DM Tobi |

Discussion board is up. If I could get the following info from you guys that would be great.
1: Player Name
2: Character Name
3: Character Pathfinder #
4: Faction
5: Anything special I should know about your character (special attacks, combat things you do, that kind of thing) Just so I can brush up on something if I need to
Also I would like to get the following as the basic info that comes under your character when you post.
Thanks guys.

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1. Mark Garringer
2. Karasu Sosei
3. 9783-4
4. Grand Lodge*
5. Karasu believes he is a samurai, and he talks to his sword. He has no memory of his life as a tengu before awakening in Absalom several years ago. He occasionally has memory flashes of his life as a human samurai swordsman. In truth, the black blade is the bound soul of the samurai and its power is more than the birdman knows how to manage. Shocking grasp and Power Attack are his main tools, along with crazy Perception and Stealth.

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Hi DM Tobi, thanks for hosting this game.
1. Cyril Corbaz
2. Aetherys Dawnblade
3. 76446-6
4. Qadira
5. Aetherys is an elf raised by Qadiran dervishes, and is a devout of Sarenrae. Her rather extreme beliefs tend to prevent her from being a socially intergrated person. That is also true because of the special relationship she has with her sentient scimitar, called "Dawnblade", and which she believes is an agent of Sarenrae incarnated in her blade to guide her path. Mechanically speaking, nothing special (magus usual: spellstrike, spell combat, etc.) except a wrist-loaded sheath with a wand of shield inside.

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OMG! 2 intelligent weapons? This should be fun :)
Sorry, my mistake:
3. 9783-5
Purchases before we begin:
cloak of resistance +1
ioun stone, cracked dusty rose prism
masterwork composite longbow (str +2)
50 cold iron arrows
5x weapon blanche (silver) (applied to cold iron arrows)

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1: Derek Weil
2: Talwin Bernhold
3: 85794-5
4: Silver Crusade
5: Since he was young, Talwin's parents taught him to value freedom and liberty, but also to value law and order. Chaotic freedom, has was taught, could be very destructive. He took theses lessons to heart. Talwin has felt strongly that Andoran's freedoms are predicated on its government enacting just laws. Recently, evidence of corruption among Andoran's elected leaders has become more and more evident. He is tired of these stories and rumors, as well as tales of people who are unwilling to bear their burden in making the country a better place (by paying their fair share of taxes). These beliefs led him to the church of Abadar, and as an inquisitor he seeks to root out injustice and corruption.
In combat, Talwin will generally fight with his spear, seeking to establish a strong position where foes who close in will provoke attacks of opportunity (since he has combat reflexes). His casting is too limited right now to provide much support to his allies, so he will expect to fight. Out of combat he is a very useful person. He can detect any non-neutral alignment (that's good, evil, law, and chaos) at will, and can use stern gaze to great effect on Intimidate and Sense Motive checks. He also has a handful of good knowledge scores.

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Dotting. Will put up details that is not in profile

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1) Christian Bettendorf
2) Ford C. Benett
3) 115026-3
4) Grand Lodge
5) Ford is the son of a rich family in Taldor close to Riddleport; he left when he was about 18 without his parents permission to secretly join the Pathfinder society. He tends to keep quiet about his history for fear of it catching up with him and isolating him from his allies. Ford is cocky and will typically insist on leading the charge into a fray if he can help it. Ford is also a shameless sleazeball and womanizer, though he becomes oddly chivalrous when a lady is mistreated.

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1) Jeff MacDonald
2) Kiyanetikert
3) 28193-2
4) Osirion
5) I'm a 1st level gnome alchemist. Nothing real special yet. I throw bombs and, especially playing up, try to stay out of the way. :)

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Aetherys you want to trade spells on the trip up to Riddleport?
Burning Hands
Call Weapon
Chill Touch
Color Spray
Corrosive Touch
Reduce Person
Shock Shield
Shocking Grasp
Silent Image
True Strike
Warding Weapon

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Sure! Here's my spellbook.
All 0-level magus spells
1st-level Call Weapon, Color Spray, Corrosive Touch, Feather Fall, Grease, Jump, Keep Watch, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp, True Strike, Unerring Weapon, Unseen Servant, Vanish, Warding Weapon, Weaponwand.
I'll gladly attempt to write:
Burning Hands
Chill Touch
Shock Shield
Silent Image
... if that's okay for you. Feel free to scribe any spell you want from my spellbook, of course.
Spellcraft rolls (take 10) have a result of 19, which is high enough to succeed. GM, could you write on our chronicle sheet the spells we learned and sign, please?
I'll pay 50 gp to cover scribing costs.

