Aubrey's Rise of the Runelords campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

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Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

Initiative Order--


Goblins - 8


Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

I don't know what a hedge gate consists of, can I open it? Is it open? If not can I bust through it?

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric 11

The goblins are not behind the gate, but rather around the corner of the passage. We will worry about the gate later, I suspect.

Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

OK then...
Dravite high-tails it around the corner and into the room, past Larken, if he can reach a gobbo and attack he will, if not he will step into the large chamber, Hook held at the ready, leaving room behind him for the party to get in also.

Next attack rolls for now if needed,or later whenever needed-1d20+8=27, 1d12+4=12

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Evoker) 9

Vethran moves up to the corner but remains behind the wall, peeking around the corner to assess the situation.

Moving up to the corner and peeking around. Call it full defensive.

Male Human Marshal 4

"Surround them and crush them!" activate Master of Tactics Aura +3 damage while flanking

Draw my sword, and let Gurney's leash out a bit (10')

OK, I'll set up the details of the room when I next post.

OK, the set-up. The chamber the goblins occupy is a rough square 40' by 40' (A-H west to east, 1-8 north to south). The "tunnel" the PCs are in, apart from Larken, is about 4' high and wide, and runs from J-M/5. Assume that you are in M5 when you commence your movement - you can only move 1/2 speed and cannot charge, unless you are 4' high or less (who says dwarves are totally useless? apart from Hudak, that is...). The exception is Larken, who is at I5, observing.

The goblins are huddled round a firepit (which is at D4 - 1d6 fire damage if you enter than square (unless you jump over it or something)). They are at D3, B4, C4, D4, E4, C5, E5, F5, C6, D6, E6 and D7. They are not flat-footed.

OK - Dravite is up.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Evoker) 9
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:
[ooc]The goblins are huddled round a firepit (which is at D4 - 1d6 fire damage if you enter than square (unless you jump over it or something)). They are at D3, B4, C4, D4, E4, C5, E5, F5, C6, D6, E6 and D7. They are not flat-footed.

Is one of them IN the firepit or did you mean D5?

Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

Is there any other exits to the 'chamber' and where are they?

hp 87 of 87; effects active: mage armour (AC 22); gravity bow, flame arrow Female Elf Wizard (Transmuter) 6 / Ranger 1 / Eldritch Knight 4
Vethran Tallomane wrote:
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:
[ooc]The goblins are huddled round a firepit (which is at D4 - 1d6 fire damage if you enter than square (unless you jump over it or something)). They are at D3, B4, C4, D4, E4, C5, E5, F5, C6, D6, E6 and D7. They are not flat-footed.
Is one of them IN the firepit or did you mean D5?

Good question; they are goblins … it could very well be in the fire pit…

EDIT: though it seems more likely that the firepit is actually at D5.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Evoker) 9
Elisile Starbrow wrote:
EDIT: though it seems more likely that the firepit is actually at D5.

Yeah, that was my guess but, they are goblins...

Hey - it was four in the morning when I wrote that. Yes, the firepit is in D5. And there is only one way in or out.

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

good. I thought it was a half fiendish goblin who we had to fight while he stood in the flames, peeing scalding urine on us or something.

You steal all my best ideas.

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

be nice, or Hudak will start saying, "lords of light," "demon dogs," and "Ariel....Ookla....RIIIIDE!!!"

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric 11

Is the chamber as low-ceilinged (if that is a word) as the tunnel, or is it open to the elements?

The chamber is open towards the middle, but in any case is high enough to stand up in.

Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

Dravite charges into the room with his hook swept back over his shoulder and as he closes on the closest gobbo he lets loose a mighty swing which rips into the disgusting humanoid.
Move to G5 and attack gobbo in F5 1d20+8=27, 1d12+4=12

Goblin entrails immediately part company with the rest of the creature, and it collapses in a heap of tangled limbs and shredded flesh.

One down. Vethran has his look-see action as described (please state a square to which you move) and Lo'j begins issuing stentorian commands (same). Alwyn.

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

Hey Aub's! Don't expect an answer for a while, jetlag and all, but...confusion: I can make a double move on my next turn and move twice as far, thus moving my usual entire movement just without attacking, right?

