Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Witch Class Deck

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Hexes and Foes!

Curse and jinx your way through any Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Base Set with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Witch Deck. Three new characters and a cauldron full of new spells, items, and familiars make up this exciting 109-card set that will support your witch all the way through any Adventure Path or Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play campaign. With the Witch Deck, sweet vengeance is only a die roll away.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-840-3

Download the Witch Card List — (78 kb zip/PDF)

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Community Manager

Announced! Product image and description are not final and subject to change.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Announced! Product image and description are not final and subject to change.

Aww, I was looking forward to the 2 new barbarians in the Witch class deck based on the image :(

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16


I am SO READY for this.

Community Manager

skizzerz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Announced! Product image and description are not final and subject to change.
Aww, I was looking forward to the 2 new barbarians in the Witch class deck based on the image :(

The barbarians in the Witch Deck have been smote—mockup product image updated.

It would be nice if they could introduce some game mechanic, or a unique type of "spell" card to represent hexes. That's the most significant class feature of a witch, and almost the first thing said in the class deck description is, "Witches unleash potent hexes." I was disappointed that Feiya from the Skulls & Shackles base set didn't have a mechanic to make her spells somehow hex-like. Maybe the class deck will do a better job in this regard.

In any case, I certainly look forward to this class deck!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe I can't wait for you to see the deck, Whipstitch!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Whipstitch wrote:

It would be nice if they could introduce some game mechanic, or a unique type of "spell" card to represent hexes. That's the most significant class feature of a witch, and almost the first thing said in the class deck description is, "Witches unleash potent hexes." I was disappointed that Feiya from the Skulls & Shackles base set didn't have a mechanic to make her spells somehow hex-like. Maybe the class deck will do a better job in this regard.

In any case, I certainly look forward to this class deck!

Easiest way I can think of is have formatting like so:


Evil Eye - Spell B

Magic Arcane Mental Attack

Display this card to reduce the difficulty of a check against a monster by a character at your location by 2. If you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card instead.

While displayed, when a character at your location attempts a check against a monster, you may reduce the difficulty of that check by 2. If you do not, discard this card. You may succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

This emulates the Cackle (Su) ability that Witches have -- they can cackle to keep the ability active or not and the ability expires. The limit of one card per type per check keeps the power level of such abilities in check.

It'll be interesting to see what actually shows up for the class deck though, but in the meantime if you like that mechanic there's always the card creator over at drivethru :)

cartmanbeck wrote:
Heheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe I can't wait for you to see the deck, Whipstitch!

That makes two us us!

skizzerz wrote:
Whipstitch wrote:

It would be nice if they could introduce some game mechanic, or a unique type of "spell" card to represent hexes. That's the most significant class feature of a witch, and almost the first thing said in the class deck description is, "Witches unleash potent hexes." I was disappointed that Feiya from the Skulls & Shackles base set didn't have a mechanic to make her spells somehow hex-like. Maybe the class deck will do a better job in this regard.

In any case, I certainly look forward to this class deck!

Easiest way I can think of is have formatting like so:


Evil Eye - Spell B

Magic Arcane Mental Attack

Display this card to reduce the difficulty of a check against a monster by a character at your location by 2. If you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card instead.

While displayed, when a character at your location attempts a check against a monster, you may reduce the difficulty of that check by 2. If you do not, discard this card. You may succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

This emulates the Cackle (Su) ability that Witches have -- they can cackle to keep the ability active or not and the ability expires. The limit of one card per type per check keeps the power level of such abilities in check.

It'll be interesting to see what actually shows up for the class deck though, but in the meantime if you like that mechanic there's always the card creator over at drivethru :)

What an excellent idea! I wonder what tweaks one could try. I'd consider that if you are not of the Witch or Oracle class, banish the card (instead of not having arcane skill). Since this is supposed to be a hex, I wouldn't let all arcane casters use it.

I like the idea that the card could remain displayed for more than your turn. That would help offset the fact that the reduction of 2 doesn't scale. If more hexes were introduced, it would be fun to have to choose which one to have active at a given time.

Off the top of my head, another hex could be Fortune - you could choose one character, and they could reroll one die per turn. Lots of possibilities!

Community & Digital Content Director

Updated with final image and description!

Community & Digital Content Director

Removed a few posts. Some of these questions might be better asked in our Rules and Gameplay Discussion subforum for the PACG.

Grand Lodge

Are the class deck character sheets ready for the Witch deck?

Community & Digital Content Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes! The card list has also now been added to the product description above :)

Grand Lodge

Shouldn't the characters have either the arcane or divine skill? I just picked up the deck at my local store and none of the three characters can use spells (a significant portion of their decks). Is there an update I don't know about?

Please tell me there is (Fingers Crossed)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Class Deck Witches gain the Arcane skill through the use of Cohort cards that represent familiars. The cohort starts in your hand after drawing the initial hand and can be immediately displayed to grant the Arcane skill. It creates a very different dynamic to other casters in the card game. Familiar cohorts grant a second skill in addition to Arcane, as well as an ability that puts them on top of your deck. There are also a number of staff cards in the Witch deck that let characters burn spell cards for extra effects so even a Witch that is temporarily without the Arcane skill has a chance to use the spells for something.

How many cohorts are to choose in this deck? And are they all accessible from the beginning, or have scenario numbers?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

There are six cohorts, all with set indicator B.

Kasmir and Raheli can choose any one of the six at the start of each scenario.

Feiya must start with Daji, but a power feat on one of her role cards allows her to choose one of four others at the start of each scenario *in addition to* Daji.

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