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"Ooh, magic books. Can I look too? You can look at my formulae if you want, but somehow you caster types can never make any sense out of them."
If they're willing I'll copy
Reduce Person
Shock Shield
Spellcraft Take 10 makes it at 17. 30gp for scribing.

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Feather Fall, Grease, Jump, Keep Watch, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Unerring Weapon, Unseen Servant, Vanish, Weaponwand
Spellcraft: T10 + 9 = 19. 100 gp for scribing costs. Thanks!

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Thanks for the spells. Shame I can't trade back, but I've got various alchemical stuff available if it's needed. weapon blanches, fire, acid, etc.

Brox RedGloves |

haha! I'm able to watch forums at work as well as home. You will see many posts from me!
(I almost feel sorry for you guys now! hehe)
I'll be keeping the gladii sheathed on my belt, sap will be on the belt too (left side) one dagger in my boot and one dagger hidden on the right side behind the gladius.
S.o.H. DC: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 to notice. +4 if frisking.

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Sorry for the short notice, poor thought process on my part. I'm moving today and tomorrow and will be away mostly. Bot as required. Thanks!

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My pcs hdd decided to give in this weekend. So posts will be from phone. Only getting my pc mid week

DM Tobi |

Couple of things:
First, I need to know what happened with the Flags and the Book that were found in the warehouse.
Second, I will be out of town for the weekend and really don't know how much access I will have to internet. So I may not post until sunday or possibly monday. I'm sorry for the delay.

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[ooc]So, I understand that you want them for your faction mission apparently. But since there is no faction missions or briefings I'm not sure why/how you were tipped off to needing them.
That is pretty much irrelevant to the fact that, in character, what happened apparently is that Karasu was standing there looking at them and you just walked up and took them out of his hands? Unless I skimmed over something else.
As a player I am not going to support that kind of behavior from another player, and as a character Karasu certainly would not allow something he's actively fascinated in to be taken from him.
All that said, all you have to do is ask for them and I'd be happy to turn them over.

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[ooc]So, I understand that you want them for your faction mission apparently. But since there is no faction missions or briefings I'm not sure why/how you were tipped off to needing them.
I'm not exactly sure what the status on faction missions from seasons before they were done away with is, but they were handed out

Brox RedGloves |

I re-read the posts. Here are the corrections (oddly I can't edit the post)
GM just listed them as loot. I took mis-read it as they're being part of a pile of loot. At this point I guess you have the flags, and I have no idea you have them since nothing has been mentioned about them in play. If I read your post correctly, you picked them up, put them in your bag and that was it.

DM Tobi |

I'm not exactly sure what the status on faction missions from seasons before they were done away with is, but they were handed out
So when did faction missions get done away with? I guess I missed that somewhere.

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Kiyanetikert wrote:I'm not exactly sure what the status on faction missions from seasons before they were done away with is, but they were handed outSo when did faction missions get done away with? I guess I missed that somewhere.
I know Season 5 doesn't have them as such.
I'd have to look back at the Guide to see what happens with older seasons now.
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Prestige awards and faction missions: Faction missions no longer count towards the success conditions of a scenario, but they may be used to add extra flavor to the game session.
Instead, earning Prestige is tied to fulfilling the primary and
secondary success conditions of each mission. The primary
and secondary success conditions grant 1 Prestige Point
each, for a maximum total of 2 Prestige Points. The primary
success condition for a Season 0–2 scenario is the overall
scenario’s goal; Season 3–4 scenarios instead use the Success
Condition included after the scenario’s Conclusion section.
A free, supplementary document available for download at
details the secondary success condition for each scenario.
It's been that way since start of season 5. People may want to download the latest version of the Guide.

