[d20pfsrd.com] Starjammer: Pathfinder in Space!

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RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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:) I loved the concept of SPell jammers. One of my favorite things ever was novelizing Under the Dark Fist, the epic module where you go take on a space tyrant.

The neogi didn't quite manage to pull off their treachery in that one.

You know there's a spell jammer creature that if you contain it inside a forcefield, then drop it into the phlogiston, creates an explosion a thousand miles across?

Resupply point #2, old dwarven 700 tonner parked out in space, also useful for arena fighting, set aside for the neogi. Their fleet gathers round to see slaves butcher another while taking a break, a slot opens under it, out pops this piece of a living star, and the force field goes away...

Nope, the high ups in command were really NOT happy the neogi decided to betray them.



Scarab Sages

This looks really cool. I'm eager to see how this project develops!

Liberty's Edge

Will Starfinder be available for Hero Lab when it is finished?

Seth Dresari wrote:
Will Starfinder be available for Hero Lab when it is finished?

That's a great question! I love using Hero Lab, and I've programmed in it quite a bit. However, I don't know of John has any plans for that to happen, or who would be programming it if he does. I'd love to see it happen, though.

The Exchange

The question of Hero Lab really (like many other things related to this) depends on how well it does initially. Alternatively, I've pondered running a Kickstarter to fund art and printing costs, so if I do end up going KS I could build in some extra cost to pay someone to code it into HL (ideally, it would be Peter/Bodhizen, since he is one of the two writers and would know the content best.)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Bodhizen wrote:
Seth Dresari wrote:
Will Starfinder be available for Hero Lab when it is finished?
That's a great question! I love using Hero Lab, and I've programmed in it quite a bit. However, I don't know of John has any plans for that to happen, or who would be programming it if he does. I'd love to see it happen, though.

If you need some help with flavor text and the like, I'll be happy to pitch in. I've done some text work for Louis Porter, so I'm not totally useless in that area! :)


Were there any other questions that people had?

I eagerly await this product.

I am currently running three games in a modified spelljammer campaign setting. I've abandoned the idea of helms (I hate the one player is the pilot problem). My game's spaceships sail between the stars with the help of magic items, propulsion from sunsails and gravity from a magic keel. It's basically the Age of Sail but in 3d (see Bruce's new book, Calidar: On Stranger Skies).

As someone who has the mechanics of his setting more or less figured out, I'm less interested in new feats, classes, or equipment. I'm hoping for a book that introduces new worlds, interesting space encounters/hazards/monsters, and plot hooks.

Good luck!

Was there an ETA on this? I have my eye on several in progress or new space-based supplements and it seems like most of them are silent.

Can't wait for this...

Malwing wrote:
Was there an ETA on this? I have my eye on several in progress or new space-based supplements and it seems like most of them are silent.

Unfortunately, we do not. We're still working on hammering out some of the details to make it a quality product. When I know more, or if John knows more, then I'm sure that information will be forthcoming. :)

Bodhizen wrote:
Malwing wrote:
Was there an ETA on this? I have my eye on several in progress or new space-based supplements and it seems like most of them are silent.
Unfortunately, we do not. We're still working on hammering out some of the details to make it a quality product. When I know more, or if John knows more, then I'm sure that information will be forthcoming. :)

Unfortunate. I just got done talking about science fiction in third party products for Pathfinder and was going to move on to writing an article about about things that haven't been published yet when I realized that there are a lot of third party space or scifi material just kind of in development. Just as I was posting a followup article I saw a new kickstarter going up for a space opera scifantasy thing promising some magi-ships and ship combat and askign for 50 grand for a near core rulebook sized book. Tripod Machine looks like it's going to drop a space opera book sometime soon. Savage Mojo is developing setting books for their planeswalking concept that includes a egyptian scifi book. In the fringes of DrivethruRPG is a book that covers spaceships with simplified rules that's slowly trickling out. You guys have some serious competition depending on how all those turn out.

I'm just surprised that the subject seems to have blown up lately. I can understand where it's kind of empty territory. As many scifi or scifantasy products as I collect I still haven't seen single products that fit most of my needs adequately.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The beta document for Tripod Machine's Conquest of the Universe will be arriving soon-ish. If all goes well, the book itself will be available in the spring. No ETA as yet.

