Komm the "Grandfather" |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rappan Athuk has been a place of evil for as long as it has existed. While it is presently the seat of Orcus’ power and home to many denizens of the Abyss, other evils flock to it like moths to a terrible lantern. Twenty-five miles south of the sunken mausoleum and then another ten mile’s trek inland to the edge of the Forest of Hope is a small, ordered community containing creatures that’d be happy to see Orcus and the goblin city of Greznek fall. In a natural cave, dozens of kobolds, hobgoblins and stranger things have worked together to form a ruthless and efficient society.
An exposed stone on a hillside is in fact a permanent image, designed to conceal its presence from roving monsters and other curious onlookers. Behind the illusion there is a serviceable path winding downward into a water-worn cave. This natural stone slowly changes into neat, serviceable carvings before finally flattening out and opening into a wide, artificial cavern. This is the entrance to Mitchrod, a handy Infernal word meaning “fortress” or “impale,” depending on its context. Within the fortress itself, Infernal is the preferred language and gold coins are accepted as currency. The town leader is a bearded devil named Komm who keeps things running smoothly. While rank-and-file monsters are generally well-behaved — or, at least, all grievances are settled in a controlled manner in the dueling ring — some divisiveness exists between the influential members of the society.
The entrance slopes down through neat but plain carved stone until it flattens out into a 20 ft. corridor that’s 10 ft. wide. At the end of the corridor, the area opens up into the Commons, a large circular room that once was part of the original cave. Constant traffic and careful sculpting smoothed it out and stained the limestone walls black. A gutter winds its way through the room, keeping the floor dry. The Commons has no furniture, but creatures congregate here where the air is fresh (for those who like that sort of thing). Anyone loitering is quickly moved on by one of the guards. Residents passing through move with disciplined purpose. The centerpiece of the Commons is the Tin Man, a squat iron golem-like creature that sits in the center of the room. It’s hard to tell what it once was (its dull iron plates and exposed gears bear no maker’s mark), but it now functions as Mitchrod’s first line of defense. It was unearthed when the cave was first cleared, and its origin is a mystery.
Making your way deeper inside the complex, you finally arrive at Korrigan’s Bar. This tavern could be the same as any found on the surface. A muscled human male with a scar running from his temple to his nostril stands behind the bar, polishing a glass with a rag. Three girls wait at long oak tables. A truly vicious-looking heavy flail rests on a rack behind the bar, deterring anyone from getting too unruly. The man is Korrigan, the owner of the bar.
Other places of interest you know of include the smithy, much like any found in a village. One of the striking differences is the blacksmith himself, an imp named Roam. There is also a Mushroom shop, Tivsaran’s Emporium of Wonders (the local store), The Church of Hectate, and Salish’s Surgery (the local infirmary)
You are all staying in the Dormitory for the moment. Rows of dorms separated by low walls give a semblance of privacy. A small desk in the northeast corner of the room is home to Watcher, an imp who is in charge of the dorms. Anyone wishing to stay in Mitchrod must ask Watcher for a room. The individual rooms are simple but efficient, and include one or more beds, a stone table, wooden stools and a few stone shelves and chests carved into the walls or bolted on. The doors to these rooms are not locked, and their walls don’t reach all the way to the ceiling. Watcher rents rooms for 2 sp per day to anyone who asks politely. Anyone who cannot afford that price (or wishing to settle in Mitchrod for the foreseeable future) must first find a job in Mitchrod, usually with the church or one of the shops.
As the taskmaster Komm is not known for his benevolence or his charity, you are waiting to hear what he wishes you to do in order to further advance the Infernal cause...
OK Feel free to RP among yourselves. I assume you are all at Korrigan's bar but you can be anywhere you like. Once we have done some ice-breaking, Komm will summon all of you to see him.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

