DM Ashman |

Status of Villains
K1--Killed by Urran
K2 --
K3 --
K4 --dead by Ammon
Cu 1==Drops dead from wounds
Cu 2== killed by Merri
Cu 3== addition dmg from Merri kill him
Cu 4
Turn Order updated
Turn order
Meri ---
Eless -- Cast Bless
Vax --5hp dmg //Your up
Ras -- will fit into here
A Cultist (C2) will swing at the screaming man as enters the fray. The Cultist gets in a minor slice on the paladin as he comes charging in.
To hit 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 dmg 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Rasým Amcathra |

ok, if this is correct then:
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
bonus action attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
not 100% sure, so the DM can make of it as he sees fit...

DM Ashman |

Turn order
Meri ---
Eless -- Cast Bless
Vax --5hp dmg swing and miss.
Ras -- will fit into here
k2 --dead by Ras
updated turn order
Bless has been cast!
Vax tries to hit the Cultist but misses. Ras is able to stab a Kobold killing him. A remaining Kobold tries to stab Eless. The next Cultist runs up and swings at Urran.
Kobold to hit 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 dmg 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Cultist to hit 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 dmg 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Urran you are up!

Elessandra Arlissencia |

I was waiting to see what everyone else was doing first, but I can post an attack, I guess, presuming that the fiend doesn't fall before I can act.
With the light of Lathander gleaming in her eyes, Elessa takes up her staff and strikes again at the cultist closest to her.
1d20 + 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (11) + (3) + 3 = 17
1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Vaxillis |

No worries, just checking. :)
Vax looks at the kobold as it panics and turns to run, a grim look on his face. He shakes his head as it runs right into the end of the paladin's quarterstaff, the kobold's head snapping back, dropping it to the ground.
"Your timely assistance is most welcome, my friend. The name is Vax and these are my companions," the old soldier gestures to the others, "We should continue on toward the keep, we'll take solace in the cover it will provide from that wyrm's breath!"

Elessandra Arlissencia |

Elessa turns towards those they were escorting. "Come now, friends. Let's continue if we are able. The keep is not that far away. Safety awaits us."

DM Ashman |

As the group makes it the gate of the Keep. You are let in and there is a sense of safety at the moment. Each of your Civilians make through. The Woman starts to weep and says Thank you brave heroes for rescuing my family. I am forever in your debt. About that time a tall royal man, with a beard approaches you.
You rescued these people from the Raiders? He asks the group. Before anyone can answer Linan Swift speaks up. Governor Nighthill, yes they did. They also managed to kill several raiders as well.
Nighthill strokes his beard and then extends both hands. Heroes be welcomed to Greenest! I would seek your aide on behalf of our town. Will you help us? He says this all the passion he has.
What say you?

Rasým Amcathra |

Ras greets Vax warmly, "Greetings, may I introduce myself, Rasým Amcathra, servant of Kelemvor, traveler in this lands. It wasn't really much, what I have done it, at least you did not suffer more." seemingly he is not pleased with his performance.
"Before we move on, as you never know what we may encounter on the road, it seems, that you are wounded, Vax. May I take care of your wounds?"
If Vax allows, Ras will place a hand on his wound, utter a short prayer to Kelemvor and heal him for 5hp.
"May I ask, why they thought you were valuable targets, was it just by chance, or is a deeper evil at play here?"
Ras nods, "for sure, for sure, I will. But I cannot speak for my fellow companions, as I just have met them as they were fighting some foul creatures. What is it, what is plaguing you? And how can we be of hep for your town?" he asks.

Ammon the Fiend |

Ammon watches the others that have found their way to this place introduce themselves. He addresses the mayor directly.
"I am Ammon. When did these creatures arrive and do you know why they are here? I would like to help, but I am not powerful enough to take on a dragon, or did you have some other task in mind?"