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I am sorry I have been absent. My mother in law recently had some surgery related to her cancer, and stopped breathing and was put on a ventilator for several days in the ICU at Deaconess Hospital in Spokanne, WA.
Things are beginning to settle, and I will do my best to get posting back in line as soon as the more important matters settle. Please feel free to have Lem sing as needed while I am busy elsewhere.

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Curious Karasu, where are all the bonuses for damage from? I can place a few.
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1
3 from STR (+2 for STR 14, +1 for 2h grip on weapon)
1 from the black blade enchantment bonus
1 from the black blade arcane pool (free action to activate for 1 min, though I added it in looks like I forgot to mention I was doing so...)
3 from Power Attack (again +2 and another +1 from 2h grip)
1 from bardic performance

DM Tobi |

Okay guys, you're pretty much done with the mod. Re-looking at the Gameday reporting tool, I need to have the following info.
1. Player Name (or Paizo alias if you want)
2. PC name
3. PFS Number
4. email (only if you win a boon)
So please make sure to roll for your boon. It's a straight d20 roll, if you roll a 1 you get a random d4 roll to see what boon you get. If you get a 20 you get to pick the boon.
Lingering Resonance: A recent encounter with an enemy spellcaster left your body strangely receptive to spell effects. At the beginning of a scenario, you may announce that you are using this boon. The next time that you fail a saving throw against any spell or spell-like ability from an enemy spellcaster, have your GM write the name of the spell below. Choose one of the following benefits, and cross the other off your Chronicle sheet.
• When you cast the listed spell, you may increase the DC of the saving throw by 2.
• When you roll a saving throw against the listed spell, you gain a +4 bonus on the save.
You may use this bonus once for free, after which you should check the box below; each additional use of the selected benefit costs 1 Prestige Point.
Long Distance Support: You heard the Decemvirate’s call to arms as the Fifth Crusade began, but for whatever reason the society did not send you to the front lines immediately. You may nonetheless send extra supplies to aid your fellow Pathfinders. At the end of any scenario that does not take place in Mendev or the Worldwound, you may choose to spend 1 Prestige Point to send a cache of necessary supplies north to aid the war effort. On a line below, have your GM record where the scenario took place and initial the entry. Upon filling all five lines, you gain two benefits.
First, you gain a Mendevian Commendation for your tireless efforts to supply the crusade. A Mendevian Commendation grants you a cumulative +1 bonus on Charisma-based skill checks to influence Mendevian Crusaders (maximum +3).
Second, as a swift action while fighting a creature with the demon subtype or bearing an unholy symbol of a demon lord, you may grant all allies that you can see within 60 feet a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against those creatures for one minute. When you use this second ability, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
Mendevian Weapon Training: Queen Galfrey of Mendev understands both that poorly equipped crusaders are of little use to the ongoing war against demonkind and that an inadequately trained crusader cannot make effective use of good equipment. As a result, those who dedicate themselves to the Fifth Crusade have access to training and equipment that might not otherwise be available. When you would be permitted a Day Job check, you may instead spend 4 Prestige Points to receive intensive training with a specific weapon or suit of armor. You receive a masterwork version of the weapon or armor, and you gain proficiency in that specific weapon or armor (but not others of its type). If you are already proficient with the selected armor or weapon, you instead gain a +2 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder combat maneuvers targeting the chosen item.
Choose the weapon or armor from the following list: breastplate, glaive, heavy shield, or longsword.
Moment of Glory: Whether it is by fate, fortune, or circumstance, you are able to tap into a hidden reserve of power at just the right moment to perform a truly extraordinary feat. By activating this boon as a free action, you become a mythic character (1st mythic tier) for 3 rounds. If you fall unconscious due to hit point loss during this time, you automatically stabilize without needing to attempt a Constitution check. In addition, once before this effect ends, you may use the surge mythic ability to increase any d20 roll you just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using the surge is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll.
When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet; however, anytime you successfully complete (earning the maximum possible number of Prestige Points) a scenario that using the “hard mode” option, you may have the GM sign this boon. You may use this boon one additional time for each such signature you receive.
Thanks all for the game. I'll start working on chronicles.