AZ's Kingmaker (Inactive)

Game Master Azure_Zero

Current Map
Current Game Date: Pharast 28th

Updated: 04/29/2014


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Male Human Wizard 2

I thought Jhod didn't know where the temple was because we hadn't told him yet? If I remember right that's one of the main reasons why we came back to Oleg's, but however he found out, he knows now and that's all that matters.

Since it's getting late and everyone is probably tired, Halloran decides to talk to Kressle and Happs in the morning, during breakfast.

Is there room in the bunkhouse? or is Halloran laying his bedroll out under the stars?

He might of went off to find it, from a vision
Bunk house has room

Male Human Wizard 2

Then Halloran will go and settle in for the night.

Eliane will rest as well.

The night sky is clear, and dawn breaks with a bright sun.

When noon hits there arrives a party of three.

Male Human Wizard 2

Halloran will offer to help Svetlana with Breakfast,

Profession: Cook:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

and lunch.

Profession: Cook:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Looking up from the cooking and seeing the new arrivals, he says, Greetings travelers, what brings you to Oleg's?

Female Human Bard 2
Basic Stats:
Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3

Kira sits atop her horse, fully armed and armored. Her whip was strapped to her right side, and her rapier to her left. She had a simple brown cloak draped over the shoulders of her studded armor, and a dark green scarf which kept much of her hair in check while the wind blew across the hills and plains. The last few miles to “Oleg’s Trading Post,” were uneventful, but the stories of bandits that cover these lands kept Kira on edge.

Hello! she called out, responding to this new man, hands covered with the preparation of the mid-day meal. My name is Kira, and I’m glad to have met someone so friendly as soon as walking through the gates.

Kira dismounted from her brown mare, and stood before this new acquaintance. A breeze flowed through the open area at Oleg, and tugged at her dark black hair behind her which was not held tight to her head by her dark green scarf. I’ve heard tales of some brave people, willing to carve out a piece of civilization in this rough land. Those stories say that they make camp here at Oleg’s when they are not exploring or taming the land. Do you happen to know if these brave ones are here? I hope that I could assist them with my general skills, although I’m sure my meager experience would pale in comparison to theirs. While speaking, she kept looking around, hoping to see a tall, strong, experienced man which would command her respect. Perhaps even a father-figure, but she only had non-descript rumors to go off of so she doesn’t know what to find.

Eliane says "We would be glad for more help as we just had a companion leave."

"Oh my, looks like we have some new faces around here."

Female Human Bard 2
Basic Stats:
Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3

Wow, no interview or anything... I hope this entire endeavor is this easy
Did they leave as in go somewhere else, or leave as in "shuffled off this mortal coil?

Seeing both Elaine and Alkaid joining Halloran, Kira asks, are you three what remains of your charter?

Female Half-elf Warpriest 2

Alerienne lags a bit behind Kira, as she's travelling on foot, but seems perfectly content in the company of the donkey padding along behind her. Heading in through the gate of the trading post, she looks around, spying the stables and calling out, "Hello there! I'm looking for stabling for my donkey here, and a proper bed for the evening." Her long cloak is a faded shade of once-black, but is pushed back behind her shoulders, showing off a simple shirt of chain mail worn over wool and leather clothes, Pharasma's Spiral dangling from a chain around her neck, the silver shining in the sun.

Approaching the small gathering that seem to have formed and recognizing one as the rider who passed her not an hour before, she tugs on her donkey's leash, urging him to follow her on over to see about lodging.

Male Human Wizard 2

More or less,Halloran says, wiping off his hands before offering one to Kira.

A number of people have come to Oleg's since the charter was first posted, most have left of their own volition, the latest of which was an elven ranger named Silstaren.

Shaking his head with a sigh, he says, He was here longer than most, but eventually wanderlust overtook him, he left yesterday.

Only one person has actually died so far, a gnome named Buckwell, killed by a giant trapdoor spider. Halloran says with a shudder.

Recovering himself, he turns back to Kira,A second one almost got me too, fortunately my companions were able to come to my aid before it could finish me off. And speaking of companions I've forgotten to make introductions, I am Halloran, he says placing a hand on his chest and bowing slightly,and these are Elaine and Alkaid. he says gesturing to each in turn.

Turning to Alerienne as she approaches, Halloran spots her holy symbol and gives her a wide grin and an even deeper bow, Welcome Priestess! we should be able to find lodging for both you and your donkey, it will be good to have a servant of the Lady of Graves here.

