Post something cool that you know!

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Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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There's an some posts on the boards that's perplexed me lately. Posts structured on the static roles of GM and player, or posts with an "us against them" mentality, or ones that single out a certain style of GMing or playing as "badwrongfun." When I read these, I find myself asking the same questions. "How did we wind up here?" I wonder. "Why is this getting posted?"

I think the root of these posts is simply a difference in perspective. So here's my take on Pathfinder, and to some degree, about life. As I understand it, it's basically Taoism, but as I'm no expert on the subject I imagine my explanation is just a western bastardization of the original (so to any Taoists reading this, I apologize). I don't know if it works for everyone to think about it like this, but here goes.

Imagine standing on a long road with no end in sight. Everyone you meet is on this road. Some people are further along than you and some people are behind you. People move down the road as they expand their understanding. Some people move faster than others and some people have stopped. Given this, every time you sit at a table of PFS or post on the messageboards, there is an opportunity to move further down the road of understanding, regardless of what side of the proverbial screen you are on. It doesn't matter if you are a GM or a player, a VL or a VC--you always have the capacity to learn from what others bring to the table. In a broader sense, there isn't even a distinction between GM and player, there's just people that have GM'd and people that haven't. There's just more of the road to be walked. And the road never ends.

So in keeping with this idea, I wonder if anyone has something cool they've learned about Pathfinder, tabletop gaming in general, or gaming in an organized play environment to share that with the rest of us, so we can continue to expand our understanding.

I'll start us off!

Did you know that if you dip two levels of inquisitor and two levels of sensei monk, you get to apply your Wisdom modifier to AC, initiative, and attack rolls. Bet you could do something neat with that!

Sovereign Court 5/5 *

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Building off of Walter's Wisdom build:

With a 1 level Dip in Oracle (Nature or Lore) and a two level dip in Paladin, and the 1st level only feat Noble Scion (War option) from the Inner Sea World guide you can replace dexterity to initative, AC and CMD or Reflex Saves (depends on Nature vs Lore Oracle) with Charisma, and add Charisma to all saves.

PS. I have also learned that Walter is one of the most fun people to have at a table on either side of the screen.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have learned that the Paizo board wisdom often focuses way too much on optimization for combat effectiveness, and following such wisdom is actually a bad thing in Pathfinder Society. That wisdom simply tries to maximize effectiveness, without paying consideration to the power level of the opponents. Since Pathfinder gets a lot less fun when overpowered characters are at the table, players who subscribe to that wisdom often harm the fun of the whole table.

I have learned that it's actually pretty tough, as a player, to build a PC that is of a "just right" power level. There is just so much variability of power level of the available material, from the Core to the splatbooks, that it's very easy to build an overpowered character "accidentally" instead of intentionally.

I have learned that it's very important to find a group of players and GMs who all have similar expectations about power level. Unfortunately, the nature of Pathfinder Society means that stable groups with aligned expectations will have trouble with a "public" campaign.

Did you know that rogues are totally viable in PFS?


The Exchange 5/5

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the spell invisibility works on objects... so someone could cast it on a door to see what is on the other side.

"Be sure to look surprised! that way the monster will charge the door..."

Scarab Sages 5/5

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Ive learned that its a great challenge to build a character capable of bringing back foes alive and mostly unharmed via controls or nonlethal damage.

And it makes for a somewhat less sociopathic mindset.

The Exchange 5/5

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Zero level spells can be so useful... no really!

Message - should always have this spell up so you can whisper to your friends... or order a beer in a noisy bar.

Light - used to get the timing of a 2 prong attack to work. "here, hold this rock. when the light goes out, we are going to attack the next round..." you can only have one active - the last you cast.

Create water... Lasts a day. Flood a basement room at 2 gallons per level per round and come back the next day - all dry!

so many others!

(edit: another one!): Dancing lights, to mark traps ("land mines") when checking a room, so that my friends can spot the square NOT TO STEP IN!

