Interest Check || Homebrew Campaign || Secrets of the Dragons


1048 years.

That is how long its been since the end of the war. And though only the oldest of elves even remember the conflict, all know how it ended. For they are reminded every time they look at the border of their nations and see the soaring peaks of mountain range formed in the span of a single day.

--The story--

The nations of Ouros and Boros were, up until the Great Intervention, at war with each other. This was a war the likes of which no other land could even comprehend. It didn't just last for decades or centuries...but millennium. Thousands of years the two nations had been at odds. Sometimes the two clashed on the border endlessly for years. Other times there was peace to allow the two to recuperate. And just when peace might have actually settled, a spark would ignite the two nations yet again. The war is so old that only the most ancient of dragons even know how it started. And they are as tight lipped as ever. So what could possible put an end aggression built over thousands of years?

The Gods themselves.

Specifically Tiamat and Bahamut. The two great dragon gods of good and evil. And why are these two involved. Again, only the dragons know the whole story. But part of it might be because the Metallic dragons and worshippers of Bahamut controlled the northern Ouros and the Chromatic dragons, worshippers of Tiamat, controlled southern Boros. And because of this schism of beliefs, neither could suffer the other to live peacefully. For in the north, the Metallic's and indeed most of the kingdom of Ouros, believed in the tenets of Bahamut. Honor. Justice. Loyalty. Wisdom. These are the virtues the Metallic dragons try to uphold but without being tyrannical. They prefer to guide the kingdom of Ouros by example. Whereas in Boros, the Chromatic's lead with an iron claw. They beat into the people the virtues of power, strength and greed by any means necessary. And they don't bother hiding their chains of control. Everyone in Boros knows the king is a puppet to an ancient and powerful red dragon that few have ever seen. Volthuryol.

But that is neither here nor there for the current situation. A strange grouping of people, who have yet to discover the power within, have found themselves together and bound for the city of Bastion in southern Ouros. When the gods rent the ground and formed the mountains that now separate the two nations, they created a very dangerous area. The mountain range used to be the front lines of the war where countless soldiers and creatures lost their lives. Now those lost souls wander the mountains as undead, making it all but impassable. And if the undead didn't deter you the forbidding cliffs would. Only one valley through the mountain range was discovered and that is where Bastion began. Great mages from all over flocked to the sight and began work setting up wards along the mountain range and the valley. They joined fellow scholars from Boros in the middle and set up, after many long years, the first land route between the two now peaceful countries. Both nations are bordered on one side by mountains and the other by ocean so this route was much appreciated. Unfortunately it wasn't too long before an "accident" occurred and the wards failed. The valley was abandoned as undead flooded in and since neither side knew what happened, the route was closed. The two nations still distrusted each other but the gods pretty much forbade them from acting against each other.

So Bastion was mostly abandoned and soon fell into disrepair. The walled city still maintains a skeleton crew and the mage college still retains some loyal scholars trying to figure out what happened but the city has significantly fallen in grandeur. It still maintains a decent number of devoutly loyal citizens and it lies on a trade route from the mines to the east and ocean ports to the west. In recent years though it has been the target of bandits who attack the traders headed to and from the city. Many essential goods have been stolen or burned before reaching the city and the small guard left over doesn't have the man power to fight them off. Only time will tell if the city survives.

--About the DM--

Hey everyone! This is an interest check for a campaign that has been bouncing around in my head for a while. I have not DM'd on this sight yet but I have been in a number of games and have seen many do's and don't's. I think I could run this efficiently but there will be a learning curve for me and mistakes in the beginning. I also don't have the full story fleshed out completely but I do have the beginning, the end and a lot of the in between. Probably going to be a long one and high level at the end. No req's for the PC's just yet until I see enough interest, don't want to get ahead of myself.

