
Orin Oakhammer's page

87 posts. Alias of Fanguar.

The instructions left at your resistance dead drop were brief, but clear, be at the Poison Apple Pub a little before midnight on New Year’s Eve to meet a contact that goes by Torrent, and to use the alley door.

The people of the city know an army is on the way, so the streets are fairly deserted and normal New Year's eve festivities muted, as you head to your rendezvous. The pub is in a poorer district about a mile from the western city wall, full of slush-covered cobblestone streets and dark, snow-filled alleyways. The evening is dark and claustrophobic, the multistory buildings of the city looming in the night, no lights in most windows.

The pub is a two-story building attached by a rooftop bridge to a neighboring house. The door and windows are boarded up, and the curtains drawn. A notice has been posted on its door:

Trehan Finner, owner of the Poison Apple Pub, has been taken into temporary custody under the protection of the city guard, until such time that he can be questioned by representatives of the Ragesian Empire, and found innocent of hostile collusion. The Poison Apple Pub is hereby closed until further notice.

The alley door opens a crack at your knock, but is soon opened fully by a tall, distinctive looking woman with tanned skin and short white hair who invites you inside. The darkened pub is mostly empty, its many tables and chairs pushed to one wall and covered with sheets. A single table sits in the middle of the room, with several chairs around it. A small oil lamp and a keg sit on top of it, along with several mugs. At the back corner of the common room beside the bar, a staircase leads upstairs. The windows and door facing onto the street are closed, and you know they have been boarded up from the outside. On the wall behind the bar hangs a bronze bust of the former emperor of Ragesia, Drakus Coaltongue, a regal, aged half-orc with a scar cutting diagonally across his face.

“Thanks for coming,” the woman says. “Have a drink. Just because we’re about to go to war doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the new year. We'll get started once everyone is here."

Once everyone has chimed in, we'll get this show on the road.

Welcome aboard folks.

Please finish up your characters and feel free to make tweaks now that you know what the rest of the part if going to be.

If you have any questions, let me know.

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Hello Everyone,

I’ve been really getting back into the PbP groove as of late, so I’ve decided to push it to limit and run a game that I’ve been wanting to for a while, EN publishing’s War of the Burning Sky. I will be running it as a PF1e restricted Gestalt game (see character creation spoilers for details).

Setting the Stage:

It is New Year’s eve in the free city-state of Gate Pass. Located in the mountain pass which separates two hostile nations, Ragesia and Shahalesti, Gate Pass has been neutral since the end of their last war, but now from Ragesia a new menace comes for the city.

By now, every magic-user in Gate Pass knows of the Scourge. The Emperor of Ragesia died barely a month ago, and in a move to cement herself as the next emperor of Ragesia, Leska, leader of the Ragesian inquisitors, has decreed that all disloyal users of magic, arcane or divine, are to be tracked down and killed, to prevent future threats to the empire. To carry out Leska’s command, the inquisitors, clerics specialized in countermagic, travel with military escorts to the borders of Ragesia. Their first target is Gate Pass, its neutrality long viewed as an insult to the nation’s honor. Those who resist them will have to face the searing power of the Ragesian Empire.

An entire army marches for Gate Pass, and the people of the city fear that they will not be able to resist the might of the Ragesian military. The city leaders are bowing under pressure, and have barred the exit from the city, intending to welcome the inquisitors that come with the army, for they foolishly hope that the Ragesians will reward their cooperation with mercy.

A local resistance movement, devoted to keeping both the Ragesians and the Shahalesti out of the city, has gathered vital military intelligence, and they need messengers to deliver the information to allies at a distant wizard’s school. With all their strongest warriors preparing to hold back the Ragesian assault, this vital mission falls to a party of desperate heroes.

The Ragesian army is nearly at Gate Pass’s doorstep, so time is short. The war is about to begin

Gate Pass:
The Free Citystate of Gate Pass lies in a rocky mountain pass that runs east to west between Ragesia and Shahalesti. Sheer cliffs mark its northern and southern borders, and fortifications built up over centuries have made the city highly defensible, allowing it to avoid being annexed by either of the nations that surround it. These same fortifications, unfortunately, make it difficult for anyone to sneak out of the city without going through any of the numerous gates that give the city its name.

