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When Varg sees the three humans, he has seen humans before, after all he was a slave for a cruel human for many years, he considers simply pummeling them into no more than a stain on the ground. However, Komm's directive to avoid unnecessary contact comes unbidden into his head as he is contemplating his next move. Thus, Varg, rather than eliminating the three humans, instead simply stands in the trees, huge and invisible, watching as the unaware humans continue to proceed down the path.
I hope that the others do not attack. If they do, then I shall support them, but these do not appear to be threats, or ones with sufficient wealth to be worth attacking.
As he watches, he carefully examines each human to determine whether it is all it appears to be, or something else hidden behind an illusion of being a human.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 <-- yep, the stellar rolls continue

Chugs Gutmunch |

When he catches sight of the humans, Chugs creeps into the undergrowth to observe them more carefully.
Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Komm the "Grandfather" |

Vargrenz eyes the three humans as they travel along the trail and while he is not all that familiar with humans, these humans look to be unskilled and not seasoned in warfare. Even a disguised foe has difficulty hiding the ready stance of a warrior.
Brok listens closely to the conversation and hears the following snatches:
"...keep moving while there is daylight still..."
"...long ways away..."
"camp. I just hope they welcome us..."
Soon the humans move past you and continue on their way, as yet unaware of your presence.
Let me know if you want to reveal yourselves to them.

Malzii |
Malzii stands still and quietly observes as the three humans slowly approach and then pass her position, apparently unaware that they are being watched. Though they cannot see it, she gives them a look of derision.
Weak. Not worth bothering with. The others must think so too, or they wouldn't have made it past them.
Her eyes shift as she glances around at where the others are hidden. So far, everyone in the rear guard seems content to let the trio pass without incident as well.
Where there are a handful of humans, there are more nearby. We need to be very careful until we pass through this area.

Keil |

Intent on making sure the group was not spotted, Keil follows the trio as they continue past. And what better way than to listen in on their conversation. Taking great pains to be extra cautious, Keil follows discretely behind them for another 5 minutes before returning to regroup with the others.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Not sure how you'd like to handle this. If possible, I'd like to take 20 on skill checks for the duration of Keil's reconnaissance.

Arlok "The Mighty" |

As the others return Arlok lays down his weapons assuming a battle will not happen.
"So mans pass us by. Alrok not get to crush skulls. This makes Arlok sad, but Komm did say stay hidden. Time for Arlok to rest."

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

"False alarm then ...." Brok says, easing the tension on his crossbow.
"Like the big man said, time to get some rest .... who's next on watch?"
Brok lays out his blanket over a pallet of leaves and curls up into a little goblin sized ball.

Komm the "Grandfather" |

Keil follows along behind the trio and discreetly eavesdrops on their conversation. While he does not get too close to get their entire story, he does learn these people are from Zelkor's Ferry and that they have elected to flee that place for some reason.
Returning to the campsite to finish resting up?

Keil |

Keil's yellow eyes narrow, They flee? Intriguing.
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
The fetchling follows for another minute, however his cautious approach means their words have grown further away. Rather than risk closing the gap, and putting more distance between himself and the group, the shadowy man decides to give it up.
Returning to the campsite, Keil begins his watch with Varg. The fetchling is pensive. Carefully considering what he has learned from the passing group of humans his thoughts come to reflect upon what he knows of Zelkor's Ferry and Komm's war with this 'Goat Prince'.
Knowledge Planes Re: Goat Prince: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Seeking to add the other's opinions, Keil will pose this question to all..."What do you know of this Goat Prince?"
"Malzii and Raaz."
"Brok and Arlok.
"Vargrenz and Keil."
"Chuggs and Grey."

Malzii |
"Not worth our time," Malzii comments to Arlok as the group reconvenes and returns to their camp. "Weak humans; not warriors or wizards. Malzii does not think Arlok would have had much fun."
As she prepares to return to her rest, one eye slowly opens as Keil inquires about the Goat Prince.
Kn. Planes (Goat Prince): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Komm the "Grandfather" |