--What I need from you--

I really only need a sign of interest and once I have enough I might open up recruitment. Some other things would be appreciated though such as:

-What interests you specifically? Why does this catch your eye?
-What character do you have in mind? (Note: Dragons play an important role but you will not be involved with many early on. You will be level 1.)
-Suggestions for easy map tools. I am a novice at encounter maps and limited at what I can do. I usually post from work and very few sites work here (No google docs which sucks). Only one really seems to be Roll20 which is probably what I will end up using.
-Post rate. I intend to move fast so I would prefer those that could post more than 1/day. I know that is like the bare minimum for most games but I want to move faster than that. The only time I am lenient is on weekends.
-Anything else you want to add:)

That's pretty much it. Hope you like it.

Is this intended to be a city based game?

EDIT: I would really like to know more about where you plan to go with this.

I'd certainly be interested in something like this and I have a few different ideas of what I'd want to do given the information in the preamble.

However, I'd like to see what other potential players are thinking as well as the answer to Nohwears questions.

The campaign will move around both nations actually (Ouros for the lower levels and Boros for the higher). There will be cities, dungeons, forests and even some high seas adventures. I don't want to pigeonhole anyone but being well-rounded both as a team and an individual will help. Also I guess I should have said that all PC's will need a reason to head to Bastion first. They can be a native but they might miss out on the first encounter. But whether it be to help the city against the bandits, to study at the mage college or the wards, or maybe you just got roped into a being guard along a trade caravan one needs to be in the Eventual backstory. Just need a general idea.

Dark Archive

Dot. This sounds interesting.

How do dwarves fit into the society of Ouros? I've got a concept for a dwarven druid that I've been looking to try. :)

Well, I often have trouble posting much on Mondays. I work retail on Mon, Tues, and either Thurs or Fri, it is somewhat up in the air right now. I have been wanting to play a Goliath Druid that focuses on buffing his pet, but I can easily come up with all sorts of ideas.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If that's the case then how would you feel about a character whose general goal is to drive the two gods back to their own respective realms (regardless of whether or not that is really feasible)?

I understand that it is not necessarily conducive to cooperation depending on the other players so that's why I'm asking. There's no point of pursuing that angle if no one else would enjoy it.

i would be interested.

MY thought about maps is, only use them for complicated fights, and when I use them I use google drive, which allows player to move themselves around as needed.

It might be interesting to make a Kobold, who is not evil, Kobold Sorcerer perhaps.

Or if that is too wonky, perhaps just a simple caravan guard, though I would probably want to do something a little bit different. Perhaps a Bolt Ace, or a fighter type that uses a whip, or some interesting exotic weapon.

-I am always interested in homebrews and it looks like one you have put a lot of thought into. I would love to explore and develops your world.
-I was thinking on bringing in my elven conjurer Tiasar. He's inspired by the very first character I ever made and has years of time and effort put into him.
-You can try Dungeongrid
-I have the availability to post several times every day.
-Is there anything we need to know about how you DM or how the setting is for character building? Do you not pull punches, do you make a lot of dungeons, do you like swarms of weak enemies or one strong one?

oh yes, I am available to post at least twice per day usually.

Dark Archive

I can generally post at least once a day, but it mostly depends on the overall speed of the game. If there is a lot of stuff going on, I try to post more.

What 3PP would be allowed if any?
What nations besides the two mentioned would exist (can we make up our own)?
Do players have artistic license with races and so forth not from the two nations?

-What interests you specifically? Why does this catch your eye?
The amount of creative freedom that I can see in this setting.

-What character do you have in mind? (Note: Dragons play an important role but you will not be involved with many early on. You will be level 1.)
Steampunk, guns and mechamagic all the way (world of aden golemoid, thunderscout and steamwright in particular).

-Suggestions for easy map tools. I am a novice at encounter maps and limited at what I can do. I usually post from work and very few sites work here (No google docs which sucks). Only one really seems to be Roll20 which is probably what I will end up using.
You might want to experiment with theater of the mind combat, you could also try a more novel game approach where the majority of combat is outdoors.

If your really hellbent on map based combat though you could try ditzie, my Dark Sun GM uses it and it isn't half bad.

