Interest in Running Skull and Shackles?


Dark Archive

Does anyone out there have it? I've seen Skull and Shackles wind up as #2 on many interest threads where the GM left the option open to the Players. I've wanted to try this AP since it came out and have yet to achieve that goal.

I know asking for a DM to step forward in unconventional, but this is a recruiting forum and I can recruit however I please, even if I wind up not being one of the PCs chosen... Which would make me cry in a corner.

I can't help you but if a kind DM steps forward for Skull and Shackles, you can count on me submitting a character, I have wanted to play that AP since it was published.

I would love it I woulds.

Dark Archive

I'm imagining that most people interested in running APs want to run the brand new stuff or the nostalgic stuff and Skull and Shackles, unfortunately, falls inbetween.

Dark Archive

I'm still hoping someone will step forward for some Skull and Shackles love. I figure keeping this on the front page for just a bit can't hurt anything.

Ahoy there! (I'm terribly sorry I simply couldn't resist.)

I actually recently snapped up the first book in the series, planning to run it in person for a few friends. Long story short, things didn't work out, and in my despair I logged on to my old Paizo account and ventured into the play-by-post forums. And found this!

Quite frankly, I'm relatively new to PBP, but if your willing to have me, I'd love take you to the brink and back in Skull and Shackles!

Edit: Alas! I was just browsing the other PBP boards and it seems as if twilsemail may have already found another Skull and Shackles to play in. However I'd still be happy to run a game for Gnomezrule and Namtarou, along with anyone else perusing this board.

Grand Lodge

I have never done this before. Count me in. I would need a heads up on the times we play.. My schedule is going to get a little wonky..


Welcome aboard Dinkster! Love to have you join us and I'll keep you posted on the status of what's looking to shape into a true campaign!

Also, my apologies to twilsemail if I am hijacking your thread, perhaps I should have given you warning: Prepare to be boarded!

You still accepting players?

Dark Archive

This thread is certainly my priority. I'll bow out of other games to start from the get-go here. Let me know how you feel about Skaldi and we can work from there.

We're pirates. Warning shots aren't necessary.

For everyone else, if you haven't checked Skaldi's profile. He's a Summoner. What's everyone else feeling at the moment?

I'd be down for a Skulls and Shackles run. I recently had to step down from a homebrew so I'm itching to get back in the action.

twilsemail wrote:

This thread is certainly my priority. I'll bow out of other games to start from the get-go here. Let me know how you feel about Skaldi and we can work from there.

We're pirates. Warning shots aren't necessary.

For everyone else, if you haven't checked Skaldi's profile. He's a Summoner. What's everyone else feeling at the moment?

I was thinking of a ranger. I'll make a first draft today.

if i had the AP i would happily run it...just as well i do not running several games now i suppose

Looks like the crew is taking form. So far we have:

-twilsemail (likely playing a summoner)
-Namtarou (thinking about a ranger/gunslinger type)
-Rickmeister and Napstas (you're both in if you willing to play)
-and Gnomezrule if he shows up here again

As far as character creation, I was thinking I'd let you folks decide among yourselves as to what point buy we use, my original thoughts were to go with 20 since we're starting to take on a lot of players, but if you fellows want a more high-powered campaign then be my guest.

Then, of course, full hit points at first level.
Each character may take two traits as well (check out Archives of Nethys for a good list, as well as the SaS players guide for some campaign specific ones).
For starting gold you can either take average or, if you're feeling particularly lucky, roll for it.

Finally, as per request of Namtarou, featured races from ARG are available for play.

Any other questions or requests may be posted here or pm'd to me.

Dark Archive

While I'm playing a core race and thus don't really have a horse in this race, I think S&S is one of the few campaigns where something outlandish (Read: The Uncommon races) could be easily accepted. Given proper story that is.

My vote on Points: Nothing lower than 20. MAD classes get hosed pretty quickly under 20.

How long do you want to leave Recruitment open?

Thanks a million monjebleu, won't dissapoint you.
What would you reckon you could use, in the group? I'll see what I can whip up to fill in the gaps. :)

And yes, 20 pointbuy would be great.
15 is annoying for some characters, 25 with 6 players can get out of control rather quickly.

One more question: this is not PF Society, i reckon. And are you going to do the entire Adv. Path?
*crosses fingers*

Ooh, I just looked over the uncommon races, so if anyone wants to play one just whip up an appropriate story and throw it up.

I say we leave recruitment open until we for sure have 6 players, which we may potentially have already, if everyone replies.

Edit: To answer Rickmeister, it's not PF society, so go wild with your character, and yes I'd like lead you as far as possible in this adventure path.

Heck yeah I'm still up for this!
20 point buy sounds good to me and race won't be a problem since I usually pick human.

The only thing I'm more on the fence is class. I had thought to build a ranged damage dealer but with Ranger\Gunslinger being taken I'm more inclined to choose between a melee Fighter or a support Wizard (leaning more towards the fighter since I have very little experience when it comes to full casters)

20 point buy sounds good to me. And I think I'll play a human gunslinger.

One more player and we're set to go!

I'd be interested in playing a conjurer wizard, if you're still accepting apps.

EDIT: Some slight changes will need to be made to the sheet. but it's already mostly done. Character could either go full wizard or eldritch knight; he's not planned out and I'm more interested in the roleplaying experience.

Lieutenant Ambrose Jeggare

That's it then, a full party! Get those characters ready everyone.

So it looks like we'll be doing 20 point buy.
Crew Composition:

-twilsemail as Skaldi the summoner
-Hurley as Ambrose Jeggare, conjurer (any chance you could put your character sheet on your Paizo profile as well?)
-Namtarou as a human gunslinger
-Napstas as what's looking to be a militant human type

Look at all these humans! Remember that all the races (featured and uncommon) from ARG are available.

Also don't forget to compile your inventory lists, I'll be needing those as well.

Yes, I will make an alias and put the sheet in there. I will be changing from human to tiefling; I've had the character in mind for awhile and the character motivation never hooked in as well as I'd like with the AP.

Hey guys, I made an official campaign thread. I figure we should move this discussion over to the thread here.

Dark Archive

We're missing a skill monkey and someone devine. Not that either of those are required, but they're trope sin a party for a reason.

I can certainly see a bard doing well on a pirate ship.

There are a bunch of archetypes out there that fit the setting. Just to name a few: Corsair (Fighter), Freebooter (Ranger) and Smuggler (Rogue). Though, really, most Rogues fit. I'm pretty sure that every class has something that at least kind of fits. Paladin excepting.

Skaldi is CN, what's the rest of the group looking like?


This went from interest to recruiting faster than I thought.

I would be open to either divine or skill. I will roll something up after work if I am not too late.

Glad you could make it Gnomezrule.

Rectruiting is officially closed. Everyone get on over to the campaign thread now.

LOL Does that mean I made it or missed?

Dark Archive

Post in the discussion thread and see what Monjebleu says.

I sent Gnomezrule a pm, I gave him the okay to join us.

Any room for one more? I'm willing to fill out pretty much any role.

same but im new

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