A short bandy-legged goblin walks through the bar up to the bar. His distinctive bowlegged walk combined with his short stature make it appear as if he is liable to wobble over off his feet with each step.
He is dressed in black and grey mottled leathers from head to foot with several rows of chainmail links visible from under his jacket. His head is covered by a mask-like hood with holes cut in it to accommodate his large ears.
A crossbow and sword are slung across his back, both apparently light weapons sized for a human that are heavier weapons for a small race. A dirk and a coiled climbing rope hangs from his belt.
"A cup of grog my friend ..." he asks the bartender politely (because he can see that flail) in the goblin tongue.
When there's no answer but a flat stare, he repeats his question in the common tongue to see if he gets a response.
The bartender hands over a cup of watery grog with a glare and the goblin tosses a pair of coppers on the bar as payment.
"Thanks." the goblin says in the goblin tongue and then he waddles over to a table at the side of the room and hops up into a chair meant for taller creatures.
He sits there dangling his legs and nursing his cup of grog, waiting for others to appear in the bar.

Malzii |
"...βουίζει σαν μελίσσι. Επικεφαλής Kirrok θα μπορούσαν να μάθουν ένα πράγμα ή τρεις από αυτό το 'Komm'."
A raspy, slightly feminine voice can be heard as a small kobold with deep blue scales makes her way into the premises. At three feet, she stands tall for a kobold and strides forward towards the bar in a manner that suggests she fancies herself taller still. The small armored shirt she wears glints in the light and a small mace can be seen at her side.
"Μπάρμαν! υδατοστεγείς-" she barks at the man behind the counter, before her eyes spot the large flail behind the counter. She seems to reconsider whatever she had been about to say as she sighs and coughs. "Just...water...please," she grumbles in the Common tongue, clearly unused to speaking it...and apparently unused to asking for things nicely, as well.
"This tongue feels strange in the throat," she continues to grumble as she waits for her drink. At first it seems as though she's merely talking to herself but upon closer inspection she seems to be addressing a small spider that makes its way out of her pack and onto her shoulder. It chitters and waves its front legs in a disturbing manner, as if responding to the kobold's words. "Malzii knows, we must speak to be understood, even with a strange tongue. Not all understand the glory of Wyrmspeech." She looks around the tavern, taking a good look at the other patrons, her face wrinkling in what might be disdain as she spots the lone goblin sitting at a table on the far side of the room. "Certainly not these! Maybe Malzii's new allies will know it," she nods to the spider.
"...hums like a beehive. Chief Kirrok could learn a thing or three from this 'Komm'."
"Bartender! Wa-"

Chugs Gutmunch |

An ugly, morbidly obese goblin makes his way through the tavern and up to the bartender. He carries a thick book under his arm, poorly attempting to hide it under a ratty patchwork cloak while keeping the bits of sharp rock and metal protruding from his shirt from scraping the cover.
"Pardon me, good bartender! Would you be so kind as to fetch me a small cup of mead? A bit of bread would be as fantastic as well," the goblin says in a strangely deep voice. The bartender gives him an unpleasant look as he shoves a small glass of watery liquor into his hands. "Thank you very much, friend!" he says as he walks calmly away. "Damnable barkeep, giving me swill from the bottom of the barrel! Why, I never..."
The goblin looks around, scanning for his potential employer. Let's see here...some ruffians, a lizard, and another goblin. Swell. Might as well try my luck with the lizard. The goblin downs the glass of mead in one gulp and sets the cup on the nearest empty table, then waddles over to the blue kobold. "Excuse me, er, madam?" At least I think it's a "madam." Kind of a shot in the dark, really. "I'm looking for someone who calls themselves-" The goblin quickly looks at his free hand to check the smudged writing on his palm. "-er, 'Komm.' You wouldn't happen to know this fellow, would you?"'

Keil |

From the far corner of the bar, a dark figure sits watching as the two goblins and the kobold enter. Dressed entirely in black, the only color visible comes from two yellow eyes. A black hand takes up a cup, of something and brings it to his lips. As he moves, a raggedy looking second hand cloak sways to the side revealing several hilts to bladed weapons. Sipping from his cup, the figure replaces the canter on the table and continues to watch.