-Post rate. I intend to move fast so I would prefer those that could post more than 1/day. I know that is like the bare minimum for most games but I want to move faster than that. The only time I am lenient is on weekends.
A 2/day post rate I could definitely keep up with.

-Anything else you want to add:)
Are you wanting this game to be ultimately about dragons or can this be more freeform? Or perhaps both say a campaign where the PCs command ships or airships against aquatic or airborne dragons respectively?


I'm very much interested in a story involving a conflict between dragon-ruled nations.

Could see myself going with a sorcerer/dragon disciple or something else. But I'd have to see what the character guidelines woiuld be, whatr material is allowed and what isnt.

Since i am about 6 hours ahead of the average US citizen timezone wise, im not sure how welli I can serve the 2 posts a day, since i might be posting around a time, when most players are still asleep or otherwise not available.

Dark Archive

Hi DM Ancient! =)

I am INSANELY interested in helping you develop this amazing and complicated world you've put together!

I've always liked the idea of Dragon wars, with the twist of "Yeah, but what about everyone who -isn't- a dragon? How do they feel? What options would they have?"

This seems ideal for an elf--another long-lived race that can identify with the long-term planning of dragons. In the same vein, you put a lot of thought into the not-quite-abandoned mage college, so it seems a magic user of some flavor would be thematic. Possibly an Arcanist.

I like that Atlas. I'd be interested in having a connection between characters. If I used a kobold, he could have studied at the academy, or if the fighter he could be your bodyguard

Doing good so far. Good interest. I feel that the amount of work and words put into a post is directly related to the interest in the subject. Obviously there are some exceptions but you know what I mean. As for answers, I will try to get to them all based on poster.

Nohwear: I have always liked the goliath but they are not in pathfinder. The 3.5 version might be allowable but mechanics are are not something under consideration yet.

Johnnycat93: Not sure what are asking. The gods never descended. Merely changed the very geography to put an end to the war. Unless you think they are the range or something then that is fine.

Seranov: Doubt a dwarf druid would fit into normal dwarven society but as you can imagine the vast majority occupy the mountains to the west and many towns as craftsmen. You know, the usual dwarven stuff. They are not as stuffy and stubborn as usual towards others. War does that.

MiniGM: Thanks for the suggestions. I would rather not use maps but problems arise without them. For instance, though I may have a certain battlefield in mind and described, each person might imagine it differently. And so many abilities require a definite scale and that's a little arbitrary or difficult to imagine with a concrete picture. Kobold would be fine but Boros would have used, and still uses, them more extensively. After so many years of peace Ouros might be open minded but you would need a good story and reason.

CampinCarl9127: Sounds like a fine character. Dungeongrid works at work but is really...low rez. And I will likely vary enemy types and groupings. I like to sniff around the PFSRD and see what tickles my fancy at the level of the characters.

Viluki: Holy crap that's a lot. Okay 3pp will likely be case by case. Might even add DnD stuff. No commitments just yet. People from other nations would be tricky since I haven't thought about the rest of the world yet and its impact on the main story. For now keep it in the two nations. Might be a "mechmagic"/"steampunk" opportunity at some point and I and not yet sure on guns. Doubtful for now. Read the response for mini about maps and ditzie didn't work And its called Secrets of the Dragons. It is about dragons. Since the whole story isn't fleshed out there will be wiggle room but since I have the an ending I will have to redirect you back.

All: I design backgrounds for my own characters a little vaguely. I never give cities or locations a name that way they can fit into just about any campaign anywhere. You guys can do the same or you can make up your own. I am not the most creative person when it comes to naming things and the nations are still in the drawing stages. You guys can definitely take some artistic licence if you want. If it sounds cool I will add it.

That everyone/thing?

Would Kobold or the Genius Games Koldemar suit this path? If ever there was a time to play a mini wannabe dragon...

EDIT: Whoop, saw Mini-GM's question about Kobolds and the answer.

