Cap'n Ron Bucanero's page
36 posts. Alias of MCKhaos.

As Dexter's posse races towards the Sixes, they find Captain Bucanero impatiently waiting for them. Git yer asses aboard and hang tight. Jamee, we got em! He calls into a communicator.
The Capn glances over the group. Where be 2BR and t' gerblin?
After you briefly explain the situation, the Capn visibly slumps. Shame. 2BR's rare these days. Can't be easily replaced. Jamee, git us out o' here! As the hatch shuts behind you the ship shudders as it disengages from the Hierophant.
What do you do?
2BR and Retzack, the weapons fire has no effect on the bulkhead, but you hear the footsteps coming closer.
The voice coming from the elevator shifts to a deep baritone.
You should run.
2BR, you feel the bulkhead vibrate as one of the androids crashes into it. The android shatters. (I assume you are bracing with the immovable rod). However its companions run past you a very short distance, swivel, and begin firing from a better angle.
Retzack, all the weapons fire is directed at 2BR. They don't seem to notice you.
What do you do?
Your comms buzz to life, but the message is garbled by some sort of interference.
Mateys, [static] Sixes on [static] double! We be [static] hornet's nest! Time [static]
The comms cut out.
What do you do?
A burst of weapons fire strikes against the side of the hangar, disabling the force field just as the Sixes' gangplank closes.
Git t' open space Jamee. Quick!
What do you all do?

Alright, looks the general gist of the last set of posts was ... let's get out of here ... and let's get back together. In the interest of advancing plot ...
The entire station rocks violently as your comms blare to life.
Sona, me girl! Git t' team back to t' Sixes! Thar be trouble afoot . . .
The comm is replaced with a piercing whine that you've learned to associate with magical jamming.
The group rushes to the nearest set of elevators. Retzack, as you exit the Baker's Daughter a voice whispers in your ear. The Hierophant. I lived aboard the Hierophant. An image of a large cruiser enters your mind.
2BR, you were able to hear Bucanero, and for convenience I will assume that you all arrive at the Sixes at the same time.
As you enter the hangar bay you see that the Sixes has been fully powered up and the weapons are hot. Bucanero is letting down the rear gangplank as you arrive.
Through the force field separating the hangar from the vacuum of space you can see the telltale flashes of capital ship weapons fire.
What do you all do?
Punch it Jamee!
The retrofitted Sixes leaps out of the landing bay like a toddler leaps out of bed at bedtime and races for space. The engines sing and the transition to the rift is baby smooth.
The flight will take 24 hours. Let's get some flavor text for how you spend that time.
24 hours later:
You exit the rift in the Uggim system near Uggim 5 and approach the trade station. An image of a gruff looking dwarf appears on the vidscreen. State your business and cargo.
Bucanero's voice chimes in over general comms. De shitstain gobbos be sayin' it be tree days afore d' Sixes be seaworthy. Best be about t' T.E.R.R.A t' git paid. I be stayin' t' watch t' mongrels ... N' offense Retzack.
The party regroups at the Sixes. What do you do?
Let me know if I missed something that needs to be responded to in one of your posts.
The Cap'n glances up from a data pad as Sona enters. Dis T.E.R.R.A database be as clear as t' Purple Sea after a rain. We be needin' t' know who be bombardin' corporate stations t' git paid. He slides the data pad to Sona but the technician ignores it. It is clear that Bucanero has been trying to access recordings taken immediately prior to and during the attack but the Base AI has been noncompliant. Sona's direct feed is far more efficient. What do you do?
Grellick glances at Retzack, smiles then stands up straighter. Bucanero reluctantly shakes the goblin's hand, and speaks. Kray be free and clear or yer a dead gobbo. . He glances at Sona. Supposin' we be takin' t' black one from ye.
He eyes Retzack warily. Somethin' seems off 'bout ye ... Welcome despite.
