
RavenVoron's page

Organized Play Member. 72 posts (766 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 aliases.

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Here’s the discussion page as well where we can talk things over if we need to or we can use messenger.

The sun crests the horizon over the Empire of Fairhaven. It first peaks over the mountains to the west, spying on the city of Restov. The Swordlords in training already up and training to become the next greates duelist in the Golarian. It touches next the Stolen Lands, the home of the seat of the empire. Though the sun is bright and brilliant, there a dark shadow cast over the castle there where the Empress and her family slowly rouse from their slumber. It falls next on the Forest of a Thousand Screams, the strongest connection to the feywilde and the material plane, where fey and all the races of Golarion mingle and dash back and forth between the worlds as easy as walking down the street to find your favorite baker. The sun does not pierce the thick canopy, though, for an unnatural darkness holds back the warming rays of the sun. Something stirs under the canopy and fey of all shapes and sizes flee...

Our heroes, who don’t know they’re heroes yet, awake from their slumber, whether in a warm bed in an inn or on the street only fate knows, in the town of Rosewood. It’s a small village near the edge of the Forest of a Thousand Screams. The village has grown recently with the increase of trade between the Empire’s capital and the denizens of the Feywilde. The villagers of the sleepy village are already up and moving about the village to prepare for the day’s festivities. Children run and play in the dirt streets, while parents move to open games, roadside vendors, or take platters of food to the center square for the feast at the end of the day.

Empire Day is here at last!

The day will be filled with food, laughter, games, shopping, music, and plays, culminating in a speech from the mayor and a large feast that everyone in the sleepy village is welcomed to attend. After the feat there will be a display of fireworks.

Alright! We’re live! Feel free to post as your characters and start moving about the town some. There’s no posting order until we get into combat and roll for initiative so feel free to post as much as you want. Like a normal GM, I’ll post for npc’s so don’t go just saying you chop someone’s head off. Other than that get at it! I’ll be checking this thread a lot to reply to you guys! We’re going to take it slow to start out so everyone can get a feeling for how this works, hence the fair. Other than that we’re good to go. So I’ll ask you this: What would you like to do?

Come one! Come All! To the fiftieth anniversary of the unification of the River Kingdoms under the banner of Fairhaven! Festivities include: arm wrestling, the trebuchet, pie eating contest, ring-a-bell, and more! Czarina Talia Khavortorov and Czar Naralesh Khavortorov cordially invite you to join in the festivities marking the creation of our great empire and fifty years of peace!

These fliers litter the streets of Rosewood, a small village in the heart of the empire just east of the great city of Pitax and the fey-filled Woods of a Thousand Screams. A delightful even held each year throughout the empire and where our unlikely heroes find themselves at the start.

Character Creation:
Level: Staring up at level 1. I've always wanted a long-running campaign and if this works out for everyone then we'll end up at level 20 sooner or later.
Stats: Roll 4d6 drop lowest and reroll 1's and 2's. Do that twice and pick whichever array you prefer.
Race: I'm gonna go with any official ones plus either of the ones I post bellow. If you want a homebrew race send it to me for review and I'll look over it before I give you the go ahead.
Class: Any official classes, plus Blood hunter and Gunslinger. Most Unearthed Arcana is a-okay as well but I'd like to see it first, just to be sure. Homebrew stuff has to be sent to me first and approved as well. If you submit a homebrew and it gets used there will be no multi-classing out of it.

I'd really rather not deal with a ton of homebrew stuff, but if it doesn't seem broken and we can make it fit in the world then I'll green-light it.

Down bellow you'll find a couple of home-brew races, weapons, and a feat. Feel free to choose these when making a character. They tie a little more in with the world the game is set in. Just click on each of the litle gray tabs and they'll be visible.

Homebrew Races:
Varasian (Variant Human): These nomadic people have been touched by old magic. So much so that tattoos manifest themselves on their bodies at birth. These tattoos grow alongside the wearer and are etchings of arcane writing long lost to the sands of time, but once fully grown, can give a varasian simple magics to use in their daily lives.

