AP #67-72 - Reign of Winter: Misfits Unchained (Inactive)

Game Master Wilmannator

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Male N Human (Jadwiga) Witch 5 / Winter Witch 4 | HP: 87/70 | AC: 18 (12 Tch,14 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Hero: 1/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor - 1h; False Life - 8h; See invisibility 80 min

Oops, looks like I read IMQiS' post a bit selectively. Thought he only lobbed bomb... Well, let the game roll.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki
Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight wrote:
@GM Damo That was an extract, not a wand. Just for the record.

Roger that! It's why I posted in discussion about your wands... must have had a brain fart writing my description above.

As before, Heafoc lands a talon and a claw. He'd like to do more, but such is the way of war.

@Kuragin: You can still have a retcon on your stabilize if you post before Aoife and my subsequent round-up post.

Next up: Aoife, Kuragin <option> (Round 11).

Combat table:


  • [25] Jorvik -52hp, unconscious, stable
  • [13] Kuragin
  • [9] Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight
  • [7] Aoife
  • [5] Ishbaad


  • Amgarra -75hp (on fire!)

Active Global Conditions: None.

Round 11:

  • Jorvik <= Heroic miss, falconic hit!
  • Amgarra <= Sneaky, sneaky, sneak
  • Kuragin <= Stability
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight <= BOMBS!
  • Aoife <= !
  • Ishbaad <= Bane of trolls

Round X:

  • Jorvik Heafoc <= Of beaks and claws
  • Amgarra
  • Kuragin
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight
  • Aoife
  • Ishbaad

Pronounced "Ee-fa" Human-child Female unchained-barbarian (brutal pugilist) 1/ brawler (strangler) 6/ unchained monk(martial artist) 1/ ninja 1 | HP: 104/86| AC [28] 30 ([21] 23 Tch, [22] 24 Fl, 29 vs. SM) | CMB: [+18] +11 (+ 6 grapple), CMD: [34] 33 (36 vs. grapple) | [occ]F: +13 [+18 for cold cond.], R:+13 W: [+5] +2[/ooc] | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: -1, Stealth: +19 | Speed 40ft | Rage: 16/16 | Stamina: 10/10 | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | Stunning Fist: 7/7 | Hero Point: 3/3 | Active conditions:

Aoife hears a gut wrench clatter through the open and adjacent doorway, followed by the sickening fall of deadly weapons striking flesh. There are curses, shouts, and battle cries that reach her ears and she feels a flutter in her chest not knowing who exactly is in danger. Fearing for the safety of her companions, the child lunges forward, sprinting through the foyer and into the adjacent room. Realizing she still has to go further to reach the struggle, and still unable to see who is in trouble, she continues into the next room.

"Jorvik!" she exclaims, seeing her elder brother on the ground, immediately the anger and frustration toward him melting away. "You'll be ok!" The child cursed herself for the unkind words or thought she might have said to him, now able to process the exact interactions they had, and seeing him hurt, laying on the ground brought out only love in her heart.

Double move ending adjacent to Amgarra. Aoife will intentionally move through threatened areas, drawing AoO if nessissary. *token not yet moved*

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Amgarra takes a swipe at Aoife as she travels through.

Amgarra axe vs Aoife: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 -- Oh, dear.
Damage: 2d6 + 16 ⇒ (2, 4) + 16 = 22
Crit confirm: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 -- Oh, dear!!!
Crit damage: 4d6 + 32 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 2) + 32 = 45

67 damage total! Ouch!

Amgarra's axe nearly takes Aoife's head clean off. The poor girl misjudged her ability to withstand an attack from the cunning troll. With her neck spewing blood, Aoife passes out and bleeds into the stone floor of Amgarra's bedroom. She is not the first child to do so.

"Ha! You is next!" Amgarra points to the fire-hurling Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight. Nimbly, she attempts to leap past Ishbaad and over the fallen body of Jorvik.

Acrobatics (move through threatened square - Heafoc), CMD 20+5: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
Acrobatics (move past threatened square, 2nd opponent - Ishbaad), CMD 22+2: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20

The acrobatic ice troll is stunned that she is unable to make it past her foes, and is rebuffed by a beak to the face (since she doesn't actually move past Ishbaad - or at all - I don't think she provokes an AoO).

She instead has to satisfy herself with a swipe against the oread.

Amgarra axe vs Ishbaad: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Her ill-luck continues, and the heroic mountain man's armor turns Amgarra's blade.

To make matters worse, her flesh continues to burn. Amgarra's eyes shoot daggers in the direction of the goblin who caused the conflagration on her body.

Aflame!: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Next up: Kuragin, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight, Aoife, Ishbaad (Round 12), Jorvik Heafoc (Round 13).

Combat table:


  • [25] Jorvik -52hp, unconscious, stable
  • [13] Kuragin
  • [9] Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight
  • [7] Aoife -67hp, unconscious, bleeding out!
  • [5] Ishbaad


  • Amgarra -76hp (on fire!)

Active Global Conditions: None.

Round 11:

  • Jorvik <= Heroic miss, falconic hit!
  • Amgarra <= Sneaky, sneaky, sneak
  • Kuragin <= Stability
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight <= BOMBS!
  • Aoife <= Tactical move... into the blade
  • Ishbaad <= Bane of trolls

Round 12:

  • Jorvik Heafoc <= Of beaks and claws
  • Amgarra <= Rebuffed, rebuffed, rebuffed
  • Kuragin <= !
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight <= !
  • Aoife <= !
  • Ishbaad <= !