The development process before the Kickstarter was involved, and the process since the end of the Kickstarter has also been a labor of love. I imagine it's very similar for other publishers tackling this topic. It kind of surprises me that so many sci-fi and space fantasy settings are hitting about the same time. But I think it has a lot to do with, as I said, the long development path, plus the maturity of the Pathfinder system and the involved community, and some acceleration from the success of things like Iron Gods and the Technology Guide. Rogue Genius Games's Anachronistic Adventures was also a huge inspiration and resource for what we are doing, too. There is still a lot of room in the universe.

Pathfinder isn't the perfect system for space opera... yet. :)

I'm looking forward to a new era, where we have all these cool products out. I love a good mash-up and I hope the different design choices lend themselves to that.

RJGrady wrote:

The beta document for Tripod Machine's Conquest of the Universe will be arriving soon-ish. If all goes well, the book itself will be available in the spring. No ETA as yet.

The development process before the Kickstarter was involved, and the process since the end of the Kickstarter has also been a labor of love. I imagine it's very similar for other publishers tackling this topic. It kind of surprises me that so many sci-fi and space fantasy settings are hitting about the same time. But I think it has a lot to do with, as I said, the long development path, plus the maturity of the Pathfinder system and the involved community, and some acceleration from the success of things like Iron Gods and the Technology Guide. Rogue Genius Games's Anachronistic Adventures was also a huge inspiration and resource for what we are doing, too. There is still a lot of room in the universe.

Pathfinder isn't the perfect system for space opera... yet. :)

I'm looking forward to a new era, where we have all these cool products out. I love a good mash-up and I hope the different design choices lend themselves to that.

True. I think that the Technology Guide probably opened a lot of doors and made space and high tech very viable as a subject. Especially since its on the PRD which makes it's rules accessible. As I mentioned in an article Anachronistic Adventures kind of takes place of the classes from d20 modern fairly easily. I was attracted to Conquest of the Universe because of the promise to remain seamless to the rest of the game. If not going out of the way to make rules counter to the game Anachronistic classes interact fairly well with technology and more readily at home in space based and technological settings.

I am still surprised for a few reasons; Most of the time when the subject comes outside of the forums the first response is 'why not just play another system?' a response that can be answered with the existance of d20 modern and any other d20 clone. Warts and all Pathfinder inherited a popular engine that was pretty expansive genre-wise in it's heyday.

Past that I often hear of the sentiment that Pathfinder is already too steeped in victorian and pulp aesthetics as opposed to medievel and of people reluctant to do anything but high fantasy with it.

Grand Lodge

Malwing wrote:
Bodhizen wrote:
Malwing wrote:
But my main point was that in the case of mecha a class that can make a mecha to ride isn't a solution to not having mecha rules because it's restricted to that class.
Did anyone here suggest that was how things were going to function, should we implement mecha?
It was in response to
d20pfsrd.com wrote:
I'm not ruling out mecha for future supplements, but as Bodhizen stated, it's not a core goal of this product. Additionally, I suspect there may already be mecha-oriented products available which I'd be hard-pressed to find a writer who could do a better job with (Interjection Games comes to mind.)

mostly to nip in the bud the idea of class exclusive mecha was enough.

What I'm envisioning about the product now is mostly a vehicle book with expansions on space environmental rules and PC and NPC aliens. I think I saw mention of building a setting so I imagine a great deal of fluff material.

With compatibility with the technology guide I hope that space travel is completely magical because of my earlier stated preferences.

Mecha don't seem compatible with the stated goals but I think hard suits may be even if just magic-based space suits or armor with an air bubble.

Mecha suits are in the Pathfinder game already, well close enough. In Ultimate Psionics the Aegis class has the Astral Juggernaunt suit.


KirbyEF wrote:
Malwing wrote:
Bodhizen wrote:
Malwing wrote:
But my main point was that in the case of mecha a class that can make a mecha to ride isn't a solution to not having mecha rules because it's restricted to that class.
Did anyone here suggest that was how things were going to function, should we implement mecha?
It was in response to
d20pfsrd.com wrote:
I'm not ruling out mecha for future supplements, but as Bodhizen stated, it's not a core goal of this product. Additionally, I suspect there may already be mecha-oriented products available which I'd be hard-pressed to find a writer who could do a better job with (Interjection Games comes to mind.)

mostly to nip in the bud the idea of class exclusive mecha was enough.

