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As you command the spirits of the other realms to peel back the illusion of reality that prevents you from seeing the true power of the tree, you see immediately a brilliant stream of arcane power flowing up from the tree to the stars beyond. A myriad of voices can be heard, some of them offering spell advice, some of them offering wisdoms and insights, some of them offering knowledge that has long since been forgotten. You realize with a start that you have connected to the Arcane Collective through the power of the Tree of Zenon.
You can meditate here to gain the knowledge of 1d4 spells, as sorcerers have the power to do, but only once.
At the rims of your arcane vision you can sense hungry.... things, spirits, elementals, grasping for ways to reach through the thin barriers between the planes and snatch up the proliferant arcane energy that fuels (or is fueled by) the cosmos and the Arcane Collective. These things should not be here. They somehow change reality, clawing at its borders, struggling to emerge from the other side of a powerful invisible wall. Will save DC 14 or 1d6 Sanity damage.

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

Morgul's gaze grew distant as she lay amongst the roots of the tree, subtle movements betraying signs of an awareness of something that lay beyond the sight men...
As you mentioned that some voices offer spell knowledge while others offer wisdom/insight or lost lore, is there an option to focus on one over the other? Or is it currently just limited to learning spells?
Yet as she did so something gnawed at her conscience, her empathic senses alerting her to a disturbance before seeing them at the corners of her eyes. The shadow beings, the nauseating rippling, the signs of things that were not meant for this world, hungering and threatening from just beyond this place. They were drawn here because of the Tree, its energy acting as a beacon, but she could not help but be surprised that being so close to spiritual centers such as the Jade Palace the disturbance had not been dealt with, if it has even been discovered.
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 1d6 ⇒ 2 Not sure how the Purified Bloodline Benefit works in regards to granting bonuses to AC and Saves. Is it an Immediate Ability and therefore reactive? If so she'd have added it to her roll before but not sure how that works (would be a 17 Will roll if so).

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Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

It seemed to take Morgul a moment to grow aware of Gerinelle's voice, seconds ticking away before her voice softly floated up from where she lay.
"Hunger... entities that dwell beyond in darkness... They should not be here...
1d4 ⇒ 2
Will learn Contact Datalente and Unmask Demon
Can Morgul attempt to identify/gain greater insight into these entities? Why they might be here (aside from feeding on the energies) when they shouldn't be (or so she assumes)? And how to get rid of them?

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Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

"Yesss...," came Morgul's reply in a dream-like voice before lapsing into silence for some time...
Meditation1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21character sheet reads +4 but looking at the Skill it should be +6. I'll correct the sheet later

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

Time was meaningless for Morgul as she allowed a portion of herself to travel the spirit planes but to those who waited on her time seemed to pass slowly. Eventually she rose from her verdant bed, a thoughtful expression on her face as she pulled herself up, one hand resting on the massive trunk of the tree. Turning she lay her forehead against it, her lips moving quickly as she spoke a prayer of thanks, finishing with a gentle kiss of appreciation. Taking a step back she dipped her head in respect and faced Gerinelle with a concerned look on her face.
"Unclean things have found their way here," she informed her companions. "You're right, we should speak to Sister Juliatan. My needs can wait a bit, we need to see to the Tree's well-being and those in the Citadel first."
Thanks. I'll do my best to keep with the theme:)

Sorad Dvorak |

"Clearly there is something important occurring that requires our help... But I am afraid that I could not follow all that happened between you and the Tree; perhaps you could explain it to me on our way back to the Palace."
Although not particularly well versed in arcane matters, Sorad knew well enough that when something went wrong on the far side of mortal sight, it was often best to remedy it as quickly as possible. And so he began to prepare himself to do so; quietly muttering one of the mantras that had been taught to him for the purpose of expanding his awareness.

Kimefe |

Noting the distress on the strange woman's face, Kimefe realized that she was not likely to get a better opportunity than this, and so she stepped out from the side street where she had been watching and made her way over to the group.
"I couldn't help but overhear some of your conversation, and from the little I understood it seems as though you could use some assistance.
I would certainly be willing to do whatever is required, and I think you will find that I have many skills that could be useful."

