
RavenVoron's page

Organized Play Member. 72 posts (766 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 aliases.


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I'm actually interested in the Star Knight if you could get me the info on that before I can pick up the pdf, Morphling! I think it ties in well with the space-knight theme I'm already leaning towards

Sorry, guys! This thread’s been quiet for so long that I haven’t been checking it that frequently. Yeah, I’ll stay a mechanic so my character is still ready to rock and roll. I’m picking up the new book’s pdf tonight and will have time to run through it all tomorrow. If there’s anything I want to change it’ll happen tomorrow, but they should just be minor things and fluff. The only major change I might make is transitioning to an operative, depending on how the fluff flows through me.

@Fighting Chicken: funny, when everyone was talking about re-writing characters I thought about making a futuristic gladiator. Didn’t think of making them an envoy, though! Interesting take on the class!

*EDIT* I lied, the book isn't available in pdf until the 28th, so I guess I'm not getting any changes!

Yup still here!

They changed the site! I hate change!

Ok I got the crunch done on my character this morning. I’m going to go Human Exocortex Mechanic. I’ll work up the backstory and such tonight after work and post him up if I have time.

Post so I can see other tabs, please?

EDIT: Also, is there a Dead Suns players guide like for the pathfinder campaigns or is it just open ended in the starfinder universe? Just asking for background purposes.

Ok! So most of my scifi comes from video games, with a few tv, movies, and books thrown in there.

Movies: Star Wars (In Order of Preference: V, VI, IV, III, II, VII, Rogue One, I), Aliens, Predator, Blade Runner. I never could get into Star Trek.

TV: BSG, Firefly

Games: Mass Effect, SWTOR, Destiny 1&2, XCOM 1&2, Halo, Star Wars Games before EA got a hold of them (Particularly SWBF 1&2, Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Academy, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, KOTOR 1&2)

Books: Not a whole lot here either, I mostly stick to fantasy for my books, but I am reading the Outriders series by Jay Posey right now. I've been meaning to get around to reading Dune but I currently have a back-log of books I want to read.

For party role on the ship I really don't have a role that really jumps out at me, I'd be willing to learn any of the roles.

Class and race: I'm one of those weird people that enjoy playing humans in games, but I've been side-eyeing Androids as well. My top two classes would be engineer and operative, followed by soldier, solerian, and envoy, and finally Mystic and Technomancer. Even in D&D I've always shied away from magical characters. The only spell casters I've ever played were ranger, bard, and paladin to give you an idea on my like for spell-slingers.

Posting: Every day or every other day works for me!

A January start also sounds good to me!

I’m here! I’m at work right now so I don’t have time to go into detail on what I’d like, but I’ll definit get a post about it tonight when I get home!

Magna holds her axe and brings it up over her head for a downward strike.

Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 8 + 2 = 25

Damage: 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

With a satisfying crunch, Magna's axe rips through armor and decay alike.

Magna arcs her axe out wide to strike at the beast's side.

Attack: 1d20 + 8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 3 + 2 = 18

But her zeal outreaches her arms and the blade wizzes harmlessly through the air.

Ok, that makes sense. Changing actions to 5ft step next to the beast. Swift action to activate WC. Touch attack to LoH the wight.

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Did not know that. Thank you, nara! I should really learn to play more classes better. So just effecting the wight then. I don't think Magna is really the type to go all heal-bot when there's an abomination there.

Whoops! Sorry, I forgot I was doing that! *channels inner do-gooder*

Magna, seeing the others hurt and hearing Naralesh's call out of what the beast is, makes a split second decision to shift gears. She raises her axe into the air and yells, "Torag! Hear my call for help!"

Light seeps from her pores and basks everything in a thirty foot radius in holy light!

Trade two lay of hands for a use of channel positive energy, effecting everyone in a 30 ft radius. DC 15 for the wight.

Channel Positive Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

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Sorry, what was supposed to be an easy couple of days turned into long ones. Also, correct me if I'm wrong with actions here. Magna's a lot different than the types of characters I usually play.

Magna's eyes light with fire brighter than her forge when she sees Edric take the blow from the beast in front of them. She grips her axe in her hands and charges towards the beast, bellowing at the top of her lungs, "YOU HAVE BEEN MEASURED, WEIGHED, AND HAVE BEEN FOUND WANTING IN TORAG'S EYES!!!" As she nears the beast she brings her axe around from the side to chop viciously into it's flank.

Activate Dirstracting Charge, and, well charge...

Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Damage: 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

I don't think that hits so no +2 for you guys.

So it's really gimping. Got it! Thanks guys.

Back to the drawing board I go!

Hey everybody!

I have an inspired blade swashbuckler that just turned level 4 recently and while I was leveling up I was starting to look at the Kineticist. It got me thinking that maybe dipping it a little would bring something new to my scoundrel.

Now, I figured I would stick with the swash until lvl 5 so I can pick up rapier training. After that there isn't anything super amazing on the swash so I could pick up the kineticist then. I also figured when I do, I'd pick up the Overwhelming Soul and Elemental Annihilator for at least 5 levels for a quick boost to his blasts, CHA synergy, and Blast Training/ Everpresent threat.

