Chelix paladin, possible?

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 4/5

Here's the idea. He's not very bright, and is completely faithful to the paracountess, He believes in always going good for good reasons he just happens to be a bit brainwashed to believe that anything the Paracountess tells him is gospel.. and supercedes any laws or

I haven't played a Chelish PC yet, what is the likely hood that I will be able to complete the majority of faction missions without breaking code?

I think this guy would be a lot of fun to play, but I'm not sure it would work out :-p

If you're okay with occasionally simply forfeiting the Chelish faction missions, then its doable.

The Exchange 4/5

:( stupid paladins :-p maybe I'll go fighter or barb and he'll just really think he's a paladin.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I would say that provided your character was able to act in a way that didn't break the paladin code, it would be fine. But - even if the Paladin is all thinking "Gosh - The Paracountess wouldn't get me to do an evil thing - so smothering this halfling on her orders must be ok" he wouldn't retain his Paladin status spells long.

I always look at the Gods as NPCs, with their own agendas, clearly stated in their dogma. The PC's get their spells form the gods - not the Paracountess. So - yeah.

Like Lorekeeper said - I'd expect you'd need to let go of some tasty prestige. But I've heard of a Paladin in the Scarzni, so it couldn't be much worse.


Yeah, I can think of a few Cheliax faction missions that you simply not be able to complete as a paladin without needing that ol' atonement, as they are explicitly and clear cut against the paladin code.

I can think of a few that you would have no problem with as well, though. Most of them being the petty personal problems of the Paracountess.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Benrislove wrote:
:( stupid paladins :-p maybe I'll go fighter or barb and he'll just really think he's a paladin.

What about a Magus who things their power comes from one of the good deities, maybe thinks they are totally a paladin. (I am one of the Arcane Paladins. You have never heard of my order... strange..."

The Exchange 4/5

I'm ok giving up on a few of them, I mean... dudes got 1 skill I'm not expecting to get em all he'll interpert her meanings in a less evil way I'm sure. Like "kill this helpless guy" I would assume she means "kill his evil motives!" and try to talk him into being a "good" guy and serve the paracountess. some might not be possible and I'm willing to accept those consequences :D.

Maybe I'll get some freebies from other chelish that have fewer... qualms lol.

OOC I gm a lot, so if I'm really falling behind on PP I'll just toss some credit his way.

I'm not worried about missing some of them, but if it was more like "yeah you're never completing a faction mission" that would be a bit worse :-/.

The Exchange 4/5

Joshua Smith wrote:
Benrislove wrote:
:( stupid paladins :-p maybe I'll go fighter or barb and he'll just really think he's a paladin.
What about a Magus who things their power comes from one of the good deities, maybe thinks they are totally a paladin. (I am one of the Arcane Paladins. You have never heard of my order... strange..."

Magus is a good idea, I have a different magus planned out but he doesn't have an credit yet.. so this could be more fun :D


Well, what do you want mechanically out of this character?

If you want fighting prowess, any full BAB class can be just as "snobby" as a paladin.
If you want "lay on hands," you can go oracle of battle (or life) and eventually get the combat healer revelation to have swift action heals.
If you want a gishy, go magus, bard, inquisitor, or ranger. Obviously clerics can fit the bill as well.

The Exchange 4/5

Mechanically I want immunity to fear and masochism tanking. self heals, various status removal and Smite. Mostly smite.

Backround reasoning for smite is the paracountess would want a servant who can make the devils REALLY regret defying her.

Which is why she found this little demonblooded boy and raised him to be a weapon against devil's gone rogue.

Smite is the big thing that I can't get elsewhere, because... well it's their unique thing :D. I don't really want to perform actions that are outside of a paladin code, because I want him to be that much of a goodie-two-shoes. I also don't want to be too far behind on faction missions and be ill equipped for battle (endangering other adventurers) by being weaker than others.

If most of the faction missions aren't purely against code it's fine, a few will get failed... the overall season 4 goal seems very in line with this character, part of what made me think of it.

As you travel the world doing what it is you do for fun, be on the lookout for potential enemies who may use you to get to me, or worse, attempt to sabotage our collective efforts by disrupting your work. And should you find the opportunity to improve my reputation, clear my name of slander, or otherwise show House Thrune that I and those Pathfinder agents loyal to me are effective and valuable resources to the empire, by all means, exploit those opportunities for all they’re worth! I believe many chances to do so will present themselves as you and the Society shift your glance north to Varisia, where the city of Korvosa could use our help in establishing itself as the true center of power in the burgeoning nation.

You know I always repay favors, and if you assist me in repairing whatever damage has been done to my name in Egorian, your compensation will be beyond your wildest imaginings.

For the glory of House Thrune,
Paracountess Zarta Dralneen

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Check out this thread for some similar discussion a while back :)

I'm just going to pull it out from Golarion Lore.

*Hellknights originate from Cheliax. (Hellknights = Lawful)
And here's a list of Lawful Good NPCs from the Hellknights that are in some way, leaders:
*Regan Vashan (Paladin 3)
*Tros Garvhost (Fighter 4/Cleric 2/Hellknight 3)
*Orlayn Khorelos (Cleric 7/Hellknight 2)
*Uldrannas Haelcant (Fighter 7/Hellnight 1)
*Maidrayne Vox (Fighter 3/Ranger 2/Hellknight 2) - Interestingly, she is a centaur

Long story short, you sure can be a Lawful Good Chelaxian Paladin. But as mentioned before, some missions you may have to give up. Other than that, go for it. (Bonus points if your Aasimar, and extra bonus points if your an Aasimar Paladin Hellknight. Some people don't know the lore that well ;P )

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5

Benrislove wrote:

If most of the faction missions aren't purely against code it's fine, a few will get failed... the overall season 4 goal seems very in line with this character, part of what made me think of it.

