no expense and it shows.
Nevertheless, Bucanero darkens as you enter. Blast it, t' whole damn planet be abuzz with ye antics! Bastila's gon' be hot fer months!
Sure enough, the news vid currently playing on the main viewport features two pundits debating Cinnar separatist reactions to the government crackdown. The show is almost as violent as the footage, as the two pundits toss around words like "fascists" and "terrorists."
Suddenly, Grellick's face appears in a picture in picture view screen. Hold on this is my favorite part! The main view shows Rotgut knocking Ulgar's mech clean off its feet. The camera turns to Retzack, but shies away once Retzack begins tearing into the mech's chest. The audio sounds suspiciously like the camera man is dry heaving. You guys are terrifying!
The old goblin quickly loses interest as the pundits begin debating historical revisionism as it relates to the Kvothan-Cinnar conflict.
He continues. I have to admit I wasn't expecting to have work for you quite so quickly. One of our agents has disappeared, or gone rogue, or is dead, or worse. He was undercover at a neutral trading station orbiting Uggim 5, investigating possible AoS abductions. Specifically, he came to believe that one of our more ... arcanistically inclined assets became one of the victims. Not sure why the AoS is suddenly so brazen, but we can't let it stand. He takes off his glasses and sighs deeply. Look, we owe her. Her father was recently killed on one of my jobs and ... well, we take care of our own.
As our newest assets, you can't be linked to our network yet. I don't think anyone else could get on station at this point. Any questions?

BunkR BustR |

2BR's speaker grill slides open.
"Please select: Controlled station, damaged station, irreparably damaged station, destroyed station. Please be away that the decision must be final.

Sona Θ3 |

Sona watched the broadcast with approval. Seeds were planted, and the debates would come and go well before anyone stopped to figure out just what had happened or how it had nothing to do with the Cinnar Separatists.
Sona had stepped forward to speak when Grellick finished, but paused as pops eased himself into the conversation with his prompt. "Yes, in its current state, our crew should be aware of any asses which must be left whole. We're a ship bristling with loose cannons, and this 0ne can but point them in a direction. Although, surely you've deduced as much. You're looking at the play-by-play now. If, hypothetically, you were interested in a measure of plausible deniability, we need not continue on the subject."

MCKhaos |

Grellick smiles at 2BR's bloodthirsty enthusiasm. Unfortunately, this job calls for a bit of finesse. Our traders used to regularly dock at this station, providing a steady supply of credits to fund our operations. I am working on repairing that relationship, but we are currently banned. Your mission is to infiltrate the station, locate Dexter Hyde, and help him track down our captured agent. Quickly. The AoS is not known for kindness towards magic users.
An image of a human man with black hair and olive skin appears on screen. He is remarkably unremarkable. This is agent Hyde. He missed this morning's check in and last contacted us from the station. He was operating undercover as Barnabus Barclay, an independent slicer for hire. Find him. A dossier on Hyde becomes available to Sona for download. Lot's of unknowns on this one, but I trust that won't be a problem?
What do you do?

Jamee Lestrade |

Jamee cocks an eyebrow in disbelief at Grellick's display of camaraderie. He doesn't buy the "we look after our own" line for a minute, but it's interesting that he would take that approach for characterizing himself. The sharks with the biggest smiles were the most dangerous. Still, it was good that the goblin was treating us nicely, for the moment. Jamee's back is still preparing to be stabbed, and probably always will be. His prejudice towards goblins will afford him no less paranoia than that.
As Sona downloads the data from the dossier, Jamee is already plotting a course to Uggim 5, in anticipation of Captain Bucanero's order. He scans the remainder of the information critically, looking for what Hyde may have found that would have tipped off the AoS.

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Retzack pipes up. "Do we have any data on the AoS abductions? Possible ringleaders or methods of action? Are there any authorities that we could enlist to our aid, as simply unconnected concerned citizens, abductions being what they are?
Were our assets taken as part of the more general AoS strategy, or was it a hit on us specifically? To wit: Could we try to get a stalking horse captured by them by letting one of us be openly known as an associate of the good Dexter/Barnabus?"

Bone'ead Rotgut |
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Bone'ead looks around, scratching his head for a moment before speaking
Bone'ead Hungry. Space place have foods? Well, that was what he would have normally said, at any rate. However, with the strange wooden duck now in his possession, what comes out is..
Well, will there be any food? I'm getting hungry just standing here. Some of us don't run off batteries, you know.

MCKhaos |
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Grellick looks surprised at Rotgut's words. My most eloquent Ogre, the trading station is well known for housing delicacies from throughout the galaxy. Did I just inadvertently create another Thunk? (reference to another campaign)
Retzack, all I know for certain is that Agent Hyde suspects that the AoS is behind a rash of kidnappings in the Uggim system. It doesn't appear they are targeting our organization in particular. The station authorities are most concerned about profits. If they can be convinced that the loss of a few magic users will hurt the bottom line, then I expect they will be eager to assist you.
He reaches forward to turn off the call, but first adds Hyde is not a magic user and I think it is unlikely that AoS had anything to do with his delinquency in checking in. Good luck.

