Ascension - Thieves Guild - Reboot (Inactive)

Game Master bbangerter

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Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9


"No unexpected difficulties beyond what has already been said" Nyx responds casually, listening to Alexia's report, before glancing up at the Mistress interestedly as she responded. "Just what mundane things would we be looking for?" she asks.


"Perhaps mundane isn't really the correct way to phrase it. Rather magic of another sort. Let's go pay another visit to Rosuc."

The Mistress begins heading in the direction of The Silver Spirits. "What do you know of rakshasa?"

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9


Knowledge Planes on Rakshasa rolling twice taking the better: 1d20 + 16 + 1d8 ⇒ (7) + 16 + (2) = 25
Knowledge Planes on Rakshasa rolling twice taking the better: 1d20 + 16 + 1d8 ⇒ (14) + 16 + (5) = 35

"Oh please, give me some credit Mistress, I do run my own information network" Nyx remarks as the group heads down the streets toward The Silver Spirits. "Its best if you were a little more specific, what is it that you expect that I don't know about Rakshasa?"


With that roll of 35 feel free to open the book on anything but a maharaja (and even those you'd know a couple of things about.

"Not a doubt of your skills or knowledge Nyx. I expect you are aware there are several in the city, not really a surprise in a place this large. DC 25 kn local would confirm that. And that their numbers have increased recently. DC 35 kn local to confirm."

"Many consider them to be the very best at your particular craft. How would you feel about taking over one of their networks?"

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

Knowledge Local rolling twice taking better result: 1d20 + 16 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 16 + (4) = 40
Knowledge Local rolling twice taking better result: 1d20 + 16 + 1d6 ⇒ (11) + 16 + (6) = 33

Nailed it

Nyx appears slightly flattered by the suggestion, although also wary. "I'm sure I would appreciate a challenge like this one, and its very true that I have some level of experience managing a network such as this, but would the Rakshasa agree to being run by a Half Elf such as me, and not one of their own of a higher caste?"

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7


... Damnit. I had figured it was a Doppelganger with the signs I had so far. But that mention of the fancy ring confirms that we are dealing with Rakshasa. But it would be meta-gamey for me to have Alexia act on that even if she is alreayd in paranoia mode over Elsa. so I'm just going to roll forward much as it annoys me to have Alexia fail at something its better than yet again holding up the group.

After her scans fail she finds no further information she rapidly removes her rope walking out of the room as Xabu drags the bag off once his master is out of sight. Muttering as she does.


Planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

"Why would you make them think otherwise? Shapechangers are going to believe you if you put up a believable act. After all they would have to prove you weren't a fellow Rakshasa before they could say anything. Though honestly I believe we should go visit Elsa first. She was wearing a heavy ornate ring that I felt was strange, I removed it to scan her but it demonstrated no properties when I was looking. Looking inside her house and at her other items that one object stands out as far above her means to own. Never mind foolish to hold onto in a bar like the Silver Spirits."


The Mistress slows briefly at Alexia's words. "Very likely a Raktavarna. Did you sense anything while you were in the room?" Going to assume Alexia says yes here, though either way it won't materially change much of what follows.

"As to how to take over... Alexia's suggestion is a workable one, but I have different plans in this case. One thing that is constant about rakshasa is their belief that all other races are inferior, and it is extremely rare that one not of their kind be placed in a position of true power. Yet they freely use others to accomplish their goals. This means all the significant power is concentrated at the head, and the inferior followers will mostly fall in line if the source of that power changes."

"All that is left then is to be certain regarding Elsa, and this ring of hers. These will let you be certain." The Mistress pulls forth a pair of glasses and hands them to Nyx. "I will require these back, but while you two go do a little more recon, I need to make contact with a couple other individuals. Meet me outside the garden behind the library."

Unless either of you have more questions or comments for Diguri she sprints down the street, still heading in the same general direction as you are.


Nothing magical about her finding the group, other than plot/story expediency.
As Drovic is heading a way, a familiar voice from a side alley calls him over, Mistress Diguri, shrouded in a full cloak, a longbow and quiver across her back.