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric 11

Alwyn moves as far towards the goblins as he can. If single move is the only option, that means K5. However, if we can sprint (at half speed), I can get all the way to H5.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Evoker) 9
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:
One down. Vethran has his look-see action as described (please state a square to which you move) and Lo'j begins issuing stentorian commands (same). Alwyn.

I was under the impression that we were around a corner initially, but go ahead and consider me in J5.

hp 87 of 87; effects active: mage armour (AC 22); gravity bow, flame arrow Female Elf Wizard (Transmuter) 6 / Ranger 1 / Eldritch Knight 4
Alwyn Agnarrson wrote:
Alwyn moves as far towards the goblins as he can. If single move is the only option, that means K5. However, if we can sprint (at half speed), I can get all the way to H5.

I'd say you should be able to make a double move - just at half speed.

Hudak wrote:
Hey Aub's! Don't expect an answer for a while, jetlag and all, but...confusion: I can make a double move on my next turn and move twice as far, thus moving my usual entire movement just without attacking, right?

If I knew what you meant, I could reply. You move at half speed - if you do a double move at half speed, you move the equivalent of one whole move at normal speed.

Alwyn Agnarrson wrote:
Alwyn moves as far towards the goblins as he can. If single move is the only option, that means K5. However, if we can sprint (at half speed), I can get all the way to H5.

Funnily enough, running at half speed isn't possible.

Vethran Tallomane wrote:
I was under the impression that we were around a corner initially, but go ahead and consider me in J5.

You were, until I had to create a battlemap in my head. Then I decided to keep it simple. However, given branches and so on, line of sight isn't great.


male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:
Hudak wrote:
Hey Aub's! Don't expect an answer for a while, jetlag and all, but...confusion: I can make a double move on my next turn and move twice as far, thus moving my usual entire movement just without attacking, right?
If I knew what you meant, I could reply. You move at half speed - if you do a double move at half speed, you move the equivalent of one whole move at normal speed.

that's what I meant. I thought so; I just didn't know how the somewhat cramped quarters affected that and all.

hp 87 of 87; effects active: mage armour (AC 22); gravity bow, flame arrow Female Elf Wizard (Transmuter) 6 / Ranger 1 / Eldritch Knight 4

Elisile dashes, doubled over into the chamber, pushing past vines and thorns, to assist Larken and Dravite. double move at half speed to H3

HP 78/67, AC 26, T 14, FF 23, CMD 21 Performance 37/37 CHA DAMAGE: 5

Illes grips his rapier and edges up as far as he can singing Dravite's goblin killing song from the pub.

Twelve feet high and weight of stone
Crushing enemies' head and bones
No mercy you get from him
When he's here it's time to kill!

MA: 5' to L5
SA: Inspire Courage +1 att/dam & vs charm/fear (morale)

(Sorry I've been so lax in getting this combat going - I'm travelling like mad this week and next (and not for any very good reason). I will try to get things going tomorrow, but I'm getting on a plane to Taiwan so it might be tricky.)

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:
(Sorry I've been so lax in getting this combat going - I'm travelling like mad this week and next (and not for any very good reason). I will try to get things going tomorrow, but I'm getting on a plane to Taiwan so it might be tricky.)

No worries, Bro. We'll still be here, take whatever time you need. The rest of this week is gonna be pretty hectic for me also, got a buddy tryin' to Res a Blood Bowl League so I need to reacquaint myself with the rules and line up some figurines.

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

'sall good. This is the earliest I coulda posted, so ya took the heat offa me.

The goblins mob the two obvious targets - Dravite and Elisile. With dogslicers waving belligerently and howling warcries, a mass of tiny, stinking green bodies engulfs the elf and the dwarf. Soon, many blades run red with blood.

(There are five gobbos on Dravite, three on Elisile. Dravite takes three hits, including a crit - 4, 4 and 5 points of damage for a total of 13. Elisile takes two, for a total of six. The goblins are now at G1, F2, G2, H2, F3, G3, F4, F5, F6, G6, and H6.)

(Jetlag - the DM's friend. Now Hudak - the heat is back on.)

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

Hudak moves doubletime to G4, trying to run as best he can in the cramped hamster warren of a donjon. It's a double move to go 30 feet, so so much for attacking....

Hudak wrote:
Hudak moves doubletime to G4, trying to run as best he can in the cramped hamster warren of a donjon. It's a double move to go 30 feet, so so much for attacking....

