Ascension - Thieve's Guild (Inactive)

Game Master bbangerter


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Yes. The man in plate with the bardiche is up, then Sorad.

As Drovic flies over the narrow street the crossbow wielder takes aim on him and sticks him with a bolt.
This provokes an AoO from Vaek if he wants to take it and break invisibility.
Readied action: Attack d20 + mods = 23
Damage d8 + mods = 5

Will save vs evil eye d20 + mods = 26

The plate wearing bardiche wielder comes hustling around the corner near Sorad and spots Sic as he reaches the top of the roof.

'Nother one climbin' the roofs!" he calls as he turns back the way he came and disappears again to the north. Ending at L52, current map doesn't show Sic, Drovic's, or the plate wearer's correct positions.

Sorad is up

Pulling out a third potion, Sofas downs that one as well, then steps north and up

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

we waiting on them?

The woman flies back up into the sky, 25' over the ground and headed towards Drovic. When she is nearly overhead Vaek she utters a spell and billowing noxious green vapors spread out around Drovic.

Drovic and Anthony both need to make a DC 19 fort save or be sickened from a stinking cloud.

The halfling stays where he is where Vaek has clear sight of him, though he has himself pressed against the wall of the south building as though trying to hide.

Anthony and Vaek are up


Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

How did she know where I was? I was hiding behind my cloud? From her last point to where she is now, she never had line of sight.

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

My guess would be she just flew straight up, got her bearings, then continued with her actions.

Fortitude: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Sonofa...A quick question about me being affected. Earlier, you have indicated that we could hear people in the could retching and coughing. Will Anthony be forced to make sound due to his Nausea, possibly giving himself away?

Correction on that. She was looking at an outdated map. The cloud is focused around Sic instead, so Drovic and Anthony are unaffected. Sic needs to make a save.

So Anthony can take a full action.

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

Fortitude Save DC 19: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Eidolon Krast wrote:

Sonofa...A quick question about me being affected. Earlier, you have indicated that we could hear people in the could retching and coughing. Will Anthony be forced to make sound due to his Nausea, possibly giving himself away?

I wouldn't have them hear you in this case (though I could see in a home game forcing a new stealth check). The previous description, your team already knew home many people were there so descriptive/flavor text didn't give anything away.

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

Besides the cloud, is the map correct now? If so, it may be time for the caster to take a nap...then a dirt nap!

It is
The caster is currently 15' over the roof tops, or 25' over the top of the ground.

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

Fly to D40 15' off the roof and slumber hex the flying female caster (DC 21 Will or slumber x 6 rounds).

Drovic flies to D40 and points at the caster. His grotesque fetish mask grins exposing fangs and the eye slits glow bright red. Your flesh is so fair! I shall be gentle when I skin you dear.

I should have cover from the archer.

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

In anticipation of Drovics magic, Anthony moved along the roof, stopping beneath the hovering female. His claws flexed as he waited for the results.

Move to D 44 and Ready Action to move again if the flying caster makes her Will Save against Drovic.

Id like to pose action for Vaek, but I dont see him on the map.

Drovic is not up yet. Also, one minor note, last turn you'd wanted to move to H37, but I put you at G37 instead as otherwise you were 5' out of range for your evil eye hex on the crossbowman.

Oops, forgot to unhide Vaek's character. He is in F44, right below the flyer on the map.

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

I know Drovic isnt up, bút wont he be before the enemy caster, or am I misremembering? As for Vaek.

Quickly scaling the building, Vaek also waited in anticipation of Drovics magic.

Climb: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Move to F 47 to avoid enemies hearing him scale the building, then climbing up and end his move at E 47

He will go before the caster, but not the crossbowman who's previous readied action changed init order. Whether or not that will make any difference in Drovic's actions...

-4 circumstance penalty to Vaek's climb because of missing one hand, but still enough to make it.

Anthony and Vaek move into position under the cover of their invisibility.

Round 5
Sorad catches a glimpes of the bow wielding guardsman run past the bardiche wielder at the east end of the block, moving north, an arrow loosely nocked.

The sound of jingling chain mail reaches your ears from the northwest.

Smet nimbly leaps across the gaps in the buildings moving, then takes a step backward as he glances to the west. Ending at D33

His voice comes through the whisper in cyclopian, "Four more guardsmen coming through the narrow alley over here. I can try another sleep over here."

Sic is up, then the crossbowman, then Drovic. I can get a new map up tonight, but not sure if any of that will make any difference in Sic's actions.

Updated map

Edit: Got a stray cloud left over that shouldn't be there.

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

Sic's grin became even more tusky as the witch's spell had no effect but he knew that he had to get out of the cloud and closer to the action. He took a couple of long, loping strides and jumped to the opposing roof to the north.

Acrobatics to jump from L.44 - J.45 then move to I.47.

Acrobatics DC 10: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (20) - 3 = 17

Gaining the desired spot where he could see most of their assailants the half orc spewed a string of vile curses.