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Flanked by Simmons and Big Shooter, Retzack rises from his chair when address by the gynoid. With a smile he approaches her and wordlessly takes her hand. Bringing it to his lips he kisses the cold, hard hand gently and perfectly, as if it's a skill he's spent countless thousands of hours practicing.
"My dear, that would not have been my first instinct, but if that is your desired action, I can think of none better to have at my side for such an endeavor."
He returns to his seat and whispers something to Big Shooter, who simply nods solemnly in response.

BunkR BustR |

2BR is hunched in the corner, topping up a spare row of battery packs.
> Sona
> I will find a suitable vantage point for each location
> Designate either destruction or extraction depending on unprecedented situations, as well as acceptable legal ramifications
> Retzack
> I am sure you will be able handle yourself
Could I grab some stats for my Immovable Buckler? If it's just a 1 weight thing that doesn't take up a slot and no other benefits other than it's magic effect, perfect. Possibly installed in the non-chainsword arm?

MCKhaos |

Could I grab some stats for my Immovable Buckler? If it's just a 1 weight thing that doesn't take up a slot and no other benefits other than it's magic effect, perfect. Possibly installed in the non-chainsword arm?
That sounds fine to me, although I'm not sure that you want it to be installed. I think you would find it to be more versatile as an equipped item.

BunkR BustR |

Ah, by installed I meant that the button is attached to a "mental" trigger rather than than the switch being flipped on and off. I'd just quite like to be specific now rather than arguing about it later when miscommunication could mean that 2BR's arm gets ripped off.

MCKhaos |

I imagine that Sona could whip together some sort of mechanism that pushes the button in response to a command from a radio or something similar.

Sona Θ3 |

When Sona reached engineering, she had a few processor conflicts. The place was new, and that was exciting, but things were all moved around. She approaches a console that looks like the shields station and wakes it up with a tap. She would miss her rough-weld systems. She crosses her arms and scoffs in a mixture of derision and awe at the built in presets. With a single interface the system could dial the shield arc to a desired width without compromising atmosphere. Kids these days...
If there aren't any interruptions, Sona sets about re-calibrating systems internal and ship-wide, getting ready for their mission. She trusts Jamee knows what he's doing at astrogation.

Cap'n Ron Bucanero |

Punch it Jamee!
The retrofitted Sixes leaps out of the landing bay like a toddler leaps out of bed at bedtime and races for space. The engines sing and the transition to the rift is baby smooth.
The flight will take 24 hours. Let's get some flavor text for how you spend that time.
24 hours later:
You exit the rift in the Uggim system near Uggim 5 and approach the trade station. An image of a gruff looking dwarf appears on the vidscreen. State your business and cargo.

BunkR BustR |

2BR spends almost the entire journey recalibrating his various systems with Sona's help. Already a mess of retrofitted upgrades, the additional weapons will require work before they can be fully optimized.
(Foreshadowing the Angel of Death improvement, which will allow for nearly every weapon to be used simultaneously in one move, so long as enough Blood is available. Thoughts on a alternative robo-name?)

MCKhaos |

I don't know if it gets much better than Angel of Death. How about Angle of Death?
Meanwhile ... in a darkened room somewhere in the Uggim system ...
A dark haired and bearded human sits bound to a chair. Before him stand a scholarly looking elf and two brawny dwarves. The human's left eye is bloody and puffed up so much it is nearly closed. Blood drips from his nose and lower lip. The right fist of the larger dwarf is also dripping blood.
The elf speaks dismissively. I am beginning to tire of this ... unpleasantness. I ask you again, Barclay. Why were you attempting to hack into our recent acquisitions database? Who are you looking for?
The smaller dwarf draws a wicked looking wooden mace.
What do you do?

Bone'ead Rotgut |

Bone'ead spends much of his time in the galley of the ship, either poking his head over the cooks to see what is being made, or eating. Occasionally, he will lumber about aimlessly around the ship, or back to his quarters to sleep. Then the process begins again!

Dexter Hyde |
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Dexter spits out the blood in his mouth, and hopes that his dentist isn't getting suspicions of how many teeth he's needed replaced.
Look guys, this is a big misunderstanding. He draws in a deep breath. I was actually trying to hack the employee database. see i've lost your mother's number. He smiles at his joke, and uses his laughter as a cover to shift his eyes back and forth around the room, and test the rope with his arm. If that's enough for Discern Realities, I'll roll for it later.
When the smaller dwarf brings out the mace, he tenses up, readying himself for more pain.
Survive: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6) + 2 = 13
I will choose to take half damage (rounded down), and take +1 ongoing against the cause of it (Is that the interrogation, or the dwarf, do you think) until i have conquered it.

