Dumb Question About XP

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange

Okay, so I have played in two sessions/scenarios now with my CORE character (which is my first one.)

The GMs updated my stuff but I don't see my exp, only prestige points. Do I get 1 xp per scenario or does the GM decide and it is located somewhere I am missing? How do I update it?

The Exchange 5/5

Some adventures grant 1xp while others grant 3xp, but it should be on the chronicle sheet that the GM gave you at the end of the game.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

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SpicyDinosaur wrote:

Okay, so I have played in two sessions/scenarios now with my CORE character (which is my first one.)

The GMs updated my stuff but I don't see my exp, only prestige points. Do I get 1 xp per scenario or does the GM decide and it is located somewhere I am missing? How do I update it?

You get one xp per normal scenario (subject to a bunch of disclaimers) UNLESS you fail to complete enough encounters, in which case you get zero. The amount you earned isn't listed on the website, just on your chronicles.

  • Modules and Adventure Path chronicles grant 3 XP (or a whole number portion thereof if you don't complete the whole thing).
  • If you choose to go slow track, you get half the experience you would otherwise have earned (which results in a number like 0.5 XP for a normal scenario).
  • Some chronicles may have specific rules for getting a different amount but - again - any normal scenario (08-XX, etc.) will grant 1 XP.
  • 5/5 5/55/55/5

    Generally 1 xp per sheet,

    DMS very often don't fully complete the forms.

    The Exchange

    all right, looks like one gm filled it out, the other left it blank, assuming 1 xp for now, since it was We B4 Goblins.

    How does dying work btw. Do I lose my character or do I wake up on the temple floor yet again without the rewards of the adventure?

    5/5 5/55/55/5

    SpicyDinosaur wrote:

    all right, looks like one gm filled it out, the other left it blank, assuming 1 xp for now, since it was We B4 Goblins.

    How does dying work btw. Do I lose my character or do I wake up on the temple floor yet again without the rewards of the adventure?

    You need to get yourself un deadified by the end of the session or you lose your character forever.

    16 Prestige points will get you raised.

    5kish gold can get you raised (your party members can chip in)

    Dying is really bad on your first character: try not to do it.

    The Exchange

    Yea I have almost died twice, admittedly once with a pregen. My characters aren't really built for combat. I will hoard prestige in that case.

    So another question that is unrelated, what professions, the ones I can use during downtime, are acceptable. I wanted profession: pickpocket but it occurred to me that that might be illegal. Is there a list somewhere?

    Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

    No Professions are banned. Slaver and Torturer were, but that was recently reversed (to accommodate Slavers-in-Disguise and Kuthites, respectively).

    I might suggest that instead of Profession (Pickpocket) you purchase the Pathfinder Society Field Guide, which offers you a Vanity (acquired via Prestige) to use Sleight of Hand as a Day Job.

    The Exchange

    yea I need that prestige for when I inevitably die though. (Is prestige universal or character specific?)

    It sounds like there is a list of professions out there though. Is it in that book?


    profession is anything you want your guy to do as a profession. ANYTHING you want. You could be profession grass growing watcher or profession floor cleaner with toothbrushes, or profession sleeper or profession lazy bum.

    Grand Lodge 4/5

    There's a list in the Core Rulebook Skills chapter. It's not exhaustive, but you might consider that those professions will be the ones picked when a Profession check is actually needed in a scenario.

    5/5 5/5

    Nefreet wrote:
    I might suggest that instead of Profession (Pickpocket) you purchase the Pathfinder Society Field Guide, which offers you a Vanity (acquired via Prestige) to use Sleight of Hand as a Day Job.

    This is not a legal resource for a Core campaign character, unfortunately. The vanities found there are very nice but could only be used if you convert your character to PFS. For Core, you may only use Craft, Perform, or Profession skills for day job checks.

    Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

    The original poster mentioned characters, plural, with their first character being Core, so I was implying that would be an option for another (non-Core) character.

    Liberty's Edge 5/5

    If you want a profession that comes up in scenarios (in addition to use as a day job), I believe that Sailor and Soldier are ones that come up more than once. (Even then, it's rare.)

    Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

    Nefreet wrote:
    No Professions are banned. Slaver and Torturer were, but that was recently reversed (to accommodate Slavers-in-Disguise and Kuthites, respectively).


    4/5 *

    Profession (food taster)

    "Ambassador, I believe this soup has been poisoned."

    This might come up some time with characters at a high class event where someone might get assassinated.

    4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

    You might want to look at the faction journal card for your faction before deciding on a profession. Many of them have skills that help you complete the cards.

    As for hoarding prestige, first you probably want to spend some on items that will help keep you alive. The first is a wand of Cure Light Wounds (CLW). After that the list changes depending on the character but popular choices include Wands of Mage Armor, Shield, Endure Elements, potions of Fly, Lesser Restoration, and others.