"Gather the other two from wherever they have chosen to hole up, a little more patience, and then it is time for some action."

She waits while the other two are fetched.

The Mistress leads the group into one of several abandoned homes nearby. A smile plays on her lips, "After Ilvaria's failures, its time to stage a new coup. We are going to take over operations in the Hold."
Referring to Issust Hold

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

Just double checking, is she talking about doing recon on Elsa, or on something else I just missed?

On Elsa/Rosuc again.

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9


Left to their own devices again, Nyx looks to Alexia, turning over the glasses in one hand. "I presume that you would favour looking at Elsa you have something direct in mind, or something subtle?"

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7


scanning both the mistress, her gear and the glasses. Does the mistress have a caster level, does her gear have any magic auras. Am I blind from staring at a magic sun? Spellcraft. Checks as needed to ID stuff.

also this is all said before she leaves.
The tiefling looks over to the glasses and then down the street. "Well assuming my assertions previously were false the entirely human Elsa is going to come running to her source of comfort, Rosuc, unless of course she has a hidden handler. Being that Xabu appears to be rapidly getting closer im going to assume she will be here soon. My suggestion would be to fake an appearance by the barman who owns this place. An act I am sure you are capable of and will let you get a close up view. If Elsas jewelry is in fact a Rakshasa' then I was seen and showing up again will make our work harder.
With that the tiefling looks over to the mistress
if we have any disused safe houses in this area we can use one to act as a place of safety. I'll approach them and give them information. Say that the Ustun' is planning to move in on the Coran' guild and that they have the option of giving me information or dying in the purge. I'll ask about enough targets in the mage guild to make them think the Ustun also aim to cripple them. If they leak to the mages the dogs will jump at shadows which are not there, if they leak to you well you already know. And if f the Rakshasa' overheard something that valuable it is going to move back to its superior to pass the news up the chain. We will follow that information.
The tiefling outlines as she looks from the guild leader and back to the Half elf.

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9


"So your plan is for me to take the form of the barman, meet them personally before they enter the tavern, and bring them to a safe house where you can mindgame them into acting on false information? That sounds fine to me". Is there any false documentation I could provide to further this illusion?"

If I got this correctly, Nyx ducks into somewhere unobserved and perfectly mimics the form of the barman, thanks to Alter Self.

Disguise: 1d20 + 16 + 10 + 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 16 + 10 + (7) + 1 = 52

O.k, thats a large bonus, I had no idea I could get it up that high.


"Yes Alexia. That would be an excellent diversion for the mages if the two squeal to them. If you can manipulate them into doing so... so much the better."

Nyx, in the perfect form and mannerisms of the barman heads upstairs to Rosuc's room. Behind the closed door she can hear Rosuc and Elsa speaking. "We'll leave tomorrow night." Rosuc soothes.

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

Nyx walks into the room with as much authority as she can, opening the door, and then making a show of hesitation as she sees both Roscus and Elsa involved in what is obviously a private discussion.

"Rosuc...ah, I..err...didn't meant to hear that last sentence, but there has been a couple of people in the tavern asking after you and the girl. I'm not sure what hornets nest you kicked up this time, but what's going on, is this why you two are leaving?"

Bluff (If called for): 1d20 + 19 + 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 19 + (5) + 1 = 36

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7


Prior to Nyx leaving
"I would need a few scrolls for spells I don't currently have but I know several methods I can use that will nearly assure that they reveal that knowledge to their current masters. Never mind that I can simply assume that stuck between acting double agents for the mages and the Ustun will give them enough stress that they let something slip to the mage's hounds. I have no doubt that at least one of them is well versed in the tricks of detecting lies. Much less if they bring divinations like thought detection into the mix. We just have to make the show we are about to produce convincing"
With complicit permissions and assuming a disused safe house to use for the chicanery about to occur Alexia turns to Nyx and nods.

"Effectively yes, though Elsa has likely beaten us to Rosuc so we are going to need to get them to leave the bar. I imagine you will have plenty of methods to convince them. I can provide assistance in various distractions if necessary though, throwing a vial of acid or perhaps a rock at their window as an example." With that the tiefling hums for a moment as she considers the plot so far.
"You will likely need to delay them some from our destination. take a circuitous route so I can have a few moments to prepare. I need the right costume for this trick and currently lack it."