Gate Pass has the distinction of being the only city to successfully drive out occupation by the Ragesian Empire. Forty years ago, Emperor Coaltongue defeated the city’s army, set up a military government, and erected a 90-foot-tall statue of himself in the grand square on Summer’s Bluff before moving on to his next conquest. For two years, citizens waged an insurgency against the occupying army, until finally Coaltongue decided the city wasn’t worth the loss of men.

Shahalesti and Ragesia, once allies, were approaching open war, and Coaltongue declared that he would withdraw from Gate Pass, if the Lord of Shahalesti agreed to leave the city as a neutral buffer between their two nations. The elves agreed, the city celebrated its victory, and trade between the two nations began to flow.


The Ragesian Empire is based in the capital city of Ragos, located on central lowlands dominated by many lakes. While the core of the empire is populated heavily by orcs and half-orcs, the outer regions have wildly diverse cultures and populations, the result of having once been many separate nations before being conquered. Every region has a large component of orcs in the population, along with heavy military presence to ensure loyalty and peace. Though the people of Ragesia have been conquered, most are content that they live today in relative safety. Given the power of the empire, rebellion just doesn’t seem worth it. The majority of the population is still human however, and different ethnic groups remain mostly concentrated in their old homelands, which are often separated by low, long mountain ranges.


On the far side of the mountains that mark Ragesia’s eastern border spreads the Shining Land of Shahalesti, ruled by Lord Shaaladel, a middle-aged elf who rose from being a military commander to the nation’s ruler during the ascension of the Ragesian Empire. Shahalesti was in danger of being conquered like Ragesia’s other neighbors, and Shaaladel’s aggressive displays of force, including the conquest and destruction of two nearby elvish lands that were hostile to it, are credited as major reasons why Ragesia has so far not looked east for conquest.

Shahalesti is not an entirely elvish nation. The majority of its population is human, but they live as commoners with little real power. The aristocracy is almost exclusively elvish, as well as the higher ranks among the military. Despite a grudging alliance with Ragesia, however, orcs and half-orcs are despised and persecuted, unable to hold any public positions, often horribly exploited as nearly slave labor. A few outposts of wealthy orcs with ties to Ragesia have tried to start their own communities, causing a steady source of internal strife.


The Kingdom of Dassen lies to the south of Ragesia, and the southwest of Shahalesti, its borders defined by craggy mountains defended by hundreds of small dwarven strongholds. Dassen’s people, a swarthy assortment of humans and dwarves, cherish their land, to the point that superstitious cavalrymen even put dirt in their boots so they never have to stop touching the soil of their homeland.

King Steppengard rules a patchwork of eight feudal holdings, many of them controlled by distant relatives with claims to the throne of numbing complexity. To assure that he never has to worry about untangling these claims, Steppengard has had a huge family with eighteen children, all of them legitimate on the word of his oath.

Player handouts(Maps)

Who Are you?: The PC’s are members of the local Gate Pass Ragesian resistance movement, or at least trusted associates of it. Perhaps you are a local, a refugee from the last war or a recent arrival to the city having fled the Scourge. Regardless of your past, as a magic user refusing to submit to the Ragesian Empire, you have reason to fear being caught up in the purge when the its army arrives to claim the city.

Some stuff to know before you get started: (1) This adventure was written for 3.X D&D and I plan to run it mostly as is and only convert things as needed on the fly. As such, there might be the occasional weird non-RAW pathfinder thing. It should be fine, but just a heads up. (2) I will be using google docs for maps and the like, so if you can’t access those while posting, you’re going to have a bad time. (3) I generally post once per day and am looking for people with similar posting habits.

With that out of the way, I’m looking for 5ish first level PCs.

Character Creation Guidelines:

Ability Scores:

15 point buy, Max HP at start.

Recall that:
• Strength measures muscle and physical power.
• Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance.
• Constitution represents your character's health and stamina.
• Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons.
• Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, awareness, and intuition.
• Charisma measures a character's personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance.

