GM Rogue Problem


So this is my 3rd campaign playing Pathfinder and our rogue is stealing my stuff. In game i know he is a known thief and has tried to steal my stuff before.
After trying the simple solution of confronting him about it he still does and has stolen and sold multiple wondrous items from me.

I wanted to straight up kick or kill this rogue out of our group however the GM won't allow it nor will he force the rogue to cut it out.
In addition to this the GM won't let me just tie him up and carry him over my shoulder

At this point i want to figure out a way to prevent my items from being stolen both during the day and while sleeping.

Now the main problem is that i am a brawler class and have no ways to prevent it magically like the wizards such as the rope trick pocket dimension and the mages magnificent mansion

Character stuff that might help

-i have 14,300gp on me
-i can buy thankfully anything at the moment including wondrous items as we are in a metropolis
-we are all 7th level nearing 8th
-the rogue in question has a +26 to sleight of hand roles

So, any ideas that might work?

Dark Archive

try to get a bag of devouring and pretend its a bag of holding. buy a bunch of cheap nicknacks and say they are replacements for your 'missing' items. place them ( carefully) in said bag.
should stop or at least slow down the problem. If you gm is willing to let him steal from you he should allow this. if not, try to get all your wondorous items as magical tattoos or something.
Also get a wizard to arcane mark your stuff, visibly. hard to pretend its not yours and hard to fence marked items. Have to keep it up periodically though, spell only lasts a month or so. Also put out a reward for the capture of ANYONE selling items with your mark on them....
I don't understand why the Dm won't let you hog tie the rogue if you know IN character that he steals from you....
or just let enemies by to smack the rogue when in combat...
Oh, him? He's not with us. Feel free ...
Or every time one of your items comes up missing, Sunder one of his.. you know tit- for tat, or quid pro quo.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

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In character suggestion: Sleep a little bit away from the rest of the party, and get a wizard to cast Alarm on you/around you before you sleep.

The suggestion of buying cursed items for him to steal is also nastily fun.

Superior locks have a DC of 40 to lockpick. Even if he's maxed out Disable Device, those should slow him down and only cost you 150 gp per item you want to secure. If you can buy scrolls of arcane lock at 150 gp and have the party wiz/sorc cast them for you can bump that to DC 50.


When you say you've 'confronted him' about this, I assume you mean out of character. If you haven't had the player-to-player conversation with him about this yet, you need to. You need to say "look, this isn't fun for me" and make him aware he is not just having a bit of fun at your character's expense, he's actively pissing you off as a player.

If he still continues doing this KNOWING that it bothers you, and your GM refuses to step in to help make him stop, then frankly, trying to 'retaliate' in game is just going to create butthurt for all and your group will probably end with one or the other of you rage-quitting. In that case, I'd cut to the chase and stop wasting time with a group that has at least one player that doesn't care if he's ruining someone else's play experience, and a GM who doesn't care either.

Pretty simple.
Kill the character or at least try to.
Side note: Don't get mad at the player under any circumstance.

Your character knows the character is a thief and knows that the thief has tried to steal from him before. Your character has every reason to kill him as this isn't the modern day US. When your character is on watch and the thief is asleep, have your character kick the dog s*~* out of his til he is dead. This is a perfectly in character action in response to the treatment from the thief.

IF everyone is using the argument that the stealing and such is playing in character and not personally being an ass to you (not your character), this is a perfectly in character response.

If the players aren't making that argument but are OK with it despite the fact it is making your game miserable, you need to find a new group because you have a number of players, plus the DM, willfully being an ass to you. There is no fixing that big of a problem. They ALL need to grow up, those involved and those standing by.

As a side note, be sure to make another character in case yours dies. If the part tries to pull your character off the thief, your brawler might be getting hit repeatedly with sneak attacks. Then, come back with a healer who has the divine focus tattoo trait and don't heal the rogue if it steals from your character. Or, as stated previously, find a new group.