What I'm envisioning about the product now is mostly a vehicle book with expansions on space environmental rules and PC and NPC aliens. I think I saw mention of building a setting so I imagine a great deal of fluff material.

With compatibility with the technology guide I hope that space travel is completely magical because of my earlier stated preferences.

Mecha don't seem compatible with the stated goals but I think hard suits may be even if just magic-based space suits or armor with an air bubble.

Mecha suits are in the Pathfinder game already, well close enough. In Ultimate Psionics the Aegis class has the Astral Juggernaunt suit.


But that is a class locked suit. Something I'm totally not in favor of, especially when its something pretty basic to space travel. It just locks every other class out of concepts that could have just been equipment.

Is there an update for this venture? I have been very eagerly waiting it but there hasnt been word for some time.
Help us Bodhizen! You're our only hope!


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So, uh

Garrett Guillotte wrote:
So, uh

Yeah, I heard the news myself just now. You guys might want a new name for this project.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Shortly after we conceived our Starfinder plan, we became aware of John's project, and we let him know what we were up to. He very graciously agreed to not use the name for his project, and he will likely be among the very first to support Starfinder under the open licenses we'll be offering for it.

d20pfsrd.com wrote:
Also, the question of adventure paths and such greatly depend on how well this does. I already have in mind a writer for such a project, one with Paizo author-ship experience in such things. It just depends on their availability and interest (and as stated, how well this one does.)

What's the deal with this being called Starfinder and Paizo announcing something called Starfinder?

Are we going to have two different Starfinder products for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or have you sold this concept to Paizo?

Malwing wrote:
I'm just surprised that the subject seems to have blown up lately. I can understand where it's kind of empty territory. As many scifi or scifantasy products as I collect I still haven't seen single products that fit most of my needs adequately.

Maybe, after Paizo publish the SRD for *their* Starfinder system, somebody will use it to create a retro-clone game that emulates Spelljammer (and emulates it *properly* instead of putting a science fiction spin on it).

Something like that would fit *my* needs.

What sort of needs do you have, that these games are missing?

bigmac wrote:
Malwing wrote:
I'm just surprised that the subject seems to have blown up lately. I can understand where it's kind of empty territory. As many scifi or scifantasy products as I collect I still haven't seen single products that fit most of my needs adequately.

Maybe, after Paizo publish the SRD for *their* Starfinder system, somebody will use it to create a retro-clone game that emulates Spelljammer (and emulates it *properly* instead of putting a science fiction spin on it).

Something like that would fit *my* needs.

What sort of needs do you have, that these games are missing?

Starfinder in "modern" Golarion times would be Spelljammer.

It's what I'm going to do anyway.

It's an option for my Kingmaker game(should the players go in that direction) and in the Iron Gods game that will come afterwards.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Shortly after we conceived our Starfinder plan, we became aware of John's project, and we let him know what we were up to. He very graciously agreed to not use the name for his project, and he will likely be among the very first to support Starfinder under the open licenses we'll be offering for it.

What about this?


3 people marked this as a favorite.

John posted the following to the Fans of D20PFSRD.com Facebook group this morning:

John Reyst (May 29 @ 9:38AM) wrote:

So to head off those of you who have heard about Paizo's Starfinder product.

d20pfsrd.com Publishing was developing a product called "Starfinder", announced a couple of years ago. Development stalled for some time but is now in wrap up phase and could theoretically be released this summer.

Paizo called me a few months ago discussing their plans to release a product in 2017 called Starfinder but noticed I have something in the works with that name and wondered what could be done. I suggested that I'm not 100% married to the name Starfinder and would happily change it.

Erik Mona indicated Paizo would be happy to share the development files for Starfinder as they develop it so that my team could

a. Help playtest it,
b. Retrofit MY product to match the new rules, and
c. Develop an SRD website to support it similar to d20pfsrd.com.