Maybe I'll put together an idea for a bolt ace guard AND the kobold.

That is assuming you don't want crunch...I tend to get attached when I build in detail :)

GM on the subject of guns you will find that Thunderscape firearms are a lot saner then pathfinder ones, no misfires, no hitting touch AC (although they have ammo that can do that to a limited extent) and so forth.

Would a foreign quarter be possible in say Ouros to explain away the issue of characters from other lands?

The more I think about it, the more a foreigner would be interesting to add for...reasons. Reasons that cannot be stated yet. Can you give me a link for Thunderscape guns. A friend of mine cam up with a neat homerule to balance the gunslinger. At least balance in our opinion. I would only allow one though and they would be the only one with a firearm. Gunpowder adds a whole new dimension to warfare that I don't want to add to this. High magic and dragons take care of that enough. The problem then becomes designing the backstory to get you to Bastion.

Half a day and 8 parties already. Homebrew in recruitment really is like shouting cake in a crowd of fat people. I'll leave this open for the weekend and continue to answer questions. I'll make a decision Monday.

DM Ancient wrote:
Homebrew in recruitment really is like shouting cake in a crowd of fat people.

That quote is fantastic and deadly accurate.

Yeah, Dungeongrid is really cool looking but I don't use it much myself. I do prefer Google Docs, but I think you must underestimate its power. I have made everything from a simple street fight to my homebrewed world of Erandor. I like how there are basically no restrictions on what you can do and you can also leave the map editable if you wish, but of course that also means it is more time consuming.

Keep us informed, thanks!

Thunderscape isn't on the D20 unfortunately but here are the firearms straight from the sourcebook.


The advent of the Age of Thunder brought with it many
extraordinary inventions. Some of the most noteworthy of these
were black powder firearms. While these weapons operate using
purely technological principles, the use of mechamagic has
greatly accelerated their development.

All firearms (except for exotic firearms, such as the sniper rifle)
are part of the Firearm Weapons Group. Using a firearm without
proficiency imposes the normal -4 penalty to attack rolls. The
new classes introduced in this book list their respective firearm
proficiencies in their descriptions. Character classes introduced
in other Pathfinder products are retroactively granted firearm
proficiencies in Thunderscape campaigns, as follows:

Free Firearms Proficiency Feat: Alchemist, Cavalier,
Barbarian, Fighter, Gunslinger, Magus, Paladin, Ranger.
Holdout and Pistol Proficiency: Bard, Inquisitor, Rogue,
Sorcerer, Summoner.
Sniper Rifle Proficiency: Inquisitor, Ranger, Rogue.
No Firearms Proficiency: Cleric, Druid, Monk, Oracle,
Witch, Wizard.
If using character classes from other products in your
Thunderscape campaign, simply compare them to another class
with similar weapon proficiencies to determine their firearms

Firearm Use
Aden’s firearms are very powerful and easy to learn but are
unwieldy to reload for someone without proper training. Many
warriors carry a pistol or scattergun with the intent of firing it
at the beginning of combat, then discarding the firearm in favor
of melee weapons. Those select few who decide to master these
high-tech weapons can put them to even greater effect.

While firearms do impressive damage compared to
conventional weapons, they also require longer to reload. The
Rapid Reload feat may be applied to a firearm just as it may
be applied to a crossbow. If a firearm requires a move action
to reload, Rapid Reload allows you to reload it as a free action.
Weapons that require a standard action instead require a move
action. Weapons that require a full round action instead require
a standard action.

Firearms made for Small creatures do not do innately less
damage, as Aden’s gunsmiths are fairly competent at constructing
such technological wonders for the use of its smaller citizens.
Creatures smaller than Small or larger than Medium wielding
firearms suited to their size alter their damage dice accordingly.

Due to the explosive force that powers them, all firearm
weapons are extremely noisy and do not function in environments
where normal flames are extinguished, such as underwater.