Kimefe |

Kimefe lowers her eyes in embarrassment as she realizes how many rules of etiquette she just broke--But she quickly looks up again, her gaze squarely matching Morgul's as she spoke.
Bluff check (Although the only thing she lied about what her reasons for being near the Tree of Zenon): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
"I am sorry for being so rude. I am Kimefe. I was walking nearby and noticed your difficulty.
Although I myself am a stranger to this area, it is obvious that this Tree is important to these people. We all prefer at least some order over chaos, and it only makes sense that those who are given the chance to help keep that order should do so.
Perhaps I overstepped my bounds, and if so I am sorry; I don't even know what's really going on here, but it seems important and I would rather not see any part of the world fall to ruin if I can stop it from happening."
Kimefe: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Sorad: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Sorad's Sense Motive check against Kimefe's Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

Morgul eyed the stranger suspiciously, her gaze steady and overt as she studied the woman. The witch was not one to trust readily and city and its inhabitants had already set her on edge, her social niceties manifest only through effort when Gerinelle had introduced herself, the eldarith's position as a Jade Priestess the only reason Morgul had been so quick to grant the woman the benefit of the doubt. The one now introducing herself to the trio was another matter entirely, the woman's timely appearance and chosen words seeming rakish at the very least.
"Do you regularly involve yourself in seemingly 'important' affairs? And what skills would you claim to possess that we might find useful?"
Sorry if Morgul seems a tad untrustworthy/rough. It's definitely nothing personal:) When I created her I had in mind a character who's personality is more in line with barbarians. Due to growing up isolated other than the nomads/barbarians she's not one to readily trust others or tends to be direct, and the civilized nature of Zenon is definitely far from what she's used to.
I actually had to curb how I intended to play her when she first met Gerinelle (luckily Sorad knew her already:) as I don't want my posts to be misinterpreted as an attack on the player (which they definitely are not). Same thing here, hence the delay, but I've opted to try and keep the flavor as much as possible for this post and from here on out, balancing it as much as possible with the needs of the game. Once her trust is gained she'll be a bit more pleasant to be around, I promise:)

Kimefe |

Not a problem Morgul, although I am glad you pointed out your motives. :)
Kimefe paused for a moment before responding
"Due to how often I move around, I do not always get the opportunity to make a difference in an area, but I usually try to do something to help someone in each place I go.
As for my usefulness, I have practice in speaking to others and getting them to understand why something may need to happen, which I think will become extremely useful if you plan on involving anyone else in this task. And if not, then I also have some more unique assets that could come into play." Diplomacy check to sell herself to the group, since lying obviously didn't work: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Taking a deep breath, she then speaks once again, this time shedding her humility and embarrassment and taking on a more businesslike tone of voice. "If, however, I am going to help at all, I am going to need a little bit more information on what I am helping with."

Gerinelle Di'Acosta |

"I mean you no disrespect, Kimefe, but I myself do not understand Morgul's visions. This is not to say that we who follow the mystic order of the moon do not have visions from time to time, but mine come at night. Let us go to the Jade Palace. I'm sure someone there might know what is going on, and how best to answer whatever threat Morgul has seen."

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"I can tell you plainly what she has seen." A man's voice interrupts the conversation. (Picture)
"But perhaps asking the Eldarith will prove more useful to your understanding. She has powers now that have been lost to our order for years... Of course it doesn't help that the Council no longer maintains the Temple or the Shrine." The last was said with some obvious bitterness.
The man thuds his staff with authority on the ground that surrounds the Tree.
"When I came to meditate myself on the Verdune Helibris, I had no idea so many others would be present already. And certainly not any that I have not seen before. Welcome to Zenon... what is left of it at any rate. But I am sure you now have questions, so please ask away. It has been a long time since I have greeted or been greeted by anyone who can see the Skarix."

