BunkR BustR |

2BR shakes himself off, and grinds his way directly towards the force field at the end of the corridor, vacuuming up shattered pieces of turret as he goes, and picking up a longer strut.
First of all, what happens if he pokes the force field with the length of turret?

MCKhaos |

First of all, what happens if he pokes the force field with the length of turret?
That is a fantastic question. Sona, as our resident expert on force fields, what happens when a Theta 3 pokes a Theta Securities Hyperion Mark 6 Field Generator with a long stick?

Sona Θ3 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Spout Lore: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5) + 3 = 13
The Hyperion series, aptly named after the Greek Titan of the heights, started as atmospheric and drive-space shields, but experimentation with field harmonics and composition has resulted in many quite useful variations. The mark 6 model, colloquially refereed to as fly-tape, was found to be highly effective during boarding instances, as the field operates on electronic resistance.
A body with high resistance, such as most components of atmosphere, plasteel, or organic matter, would be acted on by the field as intended. Photonic or electric weaponry is absorbed and usually fed to generators through a breaker. The shields are useless against ballistics, but that's what exterior shields are meant for. The turret barrel, being made of gunmetal, would pass through; however, being cylindrical, it would also create a hole in the field, and begin venting atmosphere from the cell beyond. This peculiar vulnerability is unique to Hyperion Model 6s. As are the white-hot arcs of static given off as contact is made with the field.
BunkR BustR's metallic hull should similarly act as a Fereday cage wherever it is whole, but any significant holes or patch-jobs that haven't cured from gel to mineral will hold him outside the field if they were pushed through, as there are insulation components inside his hull which would cause resistance. This would feel like punching a wall of mud. Hence the common moniker of fly-tape. The force output is exponential, so pushing through is ill-advised, unless you want to play generator burnout chicken with a ship.
The security system is generally linked into badges or crew comms, and allows authorized crew through by proximity if there is no significant pressure differential between the two sides. If they haven't invested in crew vitals monitors and done the work of integrating the two systems, a dead crew member would work just as well. If they were too cheap for the badges, they might even have manual override panels near the doors. How those are coded would be personal choice.

BunkR BustR |
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2BR nods, juddering from current leakage.
> Thank you for the data file Sona
2BR takes aim at the inside of the force field generator with his projectile cannon, and opens fire with the scrap from the turrets.
Volley with STR: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 1) + 2 = 4
These dice, honestly

Jamee Lestrade |

Jamee punches in some coordinates for a wide arc loop around the system's star, taking the Sixes nice and close to the magnetic field surrounding the Sun of this system in order to confound the scanner sweeps of the ships pursuing them.
He includes vector coordinates that indicate he wishes that the ship would loop around the far side of the star to return to their point of origin, and pick up Toober, hopefully from the wreckage of the main patrol vessel.

MCKhaos |

2BR, the field crackles with arcs of energy as the scraps of turret perforate it. The assault overloads the generator, causing it to burn out in an explosive fashion. Take 1d8 damage as the corridors of the hallway to each side of you erupt. The force field is down and all that stands between you and the bridge is a solid door.
What do you do?

BunkR BustR |

Why even ask the question?
2BR goes up to the door, spins up his claw-drills, then chews through the wall to the left of the door.
Bend Doors, Eat Forcefields: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 2 = 5

Sona Θ3 |

Sona pushes through the fires of digital interference that the sun's EM field is feeding through the ship's external comms ports in order to probe into the ship that was attempting to hack their systems.
Discern Realities: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9
What happened here recently?

MCKhaos |

2BR, as your drill bit contacts the hallway the entire door explodes outwards towards you. The heavy door crushes through your heavily armored chassis but leaves your sensitive innards undamaged. Take -2 armor ongoing until you are repaired.
As you enter you find the bridge has been evacuated, except for two goblins in mech suits. Your database includes entries on these mech models, and your internal threat analysis subroutine ranks them both as "severe."
They begin firing AP rounds at you. What do you do?
Sona, you are asking what happened on the surviving light patrol ship?