That seemed a more than reasonable arrangement thus, the product formerly known as Starfinder by d20pfsrd.com Publishing, is now called Starjammer and should theoretically release sometime around Gen Con 2016.

I, and the others on my team, are all under signed NDAs so we can't discuss the details of their product or plans more than that.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Would love for there to be a paizo product that let you play non-magical space opera games.

Probably way to late for this, given product development cycles.

If I was emperor for a day, I’d be looking at this sort of model: Keep it Simple Stupid.

By this, there can be a lot of complexity built on later, but for the core product, just keep it basic. With templates to expand and make a bit more complex the core stuff, without the need to write pages and pages of rules.

Some random thoughts.


Use Sub-Races to get extra mileage.

Humans are a default pick for players in almost any campaign you visit, as every campaign has them. So assuming they will be included here, at the end of their section have some “Near” Human options too. (Borrowing from Star Wars for a tick, Chiss could be just blue skinned humans that lose the bonus feat and gain darkvision, and maybe a +2 to some skill. Cat-person, could be another that replaces feat with the ability to use a kitty litter tray really really well).

Elves. Already a space faring race in pathfinder, I’d think they would be appearing in this basic book too. So I assume you would have the basic elf stats, then maybe have some variants based on the whole Zulcan and Romulan ordeal.

Then perhaps detail the 4 people of the stars, each with an alternate version too (well lashunta, and Triaxians have alternates builtin), but maybe what is a Triaxian like born on a differnet planet. Are there Kasatha built for other environments, and Androids built for functions?


In the past, such as the d20 Star Wars, there were classes for pilot, tech guy, and a tonne of others. I felt they just ended up repeating stuff over and over again without really adding anything other than more and more rules. Given pathfinder has Archetypes, why not go down the path of using them as means to offer complexity in a simple system. Similar to the races above really. Offering basics, but options to flavour via templates.

Fighter,what setting could do without the face punching muscle? Since he is a must, maybe have some archetypes for more space bound fighters. Tactician is the first archetype that comes to mind, the captain kirk as it were. Trench Fighter (maybe reskined to “Soldier”) would be a good fit too for more shooty adventures the Technology Guide hints at.

Professional (rebadged from Rogue). This could be expanded upon heaps, the skill specialists as it were, from hackers to medics to ship staffers. For the base product, archetypes for the Sniper (I assume guns will feature prominently) and the Swashbuckler (its going to involve ships after all) would have to help flesh out the space feel. I’d also add a “Doctor” archetype (kind of like Drop Dead Studios’ “Medic”), playing on the idea that clerics on a spaceship would be rarer than a ships doctor, maybe something along the lines of “none can here you pray in space”.

Arcanist (yes that class, we aren’t trying to recreate pathfinder after all). Given the White Mage and Sword Bond give access to either a Healing Magic class and a Jedi like class through existing archetypes, to me it’s a more natural fit. With the way Arcanist memorises and casts spells, it gives the book a spellcaster without the basic wizard/cleric repeated so often. From memory, this class avoids Familiars, so that saves a bit of space in the book too.

No more than that really. There are a tonne of products on the market with classes galore. The above three core, with two archetypes each (well 3 for the Professional), gives TEN different actual classes to play with, and avoids excessive duplication from repeating the same stuff over and over. Speaking of saving space again, as there are no clerics to worry about, pages that would go into repeating their spells are saved for other content. So its win-win. Maybe to reduce concerns a bit, develop spells for Archaists that reskin existing spells (fireball becomes black bolt for example) and maybe have a couple of healing spells reskinned to White Mage only too.

By now we have saved some room with classes not getting overly repeated, and spells galore gone. Not to mention domains and a lot of class abilities too. These are available elsewhere, so they don’t need to get redone here. The races above could also give a stack of options without breaking a sweat (say access to feats that change something in a core class). So how does that space opera play out now?


If this book is to be both self contained and allow backwards compatibility, there needs to be something for all classes to access that can get them space ready. Exotic Weapon Proficiency covers some solid ground. But what about vessels, information technology (even if its magic based) and whatever else makes the setting work?

Well we have Mounted Combat with its associated feats, so Vehicle Combat and Vessel Combat can be extended from that. Ride by Attack could be adapted to these, with a slightly different effect maybe. (Say vehicle version allows a RAM attack only, and Vessel allows a strafe attack only).

