
Morgul of the Screaming Wastes's page

29 posts. Alias of Lithalis.

About Morgul of the Screaming Wastes

Female Human Sorcerer (Witch) 1
Medium Humanoid (Purified Bloodline)
Init +3 ; Senses, Perception +0
AC 11, Touch 10, Flatfooted 11 (+1 armor)
HP 8
Fort +1 , Ref +0 , Will +4
Speed30 feet
Melee long dagger -1 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
Ranged javelin +0 (1d6, x2)
Special Attacks spells
Str 8 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 15 Cha 18
Base Atk +0 ; CMB 0 ; CMD 11
Sanity 56/98
Feats Purified Bloodline, Faerie Friend
Skills Concentration +5 (8 if spellcasting), Diplomacy +5 (8), Knowledge: Arcana +6, Knowledge: History +6, Knowledge: Nature +6, Meditation +4 Mythos +4, Spellcraft +6
Languages Huredain, Arcane, Faerie
Gear 28gp, 16sp, 15cp; long dagger, javelin (2), arcane robes, backpack, bedroll, scroll case, chalk, fire piston (flint alternative), ink and quills, bronze mirror, vellum (10), beltpouch, spell component pouch, soap, lamp and oil, ceramic vials, waterskin, whetstone

Purified Bloodline
As an infant, you were passed through the column of divine light at the center of the Tower of Light on the island nation of Aenythis.
Benefit: You gain +1 hit point per level as a sacred bonus, and may cast light as a spell-like ability at will. Once per day, you are surrounded by an aura of light that provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and +4 sacred bonus to saving throws for one round.
Special: You feel a strong compulsion to not engage or deal with creatures that have been Darkened. If you knowingly attempt to do so, you are struck with a blast of divine energy causing 1d6 nonlethal damage and sickening you until you have atoned for this deed by seeking out purification. If you are unaware that the character is Darkened, your aura of light will become visible (but provide no bonuses) while within 10 feet of the character.

Faerie Friend

Once per day, you are aided by invisible faeries nearby and may reroll any failed attack, saving throw, or skill check. If you are injured or otherwise incapacitated, your faerie friends may try to save you.

Over the course of your lifetime, you gain 3 minor magical gifts from the faeries. One is always made of bronze, one is made of silver, and one is made of gold. (They are usually presented in that order, and are made by different types of faeries.) You gain one of these gifts upon taking the feat.

- Bronze Sphere/Bell
When your mentor left suddenly, you found a small gift in one of the places of sorcery where you first learned your powers. It is a small sphere of bronze, engraved with ancient decorations or markings that could be language, but it is so old or ancient that its hard to make out. When you shake this orb, it releases a pleasant chiming sound that restores 1 sanity (usable once per day). Once per week, the bronze bell can be shaken to charm another humanoid within 20 ft for 1 minute (DC 11), but using this power prevents the bell's daily power for 7 days.

Disembodied Voices
Instead of having an elemental familiar, a sorcerer may have a different type of arcane companion. These are special voices that only the sorcerer can hear, generally. The disembodied voices may communicate by empathy or telepathy (this must be chosen at 1st level). Voices can be a distraction at times, as this energy being usually has intense desire to communicate. Morgul gains a +3 bonus to initiative checks so long as the voices can be heard. Once per day for every 5 class levels, a disembodied voice can release a piercing shriek./[i]

A sorcerer can place ranks in Mythos as a normal class skill. Sorcerers begin play with an amount less sanity equal to Charisma score. Part of their obscure training requires them to create either a faerie orb or a wand of sorcery
The [i]faerie orb
allows access to any 4 Pathfinder arcane cantrips (with the exclusion of alignment detection and Read Magic). These cantrips can be cast at will so long as the faerie orb is in the sorcerer's possession.

- Daze
- Detect Magic
- Stabilize
- Disrupt Undead

Spell Knowledge
Morgul can attempt to meditate and communicate with the spirit world to learn spells. (DC 15+level). Morgul can add 1d6 to such Meditation checks but lose the same amount of sanity. If successful, Morgul learns 1d4 spells. Such meditations can only be performed in certain ritual locations once per month. But only once per location.


Bind Human (2 Int damage)
This spell makes it impossible for a specific human target to deal harm upon the caster, either by physical or magical attacks. If the caster attacks the target, the spell ends.