Halloran's smile is quickly replaced by the look of someone who has just remembered something, he had forgotten, throwing a guilty look at Alkaid he hastens to say, Not that you haven't done an excellent job as our party cleric, Alkaid. But it can't hurt to add an extra priest to the group, that is he says turning back to Alerienne, if that's why you're here lady? You are a priestess of Pharasma, and you hope to join the charter, correct? he asks.


Apologies for the hold up people - been having a crazy week. Dotting for now, will have a post up in a couple of hours.

Elaine says "Nice to meet both of you. It seems in these lands that wandering and breaking off occurs more than most. " to the new

Female Half-elf Warpriest 2

Alerienne curls her right hand into a loose fist and moves it in a spiralling motion over her heart as she hears of Buckwell's poor fate, then returns Halloran's bow, replying, "My Lady guides me to wherever She deems I am needed. I am Alerienne Sakharov, out of eastern Rostland. Well met."

Stepping closer still so as to properly join the conversation, she examines Elaine, Halloran, and Kira, before continuing, "You are... adventurers then? I had heard that the Swordlords had chartered several groups to properly explore and perhaps even settle these lands. I cannot imagine that Regent Noleski would approve, but I am no experienced politician." She smiles and gestures around at the fort, clearly converted to use as a trading post, "It seems that these lands cannot be entirely unsettled if they have goods to trade and people to trade them. Are the locals friendly?"

Male Human Wizard 2

I guess you could call us "adventurers", Halloran says with a wry smile.

At the very least we don't have another source of regular income at the moment. As for these lands being "settled" and the locals "friendly", he says with heavy irony,I'm afraid it's not quite that simple.

Halloran gestures around the fort, Currently, you are standing in Oleg's trading post, quite possibly the only form of civilization within a hundred miles. They haven't been doing much trading lately, because until a couple of weeks ago they were being extorted by a local bandit gang. I was part of the original group who responded to the Swordlords charter, we defeated the gang and brought them here, and Alkaid convinced them to pursue more legitimate forms of employment. So trade might be picking up in the near future, if it hasn't already.

Our hosts are Oleg and Svetlana, if they are visible Halloran points them out, if not he gives a description of them. If you need to purchase anything, or just want a meal they're the ones to talk to. The stables are over there and the bunkhouse is over there, he gestures at each building accordingly.

There are 4 guards stationed here at the fort, their leader is Kesten Garess, their the ones who have weapons and armor. The rest of the people here are Alkaid's "lost sheep" or reformed bandits, they resisted coming here at first, but they haven't given us any trouble since.

As for the rest of the locals, there is a hermit named Bokken who makes potions, he lives over that way. Halloran points to the East.
Apparently, a tribe of kobolds live in the area, we've met some of them, introduced ourselves and parted on reasonably good terms, but that's about it. A cleric of Erastil named Jhod Kavken has recently moved into an old temple that we located for him, and we've seen signs of fairies, though we haven't met them yet. Aside from that the only thing we've encountered is the local wildlife, our dealings with things we can't talk to have been a good deal more violent.

That about sums up what I know of the area we've explored so far, any questions? Halloran looks at the newcomers inquisitively.


The tiefling had been silent up to this point, his eyes observing the new acquaintances with a visible intensity.

Dismounting from his horse, he sports a massive frame, apparenty not weighed down in its movements by the gear, armour, or polearm he carries.

His light brown irises are flecked with red - as if flames danced in his eyes, while his blond reddish hair seems to show the same tint. He stares momentarily at the group, his tail snapping behind him as if it had a life of his own, an undeniable testament to his fiendish heritage - but his visage softens, as well as the grip on the polearm he holds on his left hand, while he extends his right one to greet Halloran with a smile - "Well met friend - I am Helgash, and much like my travelling companions, have been following the information that one of the chartered groups had decided to head in this direction - I guess the details were correct, since here you are"

As they exchange a strong handshake, his clothing dislocates somewhat, revealing a longsword symbol around his neck, crested by a stylized depiction of a shining Sun - "It is unfortunate that your companion has met with such a demise, but I congratulate you on having brough this banditry under control, and even more so at offering them the opportunity for repentance" - he nods gravely - "Oleg and Svetlana, I believe those were the names you have indicated, would be the owners of this trading post? I would enjoy meeting them, and present myself appropriately since I am on their property" - he adds.