Beyond these, my preference would be to see feats that can stand alone as base feats, while adding flavour to a space setting. (Over and above the usual feats that is).


Please don’t go nuts with new skills. Driving, Piloting, Knowledge (Space) and Knowledge (whatever information technology is) should really be the only things needed (if even that) to run a space campaign. Heck Ride, Fly, Knowledge (Space) and Use Magic Device could be all that is needed, with the feats Vehicle Combat, and Vessel Combat providing a bonus to skill checks when used appropriately (i.e. no vehicle combat bonus for riding a horse, maybe go so far as a negative is applied unless the character has the right feat).

For instance

Vehicle Combat (Combat)
You are adept at guiding your Vehicle through combat.
Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank.
Benefit: Once per round when your Vehicle is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as an immediate action) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.

You gain a +2 knowhow bonus to ride checks when you are riding a Vehicle. You receive a -4 knowhow penalty to ride checks on mounts. This penalty is reduced to Zero if you have the Mounted Combat feat.
Normal: A character without this feat must pass a Knowledge (Engineering) Check, DC equal to 10 + HD of the vehicle, as a swift action to be able manoeuvre the vehicle with the ride skill.

I’ve covered that a bit already, but would love to see this section restricted somewhat, when compared to the Pathfinder RPG. We don’t need a repeat, and there are plenty of sources on line for spellcasters. What I’d like to see is the basics covered, with some healing options for the White Mage, and maybe some Jedi Mind Tricks for the Blade Adept. Nothing extensive, just enough for someone to pick up the book and run with the concepts. Later Splatbooks could flesh out magic to more detailed levels. And from a business standpoint, if there is a cry for more Jedi support, or a book for the Black Mage, then you know you are off and running.

Mounts, Vehicles and Vessels
Although I am keen to see Mecha too, I think it would be better suited to a later splat book. In fact I think for a starting point, just some basic vessels, and vehicles should be listed here. With upgrades available based on how many hardpoints each vessel has. No need to over think it, just something functional that can be tailored. IF you had 2 vehicles and 4 vessels and 10 upgrades detailed, that is at least 60 different type of craft.

To me, that is the critical thing here. A Gazetteer that lets you get a feel of the worlds and space. Something along the lines of the Distant Worlds book, but with some more creatures listed in it too. I want to be able to dive in and have fun with just the book in my hands. Save space where you can, to really create a place people can visit, fall in love with, fear the effects off, and roll up some characters to call it home.

With the plethora of material already out there, this could easily be a stand along game going down a bare basics approach, which has worlds of customisation on first day of release.
I’m at a loss as to where Equipment should go into this book. Should it be its own section, or broken into the Gazetteer, with each world having unique gear, and anything that cross pollinates (on a massive scale) falls into its own section. Or should it all just go into the one place for sake of ease. I don’t know.
Note on Artwork – not a fan of what’s been shown to date. Its not at a level to what I have come to expect from Pathfinder.

Freehold DM wrote:
bigmac wrote:
Malwing wrote:
I'm just surprised that the subject seems to have blown up lately. I can understand where it's kind of empty territory. As many scifi or scifantasy products as I collect I still haven't seen single products that fit most of my needs adequately.

Maybe, after Paizo publish the SRD for *their* Starfinder system, somebody will use it to create a retro-clone game that emulates Spelljammer (and emulates it *properly* instead of putting a science fiction spin on it).

Something like that would fit *my* needs.

What sort of needs do you have, that these games are missing?

Starfinder in "modern" Golarion times would be Spelljammer.

It's what I'm going to do anyway.

It's an option for my Kingmaker game(should the players go in that direction) and in the Iron Gods game that will come afterwards.

I'd be interested in that, but it really needs it's own topic.

(Alternatively, you would be most welcome come over to the Spelljammer forum at The Piazza and post as many "[Golarionspace]" topics, as it takes to get a Spelljammer crystal sphere for the Pathfinder solar system done. :-) )

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

John posted the following to the Fans of D20PFSRD.com Facebook group this morning:

John Reyst (May 29 @ 9:38AM) wrote:

So to head off those of you who have heard about Paizo's Starfinder product.

d20pfsrd.com Publishing was developing a product called "Starfinder", announced a couple of years ago. Development stalled for some time but is now in wrap up phase and could theoretically be released this summer.