Malzii |
The blue kobold had been so preoccupied with talking to the spider on her shoulder that she hadn't really registered the second goblin entering the tavern beyond a quick, initial glance in his general direction. She looks around as she hears someone addressing her, an expression of what might be surprise followed by disgust crossing her face as her eyes fall on the uglier-than-usual goblin.
Why is this fat goblin talking to Malzii? Wait... he said he's looking for Komm!?
"No, but I know Komm is master of this place," she replies suspiciously. "You come to meet one you know nothing about? Silly goblin! What do you want with Komm anyway?"

Raaz Al'Zuul |

A large, extremely tall (nearly 7 ft.) tiefling with dark, jet black scaly skin, red eyes, a thick tail and an ivory colored set of horns walks into Korrigan's Bar. He pauses, scans the room noticing the goblins, a kobold and the dark figure, then strides confidently to the bar:
"Whisky... I am seeking Komm. Let him know I am here."
He leans on the bar and waits. He stares at anyone watching him. He wears a chainmail hood and a black spiked helmet over his bald head, black armor over chainmail that does little to hide brawny muscles and thick bones, and a white cloak embroidered with a black border and an iron crown with a diamond on his breast. He carries a number of weapons including a crossbow strapped to his back, a morning star on his belt and a serrated longspear in his left hand.

Praetor Grey |

The Grey Priest had been there for a few days already. It had taken him less time than he had expected to find the place so he had simply been biding his time. He was content to sit near the fire in the tavern.
He was dressed in greys from head to toe, a finely made charcoal priest's cassock hung loosely beneath a lighter grey hooded cloak.
He was orcish with a face that was angular and expressive. He grew no hair on his head or face and his complexion was dark marking him as descended from one of the desert clans. One of his eyes was discolored, almost completely lacking in pigment. That side of his face had been ritually scarred in delicate, intricate scarification that traced the outline of his skull. He held a goblet of mead loosely in one hand and watched the room with clear with a faint smile on his lips.
Worn on his shoulder like a pauldron was a featureless mask, light grey on one side, dark grey on the other. He carried a tall walking stick topped with the carved face of a beautiful woman, half of which was a skull.

Keil |

Listening from the corner to the banter between the kobold and the fat one, Keil spits on the floor then snickers to himself. Blackened teeth flash from beneath a smile as the Fetchling crudely remarks in infernal, I doubt Komm cares in the slightest that you are here Tiefling. Or that you seek him goblin. Komm summons, and you obey. The fetchling's voice is hushed and raspy as though he suffers from a chronic ailment of the throat (laryngitis). Noting the disapproving look from the barkeep, the fetchling sneers then snags the edge of his cloak with his foot and carefully wipes clean his vulgar act.

Raaz Al'Zuul |

Raaz Al'Zuul sneers as the dark one at the bar addresses him, "So you speak for Komm, or is that just your opinion? I care little for your opinion Dark One, take me to your Master and address me with the respect I have earned:" He pauses for a second for dramatic effect then continues, "Raaz Al'Zuul."
His eyes grow dark with anger as he speaks in Infernal to the fetchling, but he also now watches the goblin with unabashed wonder, How is it that my Masters have called me to this place and that retched goblin at the same time? Are these to be the troops they have assigned to me..., then snorts in disgust and continues to stare down the fetchling.

Chugs Gutmunch |

Chugs looks around at all the other patrons before turning back to the kobold. Oh, lovely, he thinks. I just got here and there's already discontent! "Ahem! As I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted, I received his summons from a carrier imp. I was led to believe that he was answering one of the ads I put around town, but the...rather ominous devilspeak peppered with his name suggests otherwise. I take it he is, in fact, not just some random guy in need of the service of a wizard?"

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

To no one in particular Brok says "The tribe's bosses said that I had to take this job because the big devil needed folk experienced at hunting corpse eaters ... but these folk don't look like hunters at all."