Holdout pistol: cost 10 gp, damage 1d6, crit x3, range 30 feet
pistol: cost 25 gp, damage 1d8, crit 19-20x2, range 30 feet

Scattergun: cost 75 gp, damage 3d4, crit x3, range 20 feet
Rifle: cost 50 gp, damage 1d10, crit x3, range 60 feet

Sniper Rifle: cost 100 gp, damage 2d6, crit 18-20x3, range 110 feet

Armor Piercing (10) 5 gp
Bull (10) 10 gp
Heavy (10) 2 gp
Rubberized (10) 1 gp
Sniper (10) 3 gp
Standard (10) 2 sp
Wounding 20 gp

Firearm Weapon Descriptions

Holdout: This is an extremely small and easily concealed
firearm, designed to be used as a last resort. The holdout grants
a +4 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to conceal it. The range
penalties for a holdout firearm are double that of a normal ranged
weapon (-4 per range increment). Reloading a holdout is a move

Pistol: This basic weapon is the most common firearm
weapon. It consists of a short handle and trigger and a short
barrel. Reloading a pistol is a move action.

Rifle: You need at least two hands to use a rifle, regardless of
its size. This firearm features a long barrel and a sturdy stock,
granting the weapon an excellent mix of range and firepower.
Reloading a rifle is a move action.

Scattergun: This weapon has two parallel barrels and allows
two shots (one from each) before it requires reloading. The
scattergun requires a full round action to reload (both barrels are
reloaded at the same time).
Alternately, you can fire both barrels in a single attack. When
doing so, you can either choose to inflict 4d4 damage against a
single target or attack two adjacent targets, applying a -4 penalty
to your attack roll against each and inflicting 2d4 damage per

Sniper Rifle: Though this weapon counts as a firearm, it
requires an exotic weapon proficiency to use. Precision damage
(such as sneak attack) may be applied to an attack with a sniper
rifle as long as a move action is used to aim the weapon in
the same round in which it is fired. The Sniper rifle requires a
standard action to reload.

Ammunition Description

Armor Piercing: This type of ammunition ignores up to 2
of natural armor bonus to AC. The firearm
inflicts damage as if it were one size smaller, skipping Small size
if the firearm is designed for a Medium creature. (See Tiny and
Large Weapon Damage, Chapter 6, Pathfinder Core Rulebook.)

Bull Shot: This special scattergun ammunition is designed
to deliver extreme amounts of kinetic energy to its targets over
a wide area, knocking them off their feet. A scattergun loaded
with bull shot always delivers a bull rush or trip attack (their
choice) after inflicting damage on a target within the weapon’s
first range increment. This maneuver is made with a -4 penalty to
the shooter’s CMB. If both barrels are fired at once, the scattergun
gains no bonus damage but also receives no penalty to CMB.
Scatterguns using this ammunition inflict one less die of damage
than normal.

Heavy Shot: This ammunition type is expensive but is made
of purer metals and hits especially hard. It grants a +2 damage
bonus. (This bonus is doubled if you are firing both barrels from
a double barreled scattergun.) Attack rolls while using heavy shot
suffer a -1 penalty to hit.

Rubberized Shot: This advanced form of ammunition uses
a magically treated form of Kyanite tree sap. These bullets are
designed to remain as hard and inflexible as metal until exposed to
high velocities, whereupon they soften and flatten. The resulting
mass strikes its target with great force, but does relatively little
lasting harm. Half of the damage inflicted by these bullets is
nonlethal damage. The range increment of a weapon using this
type of ammunition is halved. This ammunition cannot be used in
rifles or sniper rifles.

Sniper Shot: This type of ammunition is designed for
maximum aerodynamics and range. The weapon gains a +1
bonus to hit, rather than a -2 penalty, for each range increment
of distance between the attacker and his target. This applies only
for the first five range increments; you begin accruing penalties
normally beyond this point. Attacks against enemies within the
weapon’s first range increment suffer a -2 penalty to hit. This
ammunition can only be used with rifles and sniper rifles.