Paizo called me a few months ago discussing their plans to release a product in 2017 called Starfinder but noticed I have something in the works with that name and wondered what could be done. I suggested that I'm not 100% married to the name Starfinder and would happily change it.

Erik Mona indicated Paizo would be happy to share the development files for Starfinder as they develop it so that my team could

a. Help playtest it,
b. Retrofit MY product to match the new rules, and
c. Develop an SRD website to support it similar to d20pfsrd.com.

That seemed a more than reasonable arrangement thus, the product formerly known as Starfinder by d20pfsrd.com Publishing, is now called Starjammer and should theoretically release sometime around Gen Con 2016.

I, and the others on my team, are all under signed NDAs so we can't discuss the details of their product or plans more than that.

He also posted that at The Piazza (although, ironically, not in the topic about his own product. (The topic at The Piazza, about this game, has been renamed to avoid brand confusion with Paizo's product.) Is there any chance we can get a Paizo forum moderator to rename this topic?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

a few questions
1. will there be energy weapons (Ranged? melee? both?)
2. what level of ship customization can we expect?
3. is there an upcoming play-test for starfinder?
4. how many (if any) new classes will there be

-thank you for your time

Greetings, supporters!

So, as you know, we're currently proceeding with the working title, "Starjammer". We are aware that this may not be the final name, as Starjammers is owned by Marvel Comics. We have not settled on another name for the project as of yet.

Here's what I can tell you about Starjammer.

We're still refining the product, under the expert direction of Troy Daniels. When we see what Paizo is doing with their Starfinder product, we will likely need to make further adjustments. As I am given to understand, Starfinder will take place at some point in Golarion's future, but Starjammer is intended to be functional in Golarion's present.

I can tell you that it's not going to be Spelljammer wrapped in a rich, chocolately Pathfinder cookie shell. It's going to have some of the same feel, but it will be its own distinct product. You're not going to see the Spelljammer, or spelljamming helms (not exactly, anyway), or bionoids, or scro (though I still carry a deep love in my heart of the scro), or many of the other elements of that setting. We just can't provide you with a conversion game and sell it to you saying, "Hey! Look at this! It's shiny and new!" That's not equitable to fans or consumers. So, it's going to be different, but not so different that you might not feel a tiny wave of nostalgia. At least, I hope you will. If you do shed a tear, kindly bottle that up and send it to me. I shall use it to salt my space-hamster steak.

To answer some of the questions, and please remember that this is about Starjammer, not Starfinder, I'll have to be somewhat vague until the product is ready for playtesting. Please forgive me for not being as comprehensive in my replies as I'd like to be.

Space Dregoth wrote:
Are there Kasatha built for other environments, and Androids built for functions?

I would like to think that there are, but I'd also like to believe that we can do better than slapping a Mr. Pibb label on a can of Dr. Pepper and calling it something brand new - hashtag buyitnowyoufools. Subraces are completely awesome, and yet it feels like dancing around in someone else's skin a la Buffalo Bill sometimes.

The universe is a big, big place, as is a single galaxy. You already got your pizza from around the corner. I'd like to introduce you to the wonderful world of curry, my friend. Creatively speaking, any race can be retrofitted (or not) to make it out into space. You don't necessarily need me to tell you how to do it.

Space Dregoth wrote:
So how does that space opera play out now?

Well, we're not trying to re-invent the wheel with classes (as Paizo alone gives us 37 at present). Basically, our particular brand of space opera isn't going to give you a combination of fighter/rogue/machinesmith and call it a space pirate class. Not even behind your back, let alone to your face. There is a ton of modularity extant in existing Paizo and third-party materials. It is our intention to show you a shining, shimmering, splendid new use for some of your favourite classes. Trying to tackle all 37 classes (plus 3pp) in one book wouldn't leave much room for other things.