Arlok "The Mighty" |

Heavy thuds are heard as you turn to see a massive man walk in. He ducks to enter the doorway. He leans a vicious looking pole arm in the corner and tosses a giant hammer beside it. His right arm is covered in leather with a leather glove with a padded knuckle. Small spikes adorn the glove and the forearm of the leather covering. A leather breastplate molded to his muscular frame also shows it off. His arms are massive and his skin grey and tattooed. He stands well over seven feet and weighs upward of 450lbs. His hair is black and pulled back out of his face. The tattoos are symbols of the Arch-devil Baalzebul.
He walks to the bar pushing his way forward. He picks up the goblin (Brok) sitting and drinking and brings him up to eye level.
"You are in Arlok's chair. Arlok will forgive this time. Drink now with Arlok little goblin."
He sits the goblin down onto another stool before sitting himself.
"Bartender bring Arlok ale. Give goblin another drink too. Imp that serves father told Arlok to come here. Any of you little ones know why?"

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A short stout dwarf with a long grey-white beard and a completely bald pate except for one long braid running from the back of his head to the middle of his back. It is not his head that is noticeable, rather it is the fact that his shoulders are nearly as broad as his height. Unlike many others, he carries no weapons or armor, rather he wears only loose fitting grey clothes that appear to have been made for a much taller human, and then modified down to fit his short 4' statute. Actually, what is noticeable about the dwarf is not his height to width ratio, rather it is his nearly grey skin, a grey that almost matches the color of his clothes, together with nearly black pupils.
When the dwarf enters, he looks around the room, taking in the rather strange collection of races gathered here. Clearly this is not a place made for humans, despite the generally human sized tables and chairs. After pausing for a minute or two, and studying every person in the room, from the giant and goblins at one table, to the dark man attempting to remain unnoticed in the corner, the dwarf walks slowly up to the bar.
An ale. He pauses for a moment, before remembering that some semblance of civility is probably required. Please.
When the drink is brought, the dwarf takes a deep drink. Having little experience with alcoholic beverages, he has no clue whether it is good or bad. However, his dwarven constitution responds welcomingly to the drink.
He then turns and makes his way to the table with the giant and to goblins.
Is Komm here?

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok gulps awkwardly and lifts his mug of grog in salute to the giant man.
"You, at least, look like a hunter."

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Varg looks up at the giant and shrugs.
Komm? . . . Komm has work. Komm is lord of town.
With that, the rather untalkative dwarf looks down at his mug of ale, suddenly realizing that it must have a hole in the bottom to account for so little being left.

Keil |

Keil smirks at the ease with which he has upset this mighty Raaz Al'Zuul. As the Tiefling scowls the fetchling takes another sip from his cup and calmly adds, Respect? the fetchling shrugs, Let's not rush into the unknown Raaz. You reported here first, like the rest of us. NOT to Komm's side, turning his head to the side, Keil quietly addresses the wall now THAT would have been something to brag about... The fetchling's voice cracks and he breaks into a small coughing fit before finally clearing his lungs of a wad of phlegm. Cursing silently to himself, Keil looks around for someplace to spit, but decides, rather than risk upsetting Korrigan, to swallow it instead.
Vargrenz' reply catches Keil's attention. The fetchling's raspy voice interjects, The grey dwarf is right. Komm is lord here. And it appears we are all at his beck and call. Keil raises his cup to taste first the Tiefling then the others before taking another sip, Most entertaining!

Malzii |
Malzii's eyes scan the tavern, nearly empty moments before but now bursting at the seams with all manner of creatures both large and small. Though unfamiliar with the language that some of them were speaking to one another, she was still able to pick out the name 'Komm' from among the gibberish. Frowning, she turns her immediate attention back to the goblin in front of her. "Like Malzii said, Komm is master of this place but Malzii doesn't know much more than that. But Malzii does know that an imp came to the Nightmoon tribe, said Komm wanted the best and strongest spirit talker to come to this place to aid in a great cause - and of course Malzii was the best choice," she states proudly, smiling a rather toothy smile. "But that means all these best and strongest of their tribes too if they were called by Komm?" She gives the goblins, the duergar, and the dark man in the corner a hard look. "Malzii does not see it...but Komm must have more insight than she. Things will surely be made clear when Komm comes for us."