BunkR BustR |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Stun Wave of Destiny: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 1) + 2 = 9
In the aftershock of the stun blast, 2BR Ups the Ante, lodges a chainsword in one mech, and goes after the other with his flamethrower.
Chainsword: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6) + 2 = 13
Flamethrower: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 6) + 2 = 10
FINALLY! ALL THE DAMAGES. Taking extra damage for all rolls.
Chainsword damage, with extra: 1d10 + 2 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 2 + (4) + (6) = 15
Flamethrower damage AP, with extra: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + (5) + (4) = 14

MCKhaos |

Sorry it took so long on this post. I agonized over this because I couldn't decide if I adequately telegraphed the threat these two mechs pose, and that they were actively shooting armor piercing rounds at you. I've decided that the danger was adequately telegraphed, but I'd like to take this combat in steps and resolve your moves in sequence. You can keep your attack rolls and damage rolls if you elect to press the attack.
2BR, your stun projector has no effect on the bullets that rip into your torso, but Tick, driving the left mech, vomits in his helmet as the stun pulse hits him. Crick, in the right mech, is unphased. Roll your stun damage against Tick and take b[2d10]+1 (pierce 2) damage from the mechs' combined fire.
Do you charge in with your chainsword? If so, who do you target? You will use your 13 roll and 13 damage (these are heavily armored so chainsword doesn't provide +2 bonus).

BunkR BustR |

My stun roll was a reaction to being shot at. It doesn't roll damage, it just deals s-harm to one target ignoring armor. I'll apply that chainsword to Crick. Can I use the flamethrower roll later on Tick at some point?
Damage: 2d10 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5) + 1 = 11

MCKhaos |

Oh, the stun tag description in DW suggests that it deals non-lethal damage, so it does affect HP. But we went through this before, right? Did we decide it just basically narratively messed them up? Flamethrower roll will be available against either target if you choose.

MCKhaos |

2BR, as you charge through the incoming fire with your chainsword drawn, Crick's saw blade begins whirling. Your blade finds a chink in the mech's left arm, slicing clean through and removing the mech's cannon. As you strike, the saw blade cuts into your left shoulder. Take b[2d10] damage from the counter attack.
Crick doesn't back off, jabbing and feinting at you with the saw blade as Tick tries to regain his composure.
What do you do?
Sona, you can tell that the AI attacks have stopped and the two surviving ships are focusing inwards, setting up redundant firewalls. The light patrol ship has finished calculating a jump to rift space and is also preparing to recover an escape pod. The heavy patrol ship has isolated its control systems and is preparing to launch an escape pod.

BunkR BustR |

As the sawblade swings down, 2BR's organokinetic generator switches from Drain to Dump, boosting his core energy levels by: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
However, the saw blade still makes a bit of a mess: 2d10 - 2 ⇒ (1, 3) - 2 = 2
Or not! 2BR could have been dunzoed there, but lets keep the MURDER SPREE GOING
2BR drops the chainsword and goes to town on Crick with his claws.
Hacky Slashy: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 4) + 2 = 11
Safe damage: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

MCKhaos |

The blood move requires a short rest. They are not going to give it to you.

Sona Θ3 |

> It would seem they are moving a VIP from the damaged ship to one of the others.
> We should prepare to intercept.
> They are not likely to fire on us if their escape pod might get hit.
> Our success would be highly dependent on evasive maneuver skill.
> Should the servo arm be prepped for interception?

MCKhaos |

2BR, you bring your chainsword down on the mech's cockpit, but the chain just grinds against the reinforced transparisteel. It scratches it up something fierce though, take +1 forward on attack rolls against Crick as he adjusts to a narrowed field of vision. Meanwhile, Tick is beginning to center himself and is turning to focus on you. Your tactical subroutine indicates that there is a pause in combat in which you could likely head down the hallway from whence you came without significant danger. The two mech's will soon be on you.
Sona, you can tell that the AI on both ships is still tracking the Sixes, and weapons are primed. As the escape pod launches you calculate that the Sixes has a chance at intercepting the cargo, but that it will require flying directly into a crossfire. You can do it, but the Sixes will take damage and you'll have to defy danger to successfully grab the pod during your flyby.
What do you all do?

Sona Θ3 |
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Sona begins to draw threads of data from the sensors and data-banks, feeding them through a data abstraction of her ORACLE module... Ship plans, current distances and orientations, engine signatures, all being aggregated to build a flight plan for whoever is going to pilot the ship, and to predict a trajectory for the escape pod.
Operate Machines (ORACLE): 2d6 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 3 - 1 = 7
The massive data tears through the module, shaking it to pieces as it weaves the data into a three-dimensional skein of hot-spots which she feeds into the display system for Jamee or Buckaneero.
> Our data indicates you should avoid the red areas.
> You should see a series of green rings with chevrons.
> Maintaining orientation with the chevrons should help keep our critical systems out of easy firing range, but unless we are hitting warpspace now, we can't avoid damage entirely.
> These rings represent our optimal path to intersect with the escape pod's trajectory.
> Obtaining a hostage may improve our chances of recovering pops.
> ...
> This mission will not earn us enough money for a Theta Processing Core, and I- this one cannot fabricate one.
> Yet.
Sona begins to prep the servo arm. She does not know yet if she will be trying to catch an escape pod, or a Θ2 unit, but she begins programming a routine for catching the escape pod, since that is the event her data can predict.
That roll should give us a +1 to any roll made in trying to catch the pod.

