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"Thanks, Barnabus. Well here goes pray to the gods it hits." says Stinky as he throws the flaming liquid at the creature.
ranged touch 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 1 = 26 fire damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 and if the thing is still on fire from previous bomb, fire damage 1d6 ⇒ 6
Sorry if I held you up, just getting back after Xmas break.

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Stinky sits down, shaking a little. "That was a close thing, what was it?" A short rest, he gets up and goes over and takes a look at it's remains, what little there is. Taking out his notebook, he marks down the particulars of the creature as far as he can determine.

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn retrieves his daggers carefully, and nods at Stinky, "Thanks for that."

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Whoops should have been on this thread.
Stinky gloomily looks at his bag, "No bombs left, I won't be able to help to much any more, I've exhausted my supplies for the day. so what do we do next?"
"Yes look for resting places. We can retrace our steps perhaps and find a nice spot?"

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn sighs, "I just hope nothing happens to the children while we rest... But yes, we do them no good if we die before we reach them."

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Before we leave the safe resting spot, Dennvyn takes a moment to relate a cautionary tale about rushing off dangerously....
Activating Careful Teamwork bardic ability -- costs 3 rounds of performance, but all allies gaina +1 bonus on Initiative checks, Perception, and Disable Device checks for 1 hour. They also gain a +1 insight bonus on Reflex saves and to AC against traps and when they are flat-footed.
At the junction, Dennvyn closes his eyes and listens for any sounds down the hallways, and then looks up to the Ranger, "Are the tracks too old, now, or do you have an idea of where they went?"
Perception: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 8 + 1 = 18 (Listening)

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"Now straight ahead is always boring. So we won't go that way." He takes out his notebook and starts to draw the way they got to this place, humming as he does. "Don't mind me, just making a sketch." He goes back in his book to see if he made drawing and maps on their journey yesterday.
Does Stinky recognize this from before and therefore know what way to go? 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn shrugs, "Barring tracks or noises, it's as good a way as any..."

Barnabus II |

"I smell moisture to the east and hear something, cries perhaps to the North."
"Listen." Aid another action add +2
"Smell." Aid another action add +2
Other PCs
"Tha cries may be tha children o tricky kobolds dressed as children!"

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn asks, "How far ahead? Should I try to sneak up for a better look?"

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Dennvyn nods, "Will do. If you hear shouting or fighting, please rush in."
Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Perception: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 1 = 14

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Assuming the others aren't too far back....
Dennvyn whispers to his companions (via his message spell), "4 kobolds fighting a girl and a halfling. Let's get 'em!"
He then casts grease under the kobolds.

Dennvyn Fealthan |

Ok, well, message'll reach 120 feet, so that's not a problem. However, small change...
Dennvyn whispers to his companions (via his message spell), "4 kobolds fighting a girl and a halfling. Sneak up here and let's get 'em!"
He then listens for the sound of his companions approaching, and when they're near (within 20'), he casts grease under the kobolds.