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Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Is it possible to start my subscription with the decks below and cancel it before I am charged for the Gunslinger deck?

Adventure Card Game Class Decks: Goblins Fight!
Adventure Card Game Class Decks: Goblins Burn!

It's been great, but with the rough US to CDN exchange rate I just can't justify subscription right now. Thanks and I hope to re-subscribe later.

I restarted my PACG sub with the WotR Character Add-on deck. Got notice that three items were shipping with my PACG sub. Does anyone have details on the WotR promo cards? Does someone order base set + character add-on deck get more promo cards? I'm curious :).

Now that adventure deck #6 for Skull and Shackles has shipped please cancel my PACG sub, thanks.

Pyrocat wrote:
We ran into the same thing. I ended up houseruling that if the loot cards aren't available for the scenario reward, each a player is allowed to pick a card type, draw 2 of that type from the box at random, keep one and banish the other.

I like that suggestion thanks but since I solo play exclusively will probably edit it slightly to draw two cards for whole party of same type as missing loot and put back one.

I am running two parties of three characters through Skull and Shackles. I am going to try to keep them within one adventure deck of each other. Party A (Damiel, Kyra and The Tonz) has completed an adventure that has loot cards and keeps them incorporating them into their decks. Party B (Lem, Ranzak and Vyka) goes through the same adventure. What happens when Party B completes the adventure and should gain the reward? I guess I could just switch the cards back and forth between parties but that's not much fun. For extra fun, I am thinking about having the parties join up and complete the last scenario in every adventure. What if I put the A&B parties together?

One of the scenario effects for Brine Banshee's Grave (AD3) is that, if you explore, you have to succeed at a con or fort 6 check or bury 1d4-1 cards from your hand. Yikes! Siwar might be staying on the ship for this one :o. My questions about this effect are:

1) Do you have to check for each explore you do; i.e. if I discard blessings to make multiple explorations do I have to make the check each time?


2)When do I make the check? Assume it is right before I reset my hand and end my turn..

I'd put the exact card wording, but not sure if that violates any policies.



No sign of these orders. According to my account info, S&S AD 3 shipped on Nov. 18. Does that mean that the carrier was notified of a pick up on Nov 18, and perhaps actually picked up several days later, or that it was in mail service on Nov 18?

I am not seeing the associated promo cards- magpie princess & blessing of zughomot (sp?)- with my S&S Adventure deck 4 subscription; should I?

Well deserved mate. I know I always appreciate your quick and accurate input on a rules question.

PS It wasn't me who sent it ;).

Thanks. Appreciate the personal, as always, service. I was reluctant to post and take more time away from the back log. That would be good if it could be in mail today.

I placed an order for PACG subscription items Order 632805 on Oct 6 and an item from the Great Golem Sale Order 3316112 soon after. My credit card was charged last Friday (Nov 7). It looks like all items have been merged into one order now listed as "pending". Should this order have already shipped? I am just about to finish Raiders of Fever Sea and anxious to get AD #3.

Do items such as Jolly Roger or Besmara's Bones take up a space in a character's card deck between games or do they "live" with the ship? Suspect that it is the former but hoping it is the later... ;) ha, ha.

Sara Marie wrote:
You don't need to do anything. Stuff in the sidecart that is ready to go will be turned into an order when I run the order spawning/authorization process.

Sweet. Thanks Sara Marie.

First time PACG subscription question here: I started a pathfinder ACG subscription with the Skull and Shackles Adventure Deck #3. I found the whole sidecart thing a bit confusing; the shopping cart system would not let me place the order unless I side-carted Deck 3. As early Nov is approaching, and this product should start shipping, do I need to now move the adventure deck out of my sidecart, or do anything so it will ship at the earliest opportunity?

Oloch encountered the Pirate Hunting barrier and a Bloodbug was summoned. He did not defeat the Bloodbug. Both the Bloodbug and barrier card have "if undefeated" powers. How should this be played e.g. if the card is displayed next to Oloch's deck can other characters encounter the bloodbug as the Pirate Hunting barrier is still face up on the location deck. What if subsequent players do not defeat the "same" bloodbug? Could get interesting!

I have been playing the S&S base adventure with a party consisting of one of the CD characters (Bard Deck). If I decide to proceed adventuring onto AD 1 without a character from the Bard Deck, do I pull the CD cards I've already mixed in with the box out? How about mixing the CD cards for AD 1 one into the box?

Could both Jirelle and Meliski's reroll powers be used on Jirelle's check that has the Swashbuckling trait? I've included the wording for Meliski's power below.

Meliski's power "When a character at your location would fail a check, you may recharge a card (x suffle into you deck) to allow her to reroll (X 2 dice). She must take the second result.

Does this power reduce damage at the Raker Shoals on the start of another character's turn?

Meliski has a power that states: "When a character at your location would fail a check, you may recharge a card (x suffle into you deck) to allow her to reroll (X 2 dice). She must take the second result." Can Meliski apply this power to his own checks? Thanks!

Damiel has a power that states: "When you would banish a card that has the Alchemical trait, recharge it instead.". If one fails to acquire a boons in it banished to box. Does that mean he can recharge boons with the Alcemical trait when he fails to acquire them?

If Feiya is about to make a combat check can Damiel use Phantasmal Minion to give her a weapon card which she can use in the check?

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Here you go.

Thanks. Do I have to pick ships in the order in which they are listed or can I pick any ship in the same class (obviously a moot point for Class O ships as there are only two listed...)?

Given that I can't find any threads on this must be asking the obvious but: what eactly are "ship feats" and how do I note them? The third scenario in the Plunder and Peril "B" adventure "Gain a Class 0 ship feat." as a reward. Thinking this might have something to do with the list of ships on the back of the plunder table reference card as I am not seeing anything on the ship cards themselves...

FYI, I am just playing with the basic boxed set for now.


Are any of the class decks available in Canada yet? By that I mean are people seeing them at their local game stores?

I am looking for a 3D paper model of river going boat. 20-30 feet long, 10 feet wide and 2-3 feet deep.; no sail just oars. I've been actively searching and my google-fu is weak. 25-30mm scale would be ideal. I have come across Dave Grafham's Patrol Boat and while it is a nice little model not suitable for what I am looking for. I did come across this one http://www.papercraftsquare.com/a-longboat-free-papercraft-download.html but the creator's site seems to be defunct. Any assistance would be much appreciated!

bonelock wrote:
Is there anything that says I can't apply this trait to the same spell multiple times?


Is there anything that says I can't apply this trait to the same spell multiple times?