For each ability score ≥16 or ≤ 8, include a characteristic in your PC description associated with that ability. These are your defining features and, if nothing else, are how other people would describe you.

Allowed Races:

• All core plus Orc
• The region is predominantly human. As such, expect a slight bias towards selecting human and half-human PCs.

Allowed Classes:

• All Paizo with the exception of Gunslingers, Ninjas and Samurais, as they don’t fit the setting, and I will consider 3rd party classes on a case-by-case basis. Going to say no to Spheres of Power though.

• Unchained versions of the Barbarian, Monk, Rogue can be used and the unchained Summoner must be used.

• Note of Gestalt: To fit the narrative of the campaign, one half of your gestalt build must be a caster (divine or arcane). Occult classes would count as arcane casters.

Skills, Feats, etc:

• We will be using the background skills alternative rules.

• No crafting, as per PFS organized play rules.

• We will be using the Elephant in the room alternate rules. For those not familiar it basically removes a lot of the feat taxes that exist in the game and tweaks a few other aspects of the game.

• One trait, but make sure it fits your fluff. No drawbacks.

• Average starting gold.

Character Fluff:

• I’m not looking for a ton, but please give me enough of a character sketch so I can get a feel for how you plan on playing the character. You can even just describe your character in terms of other fictional characters, or just in terms of your ability score descriptions. While I don't need more than a few sentences, feel to elaborate as much as you want. Honestly, this is as much for you as for me. These campaigns go on forever, so create a PC you want to spend some time with.

• I’d also appreciate it if you can give a bit of idea of what you envision your party role would be. Frontline bruiser, ranged caster, party face, etc.

Note on applications: You don’t need to have a fully complete character sheet and profile to apply. What I do need is a brief description of your character (race, classes/archetypes, party role, etc) and a sketch of your character background. If you get selected, then you can flesh out the details. For now, I’m looking for some cool and interesting character concepts that fit the setting and would work well together.

Tentative Deadline: Assuming sufficient interest, recruitment will be open for expressions of interest until Monday, April 26th and I’ll probably review and select PCs on the Wednesday.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Welcome aboard folks.

Let's finish up our characters and make any tweaks you want to, now that you know the rest of the party's composition.

There's 6 of you, so you should have all the basis covered.

Island at the Center of the World:
   Act 1: The R.N.S. Coaltongue

Risur and Danor have been at war on-and-off for two centuries for control of the lush Yerasol Archipelago that lies between them. The current ruler of Risur, King Aodhan, was just a common soldier during in the Third Yerasol War, which ended forty years ago. He captured territory for Risur, earned the respect of the military and the adulation of the common people, and even seized control of Danor’s first steam-powered warship. People of Flint still talk about the day when he single-handedly steered the ship into Flint’s harbor as a spoil of war.

The king of the time chose Aodhan as his successor, and in the four decades since Risur has gone from owning a single captured steam engine to having an industrial revolution of its own. Today it prepares to launch its first armored warship to solely use steam propulsion: the R.N.S. Coaltongue, named after a mythic warlord said to have breathed smoke and fire.

King Aodhan has come to Flint from Risur’s capitol to witness the ship’s launch.

Feel free to dot the thread, and we'll get started shortly.

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Setting the Stage: Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and winds sweeping across its majestic harbor blow the choking products of industrial forges into the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains. Since the earliest ages when the people of Risur founded this city, they feared the capricious beings that hid in those fog-shrouded peaks, but now, as the march of progress and the demands of national defense turn Flint into a garden for artifice and technology, the old faiths and rituals that kept the lurkers of the woods at bay are being abandoned.

The Unseen Court, the Great Hunt, and the many spirits of the land long ago conquered by Risur’s kings no longer receive tribute, but they cannot enter these new cities of steam and steel to demand their tithe. The impoverished workers who huddle in factory slums fear monsters of a different breed, shadowy children of this new urban labyrinth. Even their modern religions have no defenses against these fiends.

Times are turning. The skyseers, Risur’s folk prophets since their homeland’s birth, witness omens in the starry wheels of heaven, and they warn that a new age is nigh. But what they cannot foresee, hidden beyond the steam and soot of the night sky, is the face of this coming era, the spirit of the new age. The zeitgeist.

