
Sorad Dvorak's page

279 posts. Alias of Eragar.

Strength 16
Dexterity 15
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 18
Charisma 5

About Sorad Dvorak

Stat Block:
Dwarf Monk of the Sacred Mountain 7
LE Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init: +4 Senses Darkvision 60', Perception +14 (+2 metal/jewels/gems)(+2 unusual stonework within 10')

AC 20 (+2 shield)(+4 dodge)(+4 dodge against giants), touch 18 (+4 dodge), flat-footed 17 (+2 dex, +1 dodge, +1 mnk, +4 wis, +2 natural) (+2 shield)
hp 77/77 (7d8+21)
Fort +7 (+2 poison)(+4 spells and Sp) Ref +7 (+4 spells and Sp) Will +9 (+2 enchantment)(+4 spells and Sp)
Immune Disease
Constant spell effects: Disguise self (Halfling)

Speed 40' (Quick runner's shirt)
Melee +1 Brass knuckles +10 or +10/+10/+5 +1 against elves; -2 fighting defensively (1d8+4)
General Combat Abilities Bastion stance, Combat reflexes, Crane style, Flurry of blows, Iron limb defense, Stunning fist (7/7)/day (DC 17)
Ki pool 7/7

Str 16 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 18 Cha 5
BAB +5 CMB +10 (+2 disarm) CMD 26 (+2 shield)(+4 bull rush & trip)(+2 disarm)
Feats Combat reflexes, Crane style, Dodge, Improved disarm, Improved unarmed strike, Steel Soul, Stunning fist, Toughness, Weapon focus (brass knuckles)
Skills Acrobatics*[3] +8, Appraise[4] +5(+2 nonmagic metal/gems), Bluff*[2] +2, Climb*[1] +7, Craft*[0] +1, Disable device[0], Disguise[5] +2(+2 circumstance), Escape artist*[0] +2, Fly[0] +2, Handle animal[0], Heal[0] +4, Knowledge (Arcana)[0] , Knowledge (Dungeoneering)[0] , Knowledge (Engineering)[0], Knowledge (Geography)[1] +2, Knowledge (History)*[0], Knowledge (Local)[1] +2, Knowledge (Nature)[0] , Knowledge (Nobility)[1] +2, Knowledge (Planes)[0] , Knowledge (Religion)*[1] +5, Linguistics[1] +2, Perception*[7] +14 (+2 metal/jewels/gems)(+2 unusual stonework within 10'), Perform*[0] -3, Profession*[0], Ride*[0] +2, Sense Motive*[7] +14, Sleight of hand[0], Spellcraft[0], Stealth*[7] +12, Survival[1] +5, Swim*[1] +7, Use magic device[0]
*class skill
Traits Exile, Goldsniffer
Misc. Abilities Ancient enmity, Bastion stance, Defensive training, Dwarven weapon familiarity, Fast movement, Greed, Hardy, Iron limb defense, Iron monk, Maneuver training, Purity of body, Stability, Still mind, Stonecutting, Wholeness of body
Languages Common, Cyclops, Dwarven, Giant
Treasure Amulet of natural armor +1, Backpack[2], +1 Brass knuckles[1], Cap of human guise[-], Disguise kit(10)[8], Headband of inspired wisdom (+2)[1], Ink[-], Inkpen[-], Monk's outfit[2], Potion of cure light woundsx2, Potion of invisibility x1[-], Potion of mage armor x1[-], Silk rope(100')[20], Skeleton key x2[-], Rice paperx20[-], Tree feather token[-], Quick runner's shirt[-], Waterproof bag[.5], Wig(beard)[.5], 107.97 gp

Group Loot: 2575 gp

Carrying Capacity Light: 76; Medium: 153; Heavy: 230; Current: 35

•All of the watch sergeants in the area of the headquarters can be bribed.
•Captain Silvers (through Maeltheron)-He now works for the mages and covers the area around the Merchant's guild and a portion of the Merchant's Road. He also covers portions of begger's street. He is not at all above taking a bit of coin to arrange for his patrols to be elsewhere.
•Beggars on beggar's street -Offered payment if they come up with good information

Sorad Dvorak was born in Issust Hold and spent his first few years living there with his family and working in the Ozzune mines owned by his cousins. As soon as it became apparent that he could not grow a beard he was disowned and driven off. After several weeks of wandering Sorad finally found his way into Coran and became a petty thief; unfortunately, he wasn't very good at it and he was quickly caught by an informant for the Thieve's Guild name Eani. After becoming friends Eani was able to get Sorad a job working for the Guild on a variety of assignments, from assassinations to security for those with Guild protection. Dvorak has quite enjoyed this work and the fortune he has gained from it.

Appearance: Sorad is about 70 years old, weighs 166 lbs, and is just shy of 5'. Besides his lack of facial hair, he has a small nose and black eyes set very close together.

Personality/Fears: Having spent most of his life with few friends and no family, Sorad trusts only those in the Guild and puts himself above even most of them. The one person he trusts completely is the human Eani, and Sorad visits him whenever possible, most often in secret places and at random times. The only things Sorad truly fears are the death of Eani, being discharged from the Guild, and seeing any of his family again (They all vowed that they would kill him if he ever showed his face in Issust Hold again).