MCKhaos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Im so pumped for this defy danger piloting roll. Do you capture Grellick? Does the Sixes get blown out of the sky? Does 2BR solo a boss ship that the GM had to bend over backwards to make challenging for him? Find out tomorrow on ... Beyond Heaven!

BunkR BustR |

Shut up I'm balanced what are you talking about. I'm really bad at social situations. Once I turn those social situations into combat situations, then I'm fine. But whatever.

Sona Θ3 |

We just have to look at it more like Shadowrun. Instead of a small cluster of identical, medium sized challenges that we each overcome in our own way, there's a giant mech that only 2br can tangle with, there's a computer that only sona can mess with, and there's the ship that only jamee can pilot, and all three prongs of the plan have to come together or we're all boned. It gives it that sci-fi intensity.

Jamee Lestrade |

Defy Danger: Fancy Piloting: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5) + 3 = 13
"Heeeerreeee weeeeee gooooooo," Jamee shouts, his voice vibrating from the stresses being placed on the ship's hull. Yanking back on the controls, the young elf boy pulls as hard as he can. The G-forces from the centripetal inertia make his muscles shake and the ship's sensors scream in protest. The Sixes screams through the atmosphere of the star, causing her heat shields to glow a brilliant white as they compensate for the extreme solar radiation. The elf breaks out in a sweat from the heat and the stress, beading out on his temple.
Through all the hubbub, Sona's voice cuts through, calm and clear through the speakers. Heeding her advice instantly drives Jamee to follow the rings in his path, flawlessly scooping up the escape pod and depositing it in the cargo bay!

Sona Θ3 |

Operate Servo Arm: 2d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 3 + 1 = 10
Yes, that's totally what happens. Never mind the piece of precision equipment that actually caught the pod out of the air.
> This one will greet our new guest.
Sona disengages from the ships core and heads toward the cargo bay.

MCKhaos |

The Cap'n whoops as Sixes bobs and weaves through the hail of cannon fire. Through Jamee's skill, the ship avoids the worst of the fusillade. Somebody roll 1d8+1 damage to the Sixes.
The enemy AI takes a moment too long to realize what is happening, and although the ships attempt to move to block the Sixes' path, Jamee anticipates the maneuver and narrowly avoids them.
As the Sixes approaches the escape pod at breakneck speed, Sona doesn't hesitate, manipulating the the servo arm controls like a consummate professional.
The Sixes continues at full speed past the ships, which are unable to turn in time to give chase.
Jamee, are you also going to go greet the newcomers?
2BR: Tick and Crick seem satisfied to wait in the bridge, and do not pursue you. What do you do?

Cap'n Ron Bucanero |

The Cap'n's familiar voice comes up over ship wide comms as Sona catches the escape pod. Well done, mateys! After a few seconds, Bucanero continues. Thar be three gobbies in t' pod. Best we be meetin' t' guests in force.
Jamee, you watch as Bucanero stands and begins walking to the hatch attached to the escape pod.

BunkR BustR |

Did 2BR grab that cannon? If he did, it's pointed down the hallway.
2BR begins chewing through the wall, looking for important cables to ravage and important superstructures to corrupt. He is very, very noisy, and very, very obvious.
Bend Bars, Cause Wanton Destruction: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 5) + 2 = 11

Sona Θ3 |

Once in the cargo bay, Sona looks out over the crowd of T.E.R.R.A miners. "Anyone who wishes for an opportunity to exact their pound of flesh from the individuals threatening to scuttle your rescue ship, please feel free to check out a weapon if you find yourself lacking. Under interstellar protocol chapter C, subsection 9, their property is forfeit to whomever gives aid."
Recruit: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 1) + 3 = 10 (the +3 is from letting them know what I set out to do, sharing the spoils, and having a useful reputation.)
Sona begins to pass out simple weapons from her chassis, accepting ID cards as collateral. Being an arsenal, I can dispense unlimited simple Hand, Close and Reach weapons. She offers her beam katar and stun lance to the first two volunteers. For herself, she draws a laser awl, pulling out the customizable handle to its full length.
Draw a Weapon: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 5) + 2 = 10 (2 Piercing, Reach)