Standard Ammunition: This ammunition type is inexpensive
and offers a +1 damage bonus. (This bonus is doubled if you are
firing both barrels from a double barreled scattergun.)

Wounding Shot: This type of ammunition is designed to
fragment upon striking, and it causes grisly wounds. The target
suffers 1 point of bleed damage every round until it receives
magic healing or a DC 15 Heal check.

Any thoughts on my two options dm? Have a preference?

Viluki: We shall see.

CampinCarl9127: Google Docs is fine but I can't see it at work which is the main problem. I do most posts from work. Dungeongrid and roll20 both work and I can see ditzie but can't manipulate it. Its weird. I might use dungeongrid since it seems the easiest to use and just let everyone's imagination do the rest.

MiniGM: Sorry, two what?

Question GM, you seem to have plans for this setting. I don't believe this is going to be a only adventure you plan to run in this setting, do you want to flesh out the game world to an extent (we can simply have the dragon nations be a large island out in the middle of the ocean, that way the other nations have little effect on them due to distance)?

I was thinking of either the kobold sorcerer or a bolt ace, I was wondering if you had a preference

Dark Archive

DM Ancient wrote:
Seranov: Doubt a dwarf druid would fit into normal dwarven society but as you can imagine the vast majority occupy the mountains to the west and many towns as craftsmen. You know, the usual dwarven stuff. They are not as stuffy and stubborn as usual towards others. War does that.

My concept of a dwarven druid is a LOT different than, say, an elf druid. It's less of a tree-hugger and more of an urban planner for dwarven culture. They lead miners to mineral veins that can be reached without destroying cave or tunnel systems, they act as architects in helping build dwarven structures right into the mountains they're made of, instead of destroying the mountain and using the debris to make something new. The particular dwarf I'm envisioning would be a goliath druid, so in addition to his post-retirement duties as a druid in dwarven society, he'd use natural magic to use the powers of his racial enemies to fight to protect his people.

But if that's not how dwarves are in your setting, then I'll need to do more thinking. I'm really keen on the idea, and I don't really have any backup ideas atm.

DM Ancient wrote:

Johnnycat93: Not sure what are asking. The gods never descended. Merely changed the very geography to put an end to the war. Unless you think they are the range or something then that is fine.

Ah, I misunderstood. Based on the third paragraph of the introduction I thought the two gods had literally directly intervened, but it looks like they are acting through their agents to influence the two nations. Is that correct?

If that does turn out to be the case then I'd like to make a character who has become disillusioned with the meddling of the two gods in mortal affairs. He thinks that they are doing more harm than good; Tiamat directly and Bahamut by way of coddling us under the pretense of "teaching".

So ultimately he wants to return the mortal races ability to choose their own paths. Whether they choose to stay at peace, continue following the dragons, reignite conflict, or something else entirely; it matters not. As long as the choice is made by mortals it will be better than continuing in a way were everything is decided for you.

(Again, this isn't necessarily true or representative of the reality of the setting, it's just the way the character views the situation.)

Is this concept alright or does it conflict with what you already have for a story?

Would Psionics be able to be a part of your world> I've been reading up on it and would really like to try it out.

Viluki: Actually that is how I had them in mind. probably needed clarification on geography. The two kingdoms are part of one largish continent the is shaped like a dragon's tooth (like north America but thinner and smaller). So only way foreigners can arrive is by boat and the waters are rather treacherous. That should keep pesky interlopers out:)

MiniGM: Oh. Got it. Either is fine. I will modify the Kobold stats though. They get seriously jipped. We are not to the point where i give definite statistics though.

Seranov: Sounds like regular old dwarf to me. I always thought that was how dwarves would act anyway. Wouldn't necessarily make him a druid though. But you can flavor him anyway you want. Only thing is someone already mentioned a Goliath druid so you would have competition. I am never taking the same race and class no matter dissimilar they seem.