He turns to BoT. Jamee, set course fer Shan City. Sona, send dis gobbo back to 'is ship.
As fer d' rest o' ye. If Sona be sayin' ye crew, den ye be crew. Else we be takin' ye back t' T.E.R.R.A.
He begins walking towards the bridge without looking back. And someone git toober.
End of [a crazy] session time! New characters can XP along with the rest for end of session.
The Cap'n's familiar voice comes up over ship wide comms as Sona catches the escape pod. Well done, mateys! After a few seconds, Bucanero continues. Thar be three gobbies in t' pod. Best we be meetin' t' guests in force.
Jamee, you watch as Bucanero stands and begins walking to the hatch attached to the escape pod.
Aye, we be fine me brave elf. Not sure what ye be worked up about..." The cap'n taps at his shield display. Shields be yellow fer a bit, matey but Sona be a wiz.
We be needin' to recover 2BR. Be expensive to replace!
The Cap'n stares wide eyed at Jamee as he launches the torpedo, and then begins to laugh.
Boring conversation anyway me boy! Take t' wheel Jamee.
The Cap'n jabs his fingers at a few buttons .
Ahoy ye mangy kobold! One o' me crew be coming' t' meet ye!
The elevator opens into the rubble of the hangar bay. You see the Lucky Sixes out in the loading platform. She makes an impressive sight, as you can tell that all of her weapons are fully deployed and ready for combat.
Your comms squeal to life: Arr me bots. I tot ye'd never return. We be havin' guests. Best get t' ye battlestations and secure de cargo!
The way to the ship seems clear, and there are no birds to be seen.
What do you do?
Me hearties, we be clean and clear so far as can be told. Be descendin' now.
Avast, Sona! What be ye goin' on abouts? Be no sign o' no predators here... Plenty o' room for human cargo. T.E.R.R.A. will pay fer der people . . . Best bein' careful me thinks.
Bucanero's voice fades as if he is leaning away from a microphone. Aye, best t' be doin' what she says. Climb t' vacuum. Batten t' hatches. Vent t' decks.
His voice becomes clear again: We be back down afore ye know it. And ye don't forget why be we here. Who be t' ones leveled this place?
On the Bridge, Cap'n Bucanero glances at his simplified shield display, which show fore and aft shields in a reassuring shade of green.
Arrr, be some fine work Sona.
He turns to Jamee. Brin' us in close, if ye dinna mind.
We be pickin' up crew faster den a docked ship picks up bilge rats!
As the ship nears the planet:
Jamee, be thar signs o' t' station?
Jamee, you scanners show that Tau-SH3 station has been turned to rubble. The perimeter shields are down, and there is no sign of humanoid life.
What do you do?
The Cap'n's voice booms over the internal intercom system, a hint of panic underlying his normal abrasiveness.
Interior breach, ye say! Sona, what in t' seven hells be goin' on down thar?
You hear a sharp intake of breath, then a curse best left unrepeated. The ship shakes gently.
Damn ye Jamee! Mind t' paint, sonny, it be brand new!
Never tell me t' odds! Jamee, me matey, brin' her in close t' t' planet!
Jamee Lestrade wrote: "We just wanted an honest bite to eat, but it appears as if we attracted some unwanted attention, boss," he reports, using internal ship's comms that are keyed into everyone else's communicators as well. "We had to escape using unconventional means. We only just now emerged from a battle against a giant monster in the sewers. No significant injuries to report." Giant sewer monsters, eh? You always had de gift for tall tales, matey! Har har! Horvus be expectin' ye! Hasteful now, git rid o' the booty and let's ship out. Dis system gives me da creeps!
Your datapads are updated with a location thirty feet up and one block south of your current location. During your initial investigations of the storeroom, you noted a ladder on the east side heading up to a trap door locked from the outside.
What do you do?
After about six hours, those of you who are resting are disturbed by a comlink call.
