Building a unarmed combated - seeking advice n ideas

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I want to work on a good concept for a character that prefers to use his fist vs weapons. Aside from monk since all monks have to be true neutral what are some things I can consider?

Things that I have thought to make interesting.
-want to deal both nonlethal and lethal damage. Want to be able to knock someone out vs kill them incase of questioning.
-possible to smash or disarm items without the penalty to do it. Nothing says I m a bad arse like punching through a shield or send ur weapon flying.
-half orc race. I thought a half orc might fit this nicely.
-fighter vs barbarian . I felt the fighter adds more ability to do what I want with the feats as the barbarian just becomes a hulk type character (me smash ur puny weapons)

Looking forward to ideas and advice.

Fighter(Brawler) use Cestus mocked up as Gloves.

Also Monks must be of any Lawful not just True Neutral.

Martial artist monks can be chaotic. Martial artists are particulary good at damage.

I was looking at that as well Nicos. I also thought what if he just disarms and uses their own weapon against them then gets rid of it lol

Maybe martial artist 2, then unarmed fighter 2 for the bonus feats and then martial artist again.

Unarmed Fighter is kind of iffy as Brawler Fighter can get better options and can easily switch out weapons.

Remember that an Unarmed Fighter only gets Weapon Mastery in Unarmed Strikes which means to get any Magical Weapon Benefits you have to use a Amulet of Mighty Fists.

But a Brawler could get 2 +X Agile Cestus and actually deal more Static Damage while TWF than a Monk any day.

Nicos is following what I put in first post about the concept doesn't really want to use weapons. The cestus is considered a weapon and it only does 1d4 . The monks unarmed would deal 1d6. I m sure there is a way to get the monks unarmed attacks to function as weapons. Found this in core : A monks unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

The thing is even an Unarmed Fighter can beat out a Monk when using Power Attack/Piranha Strike, Weapon Training(or Equivalent), Weapon Focus(& Greater), and Weapon Specialization(& Greater). The Cestus can be mocked up to appear as gloves or handwraps and provides an easy way to get enchantments without the +5 Total Cap.

I have a Brawler Fighter who is inspired by Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!! who fights with Cestuses mocked up as Gloves.

If you want a straight no weapon at all fighter just go straight Monk(Martial Artist).

I love Monks and fist fighters. Think of Boxers. A Boxer trained only in modern boxing can only really punch right when wearing the gloves or something similar.

@ Azaelas

I also thought the unarmed fighter Outdamaged easily any unarmed monk but when the number were runned the martial artist did pretty well.

Now I know a cestus user just do more damage the same way that a monk using a temple sword at two hand just do more damage than a unarmed monk. But the Op is asking about truly unarmed warrior.

@To the Op.

there are several ways to acomplish what you are asking, a vanilla monk, a martial artist, unarmed fighter, a brawler, a weapon master or even a vanilla fighter could work.

Wahat are you looking for? pure damage, then a Martial artis/brawler is the best IMHO. If you want damage plus manuevers then the unarmed fighter is the best choise.

The only thing I can safe recommend that would work with everitying is that you take a look at the toothy racial option.

Ok I just found knuckle axe. Its 1d6 and it just goes on the hands. I m gonna search out some visuals. Guess I can alter it to he will use weapons such as those that allow for punching like the cestus, brass knuckles, and knuckle axe.

Nicos I was looking for something that could do damage both lethal and non but I also need something to get pass the requirement of magical items. He could be proficent in weapons and just chose to use ones above. I also looking into like disarming too.

Too bad I can't find a glove sap lol

Cestus allows you to easily pick up a Sword to slay those Zombies without removing them.

You can easily slay zombies with the knuckle axe. Cestus can be stored for those pesky skellies with damage reduction slashing and piercing. I will look more into what the cestus appears like

Cestus is basically a Spiked Glove that covers the Arm. A Knuckle Axe or Scizore is a Sleeve that covers your arm and has a small Pendulum Blade protruding.

I found photos of cestus looking like bandage wraps. The knucke axe is basicly brass knuckles with axe blades. I think I got the concept down to a Tengu martial artist with a gladitoral background.

Are monks proficient with any weapon that says monk in special properties?

No, This has been stated a lot. But an Unarmed Fighter is. Though a Brawler has better Weapon Proficiency.

Cestus 1.
Cestus 2.
Cestus 3.
Scizore/Knuckle Axe.

A martial artist can take feats that have the fighter requirement.

So looking at the pros and cons of both archetypes.

1st level unarmed fighter could use the knuckle axe bundled with two weapon fighting feat to emulate furry of blows. They can also wear light armor and not wisdom dependant. Have higher hit points .

