Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Enlight_Bystand |
From the NPC codex: Siwar is a human female, a courtesan, who use her day job to gain information to trade. Mechanically she's more to the caster end of the bard, for weapons she uses a returning dagger & whip.
Rules for the RPG here, the CR 11 (level 12) entry
Anthony Adam |
I was about to subscribe for the skulls and shackles and then noticed that all 7 addon character decks are showing an expected August date - ummm, my poor wallet won't stretch to a new base game, and 7 character addons in one month, and certainly not with the all my other subscriptions.
Are these likely to be stage released to subscribers, maybe one every alternate month or somesuch to spread the load?
At the moment, it looks very "ouchie". Sorry for asking, but I need to plan my finances in the months before Christmas and, at the moment, this apparent release schedule is discouraging me from signing up.
Just spotted the not a subscription comment of Vic's so I guess this changes to how long do you intend having these available so I can spread the cost myself?
Hawkmoon269 |
They plan to have the class decks available or a long, long time (as long as sales are good). The class decks are used for the Organized Play and are intended to work with any Organized Play season. The first season of Organized Play will use the Skull and Shackles Base Set and Adventure Decks. When the second season of Organized Play starts, these class decks will still be used. So these will be kept in print essentially all the time. Paizo might add other class decks (Barbarian, Monk, etc), but they won't release a different Bard deck, at least not until they've covered all the other classes. Since each class deck is one set of cards, they will be easier to keep in print then an Adventure Path. So I fully expect these to just always stay in print as long as PACG exists, which is hopefully forever.
And yeah, the subscription is just the Skull and Shackles Base Set and Character Add-on Deck in August.
If you want to do Organized Play, you can buy just 1 class deck. That is all you'll need. See the blog post at the top of that first link for more info about Organized Play.
**On a related note, the class decks are also a great way to have lots of other choices for characters in any Adventure Path.
Anthony Adam |
Yeah, I intend to get them all, just spreading them over a number of months (looks at Runelords completed box, hmmm, hope we can get some sort of character/add-on storage system >.<)
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Ira kroll |
Sheesh! Another $100+ from me. It's a good thing I stopped buying a certain card game from another company.
Sometimes it is hard to justify the expenses here. But, knowing that the character decks will be useful throughout the life of the game, not just this base set should have been highlighted in the descriptions, rather than hidden in the discussion.
Hawkmoon269 |
Retail release date is now October 1, so no one should be seeing them in their local stores just yet.
Hawkmoon269 |
Yes. The plan is for 7 more classes in February 2015. Though no info yet on which ones exactly.
That probably depends to some extent on how these sell, but from what I've seen they seem to be selling well.
Tychofalc |
Now available for preorder.
It is not part of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game subscription, but PACG subscribers who order it will receive their subscriber discount on it.
(At least, they will once we fix it on Monday...)
Do subscribers no longer get the discount on these? Added it to my cart and it still showed the $19.99 price. Thanks in advance for the info!
Hawkmoon269 |
Do subscribers no longer get the discount on these? Added it to my cart and it still showed the $19.99 price. Thanks in advance for the info!
They should. I put it in my cart and it shows $15.99. Are you a recent subscriber or have you been subscribing for a while? I know the discounts don't apply until you get your first subscription shipment.
Tychofalc |
They should. I put it in my cart and it shows $15.99. Are you a recent subscriber or have you been subscribing for a while? I know the discounts don't apply until you get your first subscription shipment.
Ah, gotcha. Yes I am a recent subscriber so I'll check back when my shipment arrives. On a side note Hawkmoon, as a long time lurker on the forums, thanks for all the info you've shared! :D