Grand Lodge 5/5

nosig wrote:

Create water... Lasts a day. Flood a basement room at 2 gallons per level per round and come back the next day - all dry!

This is one of my favorites.

You're a spellcaster who has create water prepared and you are carrying around a 4lb, full waterskin why exactly? Just leave the skin empty til you need it filled.


I have learned that save or suck builds aren't that fun to play.

They can be extremely effective, but battles tend to break down into one of two results: I have just made this encounter rediculously simple, or I have done nothing this round. In the right scenario and with the right group, it can work well. It can also suck the fun out of the fight for the GM or your table-mates. It's hard to tell how someone is going to react (cheering you on or being disappointed) until it happens, so SoS characters should be used with caution.


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I have learned that EVERY character can benefit from wearing a spring-loaded wrist sheet on each arm. For some, this is quick access to backup weapons. For others, this is quick access to a wand or potion vial. The extra move action gained could very well save your life.

Scarab Sages 4/5 **

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Nobody ever traps the stairs.
About a year ago, I was playing with a much younger player, and he said this with such conviction and certainty, that I have adopted this philosophy as well.

Nothing good ever comes from mirrors.
There was a room full of mirrors in a module, and the GM really wanted us to investigate it. We kept avoiding it, and this quote best describes our paranoia.

Mechanical stuff:

A wand of Silent Image can be hilarious. It's four 10' cubes at a range of 440 feet. You can turn any large surface into a billboard that says whatever you want. "Down with Cheliax!" "Drendle Dreng is Incompetent". In Skull and Shackles we'd use it to sell advertising space on our main sails while coming into port.

Duration is concentration, so sit at your local bar, sip a beer, and graffiti the neighborhood to your hearts content.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know Grandmaster Torch's real name.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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I love the creative uses for spells! I often forget that grease grants a +10 against grappling, which has been a godsend in some lower level scenarios.

I'm also constantly impressed by a good soften earth and stone, stone shape, or warp wood to change up the battlefield in new and creative ways.

Here's some ways to share spells all those support characters out there.

Invest in a couple of cracked vibrant purple prism ioun stones (2,000 gp each). They function like minor rings of spell storing, but only level 1 spells. Toss some of your favorite "self only" buff spells in there. True strike, lead blades, divine favor, shield,--whatever you can think up. Your meatstick frontliners will sure be grateful.

A casting of imbue with spell like ability on your friendly neighborhood barbarian also opens up some cool options. One of my favorites is having the barbarian cast shield other on the party rogue, taking half of his damage as long as the two stick close. That's pretty handy, especially if you're a ninja with 10 con >.>

For those Asmodean worshipers out there, lesser spell contract does the same thing, but to greater (and eviler) effect. You also get the added bonus of having a profane bonus to all your saving throws until the imbued spell is cast, which is great. It's also an awesome cinematic spell. "Tell me friend, do you wish to make a deal?" My cleric unfurls a long contract, inked in blood.

Those are just a few I know. Anyone have others?

Lantern Lodge 5/5

I know that a swarm provokes an Attack of Opportunity when it enters your square. A Swarmbane Clasp allows your weapon damage to affect them.

As an added bonus, the clasp also makes you immune to their distraction ability.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Did you know that this is just a game? And that for many who take things Way toooo seriously need to take a chill pill, and focus on the important part which is having a good game and have fun?

That is the number one thing after all these years I have learned that this is the most important thing.

Scarab Sages 4/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I know Grandmaster Torch's real name.

Is it Captain Poopy Face?


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Withdraw only works against enemies you can see.


14 people marked this as a favorite.

did you know that when a wildshaped druid grapples a succubus you get page upon page of intense rules discussion

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario has a Gazebo!! (No, not a monster, it is just a Gazebo)

My character missed and he hit the Gazebo!!!

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Lamontius wrote:
did you know that when a wildshaped druid grapples a succubus you get [REDACTED] upon [REDACTED] of intense [REDACTED]

Fixed that for you.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

Oh... Oh... I know one!!