Who Are you?: The PCs are all members of the Royal Homeland Constabulary, a Risuri organization created to monitor threats to the nation, both homegrown and from foreign lands. Every constable must have passed a background check and magical inquisition to prove his or her loyalty to Risur. These precautions allow even foreign-born citizens to serve, giving the constabulary a valuable tool in pursuing investigations overseas. The RHC uses a combination of investigators, spies, and warriors to root out, undermine, capture, and if necessary kill any groups who endanger Risur.

You will need the player’s guide to properly make you character: Extended Player's Guide or Basic Player’s Guide The extended player’s guide has more setting information and a few more interesting details that may be of use.

What to know before you get started: Just a heads up that the campaign requires the PCs to be more proactive than your typical AP, so if you prefer a more reactive style of play, this game might not be for you. Also please note that this campaign was originally designed for 4e and the pathfinder version still contains some of the remnant quirks of the 4e system. This is a fairly RP heavy campaign dotted with major set piece combat encounters. I find the pathfinder versions of some of these encounters lack the pizzazz of the original 4e encounters, and as such I plan on cribbing cool abilities and probably throwing the occasional group of minions into the fray as needed. If you don’t like it when the baddies have abilities that PCs don’t or really hate the minion mechanic, you may have a bad time.

With that out of the way let’s get started.

Character Creation Guidelines:

Ability Scores:

20 point buy, Max HP at start.

Recall that:
• Strength measures muscle and physical power.
• Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance.
• Constitution represents your character's health and stamina.
• Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons.
• Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, awareness, and intuition.
• Charisma measures a character's personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance.

For each ability score ≥16 or ≤ 8, include a characteristic in your PC description associated with that ability. These are your defining features and, if nothing else, are what the other PCs are familiar with about you. e.g. Low WIS: Absent Minded and never gets paperwork done on time, or High CHA: Always volunteers for special assignments, first one through the door during a raid.

Allowed Races::

• All core plus: Tiefling(no variants), Orc, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Gnoll, Deva (player's guide), Eladrin (player's guide, must be male), Dragonkin and Minotaur (both from Kobold Press)

• Elf vs Eladrin is basically wood elf vs high elf.

• Note on monstrous races: Risur is a nation populated by core races. Those that are non-core either are expats from other nations (mostly Ber), or are parts of remnant slave populations. As such, there will be certain racist and/or political consequences to playing these races, especially when dealing with the nobility.

• Risur is predominantly human in composition, and while the RHC is a bit more diverse than the general public, it is still populated mostly by humans. As such, expect a slight bias towards selecting human PCs.

Allowed Classes:

• Tentatively, any Paizo, and I will consider 3rd party classes on a case-by-case basis.

• Unchained versions of the Barbarian, Monk, Rogue can be used and the unchained Summoner must be used.

• Risuri natives tend to favor arcane, martial, and nature-oriented classes. Most witches in the region tend to follow fey patrons, since the nature of the planes makes it difficult to contact infernal or far realm patrons. Sorcerers suffer an equal distribution of bloodline, with aberrant and fiendish bloodlines being far rarer than fey or elemental.

• Druids and rangers are well-known and received, but oracles tend to be more common than clerics, since there aren’t established churches to train the pious. Most divine class PCs would be foreign born and probably affiliated with the Cergy, a human centric religion that holds that every mortal can empower himself, even reach godhood, if he confronts the challenges of the world.

Skills, Feats and Traits:

• This campaign has a lot of skill based encounters and combat encounters usually have a goal other than simply defeating the enemies. As such, I would recommend that your PC be better at things other than just combat.

• Profession(sailor) will be useful, as the RNC has ships you can requisition, but other Profession skills don't play much of a role.

• We will be using the background skills alternative rules.

• No crafting, as per PFS organized play rules.

• Everyone gets a theme feat, based on their selected theme from the player's guide. Themes play a role in certain side-plots or provide other options during play. Each selected PC will have a different theme feat, I will not be doubling up.