Round 13:

  • Jorvik Heafoc <= !
  • Amgarra
  • Kuragin
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight
  • Aoife
  • Ishbaad

Buff Tracker:
Note: tracking expiration dates only! Buffs expire after the listed round.

Round 49:

  • Jorvik: Enlarge Jorvik

Round 58:

  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Shield

Round 95:

  • All: Remove fear (staggered buff expiry)

Round 101+:

  • All: Resist cold (10), 30 minutes (60 minutes for IMQiS)
  • All: Heroism, 50 minutes
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Spider climb, 60 minutes
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Mutagen (+4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 Nat Armor), 60 minutes
  • Kuragin: Mage armor, 60 minutes
  • Kuragin, Aoife, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Elixir of hiding, 60 minutes
  • Jorvik, Aoife: Greater magic weapon (+1), 5 hours

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

"No!!! Eefie!!! You no die now!" Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight is scared for his friend, even more so than he was for Jorvik. "Boss Kuragin! You please save her!"

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight looks for a position that he can throw a bomb at the ice troll without hurting his friends. The shot looks impossible without using the extract he planned on using for the dragon fight. Then he realized the troll is already on fire, so he didn't need to make the bomb explosive. Fire was just fine. He then lobs the bomb, excluding all of his allies.

bomb into melee: 1d20 + 14 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 14 - 4 = 113d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) + 6 = 21

"Amgarra! You die now! You come try and kill Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight, and you will die. You try and kill Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight's friends, and you die. DIE B&$!$!"

Female Falcon HP:-4/37| AC: 21 (16 Tch, 16 Fl) | F: +7, R: +9, W: +4 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 80ft (Fly) 10ft (land) | Active conditions:

Though she is beautiful to behold, Heafoc is still an animal, a beast, a creature of nature. In front of her is a foe, and one that she intends to kill.

Again lashing out, she pecks at eyes, and rakes with talons so sharp they can rend through steel and flesh.

Beak: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Bite Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Talon #1: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Talon Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Talon #2: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Talon Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Scatter, clockwise, top-left = 1: 1d12 ⇒ 12

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight's bomb goes well short of its intended target, landing just beneath Heafoc. The bird gets a brief lift from the rising heat to stab mercilessly at Amgarra's eyes, ears and mouth.

Amgarra reflex: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24

While the troll woman escapes the worst of the blast, Heafoc's assault is too much for her. Blood pours from wounds that simply refuse to close and she falls first to one knee, and then face down upon the floor - right beside the fallen giant bloodspeaker and her second, younger and much smaller victim.

Suddenly and very briefly, all is still in the lower levels of Logrivich's tower. The only sound that can be heard is the constant distant clacking, ticking and whirring of clockwork gears above - and the crackling of Amgarra's skin as the residual flames from Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight's bomb end her life.

Okay, as above - but 4 more rounds! Ishbaad and Kuragin can get an extra combat round in. Aoife and Jorvik need to wait until they're conscious.

Buff Tracker:
Note: tracking expiration dates only! Buffs expire after the listed round.

Round 49:

  • Jorvik: Enlarge Jorvik

Round 58:

  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Shield

Round 95:

  • All: Remove fear (staggered buff expiry)

Round 101+:

  • All: Resist cold (10), 30 minutes (60 minutes for IMQiS)
  • All: Heroism, 50 minutes
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Spider climb, 60 minutes
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Mutagen (+4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 Nat Armor), 60 minutes
  • Kuragin: Mage armor, 60 minutes
  • Kuragin, Aoife, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Elixir of hiding, 60 minutes
  • Jorvik, Aoife: Greater magic weapon (+1), 5 hours

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Same as before! Kuragin, please post 5 rounds' worth.

Round 12

<actions, Kuragin and Ishbaad only>


Round 13



Round 14



Round 15



Round 16



Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Holy balls...

aaaaaaaand Cyrus'd!!!! Just know that Ishbaad's retributive attack while dismounting to administer a potion would have been amazing... :) (and included a reference to Lort)

Round 12

Ishbaad's heart leaps up into his throat as he sees Aoife rushing to help Jorvik, only to get cut down on her way through. Confusion floods his mind as he struggles with what to do. Should he protect Aoife and his friends by continuing to hack at the troll woman, and make sure she stays dead?

But Aoife's lifeblood is pouring from her neck at his feet. Every second is precious. Dragon be damned, none of this matters if she doesn't make it.

Before he can make his decision, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight and that majestic bird take care of one of his problems straightaway. The rest of what happens is merely reflex.

Ride to dismount as a free action: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Dropping to the ground unceremoniously, he pulls a vial of healing drought from his bandolier, popping the cork off. He tips Aoife's lifeless head back and pours the moderate healing potion down her torn throat.

So administering a potion is a full round action. Ishbaad could use his remaining standard and next round's move to finish this, but even if he has to use his full round action next turn, it still doesn't go off until next round, either way.

CMW potion: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (3, 5) + 3 = 11


Round 13

Finish administering the potion as described above


Round 14

Ishbaad reaches for the wand of healing that Jorvik was using moments earlier. While Aoife sputters in her confusion, he taps his northern friend to bring him back to the realm of conciousness.

CMW wand on Jorvik: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3) + 3 = 7


Round 15

Returning his attention to Aoife, he casts the spell from the wand again and again, trying to close the bleeding wounds.

CMW wand on Aoife: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (7, 1) + 3 = 11


Round 16

CMW wand on Aoife: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6) + 3 = 14


So recap - Jorvik has 7 more HP, Aoife is up 36 from her spot at -11, putting her at +25. We definitely need to finish healing up before we go anywhere.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

Round 13
Seeing that his friend is being taken care of, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight administers another healing draught to Jorvik, hoping to get him awake.
CLW infusion: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
"Boss Jorvik, you alive now? Me was so scared. Maybe you should start drinking your healing potions."


