Toppling Spell and Wolf Trip

Rules Questions

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

If you use a spell or other ability to trip several enemies from a distance, such as by casting toppling magic missile, does the feat Wolf Trip still allow you to pull the creature into an adjacent square when it falls prone, regardless of the distance between the caster and the target?

Toppling Spell:

Benefit: The impact of your force spell is strong enough to knock the target prone. If the target takes damage, fails its saving throw, or is moved by your force spell, make a trip check against the target, using your caster level plus your casting ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, Intelligence for wizards, and so on). This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the check fails, the target cannot attempt to trip you or the force effect in response.

Wolf Trip:

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all combat maneuver checks to trip as part of an attack of opportunity. While using Wolf Style, whenever you successfully trip a creature, as a free action you may choose an available square adjacent to you for the tripped creature to land prone in.

Are you casting the toppling spell while in the wolf style (stance) ??
(You will not get the +2 bonus, as the toppling spell is NOT a combat maneuver)

If you are, then RAW yes wolf trip will work, GM fiat may change that ofc (I know I would rule that it did not work)

Yes, I was assuming the character is using Wolf Style at the time.
The +2 bonus wouldn't apply regardless, because it's not an attack of opportunity.
Thanks for responding. This combination opens up some interesting possibilities.

I dont Think you get to bring some one from the range of magic missile to adjacent, because they Fall. And i would at least expect table variation.

Yeah, I'll make sure to check with my GM before I try to use this in any actual game. I just wanted to know if there was anything I was missing in the rule that would prevent this from working, at least on a theoretical level.

The feat does clearly intend for creatures with reach to be able to move their opponent adjacent, which would include situations like abberant sorcerer delivering a touch spell as an AoO.

It's an unintended interaction to be sure, and given the potential for Toppling Spell to move multiple targets adjacent with a single cast, it should probably be shut down.

Archaeik wrote:

The feat does clearly intend for creatures with reach to be able to move their opponent adjacent, which would include situations like abberant sorcerer delivering a touch spell as an AoO.

It's an unintended interaction to be sure, and given the potential for Toppling Spell to move multiple targets adjacent with a single cast, it should probably be shut down.

While I 100% agree with you, people here look to be told no first, and assume the loophole is the intention.

Kind of curious as to why you want to do this, actually. Pulling the scary monster towards you with your magic missile seems to be the opposite of what you'd try to do as a d6 class.


Ostensibly you'd move the target to a space also in reach of your Behemoth Hippo build ally and "hope" their next turn comes before the monster. (everyone just metagames initiative anyway)

There's also plenty of "can't be tripped" creatures, so this trick isn't necessarily as useful as it might seem.

Other reasons I can think of are debuff/damage auras of some kind, or I guess battlefield hazards (perhaps ones you've created?), since they aren't expressly restricted...
And lastly, Vicious Stomp, since it provokes when they land prone in an adjacent square :o

I'm actually working on a gestalt build with Druid on one side and a weird fighter/monk/brawler blend on the other. I'll post it here when it's finished.

And yes, it does use Vicious Stomp.

Silver Crusade

From toppling spell wrote:
... This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the check fails, the target cannot attempt to trip you or the force effect in response.

Note that the target can't interact with the caster in normal ways that tripping would: no AoO and no trip in response if you fail. At my table, you would not be able to pull the target closer with toppling spell.

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