'You bunch of lilly livered, milk drinking, sons of udderless goats can all rot in the deepest, darkest pits of Hell!'

Cast Blistering Invective

Bluff to Intimidate to Demoralize all enemies within 30' DC is 10+ Hit Dice + Wis Mod: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (13) + 21 = 34

If Demoralized targets are Shaken and take Fire Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 10

Reflex Save DC 16 or catch fire

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

Holy crap, talk about getting the most bang for your buck! Awesome!

Crossbowman is up, then Drovic.
All enemies were within range of Sic's spell.

Was reminded intimidate requires line of sight as well as being able to hear. Sic you can either step north another square to get all those in the alley there, or step south a square to catch the guard sergeant and one of the plate wearers. I'm going to assume you probably want to be north one more square, though correct me if that is not the case.

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

North one square sounds good. Id rather hit the bulk of them in the alley. Thanks.

Reflex saves 1, 10, 9, 13 (still waiting for the fifth from the halfling).

The woman, crossbowman, plate wears with scimitar, and guardsman to the east all catch fire. In response the crossbowman utters a spell of protection on himself. Concentration check vs ongoing damage: d20 + mods = 20. Resist fire

"Bash that door down!" he calls to his plate wearing friend. The man kicks in a door and the two of them disappear inside one of the small homes.

Waiting for clarification of whether they wanted to enter a building on the north or south.

Drovic is up. I see no reason that he wouldn't take his stated action, so going for that.

Enemy is up, then Sorad.

Will save vs slumber. D20 + mods = 18

The woman goes unconscious, and drifts downward to lie on the roof at Anthony's feet.

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

Time to make the b!!&$ pay for scarring Vaek and cutting off his hand! If she dies, the rest will be mop up work!

Drovic smiles under his fetish mask and then licks his lips at the thought of such fresh, delicate human skin being stretched over his mask tonight.

Addendum: The B word applies to the female character, not the actual male or female player ;) I just wanted to clarify!

The bardiche wielder heads north and turns west into the alley where all the action is taking place.

Sorad is up, then enemies

Forgot to move Drovic on the map, he is at D40. The two that broke down a door are in the building Sic is standing on.

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

All of the enemies? It seems like a few things have happened since Tony's last move (the bardiche wielder in the alley for example).

Drovic responds to Smet. In cyclopian: Yes. Sleep the guards!

Floating invisibly through the air, Sorad moves into the action (G52, five feet up). On a whim, he speaks to the men near him. Bolas de Fango del vientre-slivered! They won't recognize that language because it isn't one. Sorad is making sounds up in the hopes of confusing them. Probably will require a bluff and/or linguistics check He then moves further on. (Double move to F46, still five feet up).

Let's get this started now! I've been waiting much too long to beat these @$!# scum!

Drovic Rylin'dar wrote:
All of the enemies?

Sleeping caster and halfling only.

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11
GM Ascension wrote:
Drovic Rylin'dar wrote:
All of the enemies?
Sleeping caster and halfling only.

Unless attacked or shaken awake, she loses her turn right? Sorry. I'm just trying to pre-plan my next action.

Correct, she needs to be slapped or damaged to awaken her.

I'm going to pre-emptively ask Anthony if he wants to take an AoO against the caster and roll for it if he does.

Scenario is this: caster needs to make a reflex save or continue being on fire (she needs a nat 20 as her effective dex is 0 right now). The fire damage will wake her and allow her to act.

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

Wow, Sic hit the caster we had been setting up to sleep and CDG? We gotta work on our coordination lol.

Yes, Anthony will take the AOO. A question about Arcane Strike. I havnt stated as such, but is it ok to assume Anthony always activates it unless he needs to Swift Action for something else? If not, deduct 2 damage from his attack

AOO: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Damage: 1d4 + 7 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 2 + (4) = 16

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

Fairly important, has the caster already acted this round before she went unconscious? I suspect she hasnt, but just making sure.

EDIT: Nevermind went back a bit and looks like shes been between Sorad and me and Vaek thus, talk about lucky circumstance : /

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

Shucks! Sorry gents. Didn't think about the recurring damage waking her up. Darn.

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

Unless she decides to stick around for me to wail on her (yeah right), ill probably leave her to you guys and go pick a fight with some of their bruisers. Should be able to take one down if I buddy cop with Vaek for sneak attacks. With flanks I can expect probably 2 hits per round for 2d4 + 2d6 + 14 + 4 damage, and Vaeks sneak attacks will hurt as well. Really though, if the casters gets away, I suggest a dogpile charge into the alley to try and blow up on of their melee dudes.

Eidolon Krast wrote:

[dice=AOO]1d20 + 11

[dice=Damage]1d4 + 7 + 2 + 1d6

Clarification on the damage here. At 20 strength you are d4 + 5. +2 to arcane strike. Am I missing something else giving you another +2?

And yes, assuming arcane strike is always active unless another swift action is taken is fine.