After allowing the humans to keep going on their way, you all return to your camp to finish resting up. As the others settle back in to their sleeping rolls, Malzii recalls what she knows of the Goat Prince, aka Orcus. Orcus is a demon prince with — surprisingly though — many human worshipers. He has a strange fascination with humans and their desire for power, possibly because it is this very flaw that causes them so frequently to seek that which he controls: power over death. Orcus is the lord of all undead and he resides in the Abyss in his Palace of Bones surrounded by a legion of vampires and liches. Evil, ruination and wanton destruction are his only goals. He is most often depicted as a bloated ram-headed, bat-winged monstrosity with cloven-hoofed goat legs. Though mostly worshiped by the monstrous races, the ranks of Orcus’ human worshipers are swelling, as Orcus grants his followers power in large, liberal doses. His symbol is a demonic ram-headed skull. His priests favor heavy, dark hooded robes and ornamental maces stylized to represent his skull-tipped wand.
As the rest you contemplate what else you know of the Goat Prince, dusk soon arrives and with it the dropping of the tempurature. You all feel the effects of the freezing cold, save Keil and realize this could prove fatal should you stop moving. Thankfully, you realize the hill where the Mouth of Doom is rumored to be is but a couple of hours hike from your campsite.
An unprotected character in cold weather (below 40° F) must make a Fortitude save each hour (DC 15, +1 per previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. A character who has the Survival skill may receive a bonus on this saving throw and might be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well.

Raaz Al'Zuul |

GM: Raaz Al'Zuul has Cold Resistance 5, does he also have to make the saves?
As Malzii shares her knowledge of the Goat Prince and describes the worshippers of Orcus, Raaz Al'Zuul recalls the lessons he has received on the subject:
Knowledge Religion - Orcus: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Keil |

"Interesting. Why then were those humans so eager to escape Zelkor's Ferry? Something more is going on there." Keil skips putting away his tattered old blanket this evening. Keeping it wrapped around his shoulders like a shawl, the fetchling notes the other's are not fairing as well. "We can dispense with this for now. The Mouth is near and with it shelter from this cold." Keeping with the established routine, Keil keeps pace with Brok as the group makes its way towards the Mouth of Doom.

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Not having anything to protect himself from the cold, Varg shivers and rubs his arms trying to keep some semblance of warmth in this cold land.
Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Fortunately he is able to keep his muscles working and keeps marching forward without a word of complaint.

Malzii |
As dusk falls and the group breaks camp, Malzii can't help but shiver from the cold and elects to keep her blanket wrapped around her as Keil has done. "C-could be. If those humans were running from the town, means there might be m-more to follow. Trouble for us if we aren't c-careful," she mutters, teeth chattering slightly.
Fort (Hour 1): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Getting moving seems to be what the kobold needed, as the swift pace of their march keeps her blood pumping and she's surprised to find herself feeling quite warm despite the chill in the air.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok does his best to provide insulation with some pine branches.
survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Doing his best to show the others the way to stay warm.
Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
"Try to stay warm but insulating yourselves with these leaves and branches." Brok says to the others as they all shiver in the cold.

Komm the "Grandfather" |

While the crudity of the goblin's methods cannot be denied, neither can the effectiveness of them. As you use the leaves and branches where the goblin ranger instructs you you find the cold far easier to bear.
Everyone will receive a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves. FYI: All characters with Cold Resistance do not need to make these saves.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Brok sees Chugs trying to follow his instructions.
He hurries over when the overweight goblin pulls up a nasty looking red vine.
"Don't stick that down your britches!" he yelps. "You'll be itching and scratching for days if you do!"

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Vary looks at Brok:
What is wrong with the red vines?
As he says this, Varg sticks several more of the vines into his shirt, completely ignoring the noxious sap oozing from them.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

"I'm sure it'll be fine ...." Brok says weakly to the gray dwarf.
aside to himself he says "Why can't we just find some nice caves .... the temperature doesn't change, the sun doesn't hurt everyopne's eyes, there's no dogs ...."
to the group he says: "We really need to push forward to the Mouth of Doom."

Raaz Al'Zuul |

As dusk falls Raaz Al'Zuul wakes and makes his regular preparations for the night. This time as the Mouth of Doom is in reach he makes a special prayer to Lord Baalzebul to provide guidance and luck to the team.
"Looks like we'll be reaching the Mouth of Doom tonight. I am ready to go."

