need help friend is dammed.


Hello I am playing a game and a friend has made a deal with a demon Lord and is now in the muck. His secret is about to come out and his character will be unplayable and I am trying to find out how to help him in character.

I am a cleric of iomide leading the crusade against the world wound. He has made a deal and gone through all the demon implants one of the acts was to kill a good cleric which he did now my God has asked me to work with him till we complete our goals then she wants vengeance.

We need more information. How are you trying to help him? What secret will come out and how? Why will his character be unplayable?

You listen to your god, and when he proves himself an enemy of the Crusade, you rally your forces and destroy him with the might of the Inheritor.

(Untill he is an threat, he is an ally, and should be treated as such, the moment he becomes an enemy, treat him as such)

wraithstrike wrote:
We need more information. How are you trying to help him? What secret will come out and how? Why will his character be unplayable?

I have helped him out of a death sentence before when he deserted his post in the army to go help a questionable ally we had. I had to lie and tell our allies that I told him to do it. I want to remove his dammed condition and save him but everyone around me wants him dead even my God. The reason he will not be allowed to keep playing is we are about to go into the abyss and if he should die there I have no reason to bring him back and some our allies want to leave them there when we leave.

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Have you considered rerouting the river? What about siege weapons? They might be able to break a dam quite well.

Funnyman50 wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
We need more information. How are you trying to help him? What secret will come out and how? Why will his character be unplayable?
I have helped him out of a death sentence before when he deserted his post in the army to go help a questionable ally we had. I had to lie and tell our allies that I told him to do it. I want to remove his dammed condition and save him but everyone around me wants him dead even my God. The reason he will not be allowed to keep playing is we are about to go into the abyss and if he should die there I have no reason to bring him back and some our allies want to leave them there when we leave.

He is not unplayable until he actually dies, and if he has made a deal with a demon you would have to deal with that demon by either killing him or coming with a new deal, which I am sure will not be your favor. No matter how good it sounds, expect to be double-crossed. The only other option is to get a deity to intervene on your side, but that is also not likely.

Anything other than dealing with the demon will default to the GM being nice, and even dealing the the demon will be up to the GM. Making deals with extraplanar evil beings tends to suck.

In this case I think we're talking about the Rituals to become a Demon from Lords of Chaos. If the character has already completed the third ritual he's become a Half-Fiend and is pretty much screwed in terms of redemption without divine intervention.

Suma3da wrote:
In this case I think we're talking about the Rituals to become a Demon from Lords of Chaos. If the character has already completed the third ritual he's become a Half-Fiend and is pretty much screwed in terms of redemption without divine intervention.

Thanks for you help so I need a God to intervien as he has become a half fiend the only other option we have is reincarnation but that's a push to.

I dont think Reincarnation would do it ... its still the same soul.

Be careful, if you fail to follow out your own gods will you could lose your patronage. Its a tricky thing being involved in the battle of Good vs Evil when your friend falls.

He actually managed to make make these checks? Damn, he must really want to be a demon. So then you have to ask yourself does he want to be saved?

Reincarnation would not work. It is still the same person, just in a different body. You did say he killed the cleric, but you did not mention if he made the knowledge check and became a half-fiend. I doubt he has or it would affect his appearance, so it seems your friend is about half-way through the 3rd stage of the ritual. I thought he had made a deal with a demon.

So now I have new questions.

Did he make a deal to learn the secret of demon transformation, and if so what was the deal?

Mkay, I have some good news and some bad news. I just finished rereading some pertinent information from Champions of Purity, Champions of Corruption, and Book of the Damned, Vol. 2 - Lords of Chaos. If your friend hasn't fully completed the Third Ritual and become a Half-Fiend they may still be savable. If he's not a Half-Fiend yet he's still pretty much Damned in relation to the Damnation outlined in Champions of Corruption which while reversible, isn't easy and would take a lot of ingame time.

First ya gotta cut out that demonic implant. Removing that inflicts 1d6 con damage and could have other effects as well (such as deafness or blindness) as determined by the GM. Per the Damnation rules, only the Atonment spell cast by a good character is needed if he hasn't fully gone down the alignment scale to evil(Which I highly doubt considering the thing's it takes to get to the Third Ritual.) Assuming your buddy is Evil, then he can go down the long path of Redemption outlined in Champions of Purity.

If your friend is willing to take the route to redemption Iomedae may be willing to stay his execution if you act his Sponsor. Of course this is all subject to GM approval, but if you take these cases to GM they may be willing to play ball.

Scarab Sages

Have you, as a gaming group, considered accepting his damnation and "heel turn", then letting him play as a bad guy whom the DM doesn't control (a "PC NPC," as it were)? That would be an interesting departure from the normal D&D dynamic.

Does your character have an in-game reason to be so emotionally invested in your party member? He is a demon worshipper with a history of killing clergy, after all...

