Treasure Level vs. Item Level

Magic Items

Sovereign Court

So I'm making a spreadsheet of all treasure in the Playtest Rulebook and found that the adamantine battleaxe is on the 9th-level treasure list but has an item level of 7. Are these numbers separate elsewhere, is this just a fluke, did I miss something, or what? It doesn't make sense to me to have those levels distinct from one another.

All the special material items have a mismatch in their level on that list and in the description. There might be other items as well, but I don't know them off the top of my head. My guess is that the treasure list might have been made based on an earlier iteration of the rules and wasn't fully corrected before publishing.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Treasure level and item level are seperate of eachother.

Itemlevel is based on quality and level of runes for weapons.

Treasurelevel is based on the gold/silver worth of the item.

The battleaxe is a master quality weapon, which is level 7. Adamantine doesn't increase the itemlevel, but does increase the worth of the item and thus increasing it's treasurelevel.

There is no formula yet.

Damanta wrote:

Treasure level and item level are seperate of eachother.

Itemlevel is based on quality and level of runes for weapons.

Treasurelevel is based on the gold/silver worth of the item.

The battleaxe is a master quality weapon, which is level 7. Adamantine doesn't increase the itemlevel, but does increase the worth of the item and thus increasing it's treasurelevel.

There is no formula yet.

If that's the case, then it's just another reason that having a bunch of different things called Levels needs to go away. It gets confusing. I also can't see that being mentioned in any clear fashion. So the rules need to be more clear about what's the intent so we don't assume something is a typo.

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