Female Human Bard 2
Basic Stats:
Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3

Yes, that would be most polite. It would never do to offend the people who give us a home away from home I would love the chance to make their acquaintance and start off our relationship on the best of terms.

Halloran, do either you or Elaine have any plans in the next few days that we could assist you with?

Male Human Wizard 2

Halloran returns Helgash's handshake raising his eyebrows at the strength in his grip and trying not to stare at his tail, Well met, indeed. he says somewhat weakly.

Turning his head to Kira, he says, Nothing carved in stone, we've been exploring (and mapping) the area, mostly around the fort as was required by the charter. With Silstaren taking his leave of us yesterday, we came back here to regroup and consider our options, which makes our meeting doubly fortuitous. I had been considering asking some of our reformed bandits to accompany us, as they are familiar with the area, but have not yet had the opportunity to speak with them.

But why don't I introduce you to Oleg and Svetlana and we can go from there. Halloran takes the group to meet them and makes introductions.

Elaine asks Kira "Did you see anything eventful or newsworthy on your journey here?"

Female Human Bard 2
Basic Stats:
Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3
Elaine Fisher wrote:
Elaine asks Kira "Did you see anything eventful or newsworthy on your journey here?"

Kira furrows her brow, trying to recall either anything she may have seen since coming from Brevoy, or even rumors other travelers may have mentioned in her company.

Guessing perception and knowledge local? Let me know if I should roll anything else.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 17
knowledge (local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

The stag Lord is a bandit king in these parts, with a deadeye shot, and many underlings who follow his orders. It's likely his base is in the heart of the forest.
You also hear rumours of various fey, willo-wisps, lizards, trolls, owlbears being see by the local hunters and trappers at times.

Female Human Bard 2
Basic Stats:
Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3

I didn't personally see anything or anyone, but many people have told me about the variety of dangerous animals in the area that hunters and trappers have taken the opportunity to hunt down for profit.

I had heard of the bandits here before, and am glad that you have taken care of them. We hadn't heard in Brevoy of that. How fierce was the battle with the Stag Lord? I hear he's a real terror with a bow.

Female Half-elf Warpriest 2

Alerienne listens attentively as Halloran describes the state of affairs in the local area, commenting finally, "I am impressed you have managed to make peaceful overtures towards kobolds and to turn so many bandits away from a life of crime. Oh, how I wish there were someone with such gifts along the eastern border. Centaurs are usually far more friendly than kobolds, yet the relations between them and the hunters who range into old Iobaria..." She sighs and shakes her head sadly, "And of course there's the goblins who come down raiding from the Maw of Karth. But perhaps that is why my Lady has nudged me in this direction, to learn from such excellent examples that there is indeed a way to resolve conflict without snipping short the thread of life. If you are looking for others to accompany you, I'm quite skilled with the bow, though I agree it would be unseemly not to meet with the gracious hosts whose home this trading post is." She then follows Halloran to be introduced to Oleg and Svetlana.

Male Human Wizard 2

I can't take credit for turning the bandits away from their former profession, that was all Alkaid's doing. As for the Stag Lord, we've heard of him, but the only one who's ever met him is Kressle over there. Halloran points her out.

She used to be the leader of this group of bandits, but after Alkaid got done talking with her, she chose to follow a different path. Halloran leads the 3 over to Oleg and Svetlana.

Oleg, Svetlana, these 3 are Kira, Alerienne and Helgash they'd like to stay here for awhile and help out if they can. And while we're on the subject, how are things here? I heard from one of the guards last night that things had been pretty quiet.

Female Human Bard 2
Basic Stats:
Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3

I'll want to talk with Kressle more later, find out more about the Stag Lord and see if she would be an ally to even one as unfamiliar as me. Most likely she won't openly accept me at first, but it always takes a little extra time to build a home. Will I be able to make this my new home ?

Kira smiles pleasantly to Svetlana and Oleg, trying to get her bearings socially in this small community.

Not necessarily looking for hard data, but if any would seem useful I'll just take 10 on a sense motive for a 19 during conversations to examine the social dynamics here.

Elaine says to Halloran "Should we plan what to do next with our new companions seems like a good idea"

Male Human Wizard 2

I agree, Halloran replies. I want to ask Oleg and Svetlana if there is anything around the local area that needs to be taken care of, but if they don't know of anything I guess we can go back to exploring.

