Mythic Martial versus Wizard

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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OK, the other thread is enormously long so I am starting this one as a way to track my proposed running of the contest and to avoid it getting lost amongst the arguments. Feel free to use this thread to ask questions about the contest. Please don't bring arguments from the other thread here, keep them over there please.

Repeating the base rules her for information:


OK, in a vain effort to try and bring this ridiculous argument to some sort of conclusion I am going to offer to run this idiotic contest and am proposing some ground rules. I will also start a new thread containing them so as to avoid getting lost in this monstrosity.

I propose the following:

1. 20 point buy, it is standard
2. All PF materials available from the release of PF, no pr 3.x materials, no 3rd party
3. Standard WBL so 880000. As per UC having 1 crafting feat gives you a 25% boost, having two gives you a 50% boost.

The contest is declared by the Gods of Tedium and Futility to settle an ages old argument which seems to refuse any opportunity to die. Our contestants are approached 1 week prior to the contest by heralds of our disinterested deities with the following stipulations:

1. In one weeks time each contestant will be teleported into the arena forged by the gods. It is a dull featureless flat plane some 1000' feet on a side. It is infinitely high.

2. Each contestant will begin on one side of the arena. You may bring whatever you wish with you. You will start in an area 100' on a side protected by an impenetrable barrier of godlike force.

3. You have 1 round to prepare following which the barrier will fall and you can act.

4. You cannot leave the arena although you may summon additional allies to help you if you wish. The ethereal and astral planes are coterminous and may be accessed but you still cannot leave the boundaries of the arena.

5. The winner is the first person to kill or otherwise permanently disable or incapacitate the enemy.

In order to ensure parity and to avoid complete madness before they leave our divine herald obliterates all existing animated or created undead, simulacrums, planar allies or planar bound minions or dubious time altering planes. You can bring what you are able to raise within a week.

I take the following positions on the various rules issues:

1. Blood Money is legal, if you want to use it you need to demonstrate that you can take the required strength damage. Given the limited time before the start of the contest you need to show you can heal any damage taken preparing or have some other means of getting around it.

2. Simulacrum is legal. While higher HD creatures may gain extra SLA's it isn't at all clear that lower HD ones lose them and without any clear guidelines I take the view that they keep them.

3. The silver cord of Astral Projection is just that, an incorporeal cord made of silver. It has the hardness and hp of a 1 inch thick silver cord. However it is protected by Mind Blank as other spell effects and equipment are.

4. Purchases need to be accounted for. This includes buying access to spells for the wizards spellbook. I imagine our fighter will be relying on scrolls. However, buying just a single scroll of for example mind blank for the contest, isn't going to demonstrate much as this is an ongoing cost. You can do so if you wish but be aware it weakens your case significantly.

I would much prefer not to run this as pbp and instead set up a roll 20 table and do it one weekend day. If you are interested in participating then PM me a full build by the end of this week and I will set something up.

I understand that some may not consider me a neutral arbiter. Frankly at this point I tend to think both sides are as ridiculous as each other so am not inclined to support either. I do think that PF has a real issue with caster/martial disparity, especially at the higher levels but am interested to see if Mythic can close that gap.

Entrants need to be sent to me by 4pm GMT Sunday 25.01.

I think I'll be submitting both a Wizard and a Sorcerer. Sounds good.

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Andreww- I think it should be clear that at the beginning of the week that absolutely no prior preps can be used. All permanent spells, simulacra, planar bound allies, controlled undead, and dominated buddies, etc must be raised, bound, or created in the one week period. This includes all crafting of simulacra, and consumable magic items if purchased at a discount, and purchased spellcasting services.

Spellbook spells, full priced consumables, and permanent magic items are excluded from that rule.

I'll enter at least a fighter. Are we saying all martial builds are open?

Also, the range is definately a detriment to mythic archers. 2000' at least gives the possibility of using the 3rd range increment on the hypotenuse.

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Sure, if you want to bring another martial that is fine although generally most people accept that rangers, paladins and barbarians do OK. Also multclassing is fine.

I should add one caveat on crafting magic items. No using the custom crafting rules as they get way out of hand very quickly and often make little sense. Anything crafted must be available in a PF book somewhere.

BigDTBone wrote:
Also, the range is definately a detriment to mythic archers. 2000' at least gives the possibility of using the 3rd range increment on the hypotenuse.

It is only the starting range, I don't expect anyone to stay still for long.

andreww wrote:

Sure, if you want to bring another martial that is fine although generally most people accept that rangers, paladins and barbarians do OK. Also multclassing is fine.