When making a Varasian you gain the following benefits:
Adaptable: Add +1 to any two ability scores.
Skilled: Gain proficiency in one skill or tool of your choosing
Marked at Birth: Gain one cantrip of your choosing from any spell-list

Half-Fey: Since the joining of Narryssa's Kingdom and the Empire of Fairhaven, many fey and other races have interacted more. Some of these relationships have gave fruit to children. Half-fey, or Fey-touched, are the offspring of such unions. They reach maturity at the same rate as humans, but then age much slower because of their fey ancestry, giving them the same life-span as elves. Many half-fey have little physical characteristics that show their fey ancestry such as: golden eyes, unusually pale and flawless skin, slight rams-horns, and, in extreme cases, cloven hooves for feet.

When making a Fey-Touched you gain the following benefits:
Ability scores: Your Charisma score increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by one.
Darkvision: You gain darkvision out to 60 ft.
Skill Versatility: You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice
Fey-stepAs a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


[/b][/i]Martial Melee:
[/i][/b]Aldori Dueling Sword: 1d8 slashing: versatile (1d10), finesse
Martial Ranged
Pistol 2d4 bludgeoning and piercing: 60ft(500ft), loading
Musket 2d6 bludgeoning and piercing: 120ft(1000ft), loading


Aldori Dueling Mastery
When wielding an Aldori Dueling Sword in one hand with nothing in your right hand, including a shield, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC

When wielding an Aldori Dueling Sword you gain advantage on attacks of opportunity

When a creature makes a melee attack against you and misses, you can use your reaction to counter attack immediately.

So yeah! The easiest way to go about making your character is to create a separate alias for him/her under your account here then copy and paste the coded character sheet I'll email you into it and fill it out. You make a new alias by clicking my account at the top of the page, clicking Create New Alias in the Alias section of your account, then name the alias whatever your character's name will be and give it a picture. Once the alias is made then you can create a profile under it which is where you will store your character sheet. Once everyone has a character made we'll get started. If you have any questions post them here or message them to me and I'll respond as soon as I can!

You come from all over the 'verse. Mechanics, Spies, Bounty Hunters, Outlaws, and Common Folk. Your backgrounds are as varied as you appearances. Maybe you've coasted through life by conning people and scrapping by at various gambling tables. Perhaps you come from a long line of military tradition, protecting those who can't protect yourself. Or maybe you haven't done anything with your life up until now and you've stepped onto this ship to seek a life of adventure to break up the monotany of your day-to-day desk job that has slowly got you closer to turning a pistol to your temple...

None of that matters anymore.

Whatever your reasons you've signed on to go to the furthest reaches of known space. A place where who you were before doesn't matter. No one knows you from Adam out here. Your reputation, whether famous or infamous, is slowly being erased with each passing light year you travel aboard the Midsummer Night's Dream.

The only question left is not who are you, but who will you be?

Welcome to DM_UhhhGood's Starfinder Campaign, guys! Bellow in the spoiler tags you will find a brief history of the universe we'll be setting out into, major organizations, important planets, and a few rules I'd like you guys to follow to help flesh out your characters. The only thing I will stress when creating your characters is that the more information I have about their lives, the more I'll be able to weave interesting side-adventures for each character into the narative.

Good Luck and God-speed!

A Brief Primer on the History of the Orion Galaxy:

120 years ago:
The Fringe Empire emerges out of dark-space into the Orion Galaxy. The fractured nature of the planets that make up the galaxy makes the Orion Galaxy and easy target to the vast and powerful Fringe Empire. In just three star-years, the Fringe Empire crushes and annexes all of the notable planets within the galaxy, placing all the people that live there under their heel.

30 years ago:

Under the leadership of an ex-Fringe military officer named Admiral Shade Leonart, a resistance against the Fringe Empire forms on the planet of Balambia, under the moniker: Balambia's Rangers. The resistance ring begins terror attacks on major Fringe military and research outposts across the planet. The actions of these resistance members encourages other resistance movements across other planets.

29 years ago:
Captian Fury Leonart, Shade's brother, leads his detachment of Rangers, The Lion's Pride, in a risky assault on the Fringe empire's military satelite outpost in the floating city of New Balamb. The Lion's Pride succeeds in securing the outpost and use the Fringe Empire's Kinetic Strike Satelites to drive the remaining Fringe forces off the planet, making Balambia the first planet to secure their freedom from the Fringe Empire.