Round 14
He grabs a potion of cure moderate wounds out of his haversack, and holds it out for Jorvik. "Here, drink this. You seem a little confused. Uncle Ishbaad just take your cure stick, so this should work just as well. Maybe next time you want to dodge away from the attack, and not towards it. Maybe you just not used to being so big."

Once Jorvik has taken the potion, he runs over to the corpse of the troll, to search it for interesting things.

Round 15
Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight is looting the corpse. He's not being very respectful, cutting things, tearing, standing on the corpse while he searches.


Round 16
He continues searching, if needed. He tries to determine what is of value in what he found.

When he sees Aoife is awake again, he abandons his search to go run over to her, hugging her. "Aoife, me was so scared you had died! You got almost cut in half by that big blade. Me glad you so strong, and live!"

Kuragin, I assume you are going to stabilize Aoife?

Male N Human (Jadwiga) Witch 5 / Winter Witch 4 | HP: 87/70 | AC: 18 (12 Tch,14 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Hero: 1/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor - 1h; False Life - 8h; See invisibility 80 min

Gods! That troll almost killed two of us! Were we concentrating too much on the dragon with our preparations, ignoring all the other dangers? We better be more careful.

Round 12

Even if he was a bit confused the last time with his healings, at least now the enemy is dead. So to verify the child doesn't die before he can offer better healing, Kuragin casts stabilize to close her wounds.
Cast Stabilize


Round 13

Pretty sure no friend is going to die now, Kuragin exhales in relief. But he should act fast, in case more enemies are inbound. The witch moves next to Aoife, and pops the Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds from his wrist sheath. And then he proceeds to use the healing magic on Aoife.
CMW @ Aoife: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 2) + 3 = 7

Round 14

CMW @Aoife: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (6, 7) + 3 = 16

Round 15

CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 4) + 3 = 15 Aoife full

Round 16

What mental traumas the child may have from such near-death experience..? But they have to wait as Kuragin already moves to Jorvik. He studies the half-Jadwiga's wounds, and comes to a conclusion that some more healing is is order.

CMW @Jorvik: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (4, 6) + 3 = 13

Now Aoife should be at full, and Jorvik at +27. And I think Jorvik is conscious from round 13?

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Jorvik is indeed conscious from round 13. Same with Aoife now, too. So, Jorvik and Aoife can post rounds 13-16 please.

While the healers of the party ensure all the companions' wounds are sealed over, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight searches for items that may aid in their quest (after administering his own healing potion to Aoife). The only items of value on Amgarra's disgusting body are an iron nose ring sized for a troll (it is a perfect ring with no clasp, so let me know how and if you want to remove it) and her axe. The axe bears an inscription in giant and its smoothly polished surface contains an actual mirror. The edge is so sharp that the thing must be magical. She also has a potion hanging from her belt. The label on the potion simply has a spider on it. Uncorking it, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight quickly recognizes the heady mixed aromas of knackered horse and willow bark: it is a potion of spider climb.

A chest at the foot of Amgarra's bed seems to actually be locked with a decent quality lock. Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight has a quick go at opening it.

Goblin disable device: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (19) + 22 = 41

As soon as Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight inserts the lock pick, the chest flies open to reveal at least 1,000 gold pieces (exactly 1,000), a dozen brightly polished humanoid skulls (man-sized, and of sentimental value only) and a ledger of some kind written in Giant.

Next up: Aoife, Jorvik (round 13-16).

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

Currently, I have the (a) CMW wand - anyone else want to hold on to it as I see to be getting my ass handed to me every encounter? And sad that I never posted my I am dead post. Hopefully I won't have to :)

Round 13

Rising from the ground once again, this time Jorvik's normally pallid complexion is a shade whiter. "Friends, many thanks. She was a tough b&%@+." Noticing Aoife picking herself up, a wave a sadness washes over Jorvik.

"I am ... sorry. I am supposed to be a warrior of the north, and so far I have been bested in combat time and time again. Maybe it is best for me to try a different tactic."

Jorvik unslings his newly polished bow. The wood reflects the light showing off its beautiful sheen.


Round 14

'"Thank you Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight, your ability to brew these mad concoctions are truly impressive." Flipping open the stopper, Jorvik drinks deeply, feeling the curative magics course through his body.


Round 15

Jorvik moves around the room watching Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight pick the lock and examine the chest. "Let's take this book for later. We have children to rescue."

Round 16

Bow in hand, Jorvik and Heafoc make their way to the staircase leading up to the second level.


Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

Noticing the nose ring, not sure what its worth is, but realizing that there must be some, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight does the most expedient thing... he grabs his dagger and tries to cut it free. "Guys, look what I found!"

Then, opening the chest, he finds a whole lot of gold, some humanoid skulls which are quickly discarded. He quickly scans through the ledger in giantish, while exclaining, "And she was rich! Now we is rich! Me wonders what is in this ledger, though. Looks interesting."

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight knows Giant. Linguistics check to decipher code?"
linguistics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Jorvik quickly recovers with the aid of curative magics and leads the way out of the armory and towards the stairs leading to the next level. As he does so, a lingering doubt creeps in to his awareness. Children to rescue... marbles in the cell... wouldn't - shouldn't - the children have been held here in the cages?

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight holds the massive ring aloft, barely able to under its weight. As the bloody nose ring drips chunks of troll-snot and bits of actual nose onto the floor, he tries to understand the ledger. It appears Amgarra was in charge of distributing pay to the soldiers of Clocktower, and the chest likely contains the money she used to pay them with.

