![]() About Morgul of the Screaming WastesHide:
Female Human Sorcerer (Witch) 1 Medium Humanoid (Purified Bloodline) Init +3 ; Senses, Perception +0 Aura DEFENSES AC 11, Touch 10, Flatfooted 11 (+1 armor) HP 8 Fort +1 , Ref +0 , Will +4 OFFENSE Speed30 feet Melee long dagger -1 (1d4, 19-20/x2) Ranged javelin +0 (1d6, x2) Special Attacks spells STATISTICS Str 8 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 15 Cha 18 Base Atk +0 ; CMB 0 ; CMD 11 Sanity 56/98 Feats Purified Bloodline, Faerie Friend Skills Concentration +5 (8 if spellcasting), Diplomacy +5 (8), Knowledge: Arcana +6, Knowledge: History +6, Knowledge: Nature +6, Meditation +4 Mythos +4, Spellcraft +6 Languages Huredain, Arcane, Faerie Gear 28gp, 16sp, 15cp; long dagger, javelin (2), arcane robes, backpack, bedroll, scroll case, chalk, fire piston (flint alternative), ink and quills, bronze mirror, vellum (10), beltpouch, spell component pouch, soap, lamp and oil, ceramic vials, waterskin, whetstone FEATS AND SPECIAL ABILITIES Purified Bloodline
Faerie Friend Once per day, you are aided by invisible faeries nearby and may reroll any failed attack, saving throw, or skill check. If you are injured or otherwise incapacitated, your faerie friends may try to save you. Over the course of your lifetime, you gain 3 minor magical gifts from the faeries. One is always made of bronze, one is made of silver, and one is made of gold. (They are usually presented in that order, and are made by different types of faeries.) You gain one of these gifts upon taking the feat. - Bronze Sphere/Bell
Disembodied Voices
- Daze
Spell Knowledge
SPELLS KNOWN Bind Human (2 Int damage)
Summon Kasrath (4 Wis damage and 1d3 Sanity)
Description: Morgul is a striking figure of exotic beauty, her features of the race of man yet hinting of some otherworldy blood. Silver-white hair flowing freely in the wind cascades along her shoulders and down her back, framing a flawless face set with full lips, her eyes, flashing between brilliant aquamarine and rich violet, entrancing yet belying a wisdom and intelligence rare in one so young. Her form is lithe, voluptuous, and perfectly proportioned, her skin lightly tanned and reflecting light wonderfully .
Background: Morgul's past is shrouded in mystery, the bits and pieces she knows taken from hard-won research, strange dreams and the rare guarded stories of her childhood guardian. The information, often cryptic in nature, has led her to believe that the events surrounding her birth were fraught with peril and intrigue. Mysterious forces were said to have hounded her parents as they raced across the land to a place of safety to give birth under the watchful eyes of equally enigmatic allies . Part of a set of triplets, all three seem to have been spirited away almost immediately after birth, each in the care of a guardian. Her only legacy, the mysterious tattoo-like markings covering portions of her body that seem to grow over time, often appearing after a vision or mystic experience.