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok looks back at the giant man and says "I hunt corpse eaters down in the dark. Near two hundred sleeps ago pale corpse eaters from the deeps broke into our tunnels to steal the living and the dead."
"Now we go into the tunnels to wait for them and drive them off with arrows and fire. Very bad if they get their claws into you .... very bad."

Raaz Al'Zuul |

Raaz Al'Zuul turns and watches the tattooed warrior enter the tavern and sit next to one of the little goblins. The tattoos of Lord Baalzebul distract him while the fetchling mumbles an inane response, which Raaz Al'Zuul promptly ignores.
That beast is engraved with symbols of my Master. He must be assigned to the same mission I am on...
He watches the three hunters and tries to listen to what they are discussing while he finishes his drink.

Arlok "The Mighty" |

"Arlok has eaten both living and dead. Is Arlok a corpse eater? Little goblin confuse Arlok. Arlok thinks we drink more to make things clear. Maybe we hunt together and you show Arlok these eaters of corpse. Are corpse good? Arlok never seen corpse. Are they tasty like human?"
Arlok hands over 5 gold and ask to keep the drinks coming. He also takes notice to Raaz.
That one carries Holy symbol of father. Must be priest. Father probably sent to watch Arlok. Father said Arlok is destined. Arlok not know what that mean. Maybe priest does.
"You priest. Come sit with Arlok and friends. Have drink. Tell Arlok of god."

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

"You're no corpse eater. They are pale dead things that walk. They creep up from the deep tunnels to carry off both the dead and the living. They eat the dead and change the living." Brok says to the big man.
"Their touch freezes the blood in a fighter's veins and makes them unable to either flee or fight. That's why we either kill them with traps or fight them with fire and arrows from a distance."

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Varg listens to the conversation between the giant and the goblin with interest.
Why not just crush the walking corpses?
Varg knows a fair amount about undead, but, being immune to paralysis, has no clue that ghouls and ghasts have such adverse affects on most humanoids.

Praetor Grey |

"The undead are merely weapons." A low, smooth voice came from a nearby table.
The orcish priest swirled his mead slowly. "Would you break a perfectly good sword simply because it had cut you?"
"Like any weapon they can be dangerous to the untrained. It is just a matter of learning how to wield them effectively."

Raaz Al'Zuul |

The Beast notices Raaz Al'Zuul and has the insight to recognize him as a priest of the Lord of the Seventh.
He believes he is the son of the Lord of Flies! I will not shatter his delusions by sharing that my Master mates with thousand wenches every night, and if he truly is a Son of Baalzebul then he shares that Honor with hundreds if not thousands of others. Still he has a certain charm about him and already spins a web around the goblin and dwarf. If these are to be my companions on this mission it is best that I encourage this Arlok and help him draw the others to his banner.
Raaz Al'Zuul nods at Arlok and carries his drink over to the small group and bows low taking a knee in front of the Beast,
"Arlok, Son of The Lord of That Which Flies! It is an honor to meet you and your companions. I am Raaz Al'Zuul Priest of Baalzebul, who is Lord of the Flies, The Black Son, and Lord of the Seventh. My Master is father of Arrogance and Lies, and you will sure to get both of these from me."
He stands up to his full height and grins evilly at the goblin and dwarf, "I know of Arlok the Hunter, but I have not met you before. What are your names?"

Arlok "The Mighty" |

Arlok slaps Raaz in the shoulder, probably a little harder then he should for normal size folk.
"Stand pries, stand. No man bow to Arlok yet. You know of Arlok do you? Imps say many things of my birth. Arlok not know what that means. Baalzebul say my blood is divine. I born with purpose. Devil say many things Arlok not understand. He not show face to Arlok in some time now. Says he Arloks father. Imps usually talk to Arlok of what he wants. He tell Arlok to come here. Here being a bar Arlok decides to drink. If you can talk to Baalzebul you may be of use to Arlok. Maybe he talk to Arlok through you instead of stupid imps. Have drink with Arlok now and we drink to the master of the seventh."
Arlok looks to the orc.
"Arlok bend and break weapon when the cut Arlok. If weapon spirit not like Arlok then Arlok not like weapon. Arlok thinks ones that play with dead do so cause they can't make friends like Arlok. So come join table keeper of the dead. Arlok be your friend."
Back to the dwarf
"Ah Varg easy to say. Arlok like it. Arlok notice you carry no weapon. Tell Arlok are you wizard?"