Johnnycat93: Sorry to be confusing. They did indeed intervene by physically dividing the two nations. Most people can only assume it was to stop the two from warring. There are many assumptions floating around as to why but the gods refuse to answer the prayers of clerics and scholars can only guess. And no one can get the dragons talking. Its difficult for me to know how much to give away before the game has even started. Sorry. He can definitely attempt to draw the nations away from dragon control, both direct and indirect, but it has been the way of things to thousands of years. You will be in the minority.

HighonHolyWater: No. They...confuse me. Don't have a clear reason to dislike them...I just don't.

Dark Archive

That's fine. I'm super hyped to get working on this guy, so I'm gonna get started on that tomorrow. :)

Cool. If you're alright with it then that's the character I'll be submitting if/when a recruitment thread goes up.

Until then, what else do you want us to work on?

Also my character GM I was thinking something along the lines of a tiefling/human Golemoid, would you like me to send the Golemoid to you via PM for review?

Ok I will put together the kobold.

I will take the kobold bloodline and see what kind of story I can come up with. I think a kobold who has had visions of his God, and thinks (or actually was) given power by them. I think his purpose is to bring kobolds to the light

-What interests you specifically? Why does this catch your eye?
well dragons have always been an integral part of rollplaying games so it would interesting to be involved in game like this

-What character do you have in mind?
I usually play alchemists because i find them the most interesting,though i haven't gotten all that far with my characters.i might play a dirge bard for this campaign or a healer. i like healers too

-Suggestions for easy map tools.
i've only ever played with google doc maps, and played live games with Roll20 though my experience with roll20 is less than that of google docs.

-Post rate.
i check the forums multiple times a day, but my time zone is gmt+8, so it's at least once a day.

Ancient, Goliath Druid is an archetype from Giant Hunter's Handbook.

Dark Archive

Yep. Goliath Druid.

I completely understand if you would only want one of a class per party, though. Just means Noh and I have to work hard to make sure our individual characters are good enough. :)

Viluki: May be an opportunity for Golemoid but not in the beginning.

Nohwear and Seranov: I didn't realize that was an archetype. Little misleading.

@GM not worth taking Golemoid if is through multiclassing, I am not fond of multiclassing to say in the least and prefer to go the "pure" 20 route (one of my pet peeves with pathfinder is no arcane trickster class).

Dark Archive

Anyway, to answer some of the questions in the OP:

What interests you specifically? Why does this catch your eye?

Dragons are, as a general rule, really cool to have in fantasy games. Played straight, they are wildly powerful, wildly intelligent creatures that are no small threat, and are allies worth fighting to keep. My concept will end up pairing an unorthodox dwarven soldier with forces that, at times, have been his people's enemies. And that can make for some awesome RP moments.

What character do you have in mind? (Note: Dragons play an important role but you will not be involved with many early on. You will be level 1.)

My character, as I've posted upthread, will be a dwarven goliath druid by the name of Quomaugh (Kwoh-mahg). He's nearly 120 y/o, and is an ex-soldier who retired to a life of civil service. He's an architect, mining team leader, and dabbles in all sorts of fields, both scholarly and labor-related. He derives his power from Torag and the very caves and mountains that he and his people live in.

Suggestions for easy map tools. I am a novice at encounter maps and limited at what I can do. I usually post from work and very few sites work here (No google docs which sucks). Only one really seems to be Roll20 which is probably what I will end up using.

Making maps in Google Documents or Roll20 have both seemed to work very well for other DMs I've played under. I used Roll20 for the group I DM'd for, and with some effort, it's very effective.

What caught my eye?

I like Dragons and Slaying them, matching skills with a creature that has seen centurys(and survived them)


Kiriko Kangetsu Female Tiefling ninja (crunch and backstory will be adjusted)


at least once per day(probably more) (GTM+1)


no sugestions( new Player)

Well I see at least 9 interested which is enough for a good mix of characters.

Here is the recruitment thread.

Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Recruitment / Interest Check || Homebrew Campaign || Secrets of the Dragons All Messageboards

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