"Oh and as to papers unless you can think of something particular that might help I don't have anything for you on that juncture."

Once Nyx is gone
Alexia will wait to see if she is needed as a distraction but once the group of people is moving she sets about in her own direction.

Alexia will head off to set up for the groups arrival.
[ooc] Mostly setting Xabu out front as a guard, getting a proper "Intimidating mysterious figure" outfit put together and deciding how she is going to want to speak.


Forget to comment on Diguri's magical arsenal.
The glasses function as a gem of true seeing.

The Mistress is loaded with magical items.
The bow is seeking +2.
The cloak is +3 resistance.
A necklace of proof against detection and location.
A headband of wisdom/charisma +2.
A ring of invisibility.
Ring of delayed doom.
Ring of freedom of movement.
Boots of speed.
Gloves of storing.
A meridian belt.
Quick runners shirt.
A crown of swords.
A handy haversack.


"Any chance either of you could make a forgery of that ring?" Diguri asks? "If you can, swap it without Elsa knowing."

Unless you want to retcon any based on Alexia's latest post.
Rosuc scowls at the intrusion. "The cities not safe for me and Elsa anymore. Time for us to head elsewhere for a long time."
Are you wearing the glasses, just holding them for now?

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

I won't retcon, I'll work into either feeding them false info on my own, or sending them toward a safe house that Alexia knows about. I'm not wearing the glasses atm, because I believe the barman doesn't wear glasses of his own, ergo it would look suspicious walking into the room wearing them.

Nyx nods sympathetically but still looks agitated. "Look, if you are not expecting visitors, then I don't know why these people are in the tavern for you, and I don't really know how to get rid of them without arousing suspicion. I don't know why the city suddenly isn't safe for you anymore, but trouble has arrived for you now, how are you planning on handling it?

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

The Guys:

At the Diguri’s approach, Drovic stiffens, preparing to defend himself. He quickly realizes who it is. He nods at her words. ”They are just around the corner.” He fetches the other two and follows Diguri to the abandoned house, keeping an eye out for trouble.

At the house: Drovic rocks impatiently as he awaits the lady’s words. Having difficulty hiding his shock, he repeats…”The Hold?…” Memories flash as Drovic is taken back to his days in the mines. He is able to master his emotions though before they are too obvious to the group. After composing himself, a sly grin crosses his face. ”Yes…The Hold! It will be my pleasure to advance the Guild’s interests there. What do you have in mind specifically? “


There are several abandoned homes in the nearby vicinity, one right behind the tavern actually, or a couple a bit further away.

"I wasn't expecting anyone, but I guess I better go see who it is." Rosuc grumbles. The two get up to follow.

The Guys:

"The Usturn have sent a number of agents into the city recently. I believe Rakinkal himself is here, or will be shortly. Given Rosuc's recent dealing with the mages I'm expecting somewhat of a showdown between Rakinkal and the mages. Our only goal is to make sure Rakinkal perishes, which leaves the Hold open for the taking if we move swiftly."

"There is a possible complication though. One of the ladies you will be meeting, Alexia, currently works for Rakinkal. She isn't fully aware of what the plan is here, do not mention the Usturn to her. But once she understands what has been gained I believe she will have no ill feelings."

"You" referring to Drovic, "and Arkhan are going to need to keep well your distance, or have good disguises. You may be tempted to strike at the mages as well. I'd caution against that as that will only force them to retaliate. Besides, I'm hoping another one of our allies, Nyx, can get into their good graces as an upstanding and helpful member of our fair city." she smiles wickedly.

"I'm going to need to go take care of something else for a few minutes, but will join you at the library garden shortly. Oh, and Nyx has a pair of glasses that belong to me, if you could please retrieve them from her and return them to me when I get back."

"Any other questions?"

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

Nvm realised I misread something, reworking my approach.