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

Morgul had been prepared to respond to Kimefe when the sudden appearance of another stranger drew her attention, this one seeming to know far more of the situation than anyone else gathered in the arboretum. That he seemed to be aware of the true nature of things intrigued her, having only encountered a mere handful of others, less than the fingers on one hand, capable of piercing the veil. Here was one who might have answers and wisdom to share... or trickery and lies.
"I am Morgul from the Screaming Wastes," she said, studying the man with a careful eye.
"You offer answers, and the first I would seek, your name?"

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The man's robes are of an ancient design, some thousands of years old. The fabric might be considerably old, but the symbols on it can be recognized as the markings of the Order of Arcane Collective.
His staff, however, is of considerably older design and construction. The crescent moon and the emerald crystal at its center mark this man as a follower of the Green Wizard, one of the Four Aspects of the Arcane Collective.
"I am Sethryn Emerthane. I doubt that you would recognize the name. Few in the Citadel do anymore."

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

"Greetings to you, Sethryn Emerthane," she replied.
She looked from Sethryn to the Great Tree of Zenon, the flame of curiousity dancing in her eyes.
"You are gifted with the witch-sight it seems, able to see the unclean spirits that lie just beyond the veil I take it. What do you know of them, the Skarix? And of the Verdune Helibris, the Great Tree?"
Knowledge: Arcane 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

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"Hmm, wise questions from one so young. But what's this unclean business?" The old man clucks in disappointment.
"The Skarix are always there, have been for thousands of years. They are nothing to be afraid of, not really. Not if you know what you're doing. And some of natural power have sought out the power they can offer over time, but usually they are not ready for what they receive."
"Other than that, I can tell you nothing of them. I have no dealings with such creatures. I am not even sure how they came to be here, but I know that when the Great Wizards were alive and powerful, we had nothing to fear from magic. Magic was our servant then, you know."
"Ah, but this... This, the Verdune Helibris! This was the very place from which thousands of Green Wizards of the ancient past have transcended to join the Arcane Collective. It is powerful with the secrets lost to us. A special magic of the trees, of the moon, and the special relationship between the two." He points to the head of his staff.
"More than that, I cannot tell you. The last scrolls I had seen on the subject crumbled to dust some 20 years ago. And the fools here do not bother to maintain the Temple of the Arcane Collective or even the Shrine of the Dragonsword!"

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

Morgul listened to Sethryn's explanations with keen interest, his answers only serving to inspire more questions in the young witch. Her isolated life had afforded her few opportunities to speak with others able to sense and shape the winds of magic, fewer still one who seemed to hold some knowledge of ancient lore. The spirits spoke to her, guiding her, and it seemed they had led her to a place and people that might lead her further on the path of enlightenment.
"Your stories intrigue me, raising more questions I would know the answers to," she replied.
"You claim that the Skarix are nothing to be concerned with? Yet I feel their hunger for the power of that fuels the Tree, the cosmos... they seek to tear away at the wall between worlds, warping reality as they do so. Perhaps that does not make them evil or unclean but my instincts tell me they should not be here. Maybe I am wrong, their nature something I have yet to understand and grow comfortable with, but I worry that it is otherwise. That others would seek their power I can believe, though what they have to offer and what price is paid I can only imagine.
But perhaps the Jade Sisters will know more."
Allowing her concerns regarding the Skarix to pass for a moment she turned her eyes from the Great Tree to Sethryn.
"I would greatly appreciate the chance to speak in depth, to learn more of the Verdune Helibris and the Arcane Collective. I sensed the latter as I communed with the tree and it's attendant spirits, though the myriad thoughts and voices are something that may take time to understand.
And I would enjoy the chance to learn more of the Verdune Helibris's ties to the moon and to hear stories of Temple of the Arcane Collective and the Shrine of the Dragonsword. The past should not be forgotten."
Morgul's eyes danced over the staff and the arcane designs upon his attire before fixing the elder with a knowing look.
"But only if it pleases you. And, perhaps, the spirits may have something to share through me in return."
Also, if it would make a difference I can roll Morgul's Diplomacy (in case Sethryn is hesitant)

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At the head of the man's staff is an ornate crescent moon of a bright silvery metal, surrounding an emerald crystal.
Kimefe, I'm assuming you're using Knowledge (local)?