Komm the "Grandfather" |

Hour 1:
Chugs Fort DC 15: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 + 2 = 20
Praetor Grey Fort DC 15: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 = 22
Hour 2:
Arlok Fort DC 16: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 2 = 10
Brok Fort DC 16: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 2 = 18
Chugs Fort DC 16: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 2 = 10 fail
Malzii Fort DC 16: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 2 = 21
Praetor Grey Fort DC 16: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 = 20
Vargrenz Fort DC 16: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 4 + 2 = 24
Chugs non lethal: 1d6 ⇒ 3
You press on despite the chill in the air knowing the setting of the sun is your enemy here. As the sun sets in the sky the hill where the Mouth of Doom is located comes into view. It actually is located on the north side of the hill opposite your direction of travel, but once you circle around the side of the hill you have no trouble finding it. Making your way up the side shows the carved stone face of the Goat Prince and a cursory examination shows a black stone staircase set inside the gaping maw leading down into darkness.
You do not see any signs of traps around the staircase nor any signs of other recent travelers. As you look around for any other signs of inhabitation, you do see what looks like an abandoned cottage off in the distance, perhaps a mile from your position.
Chugs unfortunately had the worst of the journey as despite his fellow goblin's instructions he cannot avoid feeling the chills all the way to his bones. Chugs takes 3 points of non-lethal damage and is fatigued.
OK now it looks like both Arlok and Chugs are stricken with hypothermia and are considered fatigued here. Let me know if you wish to rest here or continue onwards here.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok looks down at the cave opening and thinks to himself: "I'll be damned ... I almost didn't think we would find it. I guess even a blind worm finds a dung heap occasionally."
Brok looks at Keil and says:
"Us two go ahead and scout out the entrance to see if it's clear? Not much chance of avoiding any trouble if we drag everyone along."
"Maybe we stash the group in that run down hut while we take a lookey-see?"

Keil |

Keil shakes his head no and points down the black staircase, "They are no good to us cold. They can warm themselves here." The fetchling scans the area and turns to Raaz, "We are unhindered. I suggest checking the cottage while the others regain their strength." Keil removes his blanket and tosses it unceremoniously to Chugs.
The fetchling nods to Brok and the others, "I'll return with what I find," then takes his leave. Avoiding the direct approach, the shadowy man slips into the inky darkness.
As that is the only sign of 'man-made' landmarks in the area, it is worth taking a peek. However, exposing everyone to the elements for longer will risk them falling further to the weather's effects. The stairway should provide some shelter /+ to Fort saves.
@Komm: Keil would like to make a discrete approach, using stealth and utilizing tree cover where he can, even if it means taking longer to get there.

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Although not impaired, Varg is definitely feeling the cold bite of the wind, even through the nice sap covered vines. He looks at the nearness of the cave and the distance to the cottage.
Lets check the cottage. It is warmer. We will need some place to rest.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok loads a bolt into his crossbow and follows along behind the fetchling.
he sneaks along behind the fetchling, looking to cover him if he finds more trouble than he can handle.

Malzii |
Malzii sits down on the stone steps, wordlessly passing her blanket to Arlok who also seems to have fared somewhat poorer than the rest of them from the cold. She seems glad for a reprieve from the elements, such as it is. "Malzii thinks we should sit and warm up while sneaks make sure nothing will try to eat us. Then maybe check shack; could be good place to retreat to if pressed," she chimes in as the group mills around the top of the stairs.

Praetor Grey |

Grey seemed content to go along with the needs of the others.
He murmured an incantation and directed it toward Keil. "Whisper and I will hear you. Tell me if you require aid. We will come."
Cast Message on Keil.

Raaz Al'Zuul |

As Keil and Brok head into the Mouth of Doom, Raaz Al'Zuul looks at Varg and says:
"I am not a fan of splitting up the group. The cottage is about a mile away and should the scouts need our help, it will be minutes before we can get back. Seconds is all it takes for the team to be overcome. Let's wait for them to come back then we go and search the cottage."

Keil |

Just to be clear, Grey has cast Whisper on Keil who is heading stealthily toward the cottage with Brok. The rest of the group is staying at the entrance, using it to keep out of the elements / warm up.
@Komm: Lighting a small fire just in the entrance shouldn't draw a lot of attention, especially if the group takes some precautions (such as using a couple blankets as blinds) to prevent the light from escaping. Do you agree?
As much as the fetchling hates to admit it, the Tiefling is right - splitting up is a bad idea. But then this is about not leaving any stone un-turned. Dragging the others through this cold weather toward something that may turn out to be nothing will only hasten them down a path ending in fatigue.
Leaving the group behind, Keil turns to Brok. Speaking just loud enough for the goblin to hear, as well as Grey, Keil's raspy voice warns, "This is just a sneak and peek boys. Any sign of trouble, cottage or elsewhere, we turn back to the Mouth. Got that witch?" *taps on hidden microphone*

Komm the "Grandfather" |

Keil, followed closely by Brok, hike to the cabin. After only about 15 minutes of walking you see this is a stone cottage that has been abandoned and fallen into disrepair. The thatched roof is gone, and grass grows from the dirt floor of the building. While the place is empty, you do see signs of previous encampments though none recently. .
Assuming you do return and report your findings here...
The rest of you camp out here while waiting for the scouts to return while staying just outside the Mouth of Doom. Once the scouts have returned they see a huge, stone demon face (the visage is that of the Goat-Prince) carved into the side of the hill. Its open mouth is ten feet tall; within the gaping stone maw, stairs of black stone lead downward into the darkness curving out of your view. No one sees any signs of danger here though there are signs of previous explorers here. A burned out torch stub here, a half eaten set of rations tossed aside there.