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

Nyx snorts. "Thats a not one of your better ideas friend. Connect the dots, you suddenly decide you are leaving, and then suddenly a group of individuals show up out of the blue, asking me to hand you two over or suffer consequences". At this, Nyx pulls out the glasses out of her pocket, putting them on, almost to display how they looked, but snatching a look at both Rosuc and Elsa, before sliding the glasses off and indicating them. "I'm not an idiot, True Seeing glasses cost me a pretty penny, and a favour here and there, but they come in handy when you want to know just how much trouble someone is, and these guys are certainly not your average brawler".

Nyx pauses, giving the illusion that she is thinking hard, and coming to a difficult decision about something. "Look, you cannot stay here, I want plausible deniability at my end, so these people, whoever they are, don't take their problems out on me. Normally, I'd just turf you out and leave you to your own consequences, but we had some some good business going together, and maybe thats worth something. I have a building out back, mostly used for storage and things like that. Its not perfect, but if you wanted to hide out there for a night or two until you leave, its available. After all, hypothetically speaking, I couldn't be blamed if someone snuck into this building without my knowledge, after all, I don't check it often. So if, for instance, I were to accidently leave a key lying around, well, things get misplaced all the time..."

Nyx waits to see if the penny drops (so to speak) and for Elsa and Rosuc to realise that he is offering them a way out. If Elsa and Rosuc accept, she gives them the address, then promptly pops Invisibility (observing them through the glasses) and follows them at a distance, changing into a new disguise for good measure. If they disagree, I'll continue to RP it out with them.

Bluff: 1d20 + 19 + 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 19 + (8) + 1 = 45

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

The Guys:

Drovic patiently listens as the Mistress unveils the plan.

mistress Diguri wrote:
"I'm expecting somewhat of a showdown between Rakinkal and the mages."

"If only we could be so lucky..." He mumbles under his breath.

Mistress Diguri wrote:
"There is a possible complication though. One of the ladies you will be meeting, Alexia, currently works for Rakinkal."

"If she gets in the way, she will have an unfortunate accident"

Mistress Diguri wrote:
"You and Arkhan are going to need to keep well your distance, or have good disguises..."


Mistress Diguri wrote:
"Oh, and Nyx has a pair of glasses that belong to me, if you could please retrieve them from her and return them to me when I get back."

Drovic nods.

Mistress Diguri wrote:
"Any other questions?"

Drovic thinks for a second and then responds, When do we leave? Do we have a contact in the Hold? Can I trust this Nyx chick?" He rattles off the questions and then begins transforming into a Half Orc Pirate using his Hat.


One piece of minor retcon
Without a way to immediately duplicate the ring the Mistress Diguri adds, "It would be better if the raktaverna does not inform its masters. Better to acquire it, and rid us of the beast."

And back to present.
With the glasses on, Elsa's ring transforms into a serpent, wrapped tightly around her finger.

Rosuc scowls. "Now ain't you a good pal there."

"Fine. I'll hang out there till tomorrow afternoon, but I've got someone I need to meet late in the day. Then I'll be out of here."

"You tell whoever's waitin' for me that I already booked passage and left to the islands."

The Guys:

"Ah, unless I'm mistaken, Rakinkal is making an appearance here. He will be dealt with. Then we've got two other things to take care of here in Coran that shouldn't take long, and you'll leave for the Hold immediately after."

"Alexia will have connections in the Hold. But you can also talk with Dessa, as a source of information outside the Usturn. She owns a tavern at the edge of town."

She chuckles at whether Nyx can be trusted. "Not much, but enough. She is like to get herself stabbed if she can't control her tongue though."

"You should be heading over to meet with the women now though. I'll join you in a few minutes."

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7


Alexia glances at the drow with a querying quirk to her brow "I assume you have a better method to track the raktaverna's master then?"

alexia's prep:

Alexia had spent much of the time waiting gathering a small swarm of nocturnal insects to follow her. She moves to the agreed upon building and informs the collected bugs (plus whatever she finds there) that they are to collect at the doorway when she claps twice and snaps once. They will be told to attack anything that attempts to enter the area and not to eat each other. Success means Alexia gives them a haunch of meat.