I get that this sounds contradictory with the idea that I'm not solar-unicorns and lunar-rainbows in love with subraces to existing Pathfinder races. Then again, making a space-barnacle-halfling subrace that grows on the exterior hulls of spacecraft that pass through nebulae does have its appeal. Basically, there's a lot more creative space for races than there is for classes without running into the danger zone that encompasses really bad balance, power creep, and the unfortunate quality of being trite.

Or tripe. That stuff is nasty!

Space Dregoth wrote:
But what about vessels, information technology (even if its magic based) and whatever else makes the setting work?

Have you ever been to an all-you can eat buffet? I promise not to shout at you, "You eat like whale! You no come back here anymore!"

I will admit that there's a major section of this product dedicated to vessels. Information technology is not a primary factor in getting out into the depths of the void, even though it's helpful and awesome. I am a bit leery of asking HAL to open the pod-bay doors, though.

You talk about a great many other things, Space Dregoth, and I've enjoyed reading. If you have an answer, please ask. Otherwise, I'm going to move along like an all-American reject... at a roller derby.

QLMMaster wrote:
Will there be energy weapons (Ranged? melee? both?)

Paizo's Technology Guide already gives you some. We're not ignoring them whatsoever. Once the cat is out of the bag, it's hissing, spitting and using the litterbox. It's better to pet and feed it than it is to try to stuff it back in the bag.

I don't pet my weapons, though. That's just wrong.

QLMMaster wrote:
What level of ship customization can we expect?

At least red belt. We wanted to make sure that you could fly the Serenity, a TIE fighter, the Voyager, the Jupiter II, the Nostromo, or the Intergalactic Space Police Cruiser Infinity... Without each toy being sold separately.

QLMMaster wrote:
Is there an upcoming play-test for starfinder?

I assume Paizo is going to have one. As for an upcoming playtest for Starjammer, I'm so far in the loop that my shoelaces are untied. Not really, but I can't answer that question without Troy grabbing me by the short-hairs and putting the lipstick to Lovecraftian horror-type use.

QLMMaster wrote:
How many (if any) new classes will there be?

New classes? What? Nobody does that anymore!

Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby, you're the best

(Cue the interpretive dance.)

I sort-of answered this question up above.

Best wishes, all!

Oh, go join the Facebook group, "Fans of Starjammer" for more regular interaction with Scooby and the gang! Shameless promotional whoring merit-badge acquired!


My skepticism has increased with some of these comments, but not to the point of disinterest- though it is a possibility. I need to see more before making a final decision.

Liberty's Edge

Belabras wrote:
This looks really cool. I'm eager to see how this project develops!

Yeah, I am looking forward to the product as well but I fall heavily on the magic not science part of the house.

Freehold DM wrote:


My skepticism has increased with some of these comments, but not to the point of disinterest- though it is a possibility. I need to see more before making a final decision.

Would you care to elaborate?

Bodhizen wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


My skepticism has increased with some of these comments, but not to the point of disinterest- though it is a possibility. I need to see more before making a final decision.

Would you care to elaborate?

using the phrase "it's not going to be Spelljammer" even with humorous caveats added, raises my hackles.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Bodhizen wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


My skepticism has increased with some of these comments, but not to the point of disinterest- though it is a possibility. I need to see more before making a final decision.

Would you care to elaborate?
using the phrase "it's not going to be Spelljammer" even with humorous caveats added, raises my hackles.

Well, by necessity, it cannot be Spelljammer. Hasbro would crush us for violating the IP that they own shortly after the product went out; Loki was very clear on that point. We cannot hand you Spelljammer for Paizo, nor would it be equitable if we did. There are conversions out there for free, which are all fine and good, and they're available for you to use.

So, we're working on something that has a similar tone to Spelljammer without being something that Hasbro's lawyers will grind our bones to make their bread over. It's more creatively fun and interesting to write, and it will ensure that John and his team (which includes me) won't end up paying way more for this product than all of the potential buyers combined.

Are there any further questions that anyone has?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Why name it Starjammer if it's not supposed to be a conversion of Spelljammer?

I get that Starfinder was your original name, but it seems you could have thought of something that was more evocative of your ACTUAL idea rather than something that runs afoul of A.) Steering people's expectations for the product toward something you're not actually doing (I already foresee people being quite disappointed considering not everyone is going to be reading this thread) B.) Potentially runs afoul of Hasbro if your similarly named product ends up being too similar and C.) As mentioned earlier runs afoul of something named the same that is owned by Marvel. Who are owned by Disney.