20 years ago:
Fringe forces lose the naval battle of Mando-V, losing their last fleet of ships in the system and finally driving them out of the Orion Galaxy for good.

19 years ago:
The United Systems Alliance or U.S.A. is established, creating a unified government throughout the Orion Galaxy, in the floating city of New Balamb.

Major Organizations:

The United Systems Alliance: The USA was established 19 years ago after the Fringe Empire was expelled from the Orion Galaxy on the planet of Balambia. This treaty works on a democratic system of government with representatives from each of the major planets meeting to discuss trade and military decisions. The USA controls the largest military throughout the galaxy: The USA Interplanetary Marines, but each planet each houses its own military with the exception of Mando-V. The USA also employs the use of the Star Marshals to protect laws across the galaxy.

The Star Marshals: As the universal police force through the galaxy, the Star Marshals hold offices on each planet and in nearly every city throughout the galaxy. Officers withing the Star Marshal's go through years of intense training before they recieve their badges. In more populated areas, the Star Marshals act as a normal police force, while out on the reaches of space they act individually to bring in dangerous fugitives.

Fringe Empire: Once the ruling body throughout the Orion Galaxy and beyond, the Fringe Empire has not been seen in the Orion Galaxy since their defeat in the battle of Mando-V. There are rumors that there are remnants of the Fringe Empire's navy hiding out on the surface of Mando-V, wating for the Empire to make a return to the galaxy.

The Golden Grin: The Golden Grin is an underground syndicate of smugglers and pirates that spans the Orion Galaxy. Ruled with an iron fist by the shadowy figure known only as Midus's Hand, the Golden Grin controls nearly all underground trade and illegal activities. Rumor has it that the Golden Grin maintains it's own fleet of pirates hidden among the billions of commets encircling the Orion Galaxy.

The Glotfree Mining Company: This is the company that has hired you recently. They are sending you and the other members of the caravan out past Mando-V into the Commet Belt to set up a mining colony. Your skills have been chosen to help that colony to succeed.


Terseus: This desert planet is the homeworld to the Vesk who were enslaved under the rule of the Fringe Empire. It's harsh climate makes living there a chore. It's saving grace are the vast untapped mineral deposites burried beneath the sands.

Ender-III: The home planet of the Kasathu, Ysoki, and Shirrens, this jungle world has lush vegetation across most of its surface. Due to it's temperate climates, Ender-III produces much of the food that is distributed throughout the galaxy. Relations between the races on the planet are often strained due to the Ysoki and Shirren having been enslaved under the Fringe Empire, while the Kasathu were raised up as a warrior caste within the Empire.

Balambia Called the 'City of the Floating Cities', Balambia is home to the United Systems Alliance and the headquarters of the Star Marshals. Perhaps the most defining feature of the planet save for its wide oceans and temperate climate is its cities, which all fly in the air, capable of flying anywhere on the planet if necessary.

Chel/The Shell: These two planets hold close orbit to one another, creating an almost ying-yang effect. Chel, is a lush jungle planet, completely unclaimed from the reaches of technology. Magic runs wild across its surface, causing periodic Mana-storms that can help or hinder any that get caught in their path. During the Fringe Empire's rule, magic users were heavily prosecuted and sent to Chel's death camps after being proccessed on The Shell.

The Shell, on the other hand, is an entirely man-made city-planet. The Fringe Built it as a mobile military command center initially, but it was ultimately repurposed as the capital of the Fringe Empire in the Orion Galaxy. Many of the Androids and SRO's through the galaxy can trace their lineage to one of the massive city-foundries that dot the surface of The Shell. Since falling under the rule of the USA, The Shell and Chel have become a popular vacation spot for many people through the galaxy. Tensions still run high between the magic-users of Chel and the techno-philes of The Shell.

The homeworld of the Lashunta, Mando-V was once a thriving civilization that was at the fore-front of technological research and culture. Unfortunately, it was also the first civilisation that came into contact with the Fringe Empire when they invaded. Fiercely independant, the lashunta refused annexation from the Empire and fought back. This led to an all-out war that ravaged the surface of the world with oribital-bombardments from the Fringe navy. In a last-ditched effeort to save the planet, the Lashunta military employed a detachment of spell-casters who attempted to blast the fleet out of orbit. Their magics became unstable, though, resulting in a mana-scar that slashed out across the planet, effectively cutting it in half.