Scarab Sages

...meaning redeeming him would be quite the plum for a Good Cleric!

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GypsyMischief wrote:
Does your character have an in-game reason to be so emotionally invested in your party member? He is a demon worshipper with a history of killing clergy, after all...

A friend doesn't turn his back on his friend just because he's become evil.

If that's your character that's your character, but when a friend starts implanting demonic upgrades into himself and kills innocents, then I'd say that's a pretty good time to stop calling him a friend. Though redemption stories can be quite fun.

Eh, I've had plenty of characters who would turn their back on a so-called-friend in a heartbeat if they took a path said character didn't agree with.

I wasn't talking about characters I was talking about legit friendship [as I personally see it.]

The OP's character seems to care about the Demon-in-training as a friend, hence my comments.

A couple of the tenets for Iomedae's Paladin Code of Honor are, "I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given." and "I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought and deed, and I will have faith in them."

Now, you're a Cleric and not a Paladin so that doesn't truly apply to you, but you can still use it as a guide for your actions. If your ally refuses to change his actions, then there's nothing more you can do. Certain splinter cults of Sarenrae are into forced redemption, but that's not really Iomedae's wheelhouse.

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You all make good points and hopefully I can do sonthing so we all have a great game. I would like to thank you all what great support I really do appreciate it.

Blackpowder Witch wrote:

A couple of the tenets for Iomedae's Paladin Code of Honor are, "I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given." and "I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought and deed, and I will have faith in them."

Now, you're a Cleric and not a Paladin so that doesn't truly apply to you, but you can still use it as a guide for your actions. If your ally refuses to change his actions, then there's nothing more you can do. Certain splinter cults of Sarenrae are into forced redemption, but that's not really Iomedae's wheelhouse.

Hey, where did you find this? I haven't been able to find this in any of the books I have. I'm playing a Paladin of Iomedae in Wrath of the Righteous.

The Indescribable wrote:
Blackpowder Witch wrote:

A couple of the tenets for Iomedae's Paladin Code of Honor are, "I will never abandon a companion, though I will honor sacrifice freely given." and "I will guard the honor of my fellows, both in thought and deed, and I will have faith in them."

Now, you're a Cleric and not a Paladin so that doesn't truly apply to you, but you can still use it as a guide for your actions. If your ally refuses to change his actions, then there's nothing more you can do. Certain splinter cults of Sarenrae are into forced redemption, but that's not really Iomedae's wheelhouse.

Hey, where did you find this? I haven't been able to find this in any of the books I have. I'm playing a Paladin of Iomedae in Wrath of the Righteous.

Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Purity

wraithstrike wrote:
The Indescribable wrote:
Hey, where did you find this? I haven't been able to find this in any of the books I have. I'm playing a Paladin of Iomedae in Wrath of the Righteous.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths of Purity

If you don't have a access to Faith's of Purity, there's also a copy the code in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods.


What is your friend trying to accomplish OOC? To me it sounds like he's trying to turn his character into a villain.

Arachnofiend wrote:
What is your friend trying to accomplish OOC? To me it sounds like he's trying to turn his character into a villain.

The demon Lord convicted him he was too weak to protect someone important to him and he went for the power but the person who he wanted to protect is horrified by what they have become

So basically he has no deal with the demon. He was just tricked into becoming a demon for some reason?

wraithstrike wrote:
So basically he has no deal with the demon. He was just tricked into becoming a demon for some reason?

the contract is likely in giving him the power for his soul.

Funnyman50 wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
What is your friend trying to accomplish OOC? To me it sounds like he's trying to turn his character into a villain.

The demon Lord convicted him he was too weak to protect someone important to him and he went for the power but the person who he wanted to protect is horrified by what they have become

No, you don't understand: I'm asking what the player thinks of his character's current arc. Does the player want the character to continue falling or would he rather your character assist in his redemption? Both are viable narratives (but only one will keep the player's character with the party) and you can't really proceed in character until that gets cleared.

The Indescribable wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
So basically he has no deal with the demon. He was just tricked into becoming a demon for some reason?
the contract is likely in giving him the power for his soul.

That is what I would have done as a GM, but the player may have just wanted an excuse to become a demon or half-fiend, and the GM played along.

The Exchange

I really should watch out regarding the entities that I enter into contracts with.I had a character that went into one with the Great Old Ones (agreed, he didn't know at that time who he was petitioning to...).

How tied is his character to his demonlord, I.e has he gotten any mechanical benefits from the demonic pact (like grown a clawed hand, horns for gore attack etc)? Its a good idea to check with the player how much his character abilities and fluff are tied to the demon pact. The greater the amount, the less likely you are to suceed, unless you are prepared to work with him in redirecting of the fluff of his character.

And your friends fall sounds like how:

Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader

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