Sona Θ3 |
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Sona spends the first hour of flight working with 2BR to fabricate the Immovable Wall. There is a protracted debate about metaphysics and how best to use a stationary point to divert impact forces. The final model resembles a tower shield made from thermal shielding. The front is painted with a dot matrix hologram of 2BR’s choice, since the surface has to be a smooth hyperbola.
Operation(Forge Core): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 3) + 3 = 9 -1 to operations
Sona takes some weaponry and computer parts from prior loot to make an upgrade to Miss Muffet for autonomous implementation. There are several confused messages sent to Jamee seeking advice on AI. At first they read really strange because Sona can’t program an AI by normal definitions. It’s either frustrating or the coolest project Jamee has had in awhile.
Operation(Forge Core): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 2 = 8 -1 to operations
Sona secludes herself in the cargo bay for a few hours, converting the Lodestar Equipment and remaining T.E.R.R.A. computer components into Theta brand spare ship parts.
Operation(Forge Core): 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 1 = 9 -1 to operations
Operation(Forge Core): 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8 loose operation
Sona recharges in the mess hall with the crew for dinner. She seems really distracted and distant, even for a robot.
Sona returns to the cargo bay to finish converting their cargo into salable materials. Any remaining scrap is used to repair and restock Sona’s arsenal.
Operation(Forge Core): 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3) + 3 = 7 -1 to operations
Operation(Forge Core): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 6) + 2 = 9 -1 to operations
For two hours, no one can find Sona.
The technician spends the early morning in her proper recharge and repair station, compressing and storing the RAW files of the day into her archives. It is possible for Jamee or 2BR to contact her through the matrix.
In the final hours leading to landfall, Sona rechecks her equipment and modules before making the requisite changes in Engineering for landing. Despite her rest, Sona seems fatigued.

MCKhaos |

The elven eyes narrow at Dexter's joke and he nods to the dwarf, who swings the mace forcefully into your gut. Take 1d8+2 damage (then apply your holds). You have +1 forward against the interrogation and should roll discern realities.
The elf sighs. You leave me little choice here Barclay. Your actions are futile. Whoever it is you seek has already been transferred to our nearby research station. He will be neutralized for further study. So Mr. Barclay, what are you really doing here?
What do you do?
Meanwhile ... the dwarf on the vidscreen is clearly growing impatient. State your business and cargo or be on your way!

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*****Scene: Behind a closed door*****
It's late at night. Many bottles of empty sythnahol litter the floor, with many full ones standing at attention, ready to take their place on the line.
The three men, REtzack, Simmons, and Big Shooter, sit at ease. Each has a full glass in hand, and they talk loudly and laugh loudly as Retzack disgorges an eternity spent collecting jokes.
"...and then SHE says, 'I thought you said drinking fountain!"
The tow humans laugh loudly at the baudy joke. It's another funny witticism told by men among other men.
Big Shooter clears the tears of laughter from his eyes and fights for a modicum of sobriety to ask his questions. "Haha. Ha. Oh man that's good. Hey, alright, it's getting late, so what's this 'big secret' that you had to lay down on me?"
Retzack puts his glass aside and smiles, his face no longer showing any sign of drunkenness. [ b]"Ha! Glad you brought it up. I'm going to drink your blood."[/b]
A heartbeat passes and Big Shooter starts laughing. It goes on a full five seconds before he glances at Simmons, who isn't laughing."What? You're fragging serious? Get da frag outa here."
Simmons chirps in."Yep. Dead on. It's gonna be great. He drinks from me every night. It...sex is to getting bit what a candle is to a Tomahawk cruise missile."
Big shooter still seems incredulous"No fragging way. What da frag? Serious?"
Retzack nods."Yep."
Comprehension, mixed with acceptance, begins to dawn in Big Shooter's face."Oh the frag. Do it to Simmons first. Lemme watch."
Retzack shakes his head."That's not how it works. You have to go in full-bore."
Big Shooter looks from Simmons back to Retzack. He sees nothing but calm smiles and offered friendship. His apprehension melts in the face of promised pleasure. "Al...alright. How do--"
Like a flash of lighting Retzack pounces on him and bites his neck. Sharp incisors pierce the jugular. There is a moment of pain, but the endorphin-releasing chemicals in the vampire's saliva so turns the pain into a titanic waterfall of enjoyment.
After sipping the minimum amount Retzack repeats the ritual with Simmons, who submits willingly.
Big Shooter, breathing heavily in ecstasy, whispers"That...that was...that...can...can we do it again?"
The vampire shakes his head. "No. Sleep now. Tomorrow."
Retzack leaves to his personal quarters, and both men, spent, climb into bed. Soon they are snoring and having pleasurable dreams.
About blood.
On the trip, Simmons happily jumps into the communications seat and sticks the sexy stick into his ear. He politely monitors comms and relays all messages in the way that only someone who does media can.
Big Shooter lives up to his name and familiarizes himself with the primary weapon.
Somewhere on the ship, can I find something that would serve as a sleeping bag?

Sona Θ3 |

Sona sends the dwarf the Sixes' flight codes and a manifest detailing the 10+ weight of brand new ship parts ready for trade. Ship scans should corroborate the complete absence of stolen LodeStar equipment and the unrelated presence of ship parts for selling to people looking to by ship parts at the trade hub where we are now. *wonk*