• Everyone gets Toughness as a bonus feat. All the RHC conditioning training has been paying off.

• We will be using the Elephant in the room alternate rules. For those not familiar it basically removes a lot of the feat taxes that exist in the game and tweaks a few other aspects of the game, such as how you can deal non-lethal damage.

• None. There’s enough other goodies.

Wealth and Equipment:

• Max gold to start, but you don't keep unspent gold.

• The campaign uses the commonplace guns rules. Advanced firearms will not be available for purchase.

• As mentioned in the player's guide, the PCs are government employees and are paid a monthly stipend. Consider yourselves to have wages on par with low rank military officers and guard captains. You're comfortable, but far from wealthy. This being the case, you don't need to track living expenses and mundane purchases.

• Professional equipment is provided by, and property of, the Risur Homeland Constabulary. You may keep said equipment on your person, in your locker at the office or at home, but you are responsible for it anytime it leaves the RHC office. All equipment is provided through the requisitions office and is signed for by the PCs. It can be required to be returned at any time.

• Depending on the job at hand, PCs will be given a specific requisition gold limit. This is the total limit you can requisition without further authorization. Items may be returned and exchanged at any time. There will be no buying and selling of equipment.

• Items found during the course of an RHC operation are to be handed in to the office at the earliest opportunity. Items found on suspects remain the property of the suspect unless they are deemed to have been used in criminal activities or were purchased with the proceeds of crime. In the latter cases they are confiscated by the RHC requisitions office. There is no looting while on the clock. That being said, yes you may use items that you find during the course of an assignment, but they should be filed and handed into the requisition officer as soon as possible.

Background fluff:

• RNC officers are usually recruited from the ranks of the military, civilian police forces, or academia. Occasionally, applications are submitted by private individuals or foreign nationals.

• For your background I would like:
  1. How long have you been on the force? (FYI the RNC is 30 years old. You start off at the bottom of the seniority list, so if you are a veteran, why haven't you advanced?)
  2. What prompted the RNC to recruit you, or, if you applied, why did they accept your application?
  3. Why did you accept/apply? (Note: Candidates submit to extensive magical mind reading before they are accepted. The RNC has never been infiltrated by a spy, so no double agents allowed. Your loyalty to Risur is beyond reproach.)
  4. Brief character sketch. (You can even just describe your character in terms of other fictional characters, or just in terms of your ability score descriptions.)

• I don't need more than a few sentences, but elaborate as much as you want. Honestly, this is as much for you as for me. There is a fair bit of RP in this campaign, so create a PC you want to spend some time with.

Setting Specific Magical Quirks To be Aware of:

• For setting reasons, extended magical flight or planar travel (more than 5 minute) is prohibited. Similarly, summon creatures can only remain for 5 minutes.

• Gold blocks teleportation. Wearing a gold ring or necklace prevents an individual from being teleported.

• People generally stay dead. Raise dead, and similar magics are pretty rare and don’t always work. The adventures take this into account, but still play safe.

Note on applications: You don’t need to have a fully complete character sheet and profile to apply. What I do need is a brief description of your character (race, class/archetype, party role, campaign theme, etc) and sketch of your character background. If you get selected, then we can flesh things out. For now, I’m looking for cool and interesting character concepts that fit the setting and would work well together as a RHC team.

Tentative Deadline: Recruitment will be open until Friday, February 19th, though if there is a lot of interest, I may close it early. I am looking for 5 players, no more, no less.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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Hello Folks,

I've been getting a bit of an itch to try my hand at running En publishing Zeitgeist campaign again. (Full disclosure: I ran it on the boards a number of years ago and it fizzled out during an investigation section in the second book).

The campaign kind of needs the PCs to be on the more proactive side of things, so it makes it a bit harder to do in PbP, but I think with a group of engaged and active players it's totally doable.

The setting is super cool and the adventures are pretty great, so I would love to take another crack at it. If you are interested in some steampunky goodness, drop a post and if enough people chime in, I'll set up a proper recruitment thread.

For those not familiar, here a link to the Extended Player's Guide


Hello Folks,

My Savage Tide AP has stalled a bit and I'm looking for 1-2 new players to help get it back on track. We're still in book 1 and everyone is still level 1, (though nearing 2).