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11
GM Ascension wrote:
Eidolon Krast wrote:

[dice=AOO]1d20 + 11

[dice=Damage]1d4 + 7 + 2 + 1d6

Clarification on the damage here. At 20 strength you are d4 + 5. +2 to arcane strike. Am I missing something else giving you another +2?

And yes, assuming arcane strike is always active unless another swift action is taken is fine.

This may not matter. She shouldn't take damage until Sic's turn.

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

If it does end up mattering, Anthony is rocking Bulls Strength currently for 24 Str.

Thanks, figured I was forgetting something.

The woman takes to the air again and Anthony lashes out at her, leaving a bright red streak across her shoulder.

Waiting now for her to possibly alter her planned course of action.

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

Guess I should've rolled the fire damage too right?

Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 5

The halfling charges down the street and hurls a shuriken at Drovic. Ends movement at G43

Attack d20 + mods = 18. Unless I missed it, Drovic hasn't cast Mage Armor yet, and is denied dex, so is at AC 13
Damage 1d2 + mods + 3d6 SA = 13
+3 bleed damage per round

Just a note on the SA damage. Vaek has had a clear LoS to the halfling, the rest of you have not, so he was able to stealth against Drovic (tucked in against the door frames or what have you). I did give Drovic a large circumstance bonus to his perception roll. Stealth check d20 + mods = 25. Perception from Drovic - d20 + mods = 23 (sorry rolled bad for you).

Drovic also needs to make a fort save vs poison DC 13

Anthony and Vaek are up. Caster is still asleep

Male Half Orc L7 Scarred Witch Doctor HP 91/91
Quick Stats:
Init +9 | AC 21 18, t 14, ff 14 | hp 91/91 | Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8 | Perception +11

Fort Save: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Did you add the minuses for range? I thought I did before the encounter started. I'll look back, but either way after the last few days I would trust your call anyways.

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Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

Well with her asleep, Anthonys turn is fairly simple.

"Vaek, get over here and ready your blade just in case." Anthony called, raising one claw, linings the gauntleted fingers up into a flat shovel. Once Vaek gave the clear, he quickly plunged his claws into the womans chest, knowing that the flames licking up her robes would wake her soon enough.

CDG Auto Crit: 2d4 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (1, 4) + 14 + 4 = 23

DC 33 Fortitude or die.

Anthony Delays his action until Vaek has moved up and readied an attack in case the CDG doesnt work.

Vaek moves next to the caster and readies an attack if she wakes instead of simply dying.

A correction: The scimitar wielding plate wearer was unaffected by Sic's blistering invective. No fire damage taken and did not catch on fire.

Acid damage still needs to be rolled for, not an auto 4.
1d6 ⇒ 3

As Anthony pierces the stomach of the woman with his claws the guards close in.

Round 6
Two of them move into the alley where the main fighting is occurring, while the two with bows move up and take shots at Drovic flying overhead.
Attacks d20 + mods = 12, 6

The sergeant of the first group braves the noxious fumes and runs through them to join the main battle.
Fort save d20 + mods = 19

She points a finger at Anthony while a holy symbol hanging from her neck glows briefly.

Anthony needs to make a DC 15 will save or be paralyzed.

Anthony, Sic:

She cast hold person.

The last guard, his clothes giving off wisps of smoke and flame drops to the ground, rolling around and smothers the fire.

Reflex save d20 + mods = 17

Smet begins the casting of his sleep spell.

Sic is up

Male Human Oracle 1 / Summoner 6 (Synthesist)
HP: 70 + 60 Temporary, Initiative: +2, Perception: + 18, AC: 28 (T: 16, FF: 22), CMD: 22, Fort: 9, Refl: 11, Will: 10

I actually forgot to roll the 1d6 for acid, the +4 is arcane strike crit damage

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

My saves...

Male Human Ninja/6 - 17/61
Max HP 61, Attack +9, AC 20, Fort +4, Reflex +9, Will +4 (+2 vs Divination): Init: +4. Perception +8, Bluff: +13, Diplomacy +8, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: +12

thanks for running my guy Anthony.. i'm back now.

Save vs death d20 + mods = 6
You need to hire someone else to make your saves Anthony...

HP = 70, F +9, R +2, W +12, Init +4; Darkvision 90', Scent; Perc. +14, Bluff +23, SM +16, Stealth +8

note - Any that were Demoralized should all be applying the -2 to saves, attacks and skill and ability checks for 2-3 rounds depending on their Wis mod. Not sure if that kept Drovic from getting hit but it might help keep those fires burning on the others...and what comes next.

Sic's eyes lit up watching his armored pal skewer the witch but it turned into a sneer of disgust as Tony fell limp from what had to be a spell... so one down and another steps up to be the hero...time to shut em up aint it...

The half orc took a couple more loping strides and leaped to the same building as his crew member.

Running to G.45 then jump to E.43.

Acrobatics DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Spotting the spell wielder...and that damn runt that cut me!... Sic took the thunderstone he had been holding and threw it into the alley near the priestess.

Thrown object @ H.43 AC 5: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

"You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a –4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast.

Since you don't need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5."

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