Eliane adds "I also agree with asking Oleg and Svetlana is a good idea"

Updated Map

I Can't remember if I gave hints to one of the side quests

The bill board in the outpost lists a few concerns

  • Kobolds riled up in the hills
  • Wanted: Falgrim Sneeg, Theft and Betrayal
  • Wanted: Tatzlwyrm (Oleg wants a trophy)
  • Wanted: Tuskgutter (Mean Boar, bring head as proof) (I'll assume you brought the head back)

  • Eliane says "Tatzlwyrms are hard to find and relatively rare but live in areas of trees.We might run into one when exploring though"


    Are we meeting with Svetlana and Oleg already? From Halloran's posts I had the impression we were going to be introduced to them...

    Female Half-elf Warpriest 2

    Alerienne will take a look at the postings to the billboard, trying to piece together what might be going on in the area, but honestly a bit put off at the idea of killing a creature just to take a trophy... "What exactly is a tatzlwyrm? Certainly not anything I've ever heard of on the eastern border. Is it an actual wyrm? Like... a dragon of some kind?"

    Female Human Bard 2
    Basic Stats:
    Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3

    I'm with Taldash with feeling a little confused with where we all are right now. Last I knew, I was with Halloran, being introduced to Oleg and Svetlana. Did Alerienne wander off to the billboard, or are we done with introductions?

    If we are voting with what to do off that bulletin board, I would vote towards looking into the Kobold situation. I know they're usually unfriendly buggers, but they'd be easier to reason with than a tatzlwyrm, right?

    Female Half-elf Warpriest 2

    Also a bit confused, but I figured I was in the same group as Elaine, so I went with the flow...

    Sorry, if I caused the Confusion

    Approaching the group you see a man and a woman in peasants clothes

    "I'm Oleg and Welcome to My Outpost, feel free to trade and rest here."


    "It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Svetlana."

    Female Half-elf Warpriest 2

    Alerienne looks up from the notices as the couple approaches, "Ah! Hello! Our gracious hosts!" Alerienne bows to the couple, then says, "I was hoping to stay the night and perhaps find some warm food before departing with my new friends here. And if there is any way I may be of aid while here, my Lady is a goddess of life as well."

    Male Human Wizard 2

    Good morning Oleg and Svetlana, as you can see we have some new arrivals. Halloran pauses here to make introductions. Which is both fortunate and timely as Silstaren has decided to leave our group to pursue other interests. We were just taking a look at the notices here, Halloran waves at the bulletin board in an effort to determine our next move.

    Halloran continues, Now as I see it we have 3 options, first we could deal with the kobolds and by deal I mean trade, as I mentioned earlier we have made peaceful contact with a kobold named Yip. He expressed an interest in trading for pelts and/or metal "scraps". I happen to have some furs we could trade with the kobolds, which gives us the opportunity to make some profit and possibly open up a dialogue.

    The only downsides I can see with that is, we don't know how many kobolds their are, where they are located and whether or not they will trade in good faith, we could be walking into a trap. They may not speak Taldane either, Yip only understood Draconic.

    Our second option, is to tackle "Tuskgutter" a couple days ago we came across a boar's nest here, Halloran points to a spot on the map. the boar wasn't there at the time, but all the signs suggest that this was Tuskgutter's lair. Now the main appeal of this task is it's simplicity, we go there we kill the boar and we bring back any proof we need. As a bonus we can stop by the Temple of Erastil we found and check on Jhod, the priest I mentioned earlier.

    The downside is it's a boar, and from all the signs (and bones) a rather large one with a voracious appetite, we could have quite a fight on our hands. Even so I still think this maybe our best option.

    3rd and finally we could just continue to explore the countryside, this would fulfill our original warrant, but it's called "unexplored territory" we have no idea what we'll find out there or who.

    So that's what I think, does anyone have any preferences? or wish to add anything? Halloran looks at the group inquisitively.

    Female Human Bard 2
    Basic Stats:
    Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3

    Kira smiles at Oleg and Svetlana. Thank you for your kind greetings. I hope that the presence of myself and the other newcomers will be a boon to your community. Turing to Svetlana, she says I hope I'm not assuming too much, but where would be able to rest when it comes to the night. Would we rough it under the stars while behind your strong walls, or is there a roof we could sleep under?

