1 on 1 Adventures Compendium, by Expeditious Retreat Press, But with 2 Players. (Inactive)

Game Master DoubleGold

1. I will be running 1 on 1 Adventures Compendium by Expeditious Retreat Press but with 2 Players instead of 1.
2. I will be running these in order of level instead of order of adventure number as you will keep your character across the game.
3. There will be no adjustments, it will be run as is.
4. Start at level 3 with gold by level, 30 point buy, any Paizo made race (to make core more balanced since they are sometimes inferior to other races, the one stat that normally gets raised in 3.5 gets a +3 bonus instead of a +2, and the other one added in Pathfinder is still a +2, and your -2 is still a -2. Humans are +3 and duel talent is +3 and +3, otherwise they are inferior to almost any race that grants +2 to two stats without a negative). Any class core, base, alternative, or hybrid with Gestalt rules. (I do not understand how Occult works even after rereading it several times, they are too confusing. An unchained seems like Pathfinders attempt at re-balancing classes, they should have done it right the first time.)

I'll play. This sounds cool. How often do you need me to post?

At least once a day or more, the weekends are an exception. 2 people, plus 1 DM means we won't have to wait on many people, and each adventure will probably take 1 month or less.

Edit: I'm starting as soon as I get 2 characters. But GreyPlague, you do get priority, so you have a reserved spot since you were the first to respond.

Neat. Looking at an angry cleric build.

I've heard the 1 on 1 adventures by ERP are pretty good (had some buddies who ran one once... ended up waking up hungover in the final boss room, don't ask how), so count me interested. Lemme see what I can whip up.

GreyPlauge wrote:
Neat. Looking at an angry cleric build.

Remember it is Gestalt, so you get to be cleric plus something else.

2 players, gestalt, 30 point buy might seem powerful, but these adventures are suggesting certain classes and certain levels. If you don't level up to the suggested level when you move onto the next scenario, then you are behind, but the power should make up for this, because I'm doing this as one continuous adventure, with the chance to shop in between scenarios. One scenario might be level 5-6 barbarian and the next one might say 7-9 Wizard/Sorcerer and the next might say 7-9 ranger or rogue. The Gestalt with 2 players will likely make up for the class that it was recommend for. Okay so we don't have a Wizard, but we do have a Magus/Cleric and a Bard/Fighter and that stuff will more than likely give you almost everything that the wizard would have needed. Not to mention, these scenarios only take into account Core Classes, and with many options, you are likely to cover what the core class would need.

Anyway. Recruitment is now closed, but people are free to post in case one of my players decides to back out, so go ahead and make characters.

CaptainFord and GreyPlague, make your characters.

Oh, in case anyone is interested, I also own every free downloaded adventure from Paizo and 3rd party I could get from this site. As well as every 99 cent adventures except for the ones that say Mini-Dungeon. I run you all any cheap or free adventure, not to mention they are probably short scenarios given the price.

Hrm... if Grey is going with a cleric mix concept, I guess that leaves me the arcane side. Good. I think I like arcane a bit more.

I'm torn between a magus/alchemist or a rogue/sorcerer.

I woke up early and hero labbed a cleric and a cloned fighter. I'll mix them together and figure out equipment when I have some spare time today.

What I have now is Grothik, a half Orc (chain fighter) cleric (separatist) of Nethys/fighter.

Domain: Magic
Forbidden Rite: growth domain

Feats: skill focus knowledge arcana
Eldritch heritage (arcane bond, spiked chain).

Fighter feats: power attack, cleave.

Are we doing traits?

I forgot to ask, do we start with max HP per level? Roll it? Max at level 1, half every level after?

ah so this is closed then you have your 2, good luck.

Welp, I ended up going with something else entirely different. Introducing the mostly complete Yirrok Sparkfang, a kobold barbarian sorcerer mix.

Because screw your optimization.

yeah, pfs rules for HP. Which is max at 1st, and half+1 at later levels.

And 2 Traits and additional traits feat are allowed. No drawbacks.

Yirrok Sparkfang wrote:

Welp, I ended up going with something else entirely different. Introducing the mostly complete Yirrok Sparkfang, a kobold barbarian sorcerer mix.

Because screw your optimization.

which would be interesting to see since you can't cast spells and rage at the same time.

As soon as GreyPlague makes his Alias, I'll start, though I have work this afternoon, so it will probably be up tonight.

Took me a minute but I figured it out.

Where do we post completed characters? And what time zones are you guys in?

Eastern Time zone, so it is almost Midnight for me. I will have the Gameplay thread up shortly.

Gameplay thread is up, and you start with a game of skulls, hey the first scenario is called "Gambler's Quest." For people who played it before, I took out the interval betting stuff to make is simplerer so that you will just roll your 3d6 three times, ie 9d6, and it will cost your character nothing, we will assume it was a pre-game buy in.

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