Next up: Aoife (rounds 13-16).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pronounced "Ee-fa" Human-child Female unchained-barbarian (brutal pugilist) 1/ brawler (strangler) 6/ unchained monk(martial artist) 1/ ninja 1 | HP: 104/86| AC [28] 30 ([21] 23 Tch, [22] 24 Fl, 29 vs. SM) | CMB: [+18] +11 (+ 6 grapple), CMD: [34] 33 (36 vs. grapple) | [occ]F: +13 [+18 for cold cond.], R:+13 W: [+5] +2[/ooc] | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: -1, Stealth: +19 | Speed 40ft | Rage: 16/16 | Stamina: 10/10 | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | Stunning Fist: 7/7 | Hero Point: 3/3 | Active conditions:

Round 13

The child stirs on the ground, after the curative and healing magic falls upon her. She groans for a moment, but every few seconds feels more and more life being restored to her. "Thank you," she coughs the words, raising one arm to gently touch the impact site of the deadly weapon.

Round 14

"I guess you all were right," she says, feeling further twinges of disappointment and embarrassment for herself. She has nearly died just now, and the same could easily have happen when she first climbed the tower, as well, but somehow she has been so cavalier about the dangers, protected by the paper thin, imaginary shield of Youth's expected importantly. She could not help by feel like a fool. "It was far too dangerous for me to come into here alone, when I climbed the tower. If these trolls had found me, I would surely have cook and eaten."

"I understand now what I mistake it was..."

Round 15

As the last of the healing magic closes the wound, the child continues. "Thank you, again," she says, shaking her head and trying to focus on the tast at hand. She leaves the greatsword strapped to her back, and continues back to the foyer and door to the stairwell with her hands free. "I'll follow you leads from here on out."

"And I'm sorry for all the bickering, Jorvik," she adds, walking toward the foyer.

Round 16

Finally arriving at the door to the stairwell, Aoife once again takes her place before the portal, ready to seize anything coming through or rush up the stairs, herself, if directed by her companions.

Aoife takes her position near the door to the stairwell *token not yet moved*

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Okay, I've placed all of you near the stairs in a feat of GM fiat. Let's go back to round by round. It will take a double move to ascend to the 2nd floor (hand-wave movement) and Ishbaad will need to make a handle animal or ride check (DC 15) if he wants to convince Onyx to squeeze through the doorway.

The cold wind blows in from the still-open front doors to the tower as Jorvik cautiously opens the door to the stairs. Instantly, the sound of clockwork gears becomes louder. Light floods the otherwise darkened stairway from behind, casting shadows of the companions upon the wall. No sound nor sign of any activity can be noticed coming from above. It appears as though the pitched battle fought downstairs has gone unnoticed - or unheeded.

As their eyes adjust to the gloom, the companions note that the door to the second floor above is open but no light is coming through it.

Round 17: Aoife, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight, Ishbaad, Jorvik, Kuragin.

Male N Human (Jadwiga) Witch 5 / Winter Witch 4 | HP: 87/70 | AC: 18 (12 Tch,14 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Hero: 1/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor - 1h; False Life - 8h; See invisibility 80 min

"After you, please..." Kuragin whispers, addressing Jorvik and Aoife. Ironically, those two should have a break from getting ambushed, but Ishbaad is not going to get upstairs very silently with that animal of his. The goblin could move unnoticed, of course, but he doesn't quite have the resilience of the other two in case something pounces on him.

"I can cast Invisibility on one of you, if you'd like a stealthy approach"

If someone wants it, Kuragin casts invisibility. But otherwise he just follows upstairs once the "front row" has moved

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Is everyone at full HP? Ishbaad is going to change it up a little bit from the original plan. Quarters are a little to tight up here, so Onyx is going to use his "guard" trick to stay on the first floor and make sure everything down here stays just like it is while we go up and kill a dragon, or die trying.

The mountain man looks at the stairs, then back down to his majestic mount.

"Your part in this fight is not over my friend, but you will not be able to come with me. Stay here. Guard our backs against any who would come behind us."

Handle Animal, DC10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Onyx snorts, and lowers his head, stamping his feet in defiance, but acquiesces to the command.

Is it possible to close the door to the tower? If so, Ishbaad will use a move action to do that. Makes me feel a little safer about leaving Onyx behind.

Drawing out his greatsword, Ishbaad then turns and begins to head up the stairs.

Between dismounting, closing the doors, and commanding Onyx, Ishbaad won't be able to start going up the stairs until the next round. Also FYI to everyone, I think sometime soon here (before the encounter with Granny Nan) I would like to cast protection from evil on everyone. Let me know what you think, it will take 5 rounds to get everyone.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

The door is already open at the top of the stairs... I think w should just go!

"Me already very stealthy. Me drink juice to make me hard to hear and hard to see. Me think we should move very quickly, though, because I bet Granny Nan is waiting for us already. We should hit her hard. Uncle Ishbaad, you need drink to make you move fast, 'cause you kinda slow?"

I assume Jorvik is still large? Also, I have several more potions of enlarge person... 1 that lasts 4 minutes, 2-3 that last 1

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight will follow behind Aoife and Jorvik, ready to attack.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Just as Ishbaad considers closing the door to the tower a gust of chill wind blows through the center of the tower and forces the double doors shut.

Round 17: Aoife, Jorvik.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Flavor and in-character strategy discussion for moving on to the next floor, as well as buffs per the discussion thread posting

"You have something that can speed up these slow legs?" Ishbaad cracks a grin to his goblin friend. "Yes, I'll take it."

Per discussion thread - GM PbP efficiency hammer on how long the buffing and prep takes before climbing the stairs - Next round of buffs posted in character below.