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Varg begins to chuckle and raises his fists.
These are weapons. Grab enemy. Crush enemy.
He then looks down at his garb.
Armor is slow. I make enemies miss. If they cannot hit me, I do not need armor.

Keil |

The fetchling's eyes narrow. Controlling undead... Unable to keep his opinions to himself and half wanting to know more, Keil remarks, Wielding undead takes power. Such power is often fleeting priest - the weapon eventually turns on he who wields it. It's a nice trick, but unless you have an out, or unlimited power, in the end you're stuck with the crushing, smashing and burning method.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok swills his grog and sits quietly in his high chair at the table. His nervous energy is apparent from the way his short legs swing back and forth in the air.
He doesn't like the idea of a priest that consorts with the undead.
"What did I do to end up here he wonders? They said it was a honor for the tribe's greatest hunter, but I think it has more to do with the fact that I knocked up the chief's daughter and stuck him with a passle of monkey-legged grandkids."

Arlok "The Mighty" |

"Arlok like to smash skulls with hands too. Never trained to wrestle with enemy though. Arlok not like other ogre junk in Arlok face. Arlok keep wrestling for women."
Arlok reaches out and pats one of the barmaids on the butt as she serves them.
"You wrestle with Arlok?" He lets out a deep laugh.

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Varg looks the giant up and down.
Ok. Perhaps outside is better. Less gets broken. He looks at the goblins. Or squished.
He then looks back at the huge man.
Just fists? Or other abilities as well? And, we draw no blood. We are wrestling and using fists, no weapons.

Komm the "Grandfather" |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Your discussions are interrupted by an imp which flies into the bar and zips along the top of the ceiling circling the common area for a couple of minutes. Once it has finished, it flies over to where the eight of you have congregated together. Pointing a tiny scaled finger at each of you it says in the Infernal tongue, ”OK, you...you...you….yeah you too! You, you, you, and...YOU! All of you. Komm wants to see all of you right now!”
As you all hurriedly down your drinks, the imp waits impatiently for you to finish. ”Ahhh, just leave ‘em!” it cries out. ”Do you know what the word NOW means?” Once to have finished settling your tabs with Korrigan you all hurry off behind the imp.
The imp leads you off to the area of Mitchrod where you have not been before. Fortunately you are not challenged by the hobgoblin guards sprinkled around the area. Ushering you inside the office, you first notice the room is completely dark. Fortunately all of you are blessed with darkvision so the lack of light is not an issue for you. This room is immaculately carved. A large table with a very detailed map of the area painted on it sits to one side. Wooden tokens on the map denote settlements. A place with small pins display known bandit areas. You finally get a good look at Komm and see he is indeed a devil of the Barbazu species, more commonly known as a bearded devil. You can see his normally dark grey skin by your darkvision has lightened in patches along his body, and is most pronounced on his beard.
He looks you over with a steely gaze. ”You are late.” Turning to face the imp a brief second passes before the imp flies off. He motions for you to gather around the table where you get a good look at the map showing the location of the major landmarks around Mitchrod, including the location of the Rappan Athuk Mausoleum and the human settlement Zelkor’s Ferry.
I have included a link to the Wilderness map in the Campaign header that shows all of the major spots Komm has marked on the map. As you can see, there is a LOT of areas which you know little of. Enter these unknown areas at your own risk.
”I summoned all of you together to undertake this mission which will be crucial to the success of our war against the Goat Prince. OK look over this map closely and commit those locations to memory, as I won’t allow copies to be made.” He waits for you to complete your task then points a scaly claw at where the community Zelkor’s Ferry is located.
”There.. That is a settlement of humans they call Zelkor’s Ferry. Now that place has significance as there is supposedly a subterranean fortification nearby where a miles-long tunnel leading directly to the main catacombs of Rappan Athuk! We think the outlying entrance to the main dungeon was built by the Goat Head priests to be used as an escape tunnel or as a way of sneaking their troops to the surface in case the main entrance were to fall under siege.” He pauses to let that sink in. ”Our...sources in Zelkor’s Ferry say the locals call it the Mouth of Doom.”
”I want you to verify the location of this Mouth of Doom and find this tunnel. If we can find a backdoor entrance to the main catacombs,it will give us a significant edge in our war. Plus, it will be a worthy test to demonstrate your competence to me. We are certain the place is still occupied by monsters and traps as other adventuring parties have entered there and not all of them have returned. Deal with them as you see fit. Avoid any contact with anyone from Zelkor’s Ferry. DO NOT reveal the existence of Mitchrod to ANYONE! I will know if one of you betrays me…”
He then stands to his feet and raises his arm high in a salute. ”May Baalzebul walk with you and lead you to glory!” He then dismisses you with a curt wave of his hand.
Now is your chance to ask any questions here (if you dare). Also you do have a chance to stock up on any supplies here, or check out some other areas of Mitchrod before you head off on your task..