Vaxillis |

At Ras, "Many thanks," as he breathes in the divine warmth, "Is that the Master of the Crystal Spire's symbol that you carry with you? You'll have to tell me about his tenets someday."
In response to Ammon. "Hah! None of you, er... us are powerful enough to stand against that foul creature! We will do what we can to help you, Governor Nighthill," he turns to his new friends with a smile, "Won't we?"

Elessandra Arlissencia |

Ras, I healed Vax earlier. So he should be good I think. I don't see any other hits on him in the DM updates.
"Welcome. It seems that the gods are well presented this day." She holds up her symbol of Lathander, letting the multicolored glass sparkle in the light of the keep.
She takes a moment to pray for the fallen, both the civilians of the town, and the cultists and kobolds who might have chosen a better path.

Vaxillis |

Actually, Elessandra, I got hit again right after you cast bless! Those pesky kobolds! :p
At Elessandra's comment about the gods, Vax absently runs his thumb over his prayer beads.

Rasým Amcathra |

At Vax, "yes, I am serving the Master! I hope we will have time to sit down and learn from each other."
Twoards Elessandra, "indeed they are. As said, I hope we find a place for rest, maybe at some point during our travels."
With this he helps to lay the dead to rest.
"We will do our best to be of help, as little or much that might be."

DM Ashman |

Nighthill says Here is our situation. The raiders have isolated the keep from the town with encircling groups of guards, but they haven’t organized an attack on the Keep. I think the raiders don’t intend to
attack the keep; they seem interested only in loot. The real danger is to the town and to those people who didn’t make it into the keep before it was cut off. Since we cannot seem to get out, I have a plan. This plan includes an old tunnel that leads to the Keep. A narrow tunnel runs from the cellar beneath the keep to the bank of the stream . The tunnel is wide enough to allow warriors to pass through it in single file. In the keep, the tunnel is sealed with a locked ironbound
door, and the stream exit is covered with a locked iron grate made to look like a sewer outlet function was as a secret means of collecting water from the stream during a siege, but it can double as a sally port. Since the keep has never been besieged, the old tunnel has never been used. Barrels and crates are piled in front of the door. The keys for the locks are on the ring of my man Escobert. He carries them with him everywhere. I think we should use the tunnel as a means of sneaking townsfolk into the keep without running the gauntlet of attackers watching the gates. My other men are up top fighting off the Dragon. Will you go to the Tunnel in the Celler?
Escobert walks in as Nighthill briefs his assement and plan.

DM Ashman |

The group is led to the celler and given the key by Escobert. The group takes a minute to open the door and clear the way. There is dust and webs everywhere. As you make your down the tunnel you can hear the stream up ahead about 45 feet. The allows you to march in single file.
What is the marching order?

DM Ashman |

Urran I will bot you if you don't post
As the holy light of from the mace light's the way. Vax can see the stream up ahead. Between him and the gate is a Two Swarm of Rats. Right now they are not disturbed but any further advance in the cave will disturb them. There is not way around them and the only way is back.
What do you do ?

Vaxillis |

"A whole mess of rats up ahead," the old soldier whispers, "They seem to fill the tunnel... I can try to scatter them, but rather than tip our hand I think we should try to force them back toward us rather than out."
Can we hear the sounds of battle or looting outside the grate? Or does it seem that we could send the rats running out the grate and maybe not tip any cultists off that we are coming out this way?

DM Ashman |

Vax - Rats Dex Roll 1d20 ⇒ 18
Eless - Rats Dex Roll 1d20 ⇒ 8
Vax's Sacred flame shoots over the rats. It hits the wall disturbing them. Meanwhile Eless shot hit the first group. Ammon raises his hand and lets lose hellfire which burns the rats. Vax sees the danger and thens...
Initive Rolls
Vaxis 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 --Your up
Eless 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Meri 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Ammon 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Urran 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Rats 1 1d20 ⇒ 15 1hp/?
Rats 2 1d20 ⇒ 13