Ishbaad accepts the offered potion gratefully, and begins to pray to his goddess. "Sed et si ambulavero in valle umbrae mortis, non timebo mala." Ishbaad repeats the words over each of his companions, then finally over himself.

protection from evil on everyone, 5 minute duration.

Without thinking about what a goblin concoction might taste like, Ishbaad downs the "Make Uncle Ishy not slow" potion, and chases it immediately with the potion that grows him twice his size.

IMQiS - Can you post specifically what that potion is and the duration? Also adding enlarge person with a duration of 4 minutes that IMQiS gave to me before we entered the tower.

"Yes! This is what I was born to be! I giant of mountain and stone. Our enemies will tremble before us!" Ishbaad smiles to the similarly enlarged Jorvik.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Okay, all that takes you to the very beginning of round 23. Any other buffs?

Buff Tracker:
Note: tracking expiration dates only! Buffs expire after the listed round.

Round 49:

  • Jorvik: Enlarge Jorvik

Round 62:

  • Ishbaad: Enlarge person

Round 67:

  • All: Protection from evil (staggered buff expiry)

Round 58:

  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Shield

Round 95:

  • All: Remove fear (staggered buff expiry)

Round 101+:

  • All: Resist cold (10), 30 minutes (60 minutes for IMQiS)
  • All: Heroism, 50 minutes
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Spider climb, 60 minutes
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Mutagen (+4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 Nat Armor), 60 minutes
  • Kuragin: Mage armor, 60 minutes
  • Kuragin, Aoife, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Elixir of hiding, 60 minutes
  • Jorvik, Aoife: Greater magic weapon (+1), 5 hours

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

That escaladed rather quickly - IMQIS, how long is my Enlarge buff? Not sure how helpful it is with my ranged attacks, I will have to HL the numbers when I get home, but I am assuming better big than not(make your jokes children).

Jorvik looks at his right hand, and then his left. So much bigger and stronger. He feels like he wants to rip this tower down stone by stone to make a cairn for Queen Elvanna and her brood.

The time is nigh, focus on what is in front of you, lest your opponents get the better of you.

Jorvik, bow in hand, reaches for an arrow. Heafoc circles slowly over head, before hopping onto his shoulder.

Unaccustomed to the lightness of the beautiful bird, Jorvik's enlarged shoulder does not characteristically slump. Rather this perch suits his feathered companion. She pecks his ear.

"What, still hungry after troll eyes? I thought they would just regenerate in your gullet, providing you constant sustenance. Time to hunt girl."

Jorvik moves to the stairs, ready to ascend.

Move actions to stairs - ready to go up.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

@Jorvik - 4 minutes.

"Boss Jorvik, you know gullets are full of acid, and acid prevents trolls from regenerating!" Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight rolls his eyes at the rather big half-elf, like a two-year old correcting his parents.

Pronounced "Ee-fa" Human-child Female unchained-barbarian (brutal pugilist) 1/ brawler (strangler) 6/ unchained monk(martial artist) 1/ ninja 1 | HP: 104/86| AC [28] 30 ([21] 23 Tch, [22] 24 Fl, 29 vs. SM) | CMB: [+18] +11 (+ 6 grapple), CMD: [34] 33 (36 vs. grapple) | [occ]F: +13 [+18 for cold cond.], R:+13 W: [+5] +2[/ooc] | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: -1, Stealth: +19 | Speed 40ft | Rage: 16/16 | Stamina: 10/10 | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | Stunning Fist: 7/7 | Hero Point: 3/3 | Active conditions:

"I'm listening to you all now," the youth says, rocking back and forth slightly in anticipation. "I don't mind sneaking up there, and grabbing ahold of Granny Nan, if I were made invisible. But I don't want to run ahead if you'd rather we rush up together, as one."

"We probably don't have much time to decide, because old granny is probably waiting and prepared by now," Aoife says, looking in the direction of the stairwell. She suppresses a shudder, knowing her life almost ended moments before, just like her father's had in the terrible country, and now she was about to square off against a cruel, calculating, and what was worse, very much prepared crone. "Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it."

However we decide to ascend the stairs, whether one toon goes stealthily as the others follow, or all together in a rush, Aoife will first use a move action to active martial flexibility to get power attack, and then climb the stairs.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

"If we have an extra means of making someone invisible, then Aoife is right. Kuragin, make her invisible and when we kick down the door, she can sneak in and strangle the life from the old hag." Ishbaad nods to Aoife, confirming her plan and giving her the validation to make it happen.

@IMQiS - What was the "make uncle ishy not slow" potion and duration? I was assuming expeditious retreat. Just want to make sure so I can add it to Damo's buff list.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

that was it. If you want one it is yours. 6 minutes as it is an infusion extract, not a potion.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Okay, I think I have enough to go on. Again, mostly, I just need to know how long things take and how many buffs you have active at any given time. Man, this is complicated! Can't wait to get you boys into the forest and heading towards the hut... oh, and I really can't wait to see how well you do against the dragon! Anyway, takes you 1 round to get up the stairs, so...

Round 24

Kuragin twinkles his fingers and Aoife disappears. She makes her footfalls heard for a moment so that the others know she is headed upwards. Following, the four remaining heroes see through their companion to the landing above. It takes a while for their eyes to adjust to the dim light (actual dim light condition here) and Aoife notes that there is no longer the telltale flicker of firelight coming from beneath the kitchen door. The stove must be off.

When they reach the landing, the five would-be dragon slayers hear a soft, mournful song from the direction of the barrels stacked just ahead of them.

"Now she's gone,
What what will you be?
No more chance
To be like me.