I should add one caveat on crafting magic items. No using the custom crafting rules as they get way out of hand very quickly and often make little sense. Anything crafted must be available in a PF book somewhere.

Is this a blanket rule? There are some specific costs that I think should be allowed. Customer SR items and "other" bonuses to AC and saves which have specific costs.

I would agree on that with anything that is based on exploiting a spell effect.

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BigDTBone wrote:

Is this a blanket rule? There are some specific costs that I think should be allowed. Customer SR items and "other" bonuses to AC and saves which have specific costs.

I would agree on that with anything that is based on exploiting a spell effect.

I would prefer to keep it as just what is available in a published source. All of the magic item creation costs are pretty much subject to a degree of GM fiat/interpretation and doing so keeps things simple.

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I suppose I should add as it never even occurred to me, Leadership is right out. This is what you can bring to the contest as part of yuor own abilities.

andreww wrote:
I suppose I should add as it never even occurred to me, Leadership is right out. This is what you can bring to the contest as part of yuor own abilities.

Leadership banned but things like Blood money and sacred geometry are allowed.


Marroar Gellantara wrote:
andreww wrote:
I suppose I should add as it never even occurred to me, Leadership is right out. This is what you can bring to the contest as part of yuor own abilities.

Leadership banned but things like Blood money and sacred geometry are allowed.


We're comparing one class against another class. It's only logical. you are of course more then welcome to take blood money or Sacred Geometry. Or wait... do you feel they are overpowered? Why... it's almost like you think casters have overpowered options. Huh. Strange I feel like someone has been saying that all along... oh right... me.

Anzyr wrote:
We're comparing one class against another class. It's only logical.

Only logical to ban broken options that the fighter has access too.

But we need to let the wizard keep all of his toys.

Shadow Lodge

G!!+*$n, is one of these threads at a time not enough?

Shadow Lodge

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
We're comparing one class against another class. It's only logical.

Only logical to ban broken options that the fighter has access too.

But we need to let the wizard keep all of his toys.

I assume that post was your application to work at Paizo?

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Kthulhu wrote:
G#%&~#n, is one of these threads at a time not enough?

Dude, at least read the OP before you thread dump.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
We're comparing one class against another class. It's only logical.

Only logical to ban broken options that the fighter has access too.

But we need to let the wizard keep all of his toys.

Leadership is not a martial-only tool, and the martial participant winning the combat by bringing along a wizard cohort doesn't prove anything.

Arachnofiend wrote:
Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
We're comparing one class against another class. It's only logical.

Only logical to ban broken options that the fighter has access too.

But we need to let the wizard keep all of his toys.

Leadership is not a martial-only tool, and the martial participant winning the combat by bringing along a wizard cohort doesn't prove anything.

Mythics are not martial only either, neither are feats in general.

So I guess this whole contest proves nothing.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
We're comparing one class against another class. It's only logical.

Only logical to ban broken options that the fighter has access too.

But we need to let the wizard keep all of his toys.

Leadership is not a martial-only tool, and the martial participant winning the combat by bringing along a wizard cohort doesn't prove anything.

Mythics are not martial only either, neither are feats in general.

So I guess this whole contest proves nothing.

Look at it this way. If you bring leadership, then the wizard will counter with leadership, effectively negating the benefit.

In other words, leadership is a zero sum for the purposes of this contest.

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To be fair, and not to try to start an argument in this thread which is ongoing in the other... the wizard is sort of self-obviating his own need for Leadership by making ~ as many simulacrums of creatures with 9th Level Spells as spell like abilities as he wants -- and not counting against WBL via blood money.

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Adept_Woodwright wrote:
To be fair, and not to try to start an argument in this thread which is ongoing in the other... the wizard is sort of self-obviating his own need for Leadership by making ~ as many simulacrums of creatures with 9th Level Spells as spell like abilities as he wants -- and not counting against WBL via blood money.

Sure, but if leadership is a valid option, then there is no reason for the wizard not to take it as it is obviously the best in slot feat. All of the wizards other minions will come directly from class features, which prevents them from muddying the waters.

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In order to not muddy this thread further, I invite you to continue the discussion over in the other thread. I already have a few posts on the subject, fairly recently. If you don't want to do that, then I politely concede here.

Eh this contest is already using non-PRD material as if it is more legitimate than 3rd party or homebrew. It holds no relevance to my games.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Eh this contest is already using non-PRD material as if it is more legitimate than 3rd party or homebrew. It holds no relevance to my games.

It is definately more relevant than PRD. Pathfinder is the game as it exists in totality as published by its creators. That includes all Paizo product lines.