Shadow Lodge 3/5

Finlanderboy wrote:

Withdraw only works against enemies you can see.

Though you might be safe with a Decoy Ring in this particular instance?

Since it doesn't work when you try to "withdraw" when nothing's there.

Grand Lodge 4/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Iomedae? That kick-ass Goddess of Paladins and Righteousness who all the Mendevian Crusaders pray to? She's Chelish.

Activating a smoke-stick shuts down precision damage against you, as long as you stay in the smoke.

Closing your eyes to attack a spellcaster wearing mirror images is a great way to even the score.

A Gentleman's Agreement occurs when you have more than one caster in a party all make a pact to take 'Liberating Command' and use it on one another should a grapple-then-kill monster appears.

A First World Summoner can summon the dreaded Pugwampi :S

Your deflection bonus is added onto your CMD.

Silver Crusade 3/5

You can use truestrike to gain a +20 bonus on combat maneuvers such as trip or bull rush.

Two other favorites are the smite evil bull rush or the invisible bull rush (no attack of opportunity, +2 bonus on the roll, and subtract the target's Dex bonus to their CMD).

Silver Crusade 2/5

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Andrei Buters wrote:
Iomedae? That kick-ass Goddess of Paladins and Righteousness who all the Mendevian Crusaders pray to? She's Chelish.

And I, her devoted cleric, am a tiefling. Your point?

Your birth is far less important than your life.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Fox wrote:
You can use truestrike to gain a +20 bonus on combat maneuvers such as trip or bull rush.

A note on that: for most things, true strike just means "you only fail on a 1", but if you roll high anyway, it's essentially meaningless.

But certain maneuvers—like bull rush—care about how much you beat their CMD by. Roll high on a true strike'd bull rush and send 'em flying!

Grand Lodge 5/5

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Dont want to deal with the many mirror images your opponent has up? Close your eyes. You cant see them, so they provide no bonus. Now, instead of a 1:6ish chance of hitting, you have a 1:2. :D

Dark Archive

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PFS has been a great boon to my home gaming group. It showcases well a style of gaming where people game as they have time to, within the framework of a continuing campaign, without their lack of time holding up their friends from being able to play. It also shows how swapping GM's around can work well. Its organized play logistics are fantastic, and we have learned a lot from it.

It has inspired a home campaign that could be summed up as "organized play for less than 20 people", with that home game freedom of setting everything up to work well in character and maintain verisimilitude in the world. That campaign, and the style of setting it up that we have developed, is indebted to PFS for the inspiration, guidance, and warning of pits already fell in by earlier travelers. It has gone on for more than a year so far, and without PFS it would not exist.

I think it is easy for gaming groups to become ingrown. Even if they are successful and stick together for the long term, they lose sight of the broader perspective. "Gaming" becomes synonymous with "how we play". Playing PFS locally and at conventions grants the opportunity to see other people's approach to gaming, their assumptions, their point of view on the hobby. In that occasional conflict of styles we have at the PFS table is the opportunity to learn how other people see the game as being played, and then incorporate better appreciation and support for their type of gamer in your own play wherever you go next.

Grand Lodge

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I know Grandmaster Torch's real name.

Obviously his full name is Grandmaster Torch Must Die.

I know that our lord and savior Razmir, the one and only living god, is one of the decemberate.

The Exchange 5/5

Seth Gipson wrote:

Dont want to deal with the many mirror images your opponent has up? Close your eyes. You cant see them, so they provide no bonus. Now, instead of a 1:6ish chance of hitting, you have a 1:2. :D

if I miss the targets AC by less then 5 (a miss normally, not due to the miss chance for not being able to see the target) do I still "pop an image"?

(from mirror image " ... If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your figments is destroyed by the near miss....")

Grand Lodge 5/5

I would think so. The image popping has nothihng to do with what you were looking at at the time, it has to do with how close to hitting you were. Basically, a near miss is close enough to pop an image, opposed to you choosing the wrong one to attack.