Ye bums! Harvus be waiting for ye! Looks like ye be under t' pizza place. What do ye be doing down thar?
Good work, ye space dogs! Scanner sounds like ye be free o' dees competin' mercs! I got ahold of Harvus, a right T.E.R.R.A bilge rat dat one, har har! He be waitin in dat pizza place de wee lass suggested. Be in Lil' Italy. There is a momentary pause. Wot's this mates! Trackers show ye be there already!? Ye be psychic now?
Let me check, lassie. A few moments pass. He begins absentmindedly reading: One human, a few robots, a giant ... ah feck. Ye be serious, Sona?
Your com links chirp to life. Good news mates! De dark webs be alight with payin work! UBER's done a merc all call. De targets be armed and deadly! Ye best be gettin' there first, me hearties!
He rattles off the last known address of the targets. It is the kebab restaurant.
As the ship lands, the Cap'n turns to the bridge crew. I shan't be joining ye ashore mateys. But ye knows ye job. Contact TERRA, be rid of t' poison down below. Aye, and see if ye can't move that Lodestar booty. We be low on fuel. Finally he turns to Omega. And who might ye be?
The Cap'n gives an approving look at Jamee as the viewscreen winks off. Pilot, take us in. Shan city be as good a place as any.
Who is the pilot?
He walks over to Rotgut. Best be careful wit' me name friend. I be havin' t' death sentence on twelve systems! Including dis one here. Simple misunderstandin' is all.
You hear a loud curse from the ready room and the Cap'n storms onto the bridge with an exasperated look at Rotgut.
Aye, Captain Buck Nero, at yer service ma'am. Dis be t' Plucky Pixie. The Cap'n gives a meaningful look to Sona. We do be looking fer repair and resupply. And work, if ye be the payin' type.
The Cap'n drones on for a bit more, and you get the sense he is stalling for time.
What do you do?
Sona, me dearie. Please plot a jump away from dees parts. Pronto!
With the destroyer gone, the interference field that pulled you from the Rift has dissipated.
Mates, thar be some unwelcome guests! Batten da hatches and git t' da bridge.
After 2BR is safely aboard, the live feed shows the destroyer exploding in a hail of laser fire.
Over the ship wide comms you hear maniacal cackling, followed by a few colorful phrases best not repeated in polite company.
Har har har! Ya bilge rat boarders thot t' take da Sixes! Yer ship be in flames! Check da feeds, ya see it t' be true!
Every video screen on the ship comes to life with a feed of the destroyer, listing and venting atmosphere, fuel, and crewmen from what used to be a flight deck.
Throw down yer weapons, and ye might live t' see da morn!
The Cap'n listens to most of your report, until you mention explosives. Despite the inertial dampeners, you can feel this ship making a sharp 180 degree turn. You also hear your forward batteries begin to fire.
Scurvy sons of t' thrice cursed sea! Nobody sabotages my Sixes!
Sona, report! What in t' seven hells be goin' on down thar?
Kray! Ya bum, it be pirates! Git t' engineerin'! We be close to clear, but boarders be attemptin' a mite bit o' sabotage!
The ship jerks again, knocking Kray through another pile of bottles.
She be big Tuber 'n fast. Military I reckon! Not so fast as ol' Sixes!
You hear the engines straining as the Cap'n pushes them to the breaking point.
What der ye want Tuber! I be a mite busy!
The ship jerks again, and you sense that the Cap'n is putting the Lucky Sixes through her paces.
The ship suddenly jerks violently, and the ship wide comm system crackles to life.
Avast! Battlestations me 'earties! Pirates pulled us out of t' rift! Arrrrgh! I hate pirates!
The ship begins jerking periodically. You know what this means. Weapons fire!
Boardin' torps! Security get t' engineerin'
What do you do?
Game on! Don't forget to look at the ship moves section of the Campaign Info page.
Avast me 'earties! Be carful, thar be danger in t' rift!
Something like this...