So, I guess I have a few questions. 1. Would I be gimping myself too much by doing this? 2. Would I be better off only taking Overwhelming Soul for the CHA synergy and the utility powers? 3. Should I start taking feats now that'll help when I dip?

My current stats and feats are

STR: 13 DEX: 18 CON: 10 INT: 14 WIS: 10 CHA: 15

Human Swash 1: Swash Finnesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier), Fencing Grace, Combat Reflexes
Swash 2:
Swash 3: Dodge
Swash 4: (Undetermined Combat Bonus Feat)

I was thinking of taking the ability score increase in CHA to boost my Panache and my kineticist powers when I dip.

If anyone could help me out with those questions and maybe a sample build of what I could do with this idea, I'd really appreciate it. I just have this picture of him dancing around the battlefield stabbing people with his rapier and blasting people with a cocky smile on is face that I can't get out of my head

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God, it brings a smile to my face every time I come back to this page and see a new entry. Keep'em coming Tomi!

Cayden has always been my favorite god. Not even because of his ideal but just because he accidentally became a god... WHILE DRUNK!

Wait... Sleeping with wenches and drinking all the time isn't a purpose?!?! XD

I actually kinda enjoyed the focus on the rp side in this one, Tomi. It really kinda made everyone just a little more human. Not that you weren't before, it's just I viewed them as action heroes (which was awesome) and not so much people. In this one I got to see certain characters as just people. Especially Harsk with the kids. Keep up the good work!

Just a heads up, I'm on winter break from school now so I'll be able to post more frequently now. And don't fret about the Kobolds, Talia. I don't think they would have thought twice about skewering us ;)

Wait.... Which group in the initiative am I in?

I think it would be hilarious if you threw some Monty Python and the Holy Grail tidbits in there. Maybe drop hints of a demon poly morphed as a rabbit who's been slay droves of crusaders or a grave knight that guards a bridge...

Trophy hunter is pretty terrible considering it doesn't even give it a gun by RAW, unless they errata'd it.

Awesome again, Tomi! Keep up the good work!

Which is kinda funny because most of the submissions are ranged.

Ok, so a month ago a group was started to take back the Stolen Lands for Restov, but sadly we only reached Oleg's before our GM suddenly disappeared. So, I'm asking if someone would be willing to pick up a group of eager Pbp'ers who want to continue the journey!

Alright, it's been a while, I don't think Mello is coming back. I'm going to post up in recruitment in search of a dm.

Awesome! As usual, Tomi, you did an excellent job! Keep up the good work!

Well, that could work, but you're not going to get precise strike until late in the game. While you should be firing against touch AC as much as possible, if you have ANY melee fighters at all in the party taking the minus to your BAB from Deadly Aim AND -4 for firing into melee could make you miss a lot more than you are going to like.

You should really take the PBS and Precise Shot feats before Deadly Aim. If you could push the Realistic Likeness and Magic Tail feats back and pick PBS, Precise Shot, and Deadly Aim up first you'll stay relevant in combat. I'd take the first two as soon as you can, possibly before rapid reload (pending on what kind of gun you're using). So it would be PBS at 1st, Precise Shot at 3rd, Rapid reload at 4, and Deadly Aim at 5th.

That being said, if you prefer to go with the roleplaying aspect of the other feats earlier, go ahead. I'm just worried you might be sitting on the sidelines for a long time.

Yes, but it does work with guns, even within the first range increments of guns. From the PRD:

Range and Penetration: Armor, whether manufactured or natural, provides little protection against the force of a bullet at short range.

Early Firearms: When firing an early firearm, the attack resolves against the target's touch AC when the target is within the first range increment of the weapon, but this type of attack is not considered a touch attack for the purposes of feats and abilities such as Deadly Aim. At higher range increments, the attack resolves normally, including taking the normal cumulative –2 penalty for each full range increment. Unlike other projectile weapons, early firearms have a maximum range of five range increments.

Advanced Firearms: Advanced firearms resolve their attacks against touch AC when the target is within the first five range increments, but this type of attack is not considered a touch attack for the purposes of feats such as Deadly Aim. At higher range increments, the attack resolves normally, including taking the normal cumulative –2 penalty for each full-range increment. Advanced firearms have a maximum range of 10 range increments.

*EDIT* Ninja'd!!!

Oh... hmmm.... I don't know why I never saw that 1 at the end of gun training. The more you know.

But still, you're going to be out-striped in damage at low-levels without picking up Deadly Aim as soon as possible. And not only that, but even with craft: alchemy, bullets are expensive. It's better to use the least amount as possible to kill something.

Yup, that's it. It's basically a feat that can be used as a deed, which is nice, but I don't know why you wouldn't want to just shell out the money for a buckler other than flavor. The entangle ability is nice, but if you just spent thousands of gold on an enchanted cape or cloak and the enemy just rips through it (which, let's face it, most non-intelligent enemies will, especially the big ones) So your money would just go out the window.

Unless you take Profession: Waiter and just carry around disposable table clothes to just keep entangling people. Or just flavor your swash as a matador and carry around sheets.