Sundakan wrote:
Why name it Starjammer if it's not supposed to be a conversion of Spelljammer?

It's a working name for the project. For what it's worth, it's not a name that I'm endorsing, and I've made that exact concern clear. The management has made it clear that this is not necessarily the name that has been settled upon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been kind of off forum for the most part for a few weeks so I'm a bit behind. I'll give a description of the product as I'm seeing it now. Please correct what's wrong with it;

Starjammer (project name), will be a space play guidebook based on the more current state of Golarion's universe as opposed to it's future(Starfinder) and as such will function to Pathfinder compatibility with adjustments or an alternate version pending on getting more information about Starfinder. As such its more Thundarr the Barbarian on the Fantasy <-> Sci-fi scale than Star Wars. The focus is to get players reasonably into space by producing ship customization and combat rules as well as some personal equipment to ease it down the pipe. Maybe some other options like feats and stuff but is ultimately not a campaign setting book so things like races and class adjustments are kind of by the wayside.

Malwing wrote:

I've been kind of off forum for the most part for a few weeks so I'm a bit behind. I'll give a description of the product as I'm seeing it now. Please correct what's wrong with it;

Starjammer (project name), will be a space play guidebook based on the more current state of Golarion's universe as opposed to it's future(Starfinder) and as such will function to Pathfinder compatibility with adjustments or an alternate version pending on getting more information about Starfinder. As such its more Thundarr the Barbarian on the Fantasy <-> Sci-fi scale than Star Wars. The focus is to get players reasonably into space by producing ship customization and combat rules as well as some personal equipment to ease it down the pipe. Maybe some other options like feats and stuff but is ultimately not a campaign setting book so things like races and class adjustments are kind of by the wayside.

Races and class adjustments are not the primary focus, but races and class archetypes are available. Otherwise, you're pretty much spot-on.

Bodhizen wrote:
Malwing wrote:

I've been kind of off forum for the most part for a few weeks so I'm a bit behind. I'll give a description of the product as I'm seeing it now. Please correct what's wrong with it;

Starjammer (project name), will be a space play guidebook based on the more current state of Golarion's universe as opposed to it's future(Starfinder) and as such will function to Pathfinder compatibility with adjustments or an alternate version pending on getting more information about Starfinder. As such its more Thundarr the Barbarian on the Fantasy <-> Sci-fi scale than Star Wars. The focus is to get players reasonably into space by producing ship customization and combat rules as well as some personal equipment to ease it down the pipe. Maybe some other options like feats and stuff but is ultimately not a campaign setting book so things like races and class adjustments are kind of by the wayside.

Races and class adjustments are not the primary focus, but races and class archetypes are available. Otherwise, you're pretty much spot-on.

aaaand you just got me back.

Always liked thundarr the barbarian...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I got an email about this today being released. Anyone got it?

Michael Monn wrote:
I got an email about this today being released. Anyone got it?

I'll definitely be getting it, my budget's just tight right now. It showed up on the OGS and DriveThru/RPGNow yesterday, so I imagine it'll be here on Paizo sometime Monday-ish.

I downloaded it from DriveThruRPG last night. No campaign level content, but it looks like (at first glance) that it has a solid foundation.

Hopefully it will be mechanically compatible with the Aethera campaign.

Quintain wrote:

I downloaded it from DriveThruRPG last night. No campaign level content, but it looks like (at first glance) that it has a solid foundation.

Hopefully it will be mechanically compatible with the Aethera campaign.

Yeah, I Kickstarted Aethera, and that'll hopefully be arriving soon.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It will be interesting to be able to comuare Starjammer, Aethera and Starfinder.

Freehold will procure on Friday. The lack of campaign content is disappointing, however.

Freehold DM wrote:
Freehold will procure on Friday. The lack of campaign content is disappointing, however.

Maybe they expect you to use your ad&d 2e campaign content or new campaign setting like Aethera.

p.s. Paizo sure is taking their sweet time releasing the pdf in their store, hope they are not delaying it until they release Starfinder.

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