She herself will be done up in a flowing robe of greens and browns. Wraps to cover her exposed skin and a crude mask. A visible arcane mark of a mid level Usturn symbol to complete her stupid super villian outfit.

"but then I suppose it won't be stupid if it works. the tiefling mutters to herself as she considers the shock and awe methods she was going to take for this particular story. The spellcaster chuckling once.

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9


"Of course, I'll let them know on your behalf", Nyx responds smoothly, leading Elsa and Rosuc out the back. "If this person you intend to meet should stop by here looking for you, is there a name, or a general description you have so I know that its him and not a more...distasteful person? Does anything come to mind?"

Male Human Musket Master 7

The Lads:
Land merely stares ahead of himself, trusting the seemingly competent Drovic with the diplomatic relationship business.
He does nod once in a while, having deemed it fitting in a polite conversation to do so. He seems totally resigned to fulfill his role as military muscle and nothing more.
If nothing new comes up, he just snaps his heels together and prepares his equipment to handle the issue at hand.

Male Human Slayer 7
HP: 84/84 :: AC: 23/13/20 :: Init +4 :: Saves +9/+9/+6 :: CMD 20


Brick stayed silent, not caring much for the fact that they were moving into the Hold. It was good to know that they were once again under action and into it. He also found solace in the fact that he was to be used again.
A small part of him had feared that he had been deemed unfit for working in the guild.
But that part was no more.

Mistress Diguri wrote:
"You may be tempted to strike at the mages as well."

Brick open his mouth to give a positive thought on that point, but stay silent as she continues. No reason to be too trigger happy... Yet.

Listening to the plan, Brick simply nods, guessing that his part of this is making sure that nothing gets the drop on them when they least want it... Usually Brick wasn't needed on the job unless shit was expected to hit the fan. But he felt the need to ask anyway.

"So am I to bring in the heat if need be?" His voice had a raw edge to it from the many hours of silence he had given himself. No reason to bring notice on you unless you had something to say.
Waiting for a response, Brick simply awaits his command.


Rosuc pauses at the question. "No... No I can't give you a description, or a name, and you'd be better off not knowing either. I'll keep my business short and get him out of your place as quickly as I can." Rosuc doesn't actually seem all that concerned about the place itself.
I'll try and post a couple times tomorrow if the two of you are able to do that same.

The Guys:

"Yes Brick, Rakinkal needs to be removed. Fail to do that and things will get very complicated both here in Coran and in the Hold. Unless you feel being hunted by Usturn assassins a good time."

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9


Nyx bows in response and indicates the door. Once Rosuc and Co leave, Nyx triggers her invisibility extract, puts on the glasses of True Sight, and follows them to the safehouse.


I'm unclear Alexia if you are waiting where Rosuc will be able to see you once he enters the abandoned home, or waiting out of sight somewhere?
Rosuc and Elsa head down stairs and to the home out back, taking a look down both sides of the street before pushing the door open and entering. Elsa immediately casts a light spell so the two can see inside the small two room home.

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7

Do let me know if this sounds workable. Trying to limit the rounds of posts doing 20 questions with these two.


Out of sight. If there is no place to do so on hearing the pair she will cast Vanish which ought to last long enough to let them get into the room without seeing anyone. Once they are past the door and about midway into the room Alexia will activate her trick, filling the exit way with insects. Vanish only working for 30 seconds ought to fail immediately after.

In one chittering mass the insects in the room rapidly rush to the doorway, the landbound ones filling the doorway in a chitinous carpet and the ones capable of climbing nestled on the door in various nooks.
The robe and wrapping covered masking wearing humanoid removes its fingers from a snapping position. A glowing symbol on masks forehead

"Greetings." Alexia states in a flat tone. "I'll answer some questions before you ask them. I am unimportant and have no intention of giving you a name. You may refer to me as Piper though. Yes I am the source of much of the fear you have experienced today in order to encourage you in this direction. You are not actually being hunted. Yet"

The mask wearing one adjusts the cuffs of its robes slightly "What I can say is that I find myself in need of information and contacts in this city, being shall we say.. new to it. I represent a outside group who has noticed certain weaknesses in this city's hierarchy of power and seek to push those weakened blocks. I shall need you to tell me everything you know of the Theives guild and the Tower of heaven. Failing to provide me all the information I need or refusal will mean I must choose violent methods to achieve my goals."