Post With Setting Information. The campaign is being run in the Greyhawk setting, but specific knowledge of it is not required. Full players guide can be found here.

As of right now, I have for sure a fighter(siegebreaker) and shadow oracle, probably a ranger(divine hunter), and possibly a Inquisitor(Sanctified slayer). I'm looking characters that would compliment the current party set up.

Player expectations: Being able to reliably check and post would be appreciated. I don't always post every day, so I don't expect my players to. That being said, the more engaged the players are, the more engaged I am. As long as there are players that interested in playing this game, I will keep running the campaign. (My current record is a Shattered Star AP that is almost done the 5th book and still going strong after more years than I care to think about.)

The story so far...:

The PCs were hired by a young noble, Lavinia Vanderboren, to investigate the impounding of her ship, the Blue Nixie. She needed access to the ship to retrieve a signet ring to gain access to her family vault. Her parents had recently died in a fire and without access to the family treasury, her finances were in dire straights.

The port authority had impounded her ship due to her not paying the moorage fees, even though she had already done so. As shenanigans were afoot, the PCs were hired to investigate.

After dealing with the bureaucracy of the Harbourmaster's office with little success, the party decided to investigate the ship itself. They discovered that it was being used as temporary storage for an exotic animal smuggling operation. The party dealt with the thugs involved, recovered Lavinia's moorage fee payment and found the Vanderboran signet ring.

Following this success, the party was offered a retainer by Lavinia to be her personal problem solvers. After accepting, the party escorted Lavinia to her family vault, ran afoul of its construct guardian and solved the puzzle lock that sealed it. Inside, Lavinia found a large amount of the expected funds to be missing, but more than enough still remained to settle her debts. After paying the PCs their promised fees, the PCs were given some time for R&R.

New PCs will be introduced in the same role, when Lavinia summons the party with another task.

Character Creation Guidelines:

Stats: 2d7+4 x6 or 20pt buy (whichever is higher)

Class: Any pathfinder. Unchained variants are fine. (3.5e D&D or 3rd party will be considered by request.) Start lvl 1.

Race: Core plus ratfolk preferred, but others may be accepted if there is some compelling reason.

HPs: Max at first, 1/2HD+1 each subsequent level.

Traits: None, but gain a bonus district feat as mentioned in the setting post linked above/player's guide.

Starting wealth: Average +500gp.

Background: A rough sketch is fine. One important detail to include is one recent notable event that has occurred that would mark your character as an 'adventurer' to someone looking to hire some problem-solvers. The event doesn't have to have made the newspapers or anything, but it does need to be reasonably public, if only to those in the know.

Thanks for the interest and let me know if you have any questions.

While relaxing at one of your usual haunts, you are approached by an elderly halfling woman. She politely addresses you by name and once you confirm your identity, she hands you a sealed envelop.


Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in good health!

My name is Lavinia Vanderboren and I humbly request your attendance at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink Lane tomorrow evening. I think that I can present an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invitation, and I hope to be speaking to you soon.

-Lavinia Vanderboren

Know(nobility) DC15:
The Vanderborans are an old local nobel family. Lavinia is the eldest daughter of the family.

Know(Local) DC15:
A month ago a tragic fire claimed the lives of of Verik and Larissa Vanderboren. The Vanderborens were survived by their two children, Lavinia and Vanthus.

The wizened little halfling patiently stands by while you read the note and awaits your reply.

I assume no one is going to refuse the call to adventure, but this gives everyone a chance to post something to tag the thread so the campaign will show up on your page.

The Setting:

The City of Sasserine lies perched on the edge of the known world, the last stop before the endless expanse of the Amedio Jungle. It is a hub for trade and home to more than fifteen thousand souls. Sassarine stands as a bastion of civilization in a realm plagued by piracy, disease, violent weather, and monsters.