Chugs Gutmunch |

Chugs goes rigid at the sight of his new employer, but doesn't hesitate to speak up in a deferential tone. "If I may ask a quick question, Master Komm? Forgive my audacity, but I would like to know a bit more about any payment you may see fit to give us. Are we being compensated after we complete this task? I mean no disrespect, oh wisest of Masters, and I'm not asking for payment. I simply need to know in order to plan my personal budget for the next month or so." Chugs keeps his head bowed throughout. I can't believe I am actually trying to deal with a devil here! he thinks. Please, any god or god-like being that is listening, have mercy on me!

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Varg listens to the devil speak. He is about to speak up when one of the small goblins begins to ask questions. The gall of the goblin amazes him, and he expects the devil to smite the goblin at any moment.
When the goblin finishes, and is not smited in a burst of flame, Varg speaks up, pointing at the map.
All is dangerous. He waves his hand as he speaks. Where do your agents think we should start?

Keil |

Stepping into the room, Keil stands near the head of the table, opposite to Komm. His arms folded in front of his chest, the map draws Keil's attention immediately. The fetchling takes in as much as he can. His eyes leave the large table only fleetingly as he listens quietly to Komm's briefing. Nodding his understanding, Keil makes a mental note of the objective - Mouth of Doom...got it.
Chugs question draws a curl on Keil's lips, This ought to be good... Where as Chugs' question is bold, Varg's tactical thinking is sound. Keil has a question or two of his own to add, but chooses to await Komm's response to the others first.

Brok Nunnelnoggin |

Brok looks sidelong at the chubby little wizard and then takes a slow step to the side away from him.
"uhhh ... your Worshipfullness ... is there any more information on how to find this Mouth of Doom?" Anything more specific than "near Zelkor's Ferry"?" he asks.

Komm the "Grandfather" |

Komm turns to stare at the goblin his stare nearly burning a hole through the wall behind him. "OK, if payment is what you most desire, then we can discuss that AFTER you have completed your mission. Fair enough?"
He relaxes at the duergar's question, a pleased look on his face. "A wise question, dwarf. To reach Zelkor's Ferry, If I were trying to avoid detection, I would take the Coast Road north and cut across the forest before reaching the river."
Komm looks at Brok closely, a shrewd look on his face. "The Mouth of Doom should be easy to find. It lies south of Zelkor's Ferry, on one of the hills you will find a huge, stone demon face, that of the Goat Prince carved into the side of the hill."
He looks over the rest of you. "Any further questions?" He asks with a note of impatience.
FYI, the conversation is taking place in Infernal, but I know those who speak it would be translating for the others.