    Turning to address the rest of the group, Kira sighs to herself and says, I would love the opportunity to make any ally in this hostile . However, I would be lacking the proper linguistic skills to interact with them, unless anyone else could assist me with speaking in draconic. I sadly don't have any magic that can help me with that.

    I am not all that skilled with either the sword or the bow, but I would be willing to accompany you all in a conflict with that boar. I would of course do my best, but I doubt I will be able to do much besides give 'moral support'. However I do like the idea of meeting another of your friends. So I guess if we're at a point of making a vote, I will officially put my voice behind going to Tuskgutter's lair

    Kira looks around at the faces of the rest of the party, hoping that she didn't stick her foot in her mouth around these new compatriots.


    "I believe we have just about enough room left for you all."


    "Bunk house is getting full, though there is still room in the stable if the Bunk house is full."


    Taldash bows politely at Svetlana and Oleg - "Well met to you both, and thank you for your hospitality - it is not common to meet with such willingness and frontal honesty in welcoming strangers into your fold, mainly out her in the wilder regions. You will not regret it" - he adds - "My name is Taldash, and the stable will do perfectly fine" - the huge tiefling also introduces himself.

    Turning to the others, he listens with attention to their words, and the description offered by Halloran on the immediate surrounding area - "We are just newly arrivals friend Halloran, but I agree with your assessment - I'll be upfront and admit I am not particularly comfortable in dealing with kobolds - I have found their perspectives in life to be a far thrown from my own, and most of those of good-will. But life is all about opportunities, and even though I do not speak Draconic, I would assist on evaluating their true intentions to the best of my abilities, and offer my blade if they plan on backstabbing us"

    Looking at the map - "Tuskgutter - the name bears weight, I have to admit it" - the tiefling wonders - "But it may be a perfect opportunity to address two simultaneous tasks in the best way possible - if we manage to take down this creature, perhaps its pelt can be used as proof of our intention to trade honestly with the kobolds? As far as proof, I am assuming we can bring back its skull? It may not be to everyone's taste, but maybe Oleg would like it to decorate his establishment?" - he comments with a smile to their host.

    Male Human Wizard 2

    Well that's two in favor of taking on "Tuskgutter", three if you count my vote. Turning to Alerienne, Elaine and Alkaid he asks, And what would you ladies prefer to do?

    Alkaid replies
    "I think I'll be tending to the flock this time.
    And Lina has been asking me to train her."

    At the mentioning of training, she remembers she's in her exercise/combat-training clothes and blushes from embarrassment
    If I knew guests were coming I would of put on something more appropriate.

    Alkaid feels like she's similar to you

    @Taldash and Alerienne
    you get the feeling Alkaid is not completely human.

    NPC heights:
    Alkaid: 6'3"
    Oleg: 6'
    Svetlana: 5'6"

    Female Human Bard 2
    Basic Stats:
    Max HP: 11 AC:17 (T13/FF14) F/R/W: 1/6/3 CMD :14 Init+3

    Didn't decide this before, but I kind of like the idea that she's a taller woman, fairly thin and with an obvious grace. Perhaps... 6' tall, but definitely doesn't look comfortable in her armor.

    Kira has been obviously unsure about herself around these new acquaintances, and she quickly steals glances at the faces of most of these people to see if she is meeting their approval. But whenever she finds a moment to look over at Alkaid, she doesn't feel that same feel of anxiety. Alkaid feels... more familiar. Even more familiar than her parents or siblings ever did.

    Kira looks at Alkaid with a small smile. I would imagine that life out here is filled with surprises. I just hope that we are the more pleasant variety of surprise for you all.

    after everyone else has voiced their choice...

    She looks around at the rest of the group and asks, So shall we head out tomorrow after breakfast?

    Elaine says "I think finding tuskgetter would be a good task."


    "Getting rid of Tuskgutter, would be good for the local hunters and trappers."

    Female Half-elf Warpriest 2

    Alerienne freely admits, "It has been quite some time since I have had roast boar, and if this beast is attacking the local hunters, it is probably best he be put down. Personally I find the matter of the kobolds more intriguing, but if they are not doing anything worse than mischief and mayhem, clearly a deadly boar is the greater priority." Turning her attentions to Oleg and Svetlana, she adds, "As for bunking, I have a cot of my own if you are out of beds, I would just like a proper roof instead of a tent for a night, and some fresh feed for my donkey."

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