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9


Did I learn anything from wearing the True Seeing glasses GM? Regardless, with the doorway blocked with insects Nyx will just chill outside the building, and let Alexia work her magic.

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

Drovic leads the men to the garden where they set up a perimeter to keep an eye out for trouble. "Look...To be honest, I don't trust Diguri or these two broads we are meeting." He looks around nervously. "We need to stick together. Understood?" He pauses for a response and then continues. "If we are going to take care of this business in the Hold, We've got to rely on each other and take care of each other's backs."

Still playing the role of a pirate, Drovic leans against a tree scans the surroundings.


Nothing more, though Elsa's ring of course again shows up as a red snake wrapped around her finger.


Thought I was going to post more today, but couldn't log in to the website on my phone.
Rosuc and Elsa go pale at Alexia's appearance. "I'm going to kill Bendal." he mutters.

Rosuc composes himself, "I try to keep my distance from the guild here in Coran, so my information isn't entirely up to date. They aren't a very understanding lot."

"But, they are currently divided in a rather vicious gang war. Two of the Mistresses lieutenants staged a coup against her. She survived, one of the underlings didn't. The other is still trying to take over. I don't believe either side has much strength at the moment, so if you are wishing to move in, now would be an opportune time."

"As for the mages.... I'm going to need some guarantees before I can risk telling you anything of them." he licks his lips nervously. "Can you provide me asylum from their prying eyes?"

Bendal is the barkeep


Alexia glances at the drow with a querying quirk to her brow "I assume you have a better method to track the raktaverna's master then?"

Forgot to respond to this.
"No, but it is a risk we will need to take. It is better that they cannot get a direct of your involvement with Elsa."

Male Human Musket Master 7

Land takes a look around the garden, trying to set up a few possible escape routes, in case things should go haywire.
The Hold would be quite a location to fulfill a hit at. It seemed that there would be too many eyes and too many mouths to share their deeds.
”Do we have a plan of action or are we merely going into the fray, blasting everything that moves? Hopefully not, so /what/ do we do?

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7


"Doubtless, in my line of work traitors are often strung up in some painful position and made to watch as their closest friends and family suffer for their misstep. But I expect you have your own traditions in Coran." The cloaked figure responds with a significant turn to Elsa before moving back to a neutral position.
"You information is sadly lacking if that is all you have on them. I'm not looking for general information, I already possess this. I am looking for particulars about individuals of note and figures of power in this city. Start with the Thieves"
With that the robe wrapped figure nods once to the pair.
"Short term you may assume that failure to comply will result in me scarring your lover in some way. I imagine she will scream quite loudly and I will be forced to gag her with the collected vermin I have gathered. You would fight, I would cripple you. It is better for us all to assume that at this point you have little choice in the matter of submitting to my demands. Prove you have information that is worth my attentions and I will move to the longer term plan, which would be keeping you and your Lover alive after my business in Coran is completed. You would be able to leave the tangled net of this city once and for all."
The outsider states with a flat tone as one discussing the weather, clearly unphased by the thought of doing such things.
"I can tell you that you are both free of any attentions by the Mage's of Coran's tower currently."

The Guys:

"How you want to deal with Rakinkal is up to you. Weapons drawn and magic flying? Sit in the pub as an innocent bystander till the moment to strike is right?"


Elsa's eyes bug out at the thought of having a swarm of insect invade her mouth.

"Okay." Rosuc swallows. "Some names then." he lists several names known to you, Anthony, Vaek, Sic, Drovic, Nulmanen and gives a brief description of each. "There's also one of the Mistresses Lieutenants, Tasem. But he was taken by the tower if rumor is right, so not likely to ever see him again. Though his right hand man, or woman rather, Milah escaped. She is one of the catfolk. And a sorcerer named Smet. He spent some time in the high security prison. Cell with an anti magic field around it."