"So alone,
Without her near.
My new friends,
Come over here."

A strange, semi-translucent patchwork monstrosity, no bigger than a toddler's doll steps out from behind a crate. It is vaguely humanoid, but closer inspection reveals it to be little more than a conglomeration of tiny clockwork gears, bird bones, dried twigs, and scraps of dog fur, topped with a cracked and chipped porcelain doll’s head.

"Hello friends," it says, tilting its head to the side - a tear-sized button drips from the creature's doll-eye to click noisily on the ground - "I'm afraid you are too late. They are dead now, and so is she. Now they will never be just like me. And you are too old."

Moved you all upstairs. I'll adjudicate rounds during this conversation as best I can, but don't worry too much about the word count. Talking is a free action, remember? ;-)

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

"Ah, a game. And who might you be little one? And what are we too late for?"

What monstrous construct is it that I am conversing with? May Desna help the ones this horrible creature has killed into Pharasma's bosom. I swear I should rip this place apart.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

"Game?" the thing says, becoming serious. Unlike humans, it cannot show severity through facial expressions - the porcelain remains fixed in place, even when it talks - it simply becomes very still, as though the unseen puppeteer holding it up simply no longer moves the strings. "This is no game. My name is Evija and you are too late. You are too late to save the children. They are dead and I am alone. Abandoned."

Another tiny tear-button is squeezed from her eye to fall upon the ground.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

"I am sorry, Evija. How did you come to be here. You and all the children? Who abandoned you?"

There is no reasoning with a witch's doll, however there is a chance we might be able to get some information from it first, much like Thora...

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

'That b*&*$, Granny Nan. Killed all the children? Running from us so we can't kill her?'
kn:arcana to identify: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37

"Why we talking to evil doll? She just here to delay us, scare us. Me think she just guard, letting bigger baddies know we are here!"

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

"I have always been here. Ever since I died," she tilts her head, though what that gesture means, the companions can only guess, "I died many centuries ago. At least, I think I died. I do not live, so I must have died. I guess the children are now like me, but not just like me the way I always wanted. They are dead, but they are not just like me. They are dead dead, digesting in trolls insides. Granny Nan and I had such hopes for them. But she is not here anymore. Granny Nan abandoned me.

"Perhaps she will be back, but she did not say goodbye. She went up not down and now she is gone." It is barely detectable with all the gears grinding, but the creature's voice is punctuated with the sound of small gears turning.

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

"So you are Granny Nan's creation? And you hoped the children would become like you, but instead they were eaten by trolls? The dragon is upstairs. Does Granny Nan go visit it often?"

A witch standing beside Logrivich would make cleansing this tower much more... challenging. It may be time to release this poor soul here soon. Must know if there is any other nuggets of information to glean...

Ishbaad subtly grips his greatsword a little tighter, ready to try to cut the construct in half. The clock is ticking, and their magical protections will only last for so long...

Not sure if anyone else wants to get something in here, but I can't think of anything else to ask or try to find out. Don't want to drag this out any longer than necessary.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

"I died before Granny Nan came here," the thing says, "Long, long before. Do you always ask questions about the obvious? Granny Nan visits Logrivich when she has news. Sometimes daily. Sometimes every other week. Always she returns. Not last time, though. I think she is gone."

The thing stands there limply, looking forlorn. It makes no moves to attack, harm or otherwise hinder the companions.

Male N Human (Jadwiga) Witch 5 / Winter Witch 4 | HP: 87/70 | AC: 18 (12 Tch,14 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Hero: 1/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor - 1h; False Life - 8h; See invisibility 80 min

"Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight speaks true. We must not let this doll delay us. Check these rooms quickly, and then proceed to find Granny Nan."

The doll sure looks different than the normal porcelain dolls, but it is not wise to trust any speaking doll in Irrisen. Kuragin eyes the clockwork-doll suspiciously, preparing to use his magic if the doll moves to attack.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

Did Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight get anything on his DC37 kn:arcana on the doll?

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

"Thank you little one. I know how sad this is for you. To not have friends to play with. To be alone. Maybe you can help us get back at the evil monsters that killed your friends? Does that sound good to you, to help us?"

Bluff to pass secret message to IMQIS, DC 15 for simple: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Nan Invisible?

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki
Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight wrote:
Did Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight get anything on his DC37 kn:arcana on the doll?

Dude, sorry! I didn't even notice that you had Cyrus'd me! No results from that check. I've also made all the knowledge rolls I can behind the scenes and no-one got high enough for even a clue. It is translucent in parts, though, so unlikely to be a construct. Most likely undead.

"They were not my friends... and now they never will be. You clearly do not want to be my friends," the doll's stare lingers on Aoife - though whether it can see her or is looking past her is uncertain - and then it turns around, "So I will leave." It walks mournfully through a barrel. Behind it, either heretofore unseen or left purposely by the strange clockwork doll, a pair of keys lie on the floor.

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight picks them up in case they prove useful.

While the companions decide what to do, the haunting voice can be heard once more, getting fainter and fainter, punctuated by sobs.

"Oh come back Nan and let them play with me, play with me.
I want some friends who can be just like me, just like me."

Round 25 now. Which door?

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight gives Jorvik a blank, uncomprehending look before he scampers over and grabs the keys. Keys mean doors, so he then rushes up and opens the doors they think might be the kitchen.... mostly because the other door is blocked for now. If the door doesn't open, he uses the keys.

Hope this is ok... just moving things along!

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Ishbaad follows the scampering goblin with his eyes, then with his body and ready sword. He revels in the extra speed that the potion has given him, along with his giant size. Good with that room decision, lets do it!