Small caveat with this though...apparently this is a 'expect table variation' way around the spell. I feel its perfectly reasonable, but there are some who dont agree with me. *shrug*

The Exchange 5/5

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another 0 level spell...

Prestidigitation - wow... so many uses!

"Any actual change to an object (beyond just moving, cleaning, or soiling it) persists only 1 hour." so, after detecting the Explosive Runes, I just soil the writing so someone can't read it (hate it when the PC reads something you told them not to!).

change the color of your clothing (national colors anyone?), clean loot before selling it, "freshen up" after a trip thru the sewer, spice the food you are cooking, SO many RP uses! often limited only by your imagination!

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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I just had an interesting idea for a Lore Warden fighter that involves Whirlwind Attack, Greater Trip, and Combat Reflexes.

Dark Archive 2/5

Jiggy wrote:
I just had an interesting idea for a Lore Warden fighter that involves Whirlwind Attack, Greater Trip, and Combat Reflexes.

... I believe I like where this is going.


Jiggy wrote:
I just had an interesting idea for a Lore Warden fighter that involves Whirlwind Attack, Greater Trip, and Combat Reflexes.


Grand Lodge 5/5

nosig wrote:

another 0 level spell...

after detecting the Explosive Runes, I just soil the writing so someone can't read it (hate it when the PC reads something you told them not to!).

I dont know about this one...I think casting a spell on the area the runes are cast on would be require enough attention to the area to set it off. *shrug*

Im currently making a Witch who will take some kind of trait to get Prestidigitation on his spell list (since it isnt already), so his Day Job can be Stage Magician/Hypnotist.

I figure between that, the Slumber Hex, Vanish, and Hypnotism, it ought to be pretty amusing. :P

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Seth Gipson wrote:
nosig wrote:

another 0 level spell...

after detecting the Explosive Runes, I just soil the writing so someone can't read it (hate it when the PC reads something you told them not to!).
I dont know about this one...I think casting a spell on the area the runes are cast on would be require enough attention to the area to set it off.

I don't see anything in the spell description to imply that paying attention to the area will set it off.

Grand Lodge 5/5

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It explodes by reading it. Are you telling me you can look at words written on a suface without your brain reading it automatically? :P

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Everyone knows a good way to deal with nasty spellcasters is to ready an action to damage them when they cast a spell. Another good trick is to sunder or steal their spell component pouch. The same is true of holy symbols and clerics. Shatter works nicely for this as well.

Incorporeal creatures are immune to bull rush and trip, but they aren't immune to entangle. A +1 ghost touch net costs a little over 8,000 gold and can be used to snare and hold ghosts. This is great for a) dealing with incorporeal creatures that like hit-and-run tactics through walls and b) pretending you're in Ghostbusters.

Telling your fellow Pathfinders where your potions, flasks, scrolls, and other frequently shared gear is located on your character is a great way to reduce the time it takes for them to grab it off your PC during a fight.

Dark Archive 2/5

Tetori monks eventually gain the ability to grapple ghosts, also. I can only imagine the confusion of GM and ghost alike as this incorporeal creature's not-an-arm is twisted behind its not-back.

Dark Archive 1/5

10 people marked this as a favorite.
grandpoobah wrote:

"Drendle Dreng is Incompetent".

The first time I read this, I thought it said "Incontinent".

The second time I read it, I thought you wrote "Impotent".

Third time's the charm.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Speaking of prestidigitation, which is my one of my favorite words for the record, it's probably the best spell ever. It makes business cards on command. How cool is that?

"Walter Sheppard, Venture-Captain." With a flick of the wrist, a shoddy looking paper card appears in his hand--he hands it to you. "A pleasure to meet you."

4/5 ****

Walter Sheppard wrote:
Incorporeal creatures are immune to bull rush and trip, but they aren't immune to entangle. A +1 ghost touch net costs a little over 8,000 gold and can be used to snare and hold ghosts. This is great for a) dealing with incorporeal creatures that like hit-and-run tactics through walls and b) pretending you're in Ghostbusters.