There's my two cents.

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The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

Pretty simple.

Kill the character or at least try to.

He's already tried. GM won't let him.

Sounds to me like the GM is wanting the rogue to get away with this stuff. Is there some kind of OOC connection between the two, where the GM would want for some personal benefit to let the rogue have free reign? Player is GM's significant other, GM owes them a favor, etc.?

May i suggest approaching a wizard to craft a rather nasty cursed item, possibly a permanent negative level or some such, of the rogues preferred type. If it is made properly it could appear as a normal magical item (that is better than whatever the rogue has) until wielded at which point the curse activates. Simply drop this item into the next treasure hoard, wait for the rogue to find and try it, wait for hilarity to ensue...

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99% sure the rogue will never touch it, somehow instantly knowing what it is.

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Then you know almost for certain that the GM is actively out to screw the OP, leave the group

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+1 for leave that group.

Theft from other party members is PvP. If the GM will let one person do PvP, but not the others, that's a sign it's probably past time to go...


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Give all your stuff to the rogue, keep nothing for yourself

When the party get's into deep trouble, politely ask the rogue for a weapon, if he/she refuses, or plays dumb, walk (run) away and leave the rest of the party to their fate.

Hi, I am the DM in question...

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OP need goblin watch? Will work for food & dogears, 100% loyal.

Your Local Meatball DM wrote:
Hi, I am the DM in question...

Jokes yes?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

What exactly has the rogue stolen?

Take stuff from the rogue when he's sleeping. If stealing is the only allowed PvP, use it.

Shadow Lodge

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Quietly talk to the GM on the side and let him know that you will not tolerate being told no when another player is told yes to a PvP situation. If the rogue is allowed to steal in game from you then you are allowed to kill him in game. If the GM says no way, quit. Leave. Get out. No game is better than a bad game.

If the GM says okay, fair is fair stay. But if the GM interferes to save the rogue when you try to kill him for stealing your stuff, call foul and leave. Do not talk to or discuss anything with the other players; any of them. Just get up and leave.

If other players ask, be honest. Tell them only that the GM said PvP was legal but is only allowing the rogue in question to PvP so you're leaving.

There is no point in your life for letting yourself be the butt of somebody else's bad humor, pranks, or jokes. And there is no time to waste on being abused and not having fun. You are being abused by both your GM and the rogue's player because they know they can get away with it. Prove them wrong and leave if it comes to that.

^ that ^

I've played in pvp campaigns there anoying as f***. 1 if u can't handle it leave, 2 get underhanded urself... Above has many suggestions... If rogue somehow has knowledge about what uve done and circumvents everyone the gm is against u... See 1.

If you want to play a stealing rogue, thats one thing, actively being a douche is another. In my Fridaynight campaigns EVERY player tries to "keep" certain parts of the treasure they find if no one else is aware, but no one would stoop so low as to literally steal needed gear from another player. The above suggestions suggest talkign to your DM or the player in question. This won't work, as one way or another, someone is going to get mad by feeling targeted. My suggestion is talk to the entire group, as a whole Inform the group together that this is not fun, and you are feeling slighted. Make rules over the table for PVP if it is to be allowed. HOWEVER make sure you do this calmly, rationally, and with facts to back up your statements "he stole this when we.." What may seem real obvious to you, may not be to someone else at the table. Allow them to the situation the way you do, if this does not resolve the problem, THEN leave. But unless you are a prepubescent child, in which case go nuts, keep it civilized. D+D communities have a tendency to overlap in places and word gets around, so stay civil.

Dark Archive

Buy some nasty contact poisons, apply liberally to your gold.

Obtain a bag of holding. Buy a pig. Find a wight. Throw pig at wight, dead pig. Kill wight. Throw pig in bag of holding prior to its return to undeath. Anyone sticking their hand where it don't belong loses a level.

You fool! Don't you know the prophecy?! The pights will be the doom of us all!!

