Got Something Strange in the Mail Today

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Ok. The following is long but I'd like some folks to read it just the same.

I just got the strangest thing in the mail. It arrived from a private postal service in Buffalo, NY. Inside was an envelope that had been addressed to "Professional Logistics" in Canada. Inside THAT envelope there was a letter addressed to me from an unknown sender. This last was really beat up and dirty from being sent back to Canada for some reason considered undeliverable. There was no return address but had Canadian postage. Whew. And inside that one were a half dozen pages on really old, yellowed paper on which were typed lines from a play based on the weird fiction story "The King in Yellow" by Robert W. Chambers, published in 1895. I won't go into details about the story, but it's an early sci-fi/horror novel. Lots of folks here will know of it, I'm sure.

Now here's where it gets really weird. The accompanying letter telling me that I was to save these pages for prosperity in an effort to fight censorship. I was just one person who had received portions of this play to be saved from destruction.

My only concern is who on Earth has my address in Canada and why or how did they choose me to send this odd piece of mail? It actually seems like an excerpt from one of Chambers' or H.P Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos stories. It was sent through "untraceable" channels so that the censoring agent wouldn't be able to trace it, according to the letter. The handwriting on both envelopes is the same and in a very distinctive hand, written with what appears to be black ink from a fountain pen. Now I love a good mystery and it's resemblance to something written in one of my favorite literary genres is pretty cool. But I am truly puzzled by this. There was no "white powder" that might be something containing Anthrax or the like.

Has anyone else ever received something like this? I'm not really concerned, just, well to say it again, puzzled.

Shadow Lodge

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Never heard of it. Most I've gotten is things off my wishlist, like Ars Magica this Christmas.

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Er. Geez. I will provide you with more information if this is really concerning you, but here's what I can say:

(1) I was not involved in any way, shape, or form on sending that to you. As to TOZ's wishlist, no comment.

(2) Earlier in 2017, NobodysWife received a similar package that similarly concerned us.

(3) Over time, the mystery was revealed to us, much to our delight.

So I would just sit on it for a few weeks and see what happens. It is not something to be worried about.

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Yes I have. This happened to one of my friends. It is nothing harmful. I do not remember the details, so I can't tell you more, other than he loved it as he got these weird things from whoever is sending them.

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Very cool. Thanks guys!

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When presented with something that weird... I usually assume that future me got ahold of a time machine. Follow the instructions and I'm sure it will all make sense in 50 years...

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That's awesome and I'm a bit envious. Let us know how it plays out. =)

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phantom1592 wrote:

When presented with something that weird... I usually assume that future me got ahold of a time machine. Follow the instructions and I'm sure it will all make sense in 50 years...

LOL one of my FB friends said the same thing.

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Orthos wrote:
That's awesome and I'm a bit envious. Let us know how it plays out. =)

I certainly will.

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TOZ wrote:
Never heard of it. Most I've gotten is things off my wishlist, like Ars Magica this Christmas.

Yeah, that's happened to me.

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Having never heard of it before I looked up The Mysterious Package Company, and if this is indeed from a friend who's a member of the site it looks to be sort of fun. Mysterious Package Company

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Just remember to put the keys behind the sign at the police station because you will need them the next day.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Having never heard of it before I looked up The Mysterious Package Company, and if this is indeed from a friend who's a member of the site it looks to be sort of fun. Mysterious Package Company

This was the first thing I thought of given your description. Still, sounds like fun!

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BigDTBone wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Having never heard of it before I looked up The Mysterious Package Company, and if this is indeed from a friend who's a member of the site it looks to be sort of fun. Mysterious Package Company

This was the first thing I thought of given your description. Still, sounds like fun!

Ditto. I went ahead and signed up, because why not.

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I was also thinking that this was probably from the Mysterious Package Company.

Enjoy the story and the weirdness!

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Does the company deliver outside the US? Because the other day, I received a notification about a package for which I have to sign personally was on its way to me...

I didn't order anything.

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I don't know anything about them except that they deliver mysterious, intriguing packages to people. They are usually sent by friends as pranks that are supposed to be fun and a little spooky. As far as delivering out of the US, I really don't know. I didn't sign up on the page (though it's free to do so).

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The page had options for US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand on the personal info page. No idea what you should do if you're not in one of those six.

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Orthos wrote:
The page had options for US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand on the personal info page. No idea what you should do if you're not in one of those six.

Thanks. I'm not.

I'm also slightly worried now.

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This is one of those stories that ends with someone standing on an iceberg, watching tentacles rip apart a burning ship as it sinks into the arctic waters, isn't it?