Summon Kasrath (4 Wis damage and 1d3 Sanity)
This spell summons a Kasrath where Morgul designates and acts immediately. At the conclusion of the summon spell, the creature can attempt a Will save to avoid the summons. If summoned the creature will act in whatever manner is appropriate for the creature unless an attempt is made to Bind it.


Morgul is a striking figure of exotic beauty, her features of the race of man yet hinting of some otherworldy blood. Silver-white hair flowing freely in the wind cascades along her shoulders and down her back, framing a flawless face set with full lips, her eyes, flashing between brilliant aquamarine and rich violet, entrancing yet belying a wisdom and intelligence rare in one so young. Her form is lithe, voluptuous, and perfectly proportioned, her skin lightly tanned and reflecting light wonderfully .
As comfortable out of clothes as she is in them, what clothing she does wear is rugged, leather and fur, yet form-fitting and cut for ease of movement, often seductively revealing as a result. She carries herself with the strength of a lioness and the grace of a queen, an aura of wild, feral power surrounding her, hinting of danger and ancient magic yet tinged with a seductive purity. Yet at times those around her grow uncomfortable in her presence- the sense of being watched, cold spots, indecipherable whispers and fleeting shadows unnerving them, keeping many from lingering near her and her homestead.
A crescent shaped tattoo nearly encircles her left eye, accented by three stars, while other mysterious marks can occasionally be seen on other parts of her body.


Morgul's past is shrouded in mystery, the bits and pieces she knows taken from hard-won research, strange dreams and the rare guarded stories of her childhood guardian. The information, often cryptic in nature, has led her to believe that the events surrounding her birth were fraught with peril and intrigue. Mysterious forces were said to have hounded her parents as they raced across the land to a place of safety to give birth under the watchful eyes of equally enigmatic allies . Part of a set of triplets, all three seem to have been spirited away almost immediately after birth, each in the care of a guardian. Her only legacy, the mysterious tattoo-like markings covering portions of her body that seem to grow over time, often appearing after a vision or mystic experience.
Raised in the barren wastes on the farthest edges of civilization Morgul's life was hard, her guardian demanding yet protective, pushing her as if in preparation for something beyond the harsh life of a barbarian. Taught more than just survival she was educated in the art of reading and writing as well as scholarly pursuits, only realizing after her guardian's disappearance that such knowledge was a rare thing, unknown among the barbarians and nomads that ekked out a living in the wastes.
From a very early age it was apparent that Morgul held an unusual connection to the spirit-world. Sensitive to the presence of spirits, she often found herself a magnet for their attention, and though some were less than pleasant most that came to her were agreeable or even friendly, guiding her through many trials. To this day it is not unusual for those around her to notice an odd chill wind, or hear disembodied whispers in the air, or feel the unnerving sensation of being watched while in her presence. She also seemed aware of concentrations of energy and places where the walls that separated the worlds grew thin, at times seeing through the veil that separated the one realm from another.
Strange visions and unusual dreams often came to her, some hinting at the future while others seemed to be of strange places or of forgotten, ancient times. She would have dismissed them as nothing more than simple dreams if not for the vibrancy of these visions and their recurring nature. They hinted of great magic and magnificent places, some very alien, and she often encountered people, creatures, and beings that, at times, seemed oddly familiar to her yet she could never place them. Though most seemed benign, even among the most surreal, occasionally she would dream of places and beings of terrible evil and she had a sense that she had fought them before or perhaps would do so someday.
It was through the spirits that speak to her and these strange visions that she began to take her first steps on the path of the witch (sorcerer). The wastes held many secrets, including powerful spots and sacred ruins that held great power and she often found herself led to them, sometime discovering through dreams or at the guidance of one spirit or another. This did not go unnoticed by her guardian who, for some reason, did not seem overly surprised by this. Her guardian, however, seemed to not be as sensitive to the spirit-world as she but did what he could for her, introducing her to a barbarian shaman who recognized the mark of of the spirits upon her. Though guided by the spirits as well the shaman's path was different than hers but he did what he could to help develop her gifts.
And so time passed, the girl growing in power and guided along her path by the spirits, returning their attention by aiding them and watching over the places sacred to them. It was in her 16th year that her guardian mysteriously disappeared, their shared dwelling burnt to the ground but his body nowhere to be found. Unsure as to what happened she began her journey in an effort to discover not only what happened but to uncover her own mysterious past and destiny.