I need to talk Icy into making these potions for me more often. This is... Amazing.

In the back of his mind, he is still wary of the depressed doll, but it doesn't seem to be a threat.

Ok, meta game - still pretty concerned about leaving the doll behind us. I was thinking about telling it we were here to kill everything in the tower except the "innocents". I figure that would either confirm it is not a threat, or goad it into attacking us. Just don't want to leave anything behind... Let me know what you think before I do anything like that. Also, first things first - the door/kitchen.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Oh, I am so happy you chose the kitchen.

"Look out for the gobbler...." is the last thing the companions hear from the creepy doll-headed creature who called herself Evija.

Three tables occupy the northern half of this room. A five-foot-square extrusion with a small access door on its western face runs from floor to ceiling just south of the eastern doors. A gigantic cast-iron cauldron stands in the southeast corner with 5 wood stacked beneath it. A large iron stove with twin flue pipes running into the walls dominates the southwest corner.

Suddenly, the massive stove starts wobbling and roiling. The dead coals inside it spring to life and the thing spits out flames. The feet of the stove have been forged to appear as the feet of a beast, and these feet now animate grotesquely. Claws pop out and it paws at the already torn floorboards in an effort to break its chains. Whether from years of effort that have finally paid off, or by design, the chains break and fall to the floor with a loud clang.

Within the flames, dozens of writing faces can be seen - the faces of the children this thing has devoured over the years. The stove door opens impossibly wide and the sound as of a dying children's choir mingled with screeching pig iron erupts from the stove. This must be 'the Gobbler' that Evija warned against.

This is an animated object, but Kuragin suspects that the haunting images inside it and the chorus of children's voices hint that it may be partially undead (and vulnerable to positive energy damage*).

FYI, Jack: This here is why I asked so many questions when the same type of thing cropped up in We Be Goblins. For my stance on the topic of damaging animated objects, see here.

Initiative rolls:

Aoife initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Ishbaad initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Jorvik initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Kuragin initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

The Gobbler initiative: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

At -1, I can't believe this thing goes first!

It animates and breaks its chains in the surprise round, and you announced yourselves by opening the door, so no surprise round.

The Gobbler hobbles forwards on its forged animal claws and opens its grating wide. The doors lash out at Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight, the first thing the Gobbler saw when the doors were opened. -- No idea how else to describe 10ft reach with a bite attack for a stove!

Gobbler bite vs Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Bite damage vs Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Gobbler grab vs Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight is held aloft inside the Gobbler's stove doors and struggles against being swallowed into the fiery belly of this unholy creature (moved your token to its mouth).

Dim light in here.

Next up: Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight, Aoife, Ishbaad, Kuragin, Jorvik.

Combat table:


  • [15] Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight -8hp - Grappled
  • [13] Aoife
  • [13] Ishbaad
  • [12] Kuragin
  • [6] Jorvik


  • The Gobbler - Grappling

Active Global Conditions: None.

Round 25:

  • The Gobbler <= Break & chomp
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight <= !
  • Aoife <= !
  • Ishbaad <= !
  • Kuragin <= !
  • Jorvik <= !

Buff Tracker:
Note: tracking expiration dates only! Buffs expire after the listed round.

Round 49:

  • Jorvik: Enlarge Jorvik

Round 58:

  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Shield

Round 62:

  • Ishbaad: Enlarge person

Round 67:

  • All: Protection from evil (staggered buff expiry)

Round 83:

  • Ishbaad: Expeditious retreat

Round 95:

  • All: Remove fear (staggered buff expiry)

Round 101+:

  • All: Resist cold (10), 30 minutes (60 minutes for IMQiS)
  • All: Heroism, 50 minutes
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Spider climb, 60 minutes
  • Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Mutagen (+4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 Nat Armor), 60 minutes
  • Kuragin: Mage armor, 60 minutes
  • Kuragin, Aoife, Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight: Elixir of hiding, 60 minutes
  • Jorvik, Aoife: Greater magic weapon (+1), 5 hours

Male LG Oread Inquisitor (Iomedae/Valor Inquisition) 6/Cavalier 3 | HP: 84/84 [DR3/-] | AC: 23 (12 Tch, 23 FF) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28 | F: +13, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +3 | Perc: +15, SM: +18 | Speed 15ft | Hero 0/3, Bane 6/6, Resolve 6/6, Stamina 5/5, Judge 2/3, Feat 3/3 | Spells: 2nd 0/3, 1st 2/5 | Daily Abilities: [Earth] [Omen] [Surge] [Challenge] | Active: See OOC text

Looks like it might be too cramped to get into the kitchen. I am going to post as if I can attack through the open door. I will leave a spoiler for an alternative if I can't do that. Edit: Yea so my alternative might not make sense. Was going to cast ear piercing scream, but this thing probably doesn't have ears. If Ishbaad can try the pathetic attack below, he will have to just delay until he can get into the room.

Also, I think I forgot about the heroism buff during the fight with the trolls... oops.

That's not what I was expecting

Knowledge dungeon/planes/religion w/ monster lore and heroism: 1d20 + 5 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 5 + 3 + 2 = 19 Add +1 for know arcana/nature

Ishbaad recoils momentarily, and then discards all thoughts of the strangeness of what is happening when he sees Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight about to get swallowed by the stove. Action first, questions later.

With a mighty swing through the open door, Ishbaad hopes his magical blade is enough to cut into the monstrosity, and dreams of one day owning a blade made from star metal.

Power Attack, heroism, enlarged: 1d20 + 10 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 10 + 2 - 1 = 12 for +1 cold iron slashing damage, enlarged: 3d6 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 1) + 16 + 1 = 22

Fighting.... urge... to use hero point reroll....