You're going to be hurting for damage by taking Deadly Aim so late, especially if you are going to go with Mysterious Stranger. Mysterious Stranger looses gun training which is a very big ability for Gunslingers and can only gain it through spending grit and a swift action. So until lvl 11, when you can pick up Signature Deed to reduce the cost of it to just a swift action so long as you have grit, you need Deadly Aim to deal consistent damage. Don't worry about the loss to BAB because you're hitting against touch AC so you should still hit fairly easily unless you are fighting something with high Dex.

The good thing about Mysterious stranger is that they eventually don't even have to worry about miss-fires.

Have you thought about mixing Holy Gun Paladin with Mysterious Stranger. You don't need a whole bunch of levels from the paladin, just a few to gain CHA to saves and smite through a gun (costing grit). BUT if you pick up a blunderbuss or shotgun (if your DM allows it) you can smite multiple enemies with one shot with the cone attack , which is really pretty nice. Plus the synergy between classes and the boost to Cha from the Kitsune is very nice.

Actually, you can use a cloak in combat as your off-hand weapon mechanically. There's a new feat in the ACG that allows you to use a cloak wrapped around your off hand as a buckler and you can entangle enemies with it. If I weren't on my phone right now I'd link it.

I've never played a magus before. I've never really understand arcane casters and Martians are simple to build for me. Plus I've never really liked magic. But I hear the kensai is pretty good. I used to play gunslingers all the time. Pistols are nice if you can eventually get a revolver, but other than that I think musket master is the best. Especially if you are going to be our ranged dps.

Just my two copper XD

Cool, man! Do you know which one you're going to use?

I'm ok with that, mello.

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I loved the class, though I have to admit I didn't stick with it all the way through. I took archery because I multiclassed in gunslinger so I was able to use those feats on my muskets. I took a falcon as my animal companion to help with scouting. As for how we managed, well the dm gave us a few things to help out with. Such as a few mulligans when we both died, free leadership feat, and some gear we probably shouldn't have had XD We used hit and run plus distraction techniques a lot.

As an example, when we attacked Fort Rannick, it was only him and me that went in. We thought the others would blow stealth, so we gave them something else to do. We bought a wagon and six barrels of gunpowder and had Vale dirve it towards a gate while we snuck in through the caves. A little bit of oil of silence on my rifle and I was able to blow up the wagon undetected and slipped inside the keep while the bulk of the ogres raced out of the fort to chase down vale. We actually ended up putting the campaign on hold in game for a while because we wanted to rebuild Fort Rannick and build an army to help us out.

Not everything we did was exactly rules legal, but our dm was pretty cool. If it sounded awesome and made just enough sense to be possible, he usually let us try it. Then it was down to the dice to decide whether we succeeded awesomely or had to run away with our tails tucked between our legs.

Ok, so I found this thread a couple of weeks ago and have been burning through it when I had the spare time. I didn't want to put anything up here until I got caught up on your journey. You're doing an awesome job here, Tomi! You have brought all of these characters to life through words. It's fun to see how you and your group dealt with different situations than my group (which consisted of only two players, myself as spell-less ranger also and my buddy who played a ninja so we ghosted through any parts we could lol)

I'm eagerly awaiting your next chapter! Keep up the good work!

Sorry, didn't see that. Thanks for the link! That's cool that they're doing that, though! +1 to paizo.

Quick question in the same vein... So this feat means I can get dex to damage only with the slashing weapon of my choosing, but not to weapons that already fall under the category of a light or one-handed piercing weapon, right?

Which means I can't get dex to damage on the iconic swashbuckler weapon: the rapier, but I can get it on a battle axe or hand axe? That doesn't seem right.

If you want to stick with tropes, goblins hate dogs. Have him carry a sack of puppies around with him that he uses as throwing weapons/snacks when he's hungry.

I always wanted to make a guy who carried around house cats this way. They'd be mad as anything when pulled out of the sack so they'd attack anything on site after you throw them in your enemies' faces.

Ok, I didn't die. And I'm extremely sorry for falling off the face of the earth. Life just got the better of me I guess. I feel even worse for complaining about never getting into a campaign then disappearing on you gatsby. If any of you still check this and want to continue this I'm up for it.

Again, sorry.

Dotting interest. How long are you planning to keep this open? I'll start fluff and crunch tonight, and probably get it done tomorrow.

EDIT: Also, is it possible to use the trench fighter archetype?

Crap! Last couple of days have really been nuts. I'm really sorry guys. I'll drop my initiative in just in case we continue fighting and wait my turn.

Again, sorry

Ok, it took me a little longer than I thought, but I'm back.

Hey, sorry for the late notice, but I'm going to be out of town for a theater festival the next few days and my time is going to be very limited (plus the wifi in my hotel is butt) So my posting may be slim to none. I'll be right back into the swing of things this weekend, though.

The only problem I see is that, by RAW, you can't use a buckler with Dervish Dance. Not a severe hit to AC and the build still looks solid, but I thought I'd point it out to you.

We'll just stick her in charge of fire making :)

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