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You are paranoid about your items being continually stolen. You stop sleeping. Constantly watching the rogue. When combat arises you begin to falter due to fatigue/exhaustion. You aren't much good at providing flanking. You require extra healing. You decide you cannot put the rest of the party at risk because the rogue is tormenting you. You start taking Zerk to compensate for the fatigue. You become addicted. You delve deeper into your addiction, obtaining Zerk becomes more important than your own safety. You NEED it in order to function. The rogue can have the treasure you just need those measly 50 gold pieces. Your body is giving out. You have been using the Zerk for a few weeks now and you are barely able to stand. You are more of a detriment to the party than you are an ally. But you KNOW that the rogue would never use Zerk, would never STEAL your supply of Zerk. There is nothing you can do. You cannot sleep. Food is tasteless. You just need that next fix. You were fine until everyone turned against you. You were a brawler. You were a GOD! and now... now you would do things to make a Calistrian turn away in disgust if only it would get you your next fix. The Zerk is killing you, it is also the only thing that keeps you alive. The rogue has driven you to this madness. You have to take an alignment shift. Can you even call yourself a brawler anymore? Why couldn't he just leave you alone? Why does he WANT you this way? The Zerk was a solution to a problem. Your addled mind and wasted body barely resemble the once proud specimen you were just a month ago. The rogue has become the bane to your existence. The impetus for your failure. The reason for you to live. Let the rogue see what his crime has wrought. Let them all see. But... let them provide you with Zerk... because... Zerk is everything. Zerk is all. You need it. You crave it. You cannot be parted from something SO innate to your character. This is what you have become.

Dark Archive

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Orthos wrote:
You fool! Don't you know the prophecy?! The pights will be the doom of us all!!

Make sure its a pot bellied pig wight, they're so cute (and relatively small)

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Somewhere in the distance, you hear the dreadful oink of the pight...

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I was sort of on the opposite end of this problem, about 100 years ago. I was playing a Thief (AD&D 1st) and the GM's girlfriend was playing a Paladin. I wasn't stealing from the party, just doing my job as the party's proto-Rogue. At every turn the Paladin would object, insisting I not pick locks, be sneaky or otherwise behave in any way a Lawful Uptight character might find objectionable.

It got to be seriously annoying; her character would try to physically restrain mine, or intentionally be noisy when I was attempting stealth (because "good" people don't sneak around), etc. I finally told the GM our characters were going to have to come to blows and he said "You can't hit the Paladin. If you try, her god will smite you dead."

Aaaaaand, scene. My last session in that game.

@HoneyBadger: My advice is find another group, since you have a player who insists on pestering you endlessly and a GM who flatly refuses to do anything about it.

Short of that, nothing in the rules indicates that a bag of holding looks like anything but an empty sack; it has a constant weight and doesn't expand when stuff's put into it. So if it's a flat sack, roll it up and tuck it into the front of your belt during the day, then wear it under your clothes when you sleep. +26 Sleight of Hand, meet DC 60 skill check.

I would honestly leave the game. I don't know if these guys are your friends—given their behavior I certainly wouldn't assume so—but you're being taken advantage of.

If you really want to make it work, have a private chat with the GM separately. That's the only way it could ever be solved. passive-aggression in game will only escalate the problem.

Silver Crusade

I would go on strike, like, theirs a fight? cool, just stand and watch. If things start shooting/hitting you fall and pretend to be dead, if they continue and kill you. say "welp, time for me to go" and leave.

Dark Archive

The problem is that your fellow player and the dm are both being douchebags. You can try to convince them that they are wrong and ruining the game for you. If that doesn't work you need to find a new game and new "friends".

Grand Lodge

If the GM won't let you do anything to the thief in game, I'd flatly say, OOC, "this isn't fun for me, and you're preventing me from accurately role playing my character."

If that doesn't change your mind, I'd ask myself what the point of being in this group is.

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