Sassarine is in every way a city of industry. All seven districts feature large arrays of shops ranging from simple groceries to specialized buildings like potion shops, dagger sellers, exotic pet shops and magic item bazaars. There is little that cannot be purchased openly somewhere in Sasserine with the exception of hard drugs, dangerous monsters, slaves, and other criminal services. Though with the right connections, these too can be found for sale in the city’s numerous black markets.

The city itself is governed by a group of seven noble families called the Dawn Council, each representing one of the city’s seven districts. Likewise, each district has a common faith shared by many of its citizens. When you create your character, you should bear the nature of your district’s nobility and religions in mind, although you aren’t required to pick the same diety or ally your interests with those of your council representative. Each district also has bonus feats associated with it and you may select one from your home district as part of character creation.

Districts of the City

Azure District:

The Azure District is Sasserine’s true waterfront. Consisting of two sections, Azure District also houses the majority of the city’s slums and lower-class citizens, although they aren’t quite as desperate a catch as those forced to live in Shadowshore. The western section of Azure District is primarily concerned with the city’s internal waterways, while the eastern section is home to the city’s booming whaling industry.

Azure District’s representative nobles are the Islarans. The family has held the post of harbormaster for many generations, although rumor holds that old Keltar Islaran’s getting on in years and none of his children particularly want the job when he passes on. Rumors also hold that the Kellani family has designs on this post, but with relations between these two families being as choppy as they are these days, it’s unlikely that such a transfer will occur while old Keltar still lives.

If you’re from Azure District, you probably spent a fair portion of your youth at sea. You have friends or family that work in the whaling industry, and may have spent some time on a whaling ship yourself. You likely worship at the Azure Cathedral, a temple dedicated to Osprem (the goddess of ships and sailors), Procan (the god of the sea), and Xerbo (the god of sea trade). Alternately, you could worship all three, in which case you have access to the domains of Luck, Strength, Travel, and Water. Clerics who worship all three of these deities may be of any alignment.

District Bonus Feat
Water Rat [General]
Most of Azure District’s citizens learn to swim at a very early age, and take to the water as easily as land.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Swim checks. When wearing light or no armor and not encumbered, fatigued, or exhausted, you can swim at one-half your speed as a move action or your full speed as a full-round action. While swimming, you gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks.

Normal: Without the benefits of this feat, a character swims at one-quarter his speed as a move action or at one-half speed as a full-round action.

Champion’s District:

The Champion’s District towers over Sasserine’s western skyline, a district of soldiers, gladiators, mercenaries, and warriors who follow in the footsteps of the city’s first lord-mayor, a priest of Kord named Teraknian. Champion’s District has a not-so-friendly relationship with the Noble District, and citizens see themselves as the true and rightful leaders of the city.

Champion’s District’s representative nobles are the Lorchesters, old blood who have been established in Sasserine nearly from the city’s foundation. The family’s patriarch, Neldrak Lorchester, is generally thought to be a bit too scheming for his own good. The Lorchesters have recently clashed with Cudgel District’s Taskerhill family over ownership of Thunder River Lumber. Closer to home, they’ve been at odds with another Champion’s District noble family, the Toregsons. Rumor holds that the source of the conflict between the Lorchesters and the Toregsons has something to do with the Smith’s Guild.

If you’re from Champion’s District, you may belong to a minor noble family, and have probably been to the Sasserine Arena several times. You might know someone who has fought in the arena, and may have desires to test your mettle there yourself someday. Alternately, you may be interested in exploring the Amedio Jungle to try to gather trophies (living or dead) for Zelkarune’s Horns, the organization of mercenaries, hunters, and explorers that runs the Sassarine Arena. If you’re of a less martial bent but still hail from this district, perhaps you have some ties to the Scarlet Embassy, the new outpost of the sinister and (some would say) untrustworthy Scarlet Brotherhood. Although it’s unlikely you’re fully a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood, the Embassy has been known to accept locals as agents or apprentices from time to time. You likely worship Kord, or possibly St. Cuthbert. If you worship Wee Jas, you keep your faith personal and close to your chest.

