Funny Roman Names

Off-Topic Discussions

Vibratta Clitoris Decimus Fertillus

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"But that's a joke name. Like Biggus Dickus"

"I have a fweind back in Wome named Biggus Dickus"

Liberty's Edge

Greaseman did this bit back in the 80's....
"bring me my favorite concubine....Promiscutia."

flash_cxxi wrote:

"But that's a joke name. Like Biggus Dickus"

"I have a fweind back in Wome named Biggus Dickus"

Don't forget Intercontinentia Buttocks, from the same scene.

Heathansson wrote:

Greaseman did this bit back in the 80's....

"bring me my favorite concubine....Promiscutia."

I can still hear him saying, "Venga conmigo a la tierra del feugo..."

Liberty's Edge

Pin on a gun.....strap on a badge....and become......A LAW MAAAN!!!

For those who those don't know what Heathy is talking about: linkified.

Liberty's Edge

When other kids were looking up to Han Solo or Lenin, I was looking up to the 'grease.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Kruelaid wrote:
For those who those don't know what Heathy is talking about: linkified.

I've kind of gotten used to not knowing what Heathy is talking about. We gonna start explaining things now?

Liberty's Edge

Yeah....I come to Paizo. Because people here understand me 15.7% of the time.

Scarab Sages

Tarren Dei wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
For those who those don't know what Heathy is talking about: linkified.
I've kind of gotten used to not knowing what Heathy is talking about. We gonna start explaining things now?

I'm not really sure I want to know what Heathy is talking about. I've grown rather fond of my eyeballs and would prefer they didn't burn from my skull with that kind of madness-inducing knowledge.

Heathansson wrote:
When other kids were looking up to Han Solo or Lenin, I was looking up to the 'grease.


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Tarren Dei wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
For those who those don't know what Heathy is talking about: linkified.
I've kind of gotten used to not knowing what Heathy is talking about. We gonna start explaining things now?
I'm not really sure I want to know what Heathy is talking about. I've grown rather fond of my eyeballs and would prefer they didn't burn from my skull with that kind of madness-inducing knowledge.

Yeah. I read Heathy for his hallucination inducing syntax. The poetry of it.

Who is Heathy? That is not a funny roman name. I call shenaniganicusi

Nothing can top Paracelsus' full name:

Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim.

Not truly roman, but neither is biggus dickus.

You're forgetting Bigus Dickus' henchmen:
Hemmoroidicles and Suppositorious

Other joke names are;

Bruticus Maximus

Pompius Assicus

Digitus Impudicus

Sellia Grani

Pseudolus Erronius

Miles Gloriosus

Hysterium Senex.



Vibratta Panacea

Real name I thought was funny;

Skippio Africanius

Dark Archive

Xabulba wrote:

Other joke names are:

Bruticus Maximus...

Don't say it to his face.

The "Asterix" comic book series, set during ancient Roman times, has lots of funny names. The series, originally written in French, gives Romans names like Sacapus (meaning "flea-bag") and Epinedecactus (meaning "cactus thorn"). Obviously, the English translation changes the names to make it work for English-speakers.

Here's a sample.

Odius Asparagus
Gracchus Armisurplus
Caius Fatuous
(the Roman governor of Briton) Encyclopaedicus Britannicus
Linguae Lapsus
Crismus Bonus
Varius Flavus
Caius Eucalyptus
Vexatius Sinusitus (who gets sick during the story)
Curius Odus
Gluteus Maximus
Gaius Veriambitius
Nebulus Nimbus
Felonius Caucus
Caius Preposterus

...well, you get the idea.

Silver Crusade

Reminds me of a farce parody of Greek tragedy I wrote in college... Chlamydia, Queen of Ilium.

Once upon a time, I was playing in a D&D campaign set in Ancient Rome. Julius Maximus, one of the other player characters, had seduced a senator's daughter and they were running off to get married. The girl had started off as a minor NPC that the DM hadn't put much detail into. In fact she didn't even have a name, just "the senator's pretty daughter". So Julius's player and the DM are busy trying to come up with a name for the blushing bride. In the spirit of sarcasm, I say, "How about 'Impedimentia'?" Without realizing I'd thrown out a joke name, both players jump on the name. And that's how our campaign wound up with Impedimentia Maximus.

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