Christina Stiles Contributor |
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Timorhy Brannon has been working on a massive tome of Pathfinder goodness for the witch, and he 's working on a warlock class. Additionally, a lot of Open Gaming Comntent is being pulled into the book to offer you the most complete book you could own on a class.
This is going to be kickstarter of course, but I wanted to see if there were any requests for what we should consider in tackling for this book. Request away!
Currently, Tim has over 500 pages of document goodness...just to let you know where he stands.

Doc_Outlands |

I had an insane amount of fun playing a Scout/Warlock under 3.5 rules, both as a multiclass character concept and as a gestalt character concept. The whole "move and get extra damage on your ranged attack" was crazy cool and I was able to pay attention to developing other parts of my character beyond his ranged attack and his armor. I'd like to see that again, under Pathfinder, if it can be done in a way that remains balanced against other base classes.

SeeleyOne |

Something that I would love to see, which will get me some flack from people that think of this as a criticism, is official Hero Lab support. I have a lot of your pdfs ("your" being "Christina Styles Presents" and Super Genius Games). I have several from other publishers as well.
But I like my Hero Lab. I have to use an electronic device to track my characters. I used to use Ye Olde Sector Editor (a pencil and paper), but my vision has become about 20/400 in my good eye and I can no longer see well enough to read and write legibly. So, I like my Hero Lab. I had played around with spreadsheets for years, and that worked great. In some ways they are easier to add house rules into than Hero Lab, but when it comes down to it I prefer to use that as opposed to making my own spreadsheets.
I realize that there are some significant issues with providing Hero Lab support. One is time, another is knowledge of the software and how to implement the data within it, and another is paying someone to do it for you. Sure, there are a lot of things that have been entered by the Fan Community, and I myself have contributed some to that.
However, I am of the opinion that it is better to an official version. For one thing, you could sell the data files through Lone Wolf. That is what Paizo does, and at this moment three companies also sell some of their data. They are Frog God, Kobold Press (or maybe Open Gaming, I cannot really tell the difference), and Rite Publishing. Yeah, ok, so having us buy the data files is an added cost, but we are literally paying someone to get it all figured out for us. Hey, it is worth it to me, because otherwise I would have to do it myself or wait until someone nice already did it. Also people see that data is available for a given product and it acts as a form of advertisement. True story, I got into Deadlands after seeing its data for Savage Worlds.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

Tome of Secrets has a Warlock base class.
Couldn't simply adding Pact Magic as a class feature improve the TOS Warlock from a supporting class?
Just a thought.
(Or did he rebuild the class from the ground up?)
I wasn't aware of that product. Thanks. Tim is working out his own version. Thanks for the info, though.

Oceanshieldwolf |
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* I find the ToS Warlock to be incredibly lacking in "wow".
* I'm unsure why everyone focuses so heavily on Pact Magic for Warlocks, but I guess that is the popular trope - pacts with dark powers in exchange for dread capabilities. I'm just wanting a completely new approach. Hmmm. I suppose if you are goin to use the term Warlock you may as well make it conform to at least some connotations and expectations, otherwie you may as well call it a Pearfish. ;)
* As I constantly push my barrow in Warlock threads I'm very interested in a greatsword wielding, eldritch armored Warlock that can wade into melee as much as be an eldritch wyrd-caster/hex-blaster. More along the lines of Citadel of Chaos' Balthus Dire (though technically not a "Warlock" per se) or the villain of the Sword and the Sorceror (also likely a Sorceror. ;p). Also drawing some heavy inspiration from Lew Pulsipher's Necromancer class from waaay back in the day.
At any rate, this looks to be a fantastic book!

Christina Stiles Contributor |

SeeleyOne, the Bite Me! book will be available for sale. We are releasing several pdfs over the next few weeks, as well. Be on the lookout for Wereblooded by Ben McFarland first. That will be followed by Robert Hudson's Skindancers. Then there will be Wererats by Mike Welham. There's plenty in store for you in the Bite Me! line. Thanks for liking our stuff!
I'm working on building up our Pathfinder material, though I also have the M&M2e (variant), post-apocalyptic game line of Rogue Mage, as well. Steven is working on another game system at the moment. I'm sure you will see more M&M and Savage Worlds from us. We are both very big fans of those games. :)

TimBrannan |

Hey all!
Thanks so much for the interest. I am going to be more active here than in the past. Sadly my Pathfinder game fell apart.
But I am looking for all sorts of feedback and in particular want to hear about how you play witches now and what more you would like to see.
I honestly have hundreds and hundreds of pages of things I have written and I want this to be one of the best books I have done.

Caligastia |

I had an insane amount of fun playing a Scout/Warlock under 3.5 rules, both as a multiclass character concept and as a gestalt character concept. The whole "move and get extra damage on your ranged attack" was crazy cool and I was able to pay attention to developing other parts of my character beyond his ranged attack and his armor. I'd like to see that again, under Pathfinder, if it can be done in a way that remains balanced against other base classes.
What a strange coincidence .. I too am playing a Warlock/Scout under 3.5 rules on NWN2. . . .a Tiefling.