Ahh. Urge successfully fought. Hero points are for dragon. Go team!

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

No further info revealed. I rolled and revealed the animated object link, so feel free to consult that. It is unique so there is no way to know its special abilities until you encounter them... like swallow whole, for example. You would imagine some fire damage would also result from such an event.

It has cover from you where it is, but otherwise no problems attacking it from where you are.

Male NG Half-Elf Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) 5/ Skald (Fated Champion) 2/ Ranger (Falconer) 2 HP: 93/93 18/18 temp | AC: 21[17] (14 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12[16], CMD: 26[25] | F: +11, R: +9[8], W: +6[8] | Init: +6[5] | Perc: +11, SM: +15 | Speed 30ft | Cold Resistance 2 Raging Song 9/9 Unchained Rage 14/15 Hero Points 0/3 | Spells: 1st 3/3 | Active conditions: Enlarged, rage, charge

Wow these maps are tight. Does the stove have cover from my current position? I'd 5-foot north, but then I'd be in the way. Really would like to trade places with Kuragin or Aofie - maybe wait until either one of them goes and moves out before I move to a new square?

"Ice! Nooo!" Seeing his goblin friend get swallowed into the animated, Jorvik momentarily panics.

No, you are a warrior, born and breed. Fight, fight with all you have.

Stepping back, Jorvik has his bow leveled at the creature but he knows he is at the wrong angle to do any good with his bow.

"Friends, the even the tower itself is against us. Come! We shall break down the door, rip out the windows, burn the floor boards, and destroy all that is unholy here.

"Forward, to save Ice!" the northman yells.

5 foot step to Aoife's or Kuragin's square if I can, begin Raging Song.

SRD wrote:
Inspired Rage (Su) At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Definitely has cover from where you are. Almost improved cover, I'd say (more than 50% is obscured by a hard object). A place swap is fine. You technically go last in the round anyway. It does mean that Kuragin and Aoife won't benefit from your raging song unless they delay or ready an action, though.

Sovereign Court

Male CG Snow Goblin Trap Breaker Alchemist 9 | HP: 57/57 + 15 temp | AC: 31 (18 Tch, 25 FF) | CMB: +7, CMD: 22 | F: +10, R: +15, W: +5, Resist Fire: 8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +17 Darkvision, SM: +2 | Speed 60ft, fly 60ft (good) | Hero: 3/3, Bomb: 18/18, Enhance Potion: 5/7 | Mutagen (+DEX/-WIS: 90 mins): 0/1 | Active conditions: Mutagen, Fly, Exp. Retreat, Resist Cold 20, Prot Cold (108), False Life, Shield

Ice Melts Quietly in Sunlight calmly starts working to free jhimself. He had never given making alchemical grease a priority, but that ought has changed at this moment! Instead, he calmly draws out a potion of enlarge person, and drinks it, knowing that the creature would make him at least a little harder to hold on to.

CBM to +7, CMD to 21

Boss Kuragin, make this thing unlucky! he yells out,

Pronounced "Ee-fa" Human-child Female unchained-barbarian (brutal pugilist) 1/ brawler (strangler) 6/ unchained monk(martial artist) 1/ ninja 1 | HP: 104/86| AC [28] 30 ([21] 23 Tch, [22] 24 Fl, 29 vs. SM) | CMB: [+18] +11 (+ 6 grapple), CMD: [34] 33 (36 vs. grapple) | [occ]F: +13 [+18 for cold cond.], R:+13 W: [+5] +2[/ooc] | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: -1, Stealth: +19 | Speed 40ft | Rage: 16/16 | Stamina: 10/10 | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | Stunning Fist: 7/7 | Hero Point: 3/3 | Active conditions:

"Icy!" the disembodied voice of the child calls from the hallways as the goblin is snatched up and held in what can only imagine to be unnatural jaws mixed of metal and wood. Without thinking twice, she springs forward, immediately abandoning her plan to remain silent and, hopefully, unseen. She knew she needed to act now in order to save her younger brother, she knew he would do the same for her. "We're coming for you!" she shouts.

Moving through the open door, the child turns and runs along the wall, moving all the way around and behind the raging stove. As the child moves, her blade is drawn and in hand. Once behind the thing, she pulls back and swings with all her might.

Free Action: accept raging song
Move Action: move 30-feet (but possibly some difficult terrain/table along the way) and moving through the creature's threatened area. Aoife is invisible as well, but cannot use stealth while raging.

attack @ stove, cold iron greatsword(PA, heorism): 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 12 + 2 = 31
damage: 1d10 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17

Male N Human (Jadwiga) Witch 5 / Winter Witch 4 | HP: 87/70 | AC: 18 (12 Tch,14 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +7, R: +8, W: +8 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +5 | Speed 30ft | Hero: 1/3 | Active conditions: Mage Armor - 1h; False Life - 8h; See invisibility 80 min

"If you have weapons made of adamantine, this would be a great opportunity to use them!" But Kuragin doesn't remember coming across such valuable artifacts, so no quick way to solve this combat. "Or just hit it very hard..."

But what about himself? The massive stone has no mind to send into slumber, so his usual tactic is of no use. Some of his spells might be able to damage the oddity, but would they defeat the it before it manages to burn the goblin. Yes, his first priority is to save Ice Melts Quielty in Sunlight. And just as the goblin said, all the stove's ill luck may be helping him. And all things, whether living creatures or soulless objects will bend to the whims of fate. So Kuragin calls his patron to alter the fates of their enemy, and hexes it with misfortune.

Misfortune Hex, will save DC 20. Then cackle to extend the duration

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