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Ansha: That's weird. I'm sure that I remember your position from your last post. Something must have happened. Let's go with everything as it is now though.
Looking back on the previous few posts, I think the confusion is because you told me using my wand of infernal healing was a full-round action, so I double-moved instead of my initial action of a single move and using a wand, since that was an invalid action with infernal healing's casting time.

GM Netherpongo |

I have a convention that I'll be running a pair of quests at this weekend. I don't think that will keep me from posting, but it might distract somewhat from the game. (I've been kind of distracted for the last week anyway I guess.)

GM Netherpongo |

I'm trying to reach Obsidean. It's sort of hard to pass his turn or bot him when he could potentially wipe out the bulk of the encounter on his turn.
Hopefully he'll post soon.

GM Netherpongo |

Gaius, your Misfortune ability made Calhadion fail his save. That's all fine. When he did, however, I went looking at your character sheet to make sure I understood where the Misfortune was coming from and how it worked. You don't have it anywhere on your character sheet. I'm sure you do have it, probably from Dual Cursed Oracle, so I'm not going to stop the game over this. You need to fill out your class abilities tab, though. Particularly so since you (likely) have two curses and your GM doesn't know what either of them are. Clean it up.
Moreover, I'm now looking at the way that you declare your Misfortune. It's good that you are declaring it ahead of time, but your phrasing is off. You are saying "if he passes, I'll use Misfortune", but your class ability (assuming I am looking at the right one) does not allow you to do that. You have to decide to use Misfortune before the result of the roll is declared, so you can't wait until they have succeeded.
I'll grant that this second point is awkward due to play-by-post and additionally since I'm not showing you the rolls. Something like "if they roll above 8 on their saving throw, then I Misfortune" would be more accurate though.

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My apologies, I have been running off the hard copy of my PC, and had not realised I had not fully-updated my online version. Mea culpa! (I have fixed it.)
Re: Misfortune, unfortunately, it is a difficult ability to use - since in PbP, it would slow posting down, if I needed make the GM pause mid-posting... That said, your suggestion to say 'make it trigger if they roll an 8+', is certainly a good one!

GM Netherpongo |

I have a private message from only Gaius so far. Please send me your name, character name, paizo #, character #, faction & email address. You can roll day job checks here.

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Knowledge (local) from Information Brokerage vanity: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

GM Netherpongo |

I got private messages for Tytus & Gaius (among others) but they didn't include emails for me to use to send the chronicles.
I've also sent non-final copies of the chronicle to Archibald & Hiram so they can pick which of the Sovereign Court boons they want for their character. I'll send the same to Gaius when I get his email. Alternately for Gaius, if you have access to the chronicle in some other format, just let me know which boon you want.

GM Netherpongo |

Hiram, Ansha & Tytus should have their chronicles! Let me know if I got anything wrong or if otherwise the chronicle needs to be adjusted.
* I need to hear back from Archibald & Gaius about which Sovereign Court boon they want.
* I need Obsidean's name, character name, pfs #, character #, faction, day job result, progression speed & email address.

GM Netherpongo |

Archibald and Gaius should have their chronicles now. I just need to take care of Obsidean.