Is there a way to emulate the martial artist abilit at 4th to break and sunder. So far its looking like unarmed fighter has greater benefits. I could use the bonus feats to emulate the monks bonus feats.

Make those knuckle axes adamantine. Break and sunder away.

While enchanting an AMF no longer costs more than enchanting two weapons it still takes your neck slot. Unarmed monks have a long term AC problem because of this. Their inability to wear armor gives them a short term AC problem. Not a good combination.

at ow levels the brawling armor poreperty proves to be better and less expensive than enchanting two weapons.

So I was thinking human for the unarmed fighter. Only thing with fighters is they lack in class skills. Any idea

Traits for the class skills, my friend. Traits.

DrkMagusX wrote:
So I was thinking human for the unarmed fighter. Only thing with fighters is they lack in class skills. Any idea

take toughness at first level and use your favorite class bonus to skills. With 12 in int you will have 5 skills per level.

If your GM is willing to allow 3PP rules you might talk to them about using the Occupation Rules.

So at first level I was able to get weapon finesse and two weapon fighting as a human fighter unarmed. That gives me +3 / +3 knuckle axe (1d6+2) with a 14 str and 18 dex. Armor class will come out to 16 after leather armor. Gonna take monkey style just need to get acrobatics in class some how but still guess its coming around. Thought about using social adapted for half orc beastmaster for whips and nets to give it the gladitoral feel.

Two Knuckle Axes lock down your hands to where you have to remove them to do anything besides attacking.

Do unarmed fighters get all the regular fighter weapon proficiency as well as monks?

Working on character flavor now to add more depth to him so he isn't just a I hit u and u die character. Any trait suggestions out there?

Depends on your GM.

Drawing it up as PFS legal for now. Anything along those lines.

A monk with a amulet of mighty fist with the agile enchant and the weapon finess feat! Dex to damage get gross quick

Ps monks do not have to be true neutral it any lawful

I was doing a Martial Artist Archetype monk from Ultimate Combat. They can be any alignment. I think I have the just of a character idea just need to do some digging to figure out some roleplay aspects so he isn't just a run up and punch and kick.

I thought about perhaps he sets a code that he won't kill anyone that could be redeemible. Its all in the works.

I m doing a Tengu Martial Artist, Human Unarmed Fighter, and possible Half Orc Martial Artist with a Gladiator feel to him. Just gotta take the time to look into each build and see how to pull em off.

I like making various types of characters cause ya never know when you need a npc or a premade for other players.


A crazy way to do it perhaps:

Inquisitor to iori (free unarmed)
1. Instant judgement, 3. Snake Style.............9. Instant Judgement

Other feats: skill focus, thoughtful discernment, unsanctioned detection, divine interference and if you want to dip cleric channeling scrouge for full damage negative channekling bursts (good with quick channel feat) !

Good saves, mettle, best skills, detect lies, intimidate anyone, best healing spells and

Ac vs one attack (with inquisitor bonus) = d20 +12 + stat/feats/items
even if naked even vs touch (+illumination inquisition not factored)

With time to buff:

" I will meditate and then destroy you"

+4bab say +3 str +2 bane + 3 Wrath (spell) +3 Divine Focus (spell)


d3 dam +3 str +2d6+2 bane + 3 wrath (morale) +3 DF (luck) +3 Judgement (sacred)

as an option, I believe a ninja or rogue with improved unarmed strike could use it with the sap adept feats, doing doubled sneak attack dice when using non-leathal

I thought about doing a Rogue specializing in Non-Lethal damage. I found a feat that allows him to take blunt lethal weapons and make them nonlethal without the -4 penalty.

Bludgeoner is a sweet feat. Though my cleric gets more out of his +X Merciful Heavy Mace (Or was it an Earthbreaker?).

insaneogeddon wrote:

A crazy way to do it perhaps:

Inquisitor to iori (free unarmed)
1. Instant judgement, 3. Snake Style.............9. Instant Judgement

Other feats: skill focus, thoughtful discernment, unsanctioned detection, divine interference and if you want to dip cleric channeling scrouge for full damage negative channekling bursts (good with quick channel feat) !

Good saves, mettle, best skills, detect lies, intimidate anyone, best healing spells and

Ac vs one attack (with inquisitor bonus) = d20 +12 + stat/feats/items
even if naked even vs touch (+illumination inquisition not factored)

With time to buff:

" I will meditate and then destroy you"

+4bab say +3 str +2 bane + 3 Wrath (spell) +3 Divine Focus (spell)


d3 dam +3 str +2d6+2 bane + 3 wrath (morale) +3 DF (luck) +3 Judgement (sacred)

At 6th level this is. potentially -2/-2 depending on reading of wrath and DF.

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