MCKhaos |

Simmons, Thorne, Yaelin, and Haephaestus eagerly jump forward to take weapons from Sona. Thorne speaks: I'll gladly join up for the time being, though T.E.R.R.A. may not be quick to let us out of our employment contracts ... even if they did leave us to die back there.
The remaining survivors go back to nursing their wounds, clearly traumatized by the last few days.
Sona, you lead the newbies to the hatch where Grellick, Delshick, and a small black goblin named Retzack wait with feigned disinterest. As the door opens, your crew draw your weapons.
Grellick looks you up and down and whistles. Bucanero must be doing better than I thought to be able to afford a model like you. No need for the weapons, I have a proposition for your Captain. None of the goblins are wielding weapons.
What do you do?
2BR, is your goal to scuttle the ship?

BunkR BustR |

Well, 2BR is very clearly and obviously trying to scuttle the ship. It would be such a shame if someone were to overhear him doing such a nefarious thing and shoot him in the back with AP rounds. And if no one takes the bait, one less ship and a way out created in one swoop.
Just checking, did I or did I not grab the severed cannon? And can I fire it?

MCKhaos |

You have the cannon, but I always thought of it as an integrated system. There probably isn't a trigger. Sona could certainly install it on you though.

Jamee Lestrade |

Jamee sets Blast-O-Tron to autonomous operation mode and instructs it to follow Captain Bucanero, remaining behind to pilot the ship. He lays in a course for their origin point, swinging back around in a wide arc to find the patrol ships and hopefully pick up Toober. Meanwhile, his RAB - its light set to green for autonomous operation - follows in the Captain's footsteps and generally looks intimidating.

Sona Θ3 |

Up close, it's aparent the two of them are of a height, something that already puts the technician off here usual poise. At Grellick's words, Sona's chasis lights blend from their usual cold blue to shades of yellow and orange. "That is... very kind of you to say. I'm- er... Apologies for dropping that building on your men. For what it 's worth, this 0ne would have sent Kray to you in a vac-tube weeks ago were it permissable."
Suddenly uncomfortable leveling the pike at him, Sona searches her extensive legal database for a T.E.R.R.A. code or precedent which might steepen their advantage, or at the very least sound very authoritative. To stall for time, she motions for the temps to surround the trio of goblins.
Spout Lore: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3) + 3 = 7

MCKhaos |

Sona, you recall seeing a corporate ordinance in the mining base database suggesting that any mercenary groups hired by T.E.R.R.A. shall be considered full T.E.R.R.A assets for the duration of their employment.
The three goblins do not react as they are surrounded. The elderly goblin does bristle at Kray's name and leers uncomfortably at Sona's chassis.
He looks up as Bucanero approaches. Ron, my old friend. He smiles. Good to see you again. Listen, you've got me at a bit of a disadvantage, sure, but this is an opportunity for the both of us. Think of it ... Grellick and Bucanero together again! Grellick puts out a clawed hand but Bucanero ignores it, staring daggers at the goblin.
You still haven't forgiven me for that?! Bygones Bucanero, bygones. I misjudged you. I had no idea you had such advanced tactical hardware. Did you hit a Theta factory? No, never mind, I don't want to know. Listen, I need a group like yours that can ... strategically apply pressure. Now what say you call off that Theta 3, return me to my ships, and I'll call you the next time I need a little wet work done. Hell, I'll even call off the bounty on Kray and I'll keep you supplied. We have a deal?
What does Bucanero do here?

MCKhaos |

Would Sona be in a position to coup de grace one of the other goblinoids?
Yes, you can certainly murder your captives in front of your new recruits.

MCKhaos |

Also, 2BR, I'm waiting to see what happens with Grellick before advancing your plot.

Blast-O-Tron v3 |

Sona is surreptitiously broadcasting Grellick's words to Jamee. Flipping a switch on the right-hand side of his helmet, Jamee assumes direct control of his RAB, swapping the pilot light from green to orange.
He speaks through his RAB's speakers, using his voice modulator. "First he tries to kill us with missiles, then he tries to kill us with words. I wouldn't trust this goblin as far as I could punt him, Captain. Not even that far, since I could probably punt him a decent distance. Shall I try and find out?" he aims his blaster arm at Grellick's ugly face.

MCKhaos |

Grellick raises his lone arm in the air. Are we monsters? I'm talking about profit, information, supplies. Is this what you've come to Bucanero? Murdering the helpless? I thought we'd both moved on from those days. He makes eye contact with Thorne. Is this what you signed up for?
He lets out a long sigh. Cut the shit Ron. You've only got one play here. Call off your dogs and let's talk terms.