How would Korra deal with Cthulhu?

Homebrew and House Rules

Is figured this title would get your attention.

Now I like this class and don't see any problems with this in an occult campaign, but I don't see how it thematically fits either. What makes the kineticist occult-themed? Encouragement of non-standard problem-solving relative to the genre?

Then again, Cthulhu was killed by ramming a boat into him...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think it has to do with flavor. We've all latched onto the Avatar/Korra comparisons, and with reason, but I think we were also meant to think Carrie or Firestarter or even some versions of Jean Grey. Those are thematically very different from benders, but the mechanics are identical.

The Exchange

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Depends whose fanfic we're reading.

Shadow Lodge

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Well, Cthulhu is CR 30, it would be difficult (but not impossible) for a single PC using pathfinder rules to defeat him.

Korra on the other hand displays access to the Kineticist capstone, due to being the avatar and being able to manipulate all four elements, thus we know that she is at least Kineticist 20.

The biggest issue for defeating Cthulhu would be his immortality, which requires you to beat Cthulhu at least twice, the second time being within 2d6 rounds, which assuming an average of 7 rounds, Korra would have to do 117 damage per round. Additionally, Cthulhu is immune to Korra's main element, cold and resists each of the other elements by 30 points in addition to having 41 SR. Metal Blast will likely be her best weapon against Cthulhu due to his resistances, she would do the most damage with this blast if she utilizes Kinetic Blade and Improved Vital Strike and possibly Mythic Vital Strike, resulting in 60d6+60+3x her con mod in damage a strike, assuming 50 Con this would be 60d6+120 or 330 damage per round before DR, which goes down to 310 after Cthulhu's DR kicks in.

At 310 DPR, Korra would take approx 3 rounds to defeat Cthulhu the first time, which means as long as Cthulhu-GM doesn't roll low on the 2d6 rounds of being staggered after Cthulhu resurrects she could theoretically solo Cthulhu. However Cthulhu isn't going to simply stand there and let Korra beat on it. If Korra takes all of Cthulhu's physical attacks each round, she is looking at 8d6+46 and 8d10+136, meaning Korra takes 254 damage per round.

Going back to our 50 con assumption, Korra has approx 545 HP (assuming Kineticist 20/Mythic Champion 10) before toughness, so while Cthulhu is not staggered it will 3 round Korra, which is the same as the 3 rounds it will take for Korra to down Cthulhu. Additionally, Korra needs to make a DC 40 Will save at the beginning of the combat or die, and Cthulhu isn't likely to simply full attack her every round, he will likely use his special abilities.

So back to your question as to how Korra would deal with Cthulhu, I would have to say luck.

As for the question actually posed, while I don't feel that it fits the idea of 'occult' I don't really give a damn either. There's not going to be some -better- spot to put in a bending class.

As for Cthulhu, and silly theorycrafting, I'd say Korra isn't necessarily level 20 (lord knows she gets her ass kicked all the time), but more that there is an 'Avatar' archetype that gives you Omnikinesis in exchange for the inability to be resurrected. But her soloing Cthulhu is moot, as the Avatar is never really at their best unless they've got their adventuring party around them.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
AlgaeNymph wrote:

Is figured this title would get your attention.

Now I like this class and don't see any problems with this in an occult campaign, but I don't see how it thematically fits either. What makes the kineticist occult-themed? Encouragement of non-standard problem-solving relative to the genre?

Then again, Cthulhu was killed by ramming a boat into him...

Think Firestarter, or better yet, Hellboy. Also remember that Lovecraft stories are in a world of ordinary folks not superheroes the way pathfinder heroes even E6 characters compared to a lovecraft novel character.

Shadow Lodge

Ob1Kn00b wrote:
As for Cthulhu, and silly theorycrafting, I'd say Korra isn't necessarily level 20 (lord knows she gets her ass kicked all the time), but more that there is an 'Avatar' archetype that gives you Omnikinesis in exchange for the inability to be resurrected. But her soloing Cthulhu is moot, as the Avatar is never really at their best unless they've got their adventuring party around them.

She doesn't exactly play by the rules of this class either, she would have a bit of Monk/Brawler as well as Summoner (Synthesist) to incorporate the martial arts and avatar state.

Plus let's face it, she'd lose a few times, to Cthulhu's minions, get rescued by team avatar, team avatar kicks butt, finds out Cthulhu is the man in charge and confronts the horror beast, fight progresses, a couple of episodes later Korra goes into the avatar state and somehow miraculously wins but then she is the main character, that is what she is supposed to do.

She has impressive abilities, but she doesn't have to be some CR 30 monstrosity that can beat every single monster in pathfinder because of this. Most of her abilities can be represented by using some levels from classes and mythic tiers.

Power is what you make of it. In a majority of fantasy you'll have a character be the ultimate badass of death and destruction, able to slaughter armies with a dull spoon, and they'll STILL get cold-cocked by a stable-boy with a two-by-four at some point due to "hilarious misunderstandings."

People often cite teleportation as a be-all-end-all sign that a setting is not as powerful as D&D, yet any story where teleportation actually shows up hardly gets any use out of it in the grand scheme of things. It's cross-genre, but Deadpool has the ability and I don't think anyone mistakes him for the most powerful of supers.

Admittedly, that title belongs to a girl who controls squirrels, but the less said about The Anti-Life and The Slayer Of All That Breathes the better.

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