    Not having a potion of fly killed one of my characters. Fortunately the group did chip in for a resurrection.

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

    The wand of feel better (cure light wounds) and potion of fly are highly recommended prestige point purchases.

    If you have the right gear, dying is far less likely. Also, your most dangerous level is level one. Did your GM give you a "Welcome to Pathfinder" chronicle for your first character? If not, we should see about getting you one. It can only be applied to -1 characters on their very first level, but it will greatly up your survivability by giving you the ability to negate one crit on your character.

    Do you only play online, or are you gaming face to face somewhere?


    Shadow Lodge 5/5

    Thomas Hutchins wrote:
    profession is anything you want your guy to do as a profession. ANYTHING you want. You could be profession grass growing watcher or profession floor cleaner with toothbrushes, or profession sleeper or profession lazy bum.

    I've started making Profession(Pathfinder) characters.

    Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

    Michael Eshleman wrote:
    Nefreet wrote:
    No Professions are banned. Slaver and Torturer were, but that was recently reversed (to accommodate Slavers-in-Disguise and Kuthites, respectively).
    With the inclusion of a more defined community behavior policy, we are rescinding the limitation on slaver and torturer professions. This does not lift the restriction on Pathfinders purchasing slaves. The reason for this inclusion in the campaign is that they are an ingrained part of the economy (slaver) and religious observance for Kuthonites (torturer). Again, as with other changes to the campaign, please send feedback and let me know how this is working in your area. If it becomes evident players are not able to have this content and treat it in a responsible manner, then it will once again be removed and offending players subject to disciplinary action.

    Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/5 *

    Nefreet wrote:
    Michael Eshleman wrote:
    Nefreet wrote:
    No Professions are banned. Slaver and Torturer were, but that was recently reversed (to accommodate Slavers-in-Disguise and Kuthites, respectively).
    With the inclusion of a more defined community behavior policy, we are rescinding the limitation on slaver and torturer professions. This does not lift the restriction on Pathfinders purchasing slaves. The reason for this inclusion in the campaign is that they are an ingrained part of the economy (slaver) and religious observance for Kuthonites (torturer). Again, as with other changes to the campaign, please send feedback and let me know how this is working in your area. If it becomes evident players are not able to have this content and treat it in a responsible manner, then it will once again be removed and offending players subject to disciplinary action.

    I must of missed that blog back then with all the necroposting going on in this forum.

    Shadow Lodge *

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
    rknop wrote:
    If you want a profession that comes up in scenarios (in addition to use as a day job), I believe that Sailor and Soldier are ones that come up more than once. (Even then, it's rare.)

    Profession(Merchant) is another one I've seen multiple times. Profession(Barrister), too, though not as much.

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Don't forget Profession Librarian -- it's a great way to get into the Pathfinder Society's good books (and mine.)


    Dark Archive 5/5 *

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    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber
    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

    Don't forget Profession Librarian -- it's a great way to get into the Pathfinder Society's good books (and mine.)


    I see what you did there....

    Anyway, I generally give my characters specializations within their dayjobs. These have no in-game benefit whatsoever, and only exist for my own enjoyment. Examples include:

    Profession (Merchant [Arms Dealer])
    Profession (Merchant [Cheesemonger])
    Profession (Chef [Grill Master])
    Perform (Dance [Ballet])
    Craft (Baked Goods [Pastries])

    and a few others that I can't remember at the moment. Just silly things to flesh out my characters a bit more, give me some role playing ideas.

    Shadow Lodge 4/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Got me a character with ranks in Profession(overlord) and one with Craft (dungeon) and Profession (BBEG) because, after conquering The Emerald Spire, he figured the society might need a training ground for spelunkers. His Country Estate is an Abraxan Temple under which are descending dungeon levels where his Foreign Contacts (a roper, a troglodyte leader, etc) serve as minibosses.

    Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I have a half-orc chef with ranks in "Craft [Cuisine]" rather than "Profession [chef]". Meta-game, it is because Craft is a class skill for Bloodragers but Profession is not. In-game, it is because he keeps losing his temper and killing his sous-chefs, and can't actually keep a job at a restaurant. ;-)

    Liberty's Edge 5/5

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Somebody must have the profession Craft (Macaroni and Cheese)

    Grand Lodge 3/5 *

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

    Don't forget Profession Librarian -- it's a great way to get into the Pathfinder Society's good books (and mine.)


    Don't forget Profession (scribe). Someone has to write all those wonderful books that go in the library.

    5/5 5/55/55/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    rknop wrote:
    Somebody must have the profession Craft (Macaroni and Cheese)

    Thats two seperate crafts.

    Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    It's actually just one Kraft.

    Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

    Kraft (macaroni and cheese) is from the Blue Box third party supplement, which isn't PFS legal.

    1/5 5/5

    Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

    It's not easy... ...being cheezy...??

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