I really think that no leadership and no custom items are a big problem but I'm willing to deal.

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BigDTBone wrote:
Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Eh this contest is already using non-PRD material as if it is more legitimate than 3rd party or homebrew. It holds no relevance to my games.

It is definately more relevant than PRD. Pathfinder is the game as it exists in totality as published by its creators. That includes all Paizo product lines.

I really think that no leadership and no custom items are a big problem but I'm willing to deal.

I would suggest that the lack of custom crafting is more a hindrance to the caster. They after all have an easier time crafting and, lacking mythic ranks and the various benefits deriving from them, would benefit more from optimising their gear.

Removing leadership has to be perhaps the most common houserule on the forums but is I think necessary if we are going to look at what each individual class brings to the table. Apparently that makes me an iron fisted Viking hatted monstrous GM tyrant to the likes of Martkus but I am OK with that.

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No Leadership is logical, unless we insist that the followers share the martial-or-caster divide of their leaders. Otherwise we're twisting the basis of the test in favor of one or the other: if the martial brings a Wizard as a cohort, is it now a question of martial vs. caster or Martial-and-Wizard vs. Wizard-and-Wizard?

Now, if andreww wanted to enforce a clause along the lines of "Martials take martial with Leadership, Casters take Casters with Leadership", then you can maintain the validity of the test. But I'm not sure what the particular point of that would be besides complicating builds.

Custom items cut both ways, and unless all parties were willing to have andreww audit their magic items prior to the test it's far too exploitable; note the explicit rules regarding consulting the GM about custom items. What one feels is "exploiting" a spell effect may not be the same for all, so unless you have a neutral arbiter it's rather useless.

BigDTBone wrote:
Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Eh this contest is already using non-PRD material as if it is more legitimate than 3rd party or homebrew. It holds no relevance to my games.

It is definately more relevant than PRD. Pathfinder is the game as it exists in totality as published by its creators. That includes all Paizo product lines.

I really think that no leadership and no custom items are a big problem but I'm willing to deal.

The PRD are the rule books written by the rule devs. The other material is written by creative devs.

The PRD is Pathfinder, while the other material is just pathfinder in golarion or other settings.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:

The PRD are the rule books written by the rule devs. The other material is written by creative devs.

The PRD is Pathfinder, while the other material is just pathfinder in golarion or other settings.

Really? Taking two books opened at random:


Ultimae Magic - CREDITS

Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn
Designers: Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson,Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor
Seeker of Secrets - Authors: Tim Hitchcock, Erik Mona, Sean K Reynolds, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor

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andreww wrote:
Marroar Gellantara wrote:

The PRD are the rule books written by the rule devs. The other material is written by creative devs.

The PRD is Pathfinder, while the other material is just pathfinder in golarion or other settings.

Really? Taking two books opened at random:


Ultimae Magic - CREDITS

Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn
Designers: Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson,Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor
Seeker of Secrets - Authors: Tim Hitchcock, Erik Mona, Sean K Reynolds, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor

And there you go.

Read this feat again and tell me all "PF material" should be the assumed default standard.

It is also entirely possible for be people to act in different capacities at different times.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:

Read this feat again and tell me all "PF material" should be the assumed default standard.

It is also entirely possible for be people to act in different capacities at different times.

It comes from an official Pathfinder book, and is written by 2 of the lead designers of Pathfinder : Jason Bulmahn and James Jacobs.

EDIT : whatever, I wrote something wrong. I mixed Occult Adventures with Occult Mysteries.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:

Read this feat again and tell me all "PF material" should be the assumed default standard.

It is also entirely possible for be people to act in different capacities at different times.

Why wouldn't it be? You get Pummeling Charge right? Seems fair. I mean to acknowledge otherwise would be to indicate that you felt that casters were somehow overpowered in Pathfinder and that there is some kind of martial/caster disparity.

Pummeling Charge is in the PRD, and so is divine protection and quicken spell rods.

I fail to see your point.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:

Pummeling Charge is in the PRD, and so is divine protection and quicken spell rods.

I fail to see your point.

Perhaps it would help to clearly illustrate your point? The only clear contention I see is that non-PRD crunch is more-or-less equivalent to 3rd party crunch. However, it's rather clear that Pazio, at least, doesn't see things this way with PFS, and if you read around the forums you'll find more people that reject 3rd party but allow all Pazio than those who would, say, allow all PRD, reject all non-PRD Pazio, but accept all Frog God Games.