During Fringe occupation, the planet was used as a prisoner colony. Fringe forces would send slaves and criminals to the planet to mine for this physical manifestation of magic created in the Spellscar that they would use to power their technology and further their research. Since the Fringe Empire has been expelled from the galaxy, law and order have slowly made its way back to the planet. The USA pardoned all prisoners on the planet, but many chose to stay, planning on making it rich mining for mana-shards. The Star Marshals control all traffic off the planet to cut down on the raider clans that roam the wastes from escaping the world, but are stretched too thin to truly bring the planet back under the control of the USA.

Character Creation Rules:

I'm going to leave this pretty lax. You can come up with any background you want for you character. The only things off limits on the starjammer website are things marked as third-party. I'm not saying you can't use them, just that you clear it with me first.

There are just a few things I'm going to require of you:
Background: Give me a paragraph or two about who your character is. Let me know where he/she comes from and what he/she does. I'm not looking for a novel here, but anyhting you can give me will help me out.

Personality: What's your character like? Easiest way to do this is 2 boons and a flaw. By that I mean give me two things that are good about your character and one thing that's bad.

Important People: I want three important people from each of you. They can be family, friends, lovers, or rivals. It's really up to you. Give me their name, race, and how you are attached to them.

Appearance: Give me a brief description of what you look like. Also, I think it would be fun if each of you pick someone famous who would be playing your character if this was a movie.

And that's about it, guys! Go ahead and start building your characters. I'll probably go over your characters with each of you to help flesh them out before we start. You can reach me with any questions you may have in this thread or through text.

Hey everybody!

I have an inspired blade swashbuckler that just turned level 4 recently and while I was leveling up I was starting to look at the Kineticist. It got me thinking that maybe dipping it a little would bring something new to my scoundrel.

Now, I figured I would stick with the swash until lvl 5 so I can pick up rapier training. After that there isn't anything super amazing on the swash so I could pick up the kineticist then. I also figured when I do, I'd pick up the Overwhelming Soul and Elemental Annihilator for at least 5 levels for a quick boost to his blasts, CHA synergy, and Blast Training/ Everpresent threat.

So, I guess I have a few questions. 1. Would I be gimping myself too much by doing this? 2. Would I be better off only taking Overwhelming Soul for the CHA synergy and the utility powers? 3. Should I start taking feats now that'll help when I dip?

My current stats and feats are

STR: 13 DEX: 18 CON: 10 INT: 14 WIS: 10 CHA: 15

Human Swash 1: Swash Finnesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier), Fencing Grace, Combat Reflexes
Swash 2:
Swash 3: Dodge
Swash 4: (Undetermined Combat Bonus Feat)

I was thinking of taking the ability score increase in CHA to boost my Panache and my kineticist powers when I dip.

If anyone could help me out with those questions and maybe a sample build of what I could do with this idea, I'd really appreciate it. I just have this picture of him dancing around the battlefield stabbing people with his rapier and blasting people with a cocky smile on is face that I can't get out of my head

Ok, so a month ago a group was started to take back the Stolen Lands for Restov, but sadly we only reached Oleg's before our GM suddenly disappeared. So, I'm asking if someone would be willing to pick up a group of eager Pbp'ers who want to continue the journey!

Hey, all.

I need some help with an idea for a new character. I'm in a two person homebrew campaign that will start us in Sandpoint and take us up to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. According to our GM most of our time will be spent up north and we won't be in Varasia for very long. The other character in the group is a LG Ranger (yeah I know CE and LG working together is a bad idea) whose focus is on TWF.

I was thinking on sticking with the antipaladin until I could pick up Shadowdancer and then run the character through that entire class. Also, I'm thinking about using a scimitar and picking up Dervish dance which will allow me to use Dex to damage and hit.

I'm really willing to bend any which way with this. I just thought the idea was neat and was seeing what I could do with it. It doesn't have to be an optimized build, just a usable one.

Starting level: 5
Stats (rolled for them): 18,18,14,14,13,13
One final note, I'm willing to use any race too.