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"It's doubtful the Jade Sisters will know much about the Skarix. Perhaps their origins, if the correct powers are persuaded. They have been part of the witch's realm for as long as I can remember, and my teacher and his teacher before him have said the same. They are present, they are dangerous, but most of the wise ones just ignore them and perform their magic. Train your mind to resist their fearful countenance, and you will go far with the witch's sight."
Sethryn looks over Morgul with a critical eye.
"It is not so strange that you should see the Skarix as evil. I sense a power in you that can only come from the Pure Light of Aenythis. You were not, by chance, born there?"

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

It came as no surprise to Morgul that Sethryn's answers would hold a certain vagueness, initiating further questions in the young witch's mind. What did surprise her was the inquiry into her past.
"I would not know. My memories are of blasting winds, hot days, cold nights, and wastelands as far as the eye can see.
I know little of my past beyond that, but enough to say that I know that I was not born there."
She looked Sethryn square in the eye, trying to assess his character, glancing momentarily to Gerinelle before continuing.
"But that is part of why I have traveled here. I would share more, with both of you, but I would ask, why do you think I come from that distant place?"
What, if anything, would the PC's know about Aenythis?

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Sethryn looks at those gathered near the tree.
"The power of the Verdune Helibris is most powerful in direct sunlight. So, the mornings are best to experience its power. You, my dear, look like you are burning in this light." The last was said to Gerinelle.
If you look to see for yourself, her skin has indeed turned red in places, and she looks to be in some pain.
"Might I recommend that you retire to the Jade Palace? Perhaps you will find someone there who can answer your questions better than I."

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

Morgul had been so engrossed in questioning the mysterious old man that she had forgotten about Gerinelle's sensitivity. She had considered that most would have simply moved away from a source of discomfort but it appeared that the young Jade Priestess's dedication to propriety held greater sway.
"Perhaps, perhaps not," Morgul replied to Sethryn. "You seem to be aware of quite a bit already. Will you accompany us to the Jade Palace or, if not, allow me the opportunity to speak with you later? Our interests seem to parallel, though I find myself quite green in comparison," her eyes flicking to Sethryn's ornate staff.

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"Regretfully, I cannot join you there. It is a Temple to their White Tree. These Sisters." He looks carefully at Gerinelle as though he were afraid she would say something. "Seek me out in the ruins of the Temple of the Arcane Collective, if you would call on me again."
The man points to a distant corner with his staff, where a lone building stands, mostly covered with moss and overgrown with plant life. The domed roof is broken in several places, where branches thrust through it.
"Enjoy the Verdune Helibris. I shall come again on another day when I can fulfill my obligations in secret." With that, he turns towards the dilapidated building, nestled and almost hidden in the shade of the trees nearby.

Gerinelle Di'Acosta |

Gerinelle starts at the voice pointing out her injury.
"Oh, pardon me. I did not wish to interrupt your conversation. I must retreat to the Jade Palace for now. My skin will need a healing salve the Sisters made for me there."
She stands hurriedly, and her quickened voice belies the patience she is struggling to demonstrate. She turns towards the Jade Palace.

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

Morgul nodded as Sethryn extended the invitation.
"I shall. Thank you."
She watched for a bit as Sethryn slowly made his way toward the ancient ruin, nearly hidden and oddly out of place surrounded by more modern construction. Her eyes moved along the ruins surface studying it, a desire to simply head to the temple growing within her. But realizing that Gerinelle was discomforted Morgul, not wishing to prove a poor and ungrateful guest, decided that the priestess's needs were a more immediate concern and turned to catch up to trio now making their way to the Jade Palace.
Catching up she threw a queer look Kimefe's way before locking eyes momentarily with the other two, obviously wondering why the woman was tagging along. Deciding to let that issue wait for the moment she focused on Gerinelle instead.
"I'm sorry, I forgot about your sensitivity," she said with an even but sincere voice.
"But why didn't you just step out of the sun?"