Inertia and basic logic doesn't exactly favor your contention as I understand it, so perhaps clearly stating what your issue is and how it affects this primary subject of this thread would help?

kestral287 wrote:
Marroar Gellantara wrote:

Pummeling Charge is in the PRD, and so is divine protection and quicken spell rods.

I fail to see your point.

Perhaps it would help to clearly illustrate your point? The only clear contention I see is that non-PRD crunch is more-or-less equivalent to 3rd party crunch. However, it's rather clear that Pazio, at least, doesn't see things this way with PFS, and if you read around the forums you'll find more people that reject 3rd party but allow all Pazio than those who would, say, allow all PRD, reject all non-PRD Pazio, but accept all Frog God Games.

Inertia and basic logic doesn't exactly favor your contention as I understand it, so perhaps clearly stating what your issue is and how it affects this primary subject of this thread would help?

I think his point is that Golarion =/= Pathfinder. Inner Sea Gods/Combat/Magic and other such regional specific books, as well as all the adventure paths, offer setting specific options. That's why they're not in the PRD. Same with blood money (from an adventure path) and Sacred Geometry (from a campaign setting book). If you want to compare the system itself, which is setup to run games on worlds other than Golarion, well, that's what the core product line in the PRD is for.

Cerberus Seven wrote:
I think his point is that Golarion =/= Pathfinder. Inner Sea Gods/Combat/Magic and other such regional specific books, as well as all the adventure paths, offer setting specific options. That's why they're not in the PRD. Same with blood money (from an adventure path) and Sacred Geometry (from a campaign setting book). If you want to compare the system itself, which is setup to run games on worlds other than Golarion, well, that's what the core product line in the PRD is for.

To rephrase the same statement then: Books published by the owner of Pathfinder that say Pathfinder on the cover with the official Pathfinder logo are not Pathfinder?

I... would like to hear that from Marroar Gellantara if that's what his point is.

kestral287 wrote:
Cerberus Seven wrote:
I think his point is that Golarion =/= Pathfinder. Inner Sea Gods/Combat/Magic and other such regional specific books, as well as all the adventure paths, offer setting specific options. That's why they're not in the PRD. Same with blood money (from an adventure path) and Sacred Geometry (from a campaign setting book). If you want to compare the system itself, which is setup to run games on worlds other than Golarion, well, that's what the core product line in the PRD is for.

To rephrase the same statement then: Books published by the owner of Pathfinder that say Pathfinder on the cover with the official Pathfinder logo are not Pathfinder?

I... would like to hear that from Marroar Gellantara if that's what his point is.

Did you read sacred geometry?

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:
kestral287 wrote:
Cerberus Seven wrote:
I think his point is that Golarion =/= Pathfinder. Inner Sea Gods/Combat/Magic and other such regional specific books, as well as all the adventure paths, offer setting specific options. That's why they're not in the PRD. Same with blood money (from an adventure path) and Sacred Geometry (from a campaign setting book). If you want to compare the system itself, which is setup to run games on worlds other than Golarion, well, that's what the core product line in the PRD is for.

To rephrase the same statement then: Books published by the owner of Pathfinder that say Pathfinder on the cover with the official Pathfinder logo are not Pathfinder?

I... would like to hear that from Marroar Gellantara if that's what his point is.

Did you read sacred geometry?

Yes. And Blood Money. And Divine Protection. And Leadership. And Craft Wondrous Item. And Master of Many Styles. And Pummeling Charge. And... do I really need to keep going?

Instead I'll ask again for you to clearly state your contention for the record. Is your claim that Sacred Geometry is simply too broken to be allowed or does it go deeper than that?

Liberty's Edge

I don't get what this proves? Yes, it's a crazy feat which can lead to slowing down game play and produce extremely powerful effects.

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kestral287 wrote:
Cerberus Seven wrote:
I think his point is that Golarion =/= Pathfinder. Inner Sea Gods/Combat/Magic and other such regional specific books, as well as all the adventure paths, offer setting specific options. That's why they're not in the PRD. Same with blood money (from an adventure path) and Sacred Geometry (from a campaign setting book). If you want to compare the system itself, which is setup to run games on worlds other than Golarion, well, that's what the core product line in the PRD is for.

To rephrase the same statement then: Books published by the owner of Pathfinder that say Pathfinder on the cover with the official Pathfinder logo are not Pathfinder?

I... would like to hear that from Marroar Gellantara if that's what his point is.