Last time I looked into this I came to the conclusion that ghost touch is melee only and that nets are ranged weapons. Is there something I'm missing?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Seth Gipson wrote:
Are you telling me you can look at words written on a suface without your brain reading it automatically? :P

Can you jump off a 20ft cliff and land on your feet with no significant injury?

Can you start reciting a secret code and handshake, get stabbed halfway through, and have a chance at not breaking your form at all?

Can you climb 10ft up a rope in 6 seconds?

Yes, I can shoot a spell at something without reading it.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Pirate Rob wrote:
Walter Sheppard wrote:
Incorporeal creatures are immune to bull rush and trip, but they aren't immune to entangle. A +1 ghost touch net costs a little over 8,000 gold and can be used to snare and hold ghosts. This is great for a) dealing with incorporeal creatures that like hit-and-run tactics through walls and b) pretending you're in Ghostbusters.
Last time I looked into this I came to the conclusion that ghost touch is melee only and that nets are ranged weapons. Is there something I'm missing?

Ghost Touch is melee only? That would be news to me. It does only show up under the randomization table for melee, but nowhere in the description does it include the standard "melee weapons only" clause (as keen does).

What about ghost touch ammunition via the weapon blanch (Pathfinder Society Field Guide).

Grand Lodge

Improved Unarmed Strike can be a realky awesome feat.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ultimate Equipment wrote:
A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus. An incorporeal creature’s 50% reduction in damage from corporeal sources does not apply to attacks made against it with ghost touch weapons. The weapon can be picked up and moved by an incorporeal creature at any time. A manifesting ghost can wield the weapon against corporeal foes. Essentially, a ghost touch weapon counts as both corporeal or incorporeal. This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons and ammunition.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Oh snap! Good to know. I just picked that up from a thread a few days ago and thought it was a neat idea. Well that's kind of lame. Seemed like a neat way to deal with a frequently irritating threat =\

EDIT: In further reading, incorporeal are only immune to grapple and trip. So you could bull rush them. In fact, fighter archers (archetype) could ranged bull rush them with ghost touch arrows. Shazam.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
Seth Gipson wrote:
Are you telling me you can look at words written on a suface without your brain reading it automatically? :P

Can you jump off a 20ft cliff and land on your feet with no significant injury?

Can you start reciting a secret code and handshake, get stabbed halfway through, and have a chance at not breaking your form at all?

Can you climb 10ft up a rope in 6 seconds?

Yes, I can shoot a spell at something without reading it.

The answer to all three of those is likely, "No, but I have no practice in doing it." All of those are physically demanding things. Thats compared to an automatic response your brain would have. You see letters on a page, your brain will try to read it if it can. That's my opinion.

If you feel differently, feel free to run it that way at your table. :)

Grand Lodge 5/5

Walter Sheppard wrote:
Another good trick is to sunder or steal their spell component pouch.

Best part about that is depending on the class/character, is that they arent likely armed with a weapon, meaning no AoO on your check if you dont have the appropriate feat. Even fi they do get one, they probably wont do much damage, meaning your check might still succeed.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Seth Gipson wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Seth Gipson wrote:
Are you telling me you can look at words written on a suface without your brain reading it automatically? :P

Can you jump off a 20ft cliff and land on your feet with no significant injury?

Can you start reciting a secret code and handshake, get stabbed halfway through, and have a chance at not breaking your form at all?

Can you climb 10ft up a rope in 6 seconds?

Yes, I can shoot a spell at something without reading it.

The answer to all three of those is likely, "No, but I have no practice in doing it." All of those are physically demanding things. Thats compared to an automatic response your brain would have. You see letters on a page, your brain will try to read it if it can. That's my opinion.

If you feel differently, feel free to run it that way at your table. :)

I surmise that there are enough effects in this game that are based on simply seeing them, that if this was supposed to be functionally the same, it would've just said so instead of specifying "read". But I guess if you feel differently, feel free to run it that way at your table. :)

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