[b]"Let's see. There is also Sorad, dwarf from the Hold originally. Couldn't grow a beard though and was kicked out of his clan. And Saul, last I heard he went underground. To much attention from the mages, or maybe he got killed in the street war. Probably not though, guys all muscle, would take a lot to bring him down."

"There are others of course, but none of particular note. Most are just waiting for one side to come out on top."

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7


The robed one pauses, a clear moment of silence before quirking her head to the side. "That's really all you have to say when the life of a loved one is on the line? Some devotion you have there. Let me reiterate I'm looking for specifics, things I wouldn't hear by just being in town for a bit and asking drifters. You are a dealer in prime territory burned or not you have better information than that."
With that the robed one looks over to the girl.
" Now to the question of protections I can offer you, for one if you aid me in my goals one half of your problems will vanish. The mages eyes are not on you as of now, busy as they are you won't enter on their radar unless you give them reason to look." Alexia gestures to a pair of insects on the edge of the swarm, which crawl closer to her.
" Currently I can offer you my own attentions and a subtle magic, I will require something of personal value from both of you to act as a focus. Elsa, the ring on your finger will do nicely in this. Rosuc, I believe you have a necklace."

If they are hesitant
" I assure you that this is the best path for you both. Work with me and I can provide you something the mages never would. A true path out of their influence, wide as the net they have it is not foolproof. However simply fleeing to a distant land would never work, they have your face, they have your name, they have your blood. You will not escape them by distance. I have a tincture that can change all of that and has proven effective in the past."

" As to the here and now, these focus objects paired with these enhanced vermin that will stay with you will provide a lower level obscuring effect. It will keep you obfuscated from basic truth finding. It will not defend you against a true interrogation, so do your best to not get into such a situation. Should you require my aid or attention directly you need only to snap three times in succession. These creatures act as my emissaries and I will quickly know if you do such an action."

possible question: Elsa, so why are the bugs not magic?
" If they registered to such a weak effect as the one you are using do you thing they would be of any use to me?"

Go go gadget placebo effect. Lets hope this is enough. I'm likely going to need a few bluff checks here. I'd argue with my presentation that Alexia should get the "Believable" bonus for her lies. She is entirely truthful about the potion/tincture (The salve I mentioned). The only real lie is the bit about her bugs helping to hide Elsa/Rosuc from the mages magic. Also lesson learned, next time make sure to have some method of providing bribery when trying to roll a double agent. Lets see if this works.


"Specifics take more time. I'm not that in with the local leaders here in Coran. And at present I'm not sure I'd want to be. They ticked off the mages something fierce, because a internal power struggle wasn't enough for them to be dealing with." he says with a touch of sarcasm. "What sort of specifics are you looking for, and I can see what I can find out."

Rosuc hands over his necklace without a thought, Elsa hesitates to give over the ring, until Rosuc encourages her to do so. "If you can shield us from the mages prying eyes, then we will ever by your humble servants."

"I do have an important individual I need to meet with tomorrow during the day, but after that I am free from my obligations here. Where shall I find you again?"

Unless Alexia wants to add anything else, Nyx and Alexia can go meet up with the guys now. No more need to post in spoilers for the time being.

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7


The masked one places both objects in a burlap sack and puts it to the side.
"Fair enough. I'm more interested in histories, what they do for the guild and where they can often be found. Preferably what skills they have and anything often used or done by them. Names are nice, but actions are better.
Now if you would be so kind as to give me what you know of the Mages hounds we can depart."

With that the masked one nods to them both. " I will send a messenger to one of your abodes tomorrow night for a location to meet."

On the pair leaving the spellcaster waits for a few moments before preparing for departure herself. Moving to a secluded room in the abandoned home. First procuring a rod from her belt muttering some arcane words of power.
She reaches into the bag with her disconcertingly adroit tail and dons Elsa's ring. The Intensified shocking grasp she had prepared discharging instantly on the ring formed Rakshasa touching her hand.
SR?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
I rolled a 30 on my K:planes check but I don't believe I was told what that check got me. however as most outsiders fit the theme I assume this thing has SR. if not then that is cool.
Shocking grasp damage: 7d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 3, 5) = 26

I'm going to hope that suffices to deal with the creature. Will make a post to press forward with the boys. We can play bouncing time lines with spoilers until this all gets resolved. Also if Nyx desires to comment when she comes out of (most likely) hiding.

