Cheapy |
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Let's do this. Legal questions welcome.
In what states can you get away with polygamy by hiding behind a corporation? Do your additional wives need to be members of the board for this to work?
What's your favorite color?
If you could make one sweeping change to the current legal system, what would it be?
3+5 = ?
What drink are you going to buy me at PaizoCon?

JMD031 |

Why have you not yet responded to Callous Jack's post inquiring about Aberzombie's inquiry regarding your lack of response to Cosmo's concern which is in regards to your lack of response to Cheapy's concern about your not having answered Celestial Healer's question?
How long will this go on for before it becomes unfunny?

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Let's do this. Legal questions welcome.
Each answer constitutes legal services for which you will be invoiced. All payments shall be made to my offshore Cayman Islands account or in the form of blow, at my discretion. By posting in this thread, you consent to abuse, scorn, and the occassional atomic elbow.
In what states can you get away with polygamy by hiding behind a corporation? Do your additional wives need to be members of the board for this to work?
Your question is stupid and you are stupid for asking it. Wives are for idiots who don't understand the concept of hookers. When you are done with a hooker, murder her and dispose of the body someplace discreet or, barring that, sell the corpse for meat to your local taco bell.
What's your favorite color?
All of them.
If you could make one sweeping change to the current legal system, what would it be?
More summary executions.
3+5 = ?
You're the client - you tell me what you want it to be and I'll make it work.
What drink are you going to buy me at PaizoCon?

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I've watched 80 episodes of Matlock more or less. Wondering if that makes me qualified to serve as my own attorney.
Provided you begin any closing speech with "I may not be a big city lawyer, with a fancy degree or teeth," your knowledge of Matlock should qualify you to act as your own counsel in Virginia.

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When did you realize Cosmo was better than you?
Your question makes no sense. Cosmo's only redeeming quality is that he defeated his moustache in unarmed combat.
If there was any tort reform in this country, would you melt like the Wicked Witch or explode like Sauron?
Why would you assume that tort reform would result in fewer torts or smaller judgments. Need I remind you that most legislators are attorneys and that professional courtesy reminds us to look out for our own.
Can Detect Magic detect invisible critters?

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Why have you not yet responded to Cosmo's inquiry regarding your lack of response to Cheapy's concern about your not having answered Celestial Healer's question?
I was involved in a dispute with his mousatache over damage to the bulldozer, which was apparently in the liability waiver and release that I never read.

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Why have you not yet responded to Callous Jack's post inquiring about Aberzombie's inquiry regarding your lack of response to Cosmo's concern which is in regards to your lack of response to Cheapy's concern about your not having answered Celestial Healer's question?
I have better things to do than call him a loser.
Wait...no I don't...
How long will this go on for before it becomes unfunny?
It was funny?

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Sebastian, you've gone on record as stating that The Big Bang Theory is the all-time best comedy in the history of television and film. Do you think the hilarity will only increase with the rumored addition of Chevy Chase to the cast?
No, that's the Gang Bang Theory, which, if I recall, was nominated for 43 emmys.
I do not want to see any part of Chevy Chase's body below his neck.

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Sebastian, which tastes better: Orphan hearts or Puppy livers?
That is a good question. Usually puppy livers, because they can be removed from a living animal to maximize the suffering flavor. That said, orphan hearts eaten in front of other orphans, which are then ground into orphan burger, which is then fed to other orphans, who in turn have their hearts harvested, are really really good, but it's a lot of work.
As a corollary question, which is more refreshing? Game of Thrones' fans agony tears, or the rage tears of a poster once you pwn them?
they didn't have to kill the wolf...

BluePigeon |

In what states can you get away with polygamy by hiding behind a corporation? Do your additional wives need to be members of the board for this to work?
Your question is stupid and you are stupid for asking it. Wives are for idiots who don't understand the concept of hookers. When you are done with a hooker, murder her and dispose of the body someplace discreet or, barring that, sell the corpse for meat to your local taco bell.
That is something I did not need to read. I will never graze at Taco Bell.

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Sebastian... Before I open it, are you the one who sent me this box on my desk? What's in it?
Will you please stop emailing me the link to this video every day?

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Sebastian... Before I open it, are you the one who sent me this box on my desk? What's in it?
Ice cream sundaes and sunshine. Not a bomb. Or sharks. Or springloaded sharks with bombs in their mouths.
Oh wait...shark box is still here at my desk. I think that one has Gwynneth Paltrow's head.
Will you please stop emailing me the link to this video every day?
It's the only thing that washes away the pain of the Rains of Castamere.

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Sebastian, are you simply a unique demon or nascent demon lord/archdevil? If the latter, what are your domains?
I'm actually in the 1e Fiend Folio as a unique creature with my own plane, but they had to remove that page due to copyright infringement with the Necronomincon. Not sure on my domains - my clerics always seem to die horrific deaths before reaching second level.
On an unrelated note, I am currently accepting applications for worshippers.