Bardess |

Hmm... What happens if a witch breaks displeases her patron? If a warlock breaks his pact (he IS an oathbreaker)? What if a witch wants to change her patron?
I'd like to see much stuff from the old 2E Witch Netbook Pathfinderized. I loved that book.
And if this goes on Kickstarter, I hope to have the option to let some stuff of mine slip in ;P

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Would love to see a Warlock archetype that expands or empowers their familiar to be more useful either in combat or out of combat. Maybe a class that allows familiars to have full hp or half their hd + con instead of half the wizards?
I'm not too fond of the Summoner class, and typically feel that familiars are more of a liability or pocket pet than the caster's little minion/sidekick. Feel free to make some suggestions for Familiars but I think this idea deserves at least 1 archetype for the Warlock.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

Hmm... What happens if a witch breaks displeases her patron? If a warlock breaks his pact (he IS an oathbreaker)? What if a witch wants to change her patron?
I'd like to see much stuff from the old 2E Witch Netbook Pathfinderized. I loved that book.
And if this goes on Kickstarter, I hope to have the option to let some stuff of mine slip in ;P
We can do that, Bardess. We haven't set the pledge goals up yet, but that can be one of them.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

I am guessing this will be a new version of the witch and not just additional stuff for the PF witch? Just curious either way i am interested in these. I loved the Shaman Green Ronin did back in the day and their witch.
There will be support for the core PF witch, but Tim hasn't been truly happy with the class, so he wants to present an alternte one, as well. You'll be seeing things from GR's witch book utilized (face it, Steve Kenson is pure AWESOME!), and things from Way of the Witch, too. I actually wanted to do a revival of the woman who wrote that book, but things haven't turned out that way--and Tim is a master of the subject! Still, Jean Rabe is going to do a short story, and I'll have my hand in this. Megan Robertson is going to be involved a bit, and I hope to have her do a Book of Shadows as a stretch goal. I'm trying to see if I can get Janet Pack interested, as well--she was initially.

TimBrannan |

I LOVED the Green Ronin Witch book too.
And I have already converted much of my old 2nd ed Witch netbook over to 3.x over the years. Not to mention all the material I have been posting to my blog for the last 6 years and the stuff I write that I have has no home for yet.
I am so excited about doing this and glad that Christina is also pulling together some great people to work with it.

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Dark_Mistress wrote:I am guessing this will be a new version of the witch and not just additional stuff for the PF witch? Just curious either way i am interested in these. I loved the Shaman Green Ronin did back in the day and their witch.There will be support for the core PF witch, but Tim hasn't been truly happy with the class, so he wants to present an alternte one, as well. You'll be seeing things from GR's witch book utilized (face it, Steve Kenson is pure AWESOME!), and things from Way of the Witch, too. I actually wanted to do a revival of the woman who wrote that book, but things haven't turned out that way--and Tim is a master of the subject! Still, Jean Rabe is going to do a short story, and I'll have my hand in this. Megan Robertson is going to be involved a bit, and I hope to have her do a Book of Shadows as a stretch goal. I'm trying to see if I can get Janet Pack interested, as well--she was initially.
Sounds good I really like the GR witch book as well. I agree with Tim too, I really love the witch but I feel it needs a little tweaking to bring it a bit more into more of what most people think of when they think witch. The PFRPG one is very good and is close but I think it could use some tweaking so very interested in the support he gives it and a alternate version as well.
Hmm I don't think I ever read way of the witch.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

So which version of pact magic are we talking about here?
We are investigating what already exists to see if we like it, or if we want to go our own route.
Tim is currently working on the warlock character class. We will do a pdf of that and hopefully have it ready at the start of the kickstarter campaign.
If you've got some input on the subject that you'd like us to consider--pros/cons, for instance, please post in this thread. We are very much reading your comments, and we want to make this, well, the ULTIMATE book on the topic. :)

Endzeitgeist |

Pros for Pact Magic as per Nardi/Augunas:
-Established fanbase
-concise rules
-occult feeling
-simple rules
-synergy effects
-space to develop more (can be seen as pro or con)
-spirits take up some space
-fluff and crunch of spirits not easily separated
-space to develop more
Also interesting:
Legendary Classes: Covenant Magic by Purple Duck Games
(Which would work imho well in synergy with Pact Magic)
Just my 2 cents! :)

Christina Stiles Contributor |

So far, Tim Brannan is the main author, with Robert H. Hudson, Jr., doing development. Morgan Boehringer will provide some archetypes, and we have additional material from Mike Myler. I've asked Morgan Boehringer and Megan Robertson to be stretch goals. And I will have a short story from Jean Rabe. I will be doing editing.
I have Peter Bradley lined up to do cover art. I'm sure I will be using Jacob Blackmon for interior art. We will attempt to get Hero Lab files done for the book, as well.
That is the plan so far!

Shadow_Charlatan |
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Go to Master-Arminass-Revised-Warlock
for inspiration