Grand Necromancer

NapstasInvictus's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts (84 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Same here!

I'm still good with playing, My schedule's pretty flexible so I think I can work in whatever time frame we decide. I look forward to p'twanging things with y'all!

For your consideration the Human Ranger Hugh Tiberius Gatsby

Hope to play with y'all soon =D

I should be able to meet whatever timeframe y'all set as most of my responsibilities are during the day.

I've been playing Pathfinder since my old group made the switch from 3.5 over a year ago. I've run a few non-pathfinder games and am currently running Edge of the Empire but that won't interfere with whatever you've got planned. I've been a player in a few Roll20 game's so I know a bit about the non-GM side of that as well.

Personally, I prefer novice GM's because they bring about new ideas and the sessions are relatively fresh because they're trying to get into their own grove. Count me in =D

So that makes 3 of us so far.

A melee fighter
A ranged Ranger
And something something haha

I'm interested in seeing what's up as I've never played RotRL before.

I'm thinking a Human Ranger but that can change if needed.

Heck yeah I'm still up for this!
20 point buy sounds good to me and race won't be a problem since I usually pick human.

The only thing I'm more on the fence is class. I had thought to build a ranged damage dealer but with Ranger\Gunslinger being taken I'm more inclined to choose between a melee Fighter or a support Wizard (leaning more towards the fighter since I have very little experience when it comes to full casters)

I'd be down for a Skulls and Shackles run. I recently had to step down from a homebrew so I'm itching to get back in the action.