Work dealt with Alexia moves away from the abandoned home walking toward the meeting place Mistress Diguri had informed them of.

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

Nah, no comments here, Nyx heard everything (I assume), and thus knows that the job was done, and we all know by now she's hardly the person to do group hugs after a successful mission.

Nyx shimmers into visibility again once Elsa and Co. leave and gives a quiet nod of acknowledgement to Alexia, but otherwise doesn't make much of a comment, heading toward the meeting spot the Mistress had informed them about.

Alexia, for the raktavarna, the kn planes 30 roll is enough to know everything about them. And quite a good deal about normal rakshasa as well. The main things being their SR, abilities to read thoughts, shape change, having spell like abilities, and frequently having DR/good and piercing.

I'll write up a post later on the mages.

While Mistress Diguri goes off on her own business, as hinted at, the two groups locate each other to make further plans.

Female Tiefling Arcanist 7

ill take that as it being dead. This would be the method she uses to dispose of it.
Alexia examines the corpse for a moment, looking at the patterns of its body before tossing it before the insect swarm "Here, a bonus." as the collected swarm of insects descends and the tiefling bites back on a shudder.

past that I think we are all in the same direction now. Anyone want to speak first?

Oh, yes, that did kill the raktavarna.

Rosuc's report on the mages:

"There was three of them that took me and Elsa in for questioning. I know one of them, ex-guardsman by the name if Ian. Used to be a buyer of pesh... and probably still is. He's a bit of a hot head - quick temper. Don't think his addiction to pesh will earn any bonuses with him though. He's got quite a few nasty scars, missing half of one ear, some fight he got in several years back. He got caught by a group of thugs. Despite a broken jaw, skewered hand, and missing ear, he killed every one of them."

"The blonde haired witch. I don't know her name, or a lot about her, though I've done a little asking about in the last couple of days. Merchants daughter, Bellafini is the name. She had a falling out with her father some time back and apprenticed at the tower for a couple of years. There was a young man in her life once, guy by the name of Trevor if my sources are correct."

"The third.... I don't know. I've never seen him before, and couldn't find out much about him, except that he is a priest of some sort. Not even sure which god he follows, but I heard he has been sent to the Hold for some purpose. Just a rumor though - acquaintance of mine saw him leaving town in that direction, if I can believe him, which I'm not sure I do."

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

Running into a group of males, at the appointed spot, Nyx seeks to break the ice quickly while everyone stands around looking awkward. "Crisis over gentlemen, you can stop worrying about us, the talent has arrived here safely. You can all call me Nyx, and in return I'll prolly give each of you a cute nickname. Is everyone happy with this arrangement or do I need to repeat it for someone?'

Male Human Musket Master 7

Land had been tapping his foot awkwardly on the meeting point for the last few hours.
In a vain attempt to look somewhat ordinary, he has switched from his usual gray woolen pseudo-military uniform into a common peasant attire; complete with a worn loose shirt, tatty baggy breeches and a pair of shoes consisting primarily of cloth wrapping.
In spite of this droll clothing, Land still betrays his background in security with his upright, tall posture.

He raises his hand in a salute, only to have his eyes widen in shock and his hand shooting back into place as he realizes he is supposed to be in disguise.
”Security Arkhan Provider Land, at your service, Miss Nyx. You can address me as SP Land, if you insist on using a nickname. I will provide the required precise appliance of lethal firepower to secure our goals.”

Female Half-Elf Investigator 7 HP: 45/45 | AC:13 T: 11 FF: 13 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +7 | Will: +5 | Perception: +14 Sense Motive +12 | Initiative: +2 | Inspiration: 9/9

"Security Arkhan, Provider Land" Nyx repeats slowly, musing on the name for a minute. "Couldn't I just call you SAP for short?" she responds innocently.

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

Drovic walks over. "I am Drovic. Please hand me the glasses the Mistress loaned you." He holds out his hand.

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