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![]() I just want spells like this one gone: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/spells/tacticalAcumen.htm l#tactical-acumen I like spells that alter reality or minds in a way that players can understand without referencing the spells mechanical bonuses or penalties. What did the wizard do? He covered the magic sword with grease. What did that druid cast? Well, she's surrounded by a obscuring mist now. ![]()
![]() Athaleon wrote: ...Mike Mearls (lead designer of 4e and 5e) seems to think that rules complexity and lore density constitutes 'gatekeeping', which leads me to believe that the niche PF2 seeks to fill will be left unfilled by WotC... I think this is a willfully incorrect interpretation of this post. MM is speaking in response to criticism specifically targeted at a WoTC's first woman hired in some time. Complex rules and lore can be used to gatekeep. Have you ever tried to join any nerd sub-culture or fandom? This is one way people can keep folks they don't like out of our hobby. Does D&D have complexity? Yes. Does Pathfinder have complexity? Also, yes. Are you going to use that complexity as weapon to bully people out of or away from the game? I hope not. But that flagrant disregard for the context of this post makes me think you are the kind of person who doesn't want anyone but the people who are already playing RPGs to take up the hobby. ![]()
![]() So my friend and I have been working insanely hard for the last month creating a new general interest podcast about D&D, Pathfinder, and other games, along with tips on how to be a great DM or a great player. It's Dungeon Master of None! We'd love to get some advice and suggestions on how to make the show better. Have a listen and let us know what you think! Love these forums, and the posts here have definitely saved my Kingmaker game, and I hope what I've created can give back a tiny bit to this awesome community. Cheers,
![]() Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
I also saw this entry and then noticed its absence when I checked back to begin voting a few moments ago. Mistakes happen, but for a contest like this it seems a tad unfair to include an aspiring author in the list of winners and then take it away. I'm just imagining my own reaction to winning followed by the crushing disappointment upon seeing it taken away. The contestants are all held to rigid deadlines and legal requirements. Paizo should also take a similar responsibility to the entrants. Either the entry should be reinstated (an extreme solution to be sure, and yes, I realize it would also be unfair to the other winners to include 33 entries), or RPG Superstar owes the contestant a short apology (at the very least). (Full disclosure: I know and was rooting for the contestant that got added and removed.) ![]()
![]() I eagerly await this product. I am currently running three games in a modified spelljammer campaign setting. I've abandoned the idea of helms (I hate the one player is the pilot problem). My game's spaceships sail between the stars with the help of magic items, propulsion from sunsails and gravity from a magic keel. It's basically the Age of Sail but in 3d (see Bruce's new book, Calidar: On Stranger Skies). As someone who has the mechanics of his setting more or less figured out, I'm less interested in new feats, classes, or equipment. I'm hoping for a book that introduces new worlds, interesting space encounters/hazards/monsters, and plot hooks. Good luck! |