Azure_Zero's Dark Moon Vale Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Azure_Zero

A pathfinder Game

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Less than 24 hours to go.

Dark Archive

Stinky updated ...

Let me roll for my second level dice and then adjust my hitpoints accordingly, but here is Maglok's alias page otherwise.

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
or minimum half whichever is higher

Thundering Dawn -> Lanthen "Lan" A'dar -> rogue (acrobat) half-elf
Chainmail -> Luther Lightblade -> Aasimar fighter/cleric Iomedae
Mathpro18 -> Nalita Bakji -> Samsaran Cleric
STR Ranger -> Aden of the Shield -> Human Cavalier.
Ridge -> Maglok Slagsun -> Dwarf Rogue
Deevor -> Carnider "Stinky" Dravonic -> Gnome Alchemist

me'mori -> Augrok Manyteeth -> Half-orc Bear shaman Incomplete
Belsin -> Jund -> Aasimar Monk No Data found in profile
e-terah earthenchild -> E-Terah Deepheavy -> dwarven oracle of stone No Data found in profile
IknowMagic -> Aaralyn -> Human Sorcerer(Verdant) Incomplete

Something is invalid
Rasputin17 -> Solomon Knox-> Human Inquisitor(Spell breaker) A Stat below 10, Evil Alignment

Needs alias
Tilnar -> Dennvyn Fealthan -> Halfling Bard (Detective)
Mark Thomas 66 -> ??
Faelax1188 -> -> Human Cavalier
Arknight -> ?? -> Dwarf Ranger (skirmisher) / Rogue
Nostrus -> ?? -> Dwarven Bard (Archaeologist)

Alias created -- let me know if there's anything missing (other than a snazzy physical description under the spoiler instead of TBD).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Finally have a day off tomorrow so should have everything up.

HP for 2nd level:
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Thundering Dawn -> Lanthen "Lan" A'dar -> rogue (acrobat) half-elf
Chainmail -> Luther Lightblade -> Aasimar fighter/cleric Iomedae
Mathpro18 -> Nalita Bakji -> Samsaran Cleric
STR Ranger -> Aden of the Shield -> Human Cavalier.
Ridge -> Maglok Slagsun -> Dwarf Rogue
Deevor -> Carnider "Stinky" Dravonic -> Gnome Alchemist
Tilnar -> Dennvyn Fealthan -> Halfling Bard (Detective)

me'mori -> Augrok Manyteeth -> Half-orc Bear shaman Incomplete
Belsin -> Jund -> Aasimar Monk No Data found in profile
e-terah earthenchild -> E-Terah Deepheavy -> dwarven oracle of stone No Data found in profile
IknowMagic -> Aaralyn -> Human Sorcerer(Verdant) Incomplete
Arknight -> Hardal Gilortek -> Dwarf Ranger (skirmisher) / Rogue Incomplete

Something is invalid
Rasputin17 -> Solomon Knox-> Human Inquisitor(Spell breaker) A Stat below 10, Evil Alignment

Needs alias
Mark Thomas 66 -> ??
Faelax1188 -> -> Human Cavalier
Nostrus -> ?? -> Dwarven Bard (Archaeologist)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

HP= 1d10 ⇒ 9

I present Arianna Willowwood a wilderness guide (Ranger)

I'll post background tomorrow. Just wanted to get a profile and most of the detail up before noon

Hardal should be updated and complete....

The stats listed are for him carrying all his gear (Medium encumbrance) so should I also include his stats when he drops his backpack? (Light encumbrance)?

Thundering Dawn -> Lanthen "Lan" A'dar -> rogue (acrobat) half-elf
Chainmail -> Luther Lightblade -> Aasimar fighter/cleric Iomedae
Mathpro18 -> Nalita Bakji -> Samsaran Cleric
STR Ranger -> Aden of the Shield -> Human Cavalier.
Ridge -> Maglok Slagsun -> Dwarf Rogue
Deevor -> Carnider "Stinky" Dravonic -> Gnome Alchemist
Tilnar -> Dennvyn Fealthan -> Halfling Bard (Detective)
Arknight -> Hardal Gilortek -> Dwarf Ranger (skirmisher) / Rogue
Mark Thomas 66 -> Arianna Willowwood -> Half-elf Ranger(Guide)

me'mori -> Augrok Manyteeth -> Half-orc Bear shaman Incomplete
Belsin -> Jund -> Aasimar Monk No Data found in profile
e-terah earthenchild -> E-Terah Deepheavy -> dwarven oracle of stone No Data found in profile
IknowMagic -> Aaralyn -> Human Sorcerer(Verdant) Incomplete

Something is invalid
Rasputin17 -> Solomon Knox-> Human Inquisitor(Spell breaker) A Stat below 10, Evil Alignment

Needs alias
Faelax1188 -> -> Human Cavalier
Nostrus -> ?? -> Dwarven Bard (Archaeologist)

How old is the town of Falcon's Hollow, just a factor in her background. Idea is to have her raised by her parents as a naturalist, mostly being in the city, after her human mother dies, her father spends years teaching her the finepoints of woodcraft and survival then sends her to learn to interact with the human half of her heritage.