Raaz Al'Zuul |

Seeing that the goblins and the dwarf were not incinerated on the spot, Raaz Al'Zuul is encouraged that Komm is a wiser leader than most and appreciates questions that enhance the chances of successfully completing the mission. So he is more confident to ask a few more questions,
"Commander Komm if I may, do the humans of Zelkor's Ferry have regular patrols watching the hills or along the Coast Road? If encountered are there any special Rules of Engagement you want us to follow, or you leave that to our discretion? Also should we consider the town of Zelkor's Ferry off limits, or if we can blend in with the locals is it permissible to explore the town and re-supply there?"

Malzii |
Malzii sighs inwardly as she studies the map and makes mental notes of the various locations of interest marked on them.
Several of them look strong, but...goblins? A shadow man? Malzii has to work with these? Exercise in frustration, but we do what we must...Komm chose and Malzii won't argue with Komm.
She narrows her eyes as some of the others begin asking questions, curious.
The questions tell a lot about the askers.
Her eyes widen and she gives the fat goblin a rather incredulous look as he opens his mouth to speak, unsure whether to label him as extremely brave or extremely stupid. However, she nods in agreement with the questions posed by Vargrenz, the talkative Raaz, and the other goblin that is not so fat.
Good questions, smart questions. There might be hope for the lesser races yet!
The kobold coughs. "Malzii wonders if Komm or his imps know anything of what foes might stand in our way?"

Keil |

...adventuring parties have entered there and not all of them have returned. Deal with them as you see fit. Avoid any contact with anyone from Zelkor’s Ferry. DO NOT reveal the existence of Mitchrod to ANYONE!
Keil's yellow eyes look sideways to where Raaz stands then adds, Perhaps we should leave Zelkor's Ferry for another time, the Mouth of Doom and the tunnel leading to Rappan Athuk is our priority. The issue of patrols and what or who else may stand against us outside the Mouth is however valid. Kill on site or avoid detection? And what of these other adventurers? Of those who have returned, what did they learn from the Mouth? Do we know their strengths and where they are?

Komm the "Grandfather" |

Komm looks first at the tiefling, then at the tiny kobold with an inscrutable look on his face. "Zelkor's Ferry is too small to support any formal patrols. Those you run across will be common bandits. The wilderness here is an ideal place for those who wish to avoid the law's grasp. As for what you do with them..." He shifts his gaze directly at the shadow man. "I leave it up to you as to how to deal with them. Keep in mind you will be on your own. As for what the Mouth holds, that is why I am sending you there."

Raaz Al'Zuul |

Raaz Al'Zuul bows his head slightly, "Understood. I am ready to get started. Commander Komm who have you assigned to lead this team?" Accustomed to the formal hierarchy and structure of the Infernal Armies of Lord Baazebul, Raaz Al'Zuul expects Commander Komm to name a leader for this group and asks the question matter-of-factly as though it is a given someone needs to lead...
What time of the day is it at the moment? Is it night time or day outside of Mitchrod?
He will wait for any more questions or a response from Komm.
Then addressing the team, "We should spend a few minutes to organize ourselves. Share what skills we bring to the team, and plan our path forward. I suggest we do this at Korrigan's Bar."

![]() |

Varg nods in understanding as Komm explains more about what is to be faced.
To clarify. Most near the Mouth are would be bandits. We can eliminate them to provide safety when we leave the Mouth to heal and rest. You have no concern with the survival of bandits, or anything else outside the mouth?
Varg raises a large grayish-white eyebrow when he finishes in a questioning motion expecting his understanding to be confirmed, but wishing for an acknowledgement to verify his belief.

Keil |

Keil sneers, gnashing his blackened teeth together. Understanding Komm cares little for those hiding in the wilderness, the fetchling bows his head enough for the large brim on his hat to conceal his face, It will be done. Returning his gaze to the Barbazu devil, Keil is ready to be dismissed however the topic of leader is broached... A leader? The arrogance, those worthy prove their worth in the field...however, Keil's yellow eyes seek out the half-ogre, Arlok has made an impression.