Apologies, I wasn't clear enough. They are all Pathfinder products, obviously. However, you'll note that some tend to have additional wording after the Pathfinder logo on the front. One set of books and their associated wording (or lack thereof) is the system as a universal framework. This core product line, from the CRB to the Technology Guide, describes how everything (more or less) everywhere works by default. The other set is material to be used for a Golarion or near-Golarion setting, not outside of it (no Runelords on Earth). It calls out new, location-specific content and exceptions to the general rules laid out by the first. For example, Sacred Geometry is listed in a book that says on the front "Pathfinder Campaign Setting", an important bit of context. As a kind of sub-set of the larger product line, this latter group does not make any sense without the larger framework laid down by the first group. Ergo, for the contention that Pathfinder has a caster vs martial disparity in it to be taken seriously, any experimentation or theory-crafting should use the larger, universal system and not location-specific content. If Paizo were to do a Dark-sun like setting, where magic is more restricted rather than running willy-nilly like in Golarion, we'd have to redo the process, and then again for each new setting that came about. Much easier to simply do the basic system without worrying about setting-specific material. Plus, it proves the point that people have REALLY been arguing about for years, rather than getting bogged down in, "Is blood money, in fact, 8 1/2 pounds of 'casters win' cheese"?

Maybe I mistook what Marroar was saying. If so, apologies; it simply seemed his (her?) thinking was in-line with my own.

PS: For the record, my money's on Anzyr winning this, even if he DOES have to stick to shenanigan-less tactics, i.e. stay away from blood money and Sacred Geometry and the like.

Just one example Aasimar ages are different in Golarion and APs than in the advance race guide.

PRD and setting specific Pathfinder are very different things.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:
It holds no relevance to my games.

Then why are you still posting on this thread?

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I was under the impression that this thread was to track the actual duel. I think the combatants and gm should be the only ones to post here until after the duel takes place. Discussing specific tactics and rules should remain in the other thread, to keep at least the semblance of order.

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1. Thanks for doing this.
2. Please let us know when you have builds that have been submitted?
3. Are you going to post mechanical details of what happens or just what the opposition can detect?
4. How does undetectable work?
I contend that divination works against it but will not reveal location. One could deduce location from plans.
Interactions with the world should be detectable weather you interacted or were interacted with. This means that a wizard will notice that he has been attacked and may even be able to know from what square. Standing on the ground or moving through environments does not entail interaction. It does mean that you can not summon into their square or enter it and that you notice that you fail to do so.
5. Can contingency react to things not detected? Example: a hostile action from an undetectable foe?
6. Does entering a rope trick count as leaving the arena?
7. Can allies not in the arena act?
8. Does a plane created while in the arena count as leaving the area?
9. Do we win if we force our foe from the plane?
10. Can we break WBL if we do so within the week allotted?
11. Can we learn about our
I am thinking of creating wizard, but i am not sure I can have it done in time. Will try.

Trogdar wrote:
Sure, but if leadership is a valid option, then there is no reason for the wizard not to take it as it is obviously the best in slot feat. All of the wizards other minions will come directly from class features, which prevents them from muddying the waters.

But best in slot spells are fine, yeah?

Uwotm8 wrote:
Trogdar wrote:
Sure, but if leadership is a valid option, then there is no reason for the wizard not to take it as it is obviously the best in slot feat. All of the wizards other minions will come directly from class features, which prevents them from muddying the waters.
But best in slot spells are fine, yeah?

Are those spells really a wizard class feature?

Both sorcerers and arcanist can take them. Some even argue that the shaman can have them.

Cuuniyevo wrote:
I was under the impression that this thread was to track the actual duel. I think the combatants and gm should be the only ones to post here until after the duel takes place. Discussing specific tactics and rules should remain in the other thread, to keep at least the semblance of order.

The actual duel is taking place on roll20.

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Marroar Gellantara wrote:

Are those spells really a wizard class feature?

Both sorcerers and arcanist can take them. Some even argue that the shaman can have them.

Their lists are class features. Individual selections are restricted all the time even by RAW.

I do not know how to use roll 20. If I give sheet and tactics do I need to run the character through that system?

If so that is one more thing to learn. I will need help with that.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Marroar Gellantara wrote:
Uwotm8 wrote:
Trogdar wrote:
Sure, but if leadership is a valid option, then there is no reason for the wizard not to take it as it is obviously the best in slot feat. All of the wizards other minions will come directly from class features, which prevents them from muddying the waters.
But best in slot spells are fine, yeah?

Are those spells really a wizard class feature?

Both sorcerers and arcanist can take them. Some even argue that the shaman can have them.

the spells are a wizard class feature, just like several classes have evasion as a class feature. the class feature in question is "spells".

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Please take these rule arguments to the other thread. The rules for this fight are posted. Ask questions about those but please take the other stuff else where.

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