She functions as a guide for those who need to go into the Darkwood, occasionally working for the town's herbalist or the logging scouts, as well as other travelers.

I've made some changes to Nalita but nothing major. DM can I have a little time to get an alias updated...don't know if I can do it this afternoon but I'll try. I've had 2 job interviews this week that have eaten up time.

Below is the up to date stat block.


Female Samsaran Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) 2
LG Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +4
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14. . (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 14 (2d8)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +2 (1d6+1/20/x2) and
. . Scimitar +2 (1d6+1/18-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +2 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) Spells Known (CL 2, 2 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds (DC 13), Remove Sickness (x2) (DC 13)
0 (at will) Light, Detect Magic, Guidance (DC 12)
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Noble Scion of Lore, Scribe Scroll
Skills Diplomacy +7, Heal +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (Engineering) +2, Knowledge (Geography) +2, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Knowledge (Planes) +2, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Perception +4, Spellcraft +6
Languages Celestial, Common, Samsaran, Tien
SQ Aura (Ex), Barbed Vest, Breadth of Knowledge +1, Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 13) (Su), Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) Domain: Restoration, Lifebound (Ex), Restorative Touch (5/day) (Su), Shards of the Past: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion) (Ex), Spontaneous Casting, Well-Read (Ex)
Combat Gear Mithral Shirt, Quarterstaff, Scimitar; Other Gear Backpack, Masterwork (empty), Barbed Vest, Bedroll, Everburning torch, Grappling hook, Healer's kit (10 uses), Holy symbol, silver: Sarenrae, Rations, trail (per day) (8), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Waterskin
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Barbed Vest Those injuring you with an unarmed or natural attack must make a DC 15 Ref save or take 1 damage.
Breadth of Knowledge +1 Add + 1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 13) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) Domain: Restoration Associated Domain: Healing
Lifebound (Ex) Samsarans gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit po
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Restorative Touch (5/day) (Su) Remove the dazed, fatigued, shaken, sickened, or staggered conditions by touch.
Shards of the Past: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion) (Ex) A samsaran's past lives grant her bonuses on two particular Knowledge skills. A samsaran chooses two Knowledge skills - she gains a +2 racial bonus on both of these skills, and they are treated as class skills regardless of what class she actually ta
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Well-Read (Ex) +2 to skills, CL checks, or saves if pertain to glyphs, symbols, or writings.
This is only the second life that she's had which makes her very young in comparison to others of her race. Originally born a male mage by the name of Bakji he made his way across the crown of the world and into the and of the Linnorm Kings before meeting his end when his magic shop was raided in Lasthome.

The new incarnation, a female by the name of Nalita, was adopted by a family of humans. Her new father was a priest of Pharasma and her mother was a merchant. Her father traveled to the land of the linnorm kings to spread the faith of phrasma but finding that his teachings were not taking hold amongst the brutish people of the north he soon grew tired of this life. When Nalita was two years old they decided to begin a new life. They wanted to settle somewhere where there daughter would have a good life and wouldn't be judged for her odd appearance.

They eventually settled in the tiny town of Courtaud where her family still resides today. Her father started up his own church of Pharasma in town and her mother started her own shop. When she was six Nalita started developing a profound curiosity about all things magical and would often sneak into her father’s office in the church and play with his holy symbol and other magical components that he kep there. At first this caused her father great concern since she would often get in over her head and end up causing damage to his office but he soon found that no matter how much he protested she was going to continue to explore her magical inclinations.

When she was old enough Nalita started working towards getting ordained as a priestess in her father’s church. It was hard work that took up most of her free time which was good since she didn't really fit in with the locals. She spent all of her time locked up in the church studying books on religion and the arcane arts.

Falcon's hollow has been around for over 2oo years.

No problem Mathpro, RL is more important, especially getting a job.

And it's time,
I'll start deciding on who gets in, and it may be a tough call on a few.

I'll give those that are Incomplete until Midnight Tonight to to have all the character data in their profile.