Gerinelle Di'Acosta |

"To be honest, there are few places in the Citadel of Zenon that are out of the sunlight in the morning. I would have had to go all the way to the Palace or one of the other buildings, and those are a way off."
"You were also very intent on finding out about something, and I wanted to help. It is not too painful, I have experienced worse before. Also, Sister Juliatan says that we should never let our bodies dictate our minds. It is not the Way of the White Tree."

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

"I appreciate the desire the help and respect the effort to strengthen the weaknesses of the body and mind," Morgul replied.
"And though you've been taught to never let your body dictate your mind, never forget that your body and mind are connected and you should respect and take care of one as well as the other. Your body is a source of energy and a vehicle to allow the thoughts of your mind to take form. It should be treated well."
"Anyways, I hope the recovery will be swift."
Continuing to cross through the various gardens and halls that led towards the Jade Temple Morgul's thoughts drifted back to Sethryn and the Great Tree.
"What do you know of Sethryn and the Temple of the Arcane Collective?"

Gerinelle Di'Acosta |

"I know nothing of the man. The Arcane Collective is part of the Old Way, and I do not follow it. None of the Jade Palace do. It is not our way."
Gerinelle leads the way back into the Jade Palace, where other Lunar Priestesses hasten to find the salve for her skin, and to find Sister Juliatan when she is asked for.

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Sister Juliatan arrives in stately fashion a few moments later, her robes drape about her with the elegance of a Queen, and with the deference that others give her, it may be that she is treated as one.
The whites of her eyes and the lunar crescent on her forehead gleam brightly.
"Well, what is it you wish to know?"

Morgul of the Screaming Wastes |

Gerinelle's answer hinting that the topic was not one she wished to continue and Morgul followed the Jade Priestess back to the temple. Bidding the young eldarith well-wishes for a speedy recovery, a caring and sympathetic smile on her face as she waved the priestess farewell for the time being.
"Take care and I hope the salve brings you some comfort."
Unsure as to when Sister Juliatan would appear Morgul had been about ready to take a seat when the regal priestess made her way into the hall. It appeared that Juliatan held a senior position among the priestesses or at least a respected one and Morgul acknowledged this with slight dip of her head.
"Many things," Morgul replied to Juliatan's question. "But I will ask only two."
"I had come here with questions of the past but my time at the Great Tree has caused me concern and I would ask of those troubles first.
Do you know of the hungry ones that cling to the Great Tree?," the young witch asked. "They feed on the energy that flows between the tree and the cosmos and claw at the veil between worlds, seeking a way through into ours.
They should not be here and I fear the consequences should they find a way through."

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Sorad, Kimefe, you still out there? Was waiting for you to post something, or post that you are waiting.
Sister Juliatan raises her eyebrows, and begins to laugh a little.
"Oh yes, we know of them. They are a part of the fabric of magic, now. It has been torn asunder since the Rising of the Dark Tower, and no one can escape them who performs magic. Sometimes they even break through, for a time. But then they just want to break out again. It seems like they are just attracted to the energy of the veil itself."
"But you want to know the past. That is something that can be arranged,... for a price. Directly to the south, near a great silver lake, is an ancient lighthouse. I need something from that lighthouse, and if you agree to recover it, I can let you all know about what has transpired these last few thousands of years."

Kimefe |

Sorry. For future reference assume that the only times I am not waiting are if I specifically say so.
Kimefe slowly stands up from the sitting position she had taken, brushing off her pants and moving closer to the conversation.
"Now we're getting somewhere; all that talk of magic was starting to twist my brain in knots. It's good to have something tangible to deal with.
But what, exactly, are we looking for?"