About Alwyn AgnarrsonAppearance: 6’8", 210 lbs; Alwyn has a quite a bit of elven blood in his veins, and is thus both taller and thinner than most of his peers; he also has high cheekbones, and his pale blue eyes are unusually large. Unlike others of his tribe, he has longish hair and a shaggy beard, partially intended to camouflage his quasi-elven ancestry, and partially because he has abandoned his tribe and left its customs behind. His body is covered in tattoos; the basic patterns are mostly of Shoanti design and craftsmanship, but most of the embellishments have been done later in tattoo parlours in Riddleport or Roderic's Cove. Alwyn's totem is the Storm Giant - a massive depiction of a hulking humanoid, its face obscured by clouds, striding across mountain ranges hurling bolts of lightning covers his back; later additions of metallic spikes and bloody gouges and pits in its armour has turned it into a representation of Gorum. His limbs and the front of his torso is covered with stylised depictions of landscapes being ravaged by storms and lightning strikes. Alwyn dresses in mail and drab browns and greens except for a twist of bright red cloth around his upper left arm and his magical white tiger cloak, which is pure white with black markings and stitching and never seems to get wet or dirty; the great beast's fanged head is draped over his skull-faced helmet. Demiarchos' Bile, a burnt and pitted piece of twisted otherworldly metal, hangs prominently displayed from his neck. XP: 139,151 after escaping from the Hellknights at Fort Rannick Init: +2 (+1 DEX, +1 trait) Perception: +15 AC: 27, touch 13, flat-footed 26; (+12 Full plate +3, +1 DEX, +2 Natural Armour, +2 Deflection); additional +2 bonus from Ring of foe focus and possibly +1 from Demiarchos' Bile; Armour Check Penalty -5 (AC 17, ACP 0 in leather armour) HP: 79 (HD: 11d8+11); current damage: Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +14; additional +2 bonus from Ring of foe focus Speed: 30' (6 squares, includes penalties and bonuses from Full plate +3 and Boots of striding and springing) Melee: Guided greatsword +1 +15/+10 (2d6+7/ 19-20 x2)/ Guided greatsword +1 +13 (4d6+13/ 19-20 x2) w/Vital Strike and 2-point Power Attack
Cloak of fangs bite attack:
Ranged: Light crossbow +9 (1d8/ 19-20 x2/ RI 80')
Space: 5'; Reach 5' Base Attack: +8/+3 Combat maneuver bonus: +11 Combat maneuver defense: 22 Concentration check bonus:+17 (CL+WIS modifier), with a further +4 bonus to cast defensively in melee Combat Gear: Mask of the skull, wand of cure light wounds w/8 charges, wand of cure light wounds w/50 charges, wand of flame strike w/16 charges, wand of endure elements w/45 charges, potion belt containing a phial of holy water, potions of cure light wounds, enlarge person x2 and protection from evil, oil of magic weapon, a flask of acid and 6 bottles of alchemist's fire, 3 sunrods Cleric spells prepared (CL 11; DC 16 + spell level): 6th (2+1) - Greater dispel magic, Wind walk; Blade barrier (D) 5th (3+1) - Breath of life, Righteous might, Summon monster V; Wall of thorns (D) 4th (4+1) - Blessing of fervor, Dismissal, Freedom of movement, Holy smite; Divine power (D) 3rd (5+1) - Dispel magic, Magic circle against evil, Searing light, Rage, Stone shape; Vampiric touch (D) 2nd (6+1) - Align weapon, Bull's strength, Hold person x2, Lesser restoration, Remove paralysis; Spiritual weapon (D) + Pearl of power II 1st (6+1) - Divine favor, Entropic shield, Gorum's armour, Protection from evil x2, Shield of faith; True strike(D) 0th (4) - Detect magic, Guidance, Purify food and drink, Stabilize Domains: Destruction (Rage subdomain) and War (Blood subdomain) Destruction domain spells: True strike; Bull's strength; Rage; Inflict critical wounds; Shout; Moonstruck; Disintegrate; Earthquake; Implosion War domain spells: Magic weapon; Spiritual weapon; Vampiric touch; Divine power; Wall of Thorns; Blade barrier; Mass inflict serious wounds; Power word stun; Power word kill Domain powers:
New spell: Gorum's armor Spoiler:
Clr 1, 10 min/level, touch range. Creates armour spikes +1 on metal armour; also, anyone striking the target in melee takes 1 point of damage. Channel positive energy: 8/day, 6d6 damage/healing, Will DC 16 for half damage. Remaining channels: 5 Feats: Power Attack (-2 atk, +6 dmg), Totem Spirit (Shundar-Quah; +1 Fort, +2 Perception), Heavy Armor Proficiency, Combat Casting, Selective Channeling, Vital Strike, Extra Channel Traits: Bastard: +1 Sense Motive skill; Tactician: +1 Initiative; +2 ATK on AoO 1/day Skills: Appraise +5 (1r, class skill), Craft (weaponsmith) +6 (1r, class skill), Diplomacy +17 (11r, class skill), Heal +10 (1r, class skill), Knowledge (arcana) +5 (1r, class skill), Knowledge (history) +6 (2r, class skill), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +5 (1r, class skill), Knowledge (planes) +5 (1r, class skill), Knowledge (religion) +6 (2r, class skill), Linguistics +6 (2r, class skill), Perception +15 (7r, +2 from Totem Spirit), Ride -3* (1r), Sense Motive +21 (11r, class skill, +1 trait bonus), Spellcraft +15 (11r, class skill), Survival +7 (1r) Alwyn has taken 1 extra skill point per level of his favoured class (cleric). Skills marked with (*) include ACP. Languages: Common, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Shoanti Clothing: Traveller's outfit (6 lbs.), Boots of striding and springing, Cloak of fangs;
Background: Alwyn is the son of outcast parents - his dad brought home a half-elf woman as a war-thrall after a raid, and then scandalised the tribe by throwing out his old wife, choosing to live with his slave instead. Alwyn was born very soon therafter. After such an affront to decency and tradition, Alwyn was never able to fit in with his unusually xenophobic and conservative tribe. After trying for many years to please his tribal elders, he finally gave up and left his ancestral lands altogether, bringing his malcontent half-brother along with him. The pair made their way south to Roderic's Cove before signing on as crewmembers of the sloop Abadar's Favour. Over the last couple of years, Alwyn has served as both the ship's doctor and as a marine, seeing plenty of action in skirmishes with pirates and sea monsters while plying the Gulf of Varisia. However, the Favour's captain is an old man and has decided to retire soon, and Alwyn never got along well with the ship's lieutenant. Thus, he and Hudak have both decided to quit sailing for a while and instead see what adventures they can find in Sandpoint. Ring of foe focus: Spoiler:
This ring of jagged steel gives the impression that it was salvaged from a suit of armor and then crudely bent into a circle. The wearer of the ring can, at will, designate any one opponent she can see as a particularly dangerous foe. She gains a +2 bonus to her AC and saving throws against attacks made by that opponent until she designates a new enemy. Cloak of Fangs: Spoiler:
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th Slot shoulders; Price 2,800 gp; Weight 1 lb. DESCRIPTION
Demiarchos' Bile: Spoiler:
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7 Slot none; Price 20,000gp This twisted piece of metal conveys the good auspices of Gorum. It need not be brandished to work, but it must be on the person of the user. It provides the user an +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, combat manoeuvre checks or armour class. The user chooses the type of bonus as a free action at the beginning of their turn. Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, must be a worshiper of Gorum, Divine Favour, Shield of Faith Cost 10,000gp |