Keil |

Keil whispers into a ripped sleeve cuff, "Nothing here Grey, we're turning back."
Staring at the visage of the Goat-Prince, Keil rubs his chin then approaches cautiously. His glowing yellow eyes scan every inch looking for anything untoward about the stub torch, rations or the surface of the steps.
Kicking at the torch stub Keil's face grimaces with disgust, "Others scouted here before us." The fetchling kneels down and gingerly picks up the half eaten trail rations. A blacked tongue emerges from his mouth and licks the morsel. About how long ago were these discarded? Days? Months?
Tossing the ration to the side, Keil spits then stands and approaches the gaping maw of the Goat Prince. A pointed nose sniffs at the air within then the shadowy man takes a few cautious steps down the black stone stairs, pausing when he reaches the bend in the line.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok shadows the fetchling into the cave mouth.
Inwardly he rejoices at being back underground.

Arlok "The Mighty" |

Arlok move close to the fire rubbing his arms and hands extending them to the flame trying to get warm.
Ar...Arlok so cold. Arlok miss ale and warm belly of stew.
Resting wont help much I think we are fatigued until the non lethal damage is gone.

Komm the "Grandfather" |

After resting up and making sure Arlok and Chugs have recovered from their bout of hypothermia, you proceed down the stairs which lead deeper into the Mouth of Doom. Black stone stairs lead down to this room from the ruined tower above in a staircase that the characters estimates has taken them about forty feet underground. The room at the bottom of the staircase has six doors leading out, each one set into the far end of a ten-foot-by-ten-foot alcove in the wall. They are labeled A-F on the map. There is a faint smell of old rot in the air, like a graveyard, but other than that the place appears empty.
I have added the Mouth of Doom MAP link to the Campaign header. Unfortunately, you will need to zoom in quite a bit in order to see yourselves on the map, but you will get the idea I hope.

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Vary looks down and examines the floor trying to determine whether there is any sign of one of the doors being used more than any other by scuff marks on the floor or other marks or footprints.
Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Keil |

Keil sniffs at the air, "The stench of death fills this place." His yellow eyes narrow in the dark.
Spying the six doors at the bottom of the stairs, the fetchling moves to the first door. Black fingers repeatedly curl and straighten as his eyes scan the floor and outline of the door within the alcove. His examination complete the glowing eyes dart to the next door. One by one, Keil scans each door looking not only for signs of passage but clues of vile devices as well.
Keil doesn't touch any of the doors, just looks to aid Brok in his assessment. Do you want us to make rolls for this?

Komm the "Grandfather" |

Vargrenz scans the room looking for any recent tracks leading to a particular door but can determine little else than other adventurer groups were here and they checked out all of the doors
Keil, which door do you approach? For ease of reference the map has the doors labeled A through F. Keep in mind the doors are set into alcoves so you will need to enter the alcove first in order to check out the door. Once you declare a door, then give me a Perception check.

Keil |

Keil is aiding Brok so I think which door to examine first should be up to him. But for simplicity's sake, Keil will start with door F
Caught up in his own excitement, Keil's eyes dart from one detail to the next without really paying close attention.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 Drat!... 14 vs. traps nice knowing you guys :/

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok crouches down and scans across the room for signs of a trap.
He looks appreciatively at the rock ceiling above him and thinks good to be back underground ....
perception: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 2 + 1 = 21

Komm the "Grandfather" |

Brok, is there a particular alcove/door you wish to check out, or just the room in general?
As the fetchling approaches the alcove containing the door to the north within about ten feet or so, a magic mouth forms in the stone and speaks in the Abyssal tongue: “You stand at the threshold of the Rappan Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves. Turn back, trespassers, for you will find nothing but your death in these dark halls." After delivering its chilling message, the mouth disappears once again into the stone.
A quick perusal of the northern alcove shows no hidden dangers apparent.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok turns his gaze to the door that Keil is interested in... door f
perception: 1d20 + 9 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 2 + 1 = 24

Keil |

The message shakes Keil back to reality, crouching back from the mouth, the fetchling bares his blackened teeth and hisses. Regaining his composure, Keil curses in Abyssal then spits at the stone where the mouth appeared. Unfortunately for Brok, the fetchling is too busy spitting and cursing to be of any real help.
Perception Aid Brok: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 - On a roll...