Thundering Dawn -> Lanthen "Lan" A'dar -> rogue (acrobat) half-elf
Chainmail -> Luther Lightblade -> Aasimar fighter/cleric Iomedae
Mathpro18 -> Nalita Bakji -> Samsaran Cleric
STR Ranger -> Aden of the Shield -> Human Cavalier.
Ridge -> Maglok Slagsun -> Dwarf Rogue
Deevor -> Carnider "Stinky" Dravonic -> Gnome Alchemist
Tilnar -> Dennvyn Fealthan -> Halfling Bard (Detective)
Arknight -> Hardal Gilortek -> Dwarf Ranger (skirmisher) / Rogue
Mark Thomas 66 -> Arianna Willowwood -> Half-elf Ranger(Guide)

me'mori -> Augrok Manyteeth -> Half-orc Bear shaman Incomplete
Belsin -> Jund -> Aasimar Monk No Data found in profile
e-terah earthenchild -> E-Terah Deepheavy -> dwarven oracle of stone No Data found in profile
IknowMagic -> Aaralyn -> Human Sorcerer(Verdant) Incomplete

Something is invalid
Chainmail -> Luther Lightblade -> Aasimar fighter/cleric Iomedae A Stat below 10
Rasputin17 -> Solomon Knox-> Human Inquisitor(Spell breaker) A Stat below 10, Evil Alignment

Thundering Dawn -> Lanthen "Lan" A'dar -> rogue (acrobat) half-elf
Mathpro18 -> Nalita Bakji -> Samsaran Cleric
STR Ranger -> Aden of the Shield -> Human Cavalier.
Ridge -> Maglok Slagsun -> Dwarf Rogue
Deevor -> Carnider "Stinky" Dravonic -> Gnome Alchemist
Tilnar -> Dennvyn Fealthan -> Halfling Bard (Detective)
Arknight -> Hardal Gilortek -> Dwarf Ranger (skirmisher) / Rogue
Mark Thomas 66 -> Arianna Willowwood -> Half-elf Ranger(Guide)
Belsin -> Jund -> Aasimar Monk

me'mori -> Augrok Manyteeth -> Half-orc Bear shaman Incomplete
e-terah earthenchild -> E-Terah Deepheavy -> dwarven oracle of stone No Data found in profile
IknowMagic -> Aaralyn -> Human Sorcerer(Verdant) Incomplete

Something is invalid
Chainmail -> Luther Lightblade -> Aasimar fighter/cleric Iomedae A Stat below 10
Rasputin17 -> Solomon Knox-> Human Inquisitor(Spell breaker) A Stat below 10, Evil Alignment

Man, it is going to be hard to decide on the lucky 3 players.

Nothing personal, but I don't want to create an entire character with the possibility of being chosen. Should I end up not chosen, the exercise was just that. If the concept is chosen, I'll bang out a character and coordinate.

The alias should now be all up to date. I also changed her background a little to place her in Falcon's Hollow. Hope to get selected for this because I've really wanted to play this character.

Man I have gone over the list for a good hour and it's really darn hard to pick three,
but given the quality of the characters, I'll make an extra slot, so Four players will be selected.

Thundering Dawn -> Lanthen "Lan" A'dar -> rogue (acrobat) half-elf
Mathpro18 -> Nalita Bakji -> Samsaran Cleric
STR Ranger -> Aden of the Shield -> Human Cavalier.
Ridge -> Maglok Slagsun -> Dwarf Rogue
Deevor -> Carnider "Stinky" Dravonic -> Gnome Alchemist
Tilnar -> Dennvyn Fealthan -> Halfling Bard (Detective)
Arknight -> Hardal Gilortek -> Dwarf Ranger (skirmisher) / Rogue
Mark Thomas 66 -> Arianna Willowwood -> Half-elf Ranger(Guide)
Belsin -> Jund -> Aasimar Monk

Something is invalid
Chainmail -> Luther Lightblade -> Aasimar fighter/cleric Iomedae 3 points over 20 point buy

Me'mori wrote:
Nothing personal, but I don't want to create an entire character with the possibility of being chosen. Should I end up not chosen, the exercise was just that. If the concept is chosen, I'll bang out a character and coordinate.

The reason I want it filled out is so I can see background, quirks, traits, etc, when I start deciding as I look at it's many parts.

And even if not selected you have a template for another character.

So any clue when you'll have your final selections up Azure? Are there any characters you know didn't make the cut?

Those with Incomplete or empty alias are not in the selection as is
Rasputin17 -> Solomon Knox-> Human Inquisitor(Spell breaker) -> For a Stat below 10 and Evil Alignment and did not fix it over the last few days.