At least it isn't the main mission being against code like Rune Carved Key bad.


guide to PFS OP, pg 13 wrote:
If you have a great idea for a paladin of the Cheliax faaction, then play that character.

and I cannae find it now, but there is something about following orders puts the evil act upon the one ordering, not the one performing. Some discretion still required.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marthian wrote:
And here's a list of Lawful Good NPCs from the Hellknights that are in some way, leaders:

In addition, IIRC, Iomedae was Chelish (from the time before the diabolic influence on that country), and is still respected, to some degree, in Cheliax.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Go Inquisitor. Be a "paladin" enforcing Chelish law.

Scarab Sages 5/5 **

Curaigh wrote:
guide to PFS OP, pg 13 wrote:
If you have a great idea for a paladin of the Cheliax faaction, then play that character.
and I cannae find it now, but there is something about following orders puts the evil act upon the one ordering, not the one performing. Some discretion still required.

It's in the guide to PFS, but it also states that Paladin code trumps the evil act falling to the superior.

Silver Crusade 4/5

It should be noted that Iomedae was born Chelaxian, and she was a paladin in life before becoming a goddess. That was before Cheliax became a devil worshipping country, but I can imagine that she'd love to have paladins in her home country trying to enact change from the inside. So you could play it as a paladin who hates the paracountess and devils, but is biding his time, building up influence, just waiting for a chance to help "save" Cheliax from infernal influences. That would be a smart paladin.

I have a friend with a Chelaxian paladin who was also a Hellknight. Like you, she played the character as dumb (dumped int and wis for charisma and physical stats), so she just trusts the paracountess. She made it to retirement with that PC, with quite a few GM credits thrown in (I'd guess maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of her xp came from GM credits). I played at the same table with her many times, and I don't remember her ever intentionally skipping a faction mission, though I'm sure it must have happened once or twice. But most of the time, it wasn't a problem for her to do them.

The Exchange 4/5

Marthian wrote:

I'm just going to pull it out from Golarion Lore.

*Hellknights originate from Cheliax. (Hellknights = Lawful)
And here's a list of Lawful Good NPCs from the Hellknights that are in some way, leaders:
*Regan Vashan (Paladin 3)
*Tros Garvhost (Fighter 4/Cleric 2/Hellknight 3)
*Orlayn Khorelos (Cleric 7/Hellknight 2)
*Uldrannas Haelcant (Fighter 7/Hellnight 1)
*Maidrayne Vox (Fighter 3/Ranger 2/Hellknight 2) - Interestingly, she is a centaur

Long story short, you sure can be a Lawful Good Chelaxian Paladin. But as mentioned before, some missions you may have to give up. Other than that, go for it. (Bonus points if your Aasimar, and extra bonus points if your an Aasimar Paladin Hellknight. Some people don't know the lore that well ;P )

Imoedae was my intended patron based on above chelexian backround. I was going the str/cha asimar bloodline (angelkin) as well. I think i'm just going to go for it :D it seems like a lot of fun hah.

Hellknight doesn't quite work, because he's the most trusting person ever, so discern lies doesn't really work. He really just wants to tell everyone how great he paracountess is and all the wonderful things she does :D

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Benrislove wrote:

Here's the idea. He's not very bright, and is completely faithful to the paracountess, He believes in always going good for good reasons he just happens to be a bit brainwashed to believe that anything the Paracountess tells him is gospel.. and supercedes any laws or

I haven't played a Chelish PC yet, what is the likely hood that I will be able to complete the majority of faction missions without breaking code?

I think this guy would be a lot of fun to play, but I'm not sure it would work out :-p

There are still plenty of Iomedan worshippers in Cheliax. And yes, Lawful Stupid has been done before. You are going to have missions that you're going to have to pass up. I expect that this will be more of an issue in Season 4.


Benrislove wrote:
Hellknight doesn't quite work, because he's the most trusting person ever, so discern lies doesn't really work. He really just wants to tell everyone how great he paracountess is and all the wonderful things she does :D

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. There is plenty of time for him to 'discover' that people lie before he gets to the PrC.

I mean, it is the old story of pali meets girl, pali falls for girl, Girl rips-his-heart-out-jumps-on-it-with-armor-spiked-boots-feeds-it-to-her-Chel axian-devil-spawn-basement pet. :)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I play a neutral good halfling life oracle who is Chelaxian. She is a slave who manifested the power to channel against evil outsiders, so her owners sent her out to hunt demons. She must do what she can to accomplish their goals or members of her family will pay the price.

I have not yet encountered a faction mission I felt she would not do, but I'm sure I will. (She is only 4th level).

Silver Crusade 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Keep in mind that there are two ways to think of a "Chelaxian Paladin". Your homeland and your chosen faction do NOT have to be the same. I have a recently-minted tiefling Paladin - going for HellKnight - who is FROM Cheliax but has chosen to work with the Silver Crusade. He abhors his own racial heritage and the common practices of Cheliax, and would like to end them.

I'm presuming most people here are talking about Cheliax faction Paladins, though.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I've challenged myself to try play a Sczarni paladin. I think it can be done with creative solutions, or at least with great roleplay.

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