Keep your parka close.

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Or it finds you in the Master's closet with a big pile of evidence on their new clothes they put on the floor.

And tentacles.

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ToMAYto, tenTAHcles.

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I am curious to see where this goes

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I am, too. If I get more mysterious mail or packages I'll be sure to update this thread.

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If you get a large rumbling box labeled FREE CALAMARI, just don't even open it.

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Quibblethulhu wrote:
If you get a large rumbling box labeled FREE CALAMARI, just don't even open it.

That's sound advice no matter the circumstances.

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CalamariGram for Mongo?

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Be careful, Cal! This is an excerpt from "The Red Sign" (Vampire and Mage crossover) about "The King in Yellow":

The play within began somewhat innocuouly, featuring the story of the court of a kingdom in a mythical realm. In the midst of a complex narrative of court intrigue, the courtiers await the coming of a messenger, the Man in the Pallid Mask, who either brings redemption or damnatiopn for all.
The play is so complex that the reader may sympathize with only one of the characters... but he sympathizes so thoroughly that the events of the play seem real. The reader is completely consumed by the story, believing that she is he chosen character.
Once the reader has been consumed by the book's delusion, the book's appearance changes. He may even lose the book and find some other to take its place: a dictionary, perhaps, or a manual on transmission repair.
Eventually, his former identity becomes a lie, and he becomes the character in the play, not in reality, but in his own thought and deed.
At some point, the reader or actor experiencing the play believes he is seeing the Pallid Mask, who then passes judgment on the play's new main character. According to legend, the outcome ir redemption or damnation. The judged reader/actor/character then disappears without a trace. The book disappears along with him, until is somehow found again.

I used that book in a chronicle... set in Canada... and the book disappeared after doing its thing.

Be careful...

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It sounds like a chain letter, but the lack of instructions telling you to send it on is odd.

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Dalindra wrote:

Be careful, Cal! This is an excerpt from "The Red Sign" (Vampire and Mage crossover) about "The King in Yellow":

** spoiler omitted **

I used that book in a chronicle... set in Canada... and the book disappeared after doing its thing.

Be careful...

I'll be alert!

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avr wrote:
It sounds like a chain letter, but the lack of instructions telling you to send it on is odd.

That occurred to me, too. Then a friend sent me a phone screen capture of text conversation talking about "The King in Yellow" and it mysteriously appeared in her mail. So I'm pretty sure it's from the Mysterious Package Company now. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.

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Meh. My "parcel" (in reality the size of a CD case) was totally harmless and boring.

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A new package arrived relating to the "King in Yellow" mystery. Today was a playbill, a newspaper clipping describing the arrival of the troupe's carriage and talking about the lack of information about the play itself, and a mysterious pendant. I was as excited as Ralphie with a new decoder ring!

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WOW!!!!! I just go the coolest "mystery package" yet! It was contained inside a rough box about the size of a shoebox and packed with wood shavings. On top of the shavings were a pair of pictures made to look old and somewhat faded and three pieces of yellowed paper. Two were newspaper articles about the play "The King in Yellow", one of which detailed the author's discovery of the signs of some sort of cult that seemed dedicated to the mysterious King in Yellow. There was also a letter addressed to a Mr. Joshua Prevost telling him that his articles would never be read as they never reached the public, despite being published in the newspaper. It also stated that since the discovery had driven him insane that the "Servants" would make sure he was well cared for in the asylum.

So after unpacking it I found wrapped inside some brown paper was a foot tall, heavy statue of the King in Yellow himself. There was still no indication of who was really sending me these things the last 3 months but it's been a really fun thing.

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Ooooo!!! :)

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I suspect this is the last package because I got the statue. It's been great getting these things. So much fun.

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As I said, I know things.

You should have some kind of mystery to solve. Aren't there any puzzles or anything?

NobodysWife received a similar series of packages, each with references to a hidden treasure and geographic clues. We still have the giant thread-crossed map on the wall where she, Shiro, and I spent a couple of hours solving the whole thing and pinpointing the treasure.

So I'd be surprised if your series of packages didn't come with some sort of puzzle to solve...

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There wasn't any puzzles or riddles, though those would have made it even cooler!

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite. have not recognized the puzzle yet! DUN DUN DUN!

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Well, I got my final letter from the originators of the King in Yellow mystery. It was from the Mysterious Package Company and it was from my friend and gaming partner for over 30 years, Jeff and his daughter Avery.

I'm a little verklempt.

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