Chainmail -> Luther Lightblade -> Aasimar fighter/cleric Iomedae is safe from the first chopping block because he fixed his stat below 10 issue, but forgot to double check his point buy while fixing that issue.

Nalita Bakji wrote:
So any clue when you'll have your final selections up Azure? Are there any characters you know didn't make the cut?

I'll finish selections between 12:00 and 13:00 EST.

3 dropped, 3 to go.
Man some of the back stories offer some nice plot hooks, some of you have some nice character quirks and others have some nice descriptions.
The builds are also well done.

Well I'm off for a few hours...I'll check back to see if I made the cut later tonight.

Best of luck everyone

Wish I could take the final 6, I have in the Keep pile.

Final 6 nearing the Final 4
Mathpro18 -> Nalita Bakji -> Samsaran Cleric
Ridge -> Maglok Slagsun -> Dwarf Rogue
Deevor -> Carnider "Stinky" Dravonic -> Gnome Alchemist
Tilnar -> Dennvyn Fealthan -> Halfling Bard (Detective)
Mark Thomas 66 -> Arianna Willowwood -> Half-elf Ranger(Guide)
Belsin -> Jund -> Aasimar Monk

The final 4 is going to be the toughest call I have to make as each of these is really well made.

I can seem to cut the last person off and make the final 4, so I'll open a extra spot, and in doing so I will upgrade the party's foes some. Evil GM grin.

Final 5
Mathpro18 -> Nalita Bakji -> Samsaran Cleric
Deevor -> Carnider "Stinky" Dravonic -> Gnome Alchemist
Tilnar -> Dennvyn Fealthan -> Halfling Bard (Detective)
Mark Thomas 66 -> Arianna Willowwood -> Half-elf Ranger(Guide)
Belsin -> Jund -> Aasimar Monk

Please go to the Discussion area.

Ah well, at least I made it to the semi-finals. :) Congratulations to the top 5

No problem
My build was exactly 20 pts then +2 CHA and +2 WIS for aasimar.


Lumiere Argence Solaras Dawnbringer, angeltouched desceandant of Saint Eclair Dawnbringer.

Female Aasimaar life oracle of Sarenrae 2
Stats; Str 10 Dex 14 con 14 int 14 wis 12 cha 16
Revelations (Channel positive energy)
Feats; extra channel
perception +5
diplomacy +10
Heal +6
Survival +6
sense motive +6
spellcraft +7
knowledge (religion) +6
knowledge (nature) +6

class abilities
channel positive energy 8/day

haunted curse

create water
predestigitation (am i allows to take this one?)
purify food and drink
mage hand*
ghost sound*

1st level spells 5/day
cure light wounds*
detect undead*
protection from evil
magic weapon

masterwork backpack, chain shirt, hanbo, 4 days rations, waterskin, flint and steel, 25 gold pieces unspent.

a young acolyte who grew up in the temple spending her life polishing altars and performing basic duties. quite inexperienced with the outside world and an airhead at times.

Looks good

I would recommend formation the character's profile data
to be similar to Alkaid's below

"she looks good, just have to wait on the profile."

Lantern Lodge

HP for 2nd level

1d8 ⇒ 3
1d8 ⇒ 7

the profile is missing HP attack rolls, init and a few other things.
hence why I said to look at Alkaid's profile.

Lantern Lodge

DM Azure_Zero wrote:
the profile is missing HP and a few other things

may i ask what's missing?

I see your still updating

Lantern Lodge

DM Azure_Zero wrote:
I see your still updating

any other piece by piece updates?

overwrite the combat numbers with this piece below (click reply on the post copy the text, and remove the ?)
[?spoiler=AC, Saves, Attacks]
AC: 16 = 10 + 4(Armour) +2(Dex);
Touch: 12 = 10 +2(Dex);
Flat: 14 = 10 + 4(Armour) +0(Dex);

Fort: 2 = 0(base) +2(CON);
Ref: 2 = 0(base) + 2(DEX);
Will: 4 = 3(base) + 1(WIS);

Melee: 1 = 1(base) + 0(STR);
Range: 3 = 1(base) + 2(DEX);
CMB: 1 = 1(base) + 0(STR);
CMD: 13 =10 + 1(base) + 0(STR) + 2(DEX);

after that's fixed your good to go,

I would then use this character's profile format as a template for future characters as it has fills the the basic needs for GMs and is organised.

your melee atk rolls are at +1 and your ranged atk rolls are at +3.

I'll be dropping you in combat in the game.

Lantern Lodge

Fixed Lumi's combat numbers and wealth to match 2nd level.

Post in the discussion thread
and tomorrow I'll start you in the game.

If you are still looking for a player I can adjust location.

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