(You suffer two AoOs for that movement, but they both miss.)

Hudak surges into the melee. He deflects two attacks with his shield and takes position between Dravite and Elisile, ready to lay waste to his enemies.

(Now Larken.)

hp 87 of 87; effects active: mage armour (AC 22); gravity bow, flame arrow Female Elf Wizard (Transmuter) 6 / Ranger 1 / Eldritch Knight 4

Elisile gasps in pain as the goblins’ jagged blades slice into her flesh, silently cursing herself for getting tangled in the thorns and not bringing her bow to bear before the enemies charged. “Nasty goblins under ground, silly goblins all fall down,” she mutters through gritted teeth, a remnant of a childhood rhyme spoken to take her mind of the pain.

male Human Rogue 3 / Fighter 1

single move, tumble to F7 = 12r +9 =21, followed by a tumble to C7 = 9r +9 =18

Larken takes advantage of the goblins' preoccupation with Dravite to dodge through them to a better shooting position.

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric 11
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:
Alwyn Agnarrson wrote:
Alwyn moves as far towards the goblins as he can. If single move is the only option, that means K5. However, if we can sprint (at half speed), I can get all the way to H5.
Funnily enough, running at half speed isn't possible.

OK. Since I moved before Larken, that leaves me at J5. Can I use my greatsword once I get into the room?

Edit: Aw, crap, Vethran's in that spot! I'll take K5 then.

Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

Dravite sees one of the foul humanoids threatening Vethran and reacts instinctually to protect the unarmored companion, tearing through the gobbo with his bloodied hook.
Attack Gobbo in H6, 1d20+8=24, 1d12+4=11.
The dwarf then steps into his newly open area(5' step to H6) and says to Hudak "Ye need ta be protecting da elf-woman! She be havin' too many on 'er!"

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Evoker) 9

The bold mage strides forward, preparing for a spell. He watches the threatening goblins closely, casting cautiously, and releases a blistering torrent of fire from his hands only a moment later.

Move to H4, cast burning hands diagonally in the NW direction. Casting defensively: 11 + 7 = 18. By my map, it looks like there are five goblins in the area of effect (G1, G2, G3, F2, and F3). Damage (5d4): 16. Reflex save DC 15 for half.

Oh, and thanks to Hudak for sucking up the goblin in G6's AoO for the round! :D

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962


The chamber is filled with the stench of burning goblin flesh as Vethran turns five warriors into twisted, blackened corpses.

(To answer Alwyn - yes, you can use your sword in there.)

Larken wrote:

single move, tumble to F7 = 12r +9 =21, followed by a tumble to C7 = 9r +9 =18

Larken takes advantage of the goblins' preoccupation with Dravite to dodge through them to a better shooting position.

(To tumble through their squares is DC 25 - unless there is a route I missed which doesn't go through a goblin's square, you have failed and fall prone, probably in H5. But they have had their AoO's this round, at least.)

(Now Lo'j and Gurney.)

Male Ettin Expert 4/Wizard 4/Giant 5

i am sitting right on the end of my seat to see how this goes, and save some cook gob, they are good with beer

Thanks - glad you are enjoying it.

Male Human Marshal 4

My eyes open wide at the sound of the spell, and I flex my grip on my sword.

Full defense this round

Male Human (Shoanti) Cleric 11

Alwyn hustles foward, drawing his greatsword as he moves into the goblins' chamber. He smiles appreciatively at the carnage wrought by Vethran and Dravite. More coming up, fellas...

Move to H6, pound the goblin in G6. Attack roll 11+6=AC 17, damage 8+3=11.

hp 87 of 87; effects active: mage armour (AC 22); gravity bow, flame arrow Female Elf Wizard (Transmuter) 6 / Ranger 1 / Eldritch Knight 4
Alwyn Agnarrson wrote:

Alwyn hustles foward, drawing his greatsword as he moves into the goblins' chamber. He smiles appreciatively at the carnage wrought by Vethran and Dravite. More coming up, fellas...

Move to H6, pound the goblin in G6. Attack roll 11+6=AC 17, damage 8+3=11.

I think Dravite moved to H6 at the end of his turn.

EDIT: but you can probably move to G5, which he vacated, and attack the same goblin - or a different one. Still plenty to go around.

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