[UM] Dirge Bard - Haunting Refrain

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

Quick question about the class feature:

Is it meant to be like Versatile Performance and allow Dirge Bards to make Intimidate checks with Perform Bonuses (no instrument), or does the bard actually make perform check to demoralize (instrument required)?

Either way, can this check used with the Enforcer feat?



Like VP, you use DB by making a different skill check... you're not actually using an instrument.

Therefore, it would work with Enforcer.

Scarab Sages

Awesome. Thanks Sean.

Whip Dirge, here we go.

Scarab Sages

Actually, worth knowing as well - would a Small Dirge still take the -4 to this check if trying to demoralize a larger opponent?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Drillboss D wrote:
Actually, worth knowing as well - would a Small Dirge still take the -4 to this check if trying to demoralize a larger opponent?

If my understanding of VP is correct you are making a diplomacy check but using your perform check bonus instead so any modifier to diplomacy would still apply. So a penalty to intimidate should also affect this ability.

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