Monk of the Sacred Mountain 7
LE Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init: +4
Senses Darkvision 60', Perception +14
(+2 metal/jewels/gems)(+2 unusual stonework within 10')
AC 20 (+2 shield)(+4 dodge)(+4 dodge against giants), touch 18 (+4 dodge), flat-footed 17 (+2 dex, +1 dodge, +1 mnk, +4 wis, +2 natural) (+2 shield)
hp 77/77 (7d8+21)
Fort +7 (+2 poison)(+4 spells and Sp) Ref +7 (+4 spells and Sp) Will +9 (+2 enchantment)(+4 spells and Sp)
Immune Disease
Constant spell effects: Disguise self (Halfling)
Speed 40' (Quick runner's shirt)
Melee +1 Brass knuckles +10 or +10/+10/+5 +1 against elves; -2 fighting defensively (1d8+4)
General Combat Abilities Bastion stance, Combat reflexes, Crane style, Flurry of blows, Iron limb defense, Stunning fist (7/7)/day (DC 17)
Ki pool 7/7
Str 16 Dex 15 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 18 Cha 5
BAB +5 CMB +10 (+2 disarm) CMD 26 (+2 shield)(+4 bull rush & trip)(+2 disarm)
Feats Combat reflexes, Crane style, Dodge, Improved disarm, Improved unarmed strike, Steel Soul, Stunning fist, Toughness, Weapon focus (brass knuckles)
Skills Acrobatics*[3] +8, Appraise[4] +5(+2 nonmagic metal/gems), Bluff*[2] +2, Climb*[1] +7, Craft*[0] +1, Disable device[0], Disguise[5] +2(+2 circumstance), Escape artist*[0] +2, Fly[0] +2, Handle animal[0], Heal[0] +4, Knowledge (Arcana)[0] , Knowledge (Dungeoneering)[0] , Knowledge (Engineering)[0], Knowledge (Geography)[1] +2, Knowledge (History)*[0], Knowledge (Local)[1] +2, Knowledge (Nature)[0] , Knowledge (Nobility)[1] +2, Knowledge (Planes)[0] , Knowledge (Religion)*[1] +5, Linguistics[1] +2, Perception*[7] +14 (+2 metal/jewels/gems)(+2 unusual stonework within 10'), Perform*[0] -3, Profession*[0], Ride*[0] +2, Sense Motive*[7] +14, Sleight of hand[0], Spellcraft[0], Stealth*[7] +12, Survival[1] +5, Swim*[1] +7, Use magic device[0]
*class skill
Traits Exile, Goldsniffer
Misc. Abilities Ancient enmity, Bastion stance, Defensive training, Dwarven weapon familiarity, Fast movement, Greed, Hardy, Iron limb defense, Iron monk, Maneuver training, Purity of body, Stability, Still mind, Stonecutting, Wholeness of body
Languages Common, Cyclops, Dwarven, Giant
Treasure Amulet of natural armor +1, Backpack[2], +1 Brass knuckles[1], Cap of human guise[-], Disguise kit(10)[8], Headband of inspired wisdom (+2)[1], Ink[-], Inkpen[-], Monk's outfit[2], Potion of cure light woundsx2, Potion of invisibility x1[-], Potion of mage armor x1[-], Silk rope(100')[20], Skeleton key x2[-], Rice paperx20[-], Tree feather token[-], Quick runner's shirt[-], Waterproof bag[.5], Wig(beard)[.5], 107.97 gp
Group Loot: 2575 gp
Carrying Capacity Light: 76; Medium: 153; Heavy: 230; Current: 35