District Bonus Feat (Pick one)

Arena Blood [General]
The blood of an arena champion flows in your veins, giving you a thirst for glory and a drive to succeed.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Intimidate skill checks. In addition, whenever you successfully demoralize an opponent using the Intimidate skill during combat you are immediately healed of 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. You also gain a +2 morale bonus on grapple checks, sunder attempts, trip attempts, bull rush attempts, and disarm attempts if you are aware of any noncombatants observing a fight you are participating in.


Steadfast Loyalty [General]
Self control and discipline are the birthright of many who grow up in Champion’s District, and you strive to uphold these ideals.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Will saving throws against charm, compulsion, and fear eff ects. In addition, if you have the Leadership feat, your leadership score increases by +1.

Cudgel District:

The Cudgel District is primarily a residential district. Due to the vigilance of the local watch and the church of St. Cuthbert, it’s also the safest district in Sasserine. The citizens of Cudgel District know this, yet they are not a soft people; they remain ever vigilant to the threat of attack from without in the form of bullywugs or pirates, or from within in the form of thieves and traitors.

Cudgel District’s representative nobles are the Taskerhills. Although they’re hardly the oldest noble family in Sasserine, the Taskerhills are easily the richest. Their ownership of Thunder River Lumber has ensured a constant inflow of profit for hundreds of years. The current patriarch of this noble family is a man named Kalmadar Taskerhill. A recent scandal involving his older brother, a noble of the nearby city of Cauldron, has done some unfortunate damage to the family name, and Kalmadar’s primary concern today is to repair this damage in any way he can. As a result, he’s been spending a lot of time away from home visiting his brother’s family.

If you’re from Cudgel District, it’s possible you’ve never left Sasserine. Indeed, it’s possible you’ve never even left Cudgel District. The outer world is a place of mystery and perhaps fear for you, yet you may be equally intrigued by its lures. You likely worship St. Cuthbert, or perhaps Kord. If you’re a ranger, your favored enemy is probably humanoid (humans), as you’ve learned that humanity has the greatest capacity for evil and treachery. Of the seven districts, the citizens of Cudgel are the least likely to seek an adventurous lifestyle. Those who do become adventurers are viewed by family and neighbors as black sheep.

District Bonus Feat

Suspicious Eye [General]
You are always on the lookout for treachery and wrongdoing, like many of the other people from Cudgel District.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Sense Motive skill checks. In addition, the DC to take an object from you through the Sleight of Hand skill is increased to 25. You still receive the normal opposed Perception skill check to notice the attempt, and if you make this Perception check, you may immediately make an attack of opportunity on the target who was attempting to pick your pocket. If someone attempts the feint combat maneuver on you, you gain a +4 bonus on your Sense Motive check to avoid the feint.

Normal: The DC to take an object from a character through the Sleight of Hand skill is 20.

Merchant District:

Sasserine’s heart, and perhaps even its soul, is lodged firmly in the Merchant District. The first district most visitors reach, it’s often the only one they need ever explore. Merchant District shops run the gamut from simple grocers to specialized buildings like potion emporiums, dagger sellers, exotic pet dealers, and magic item bazaars.

The Merchant District’s representative nobility are the Arabanis. Lady Anwyn Arabani is an eccentric noblewoman who has a strange fascination with drow, and even claims to have drow ancestors (although her relatively pale skin would indicate otherwise). She’s quite popular, as she goes above and beyond to ensure the people of Merchant District have fair representation in the Dawn Council. She entertains many suitors, but has yet to settle on a single person to share her estate.

If you’re from Merchant District, you could be from anywhere. You may have grown up in Sasserine, or you might have only recently come to the city on the decks of a ship from anywhere else in the world, in which case your reasons for staying can be as varied as your actual homeland. Natives of the Merchant District likely come from merchant families, or grew up the children of innkeepers or bartenders. You’re probably a very social creature, and the thought of isolation or the natural world fills you with nervous fear. If you’re a cleric, you might worship Fharlanghn, but in actuality this district is a melting pot of faiths.

District Bonus Feat

Merchant’s Tongue [General]
Growing up around the merchants of this district made you glib and gave you a keen eye for value.

Benefit: You have already made quite a bit of money, and have a knack for making more. If you take this feat at 1st level, you gain a one-time bonus of 300 gp to your starting cash. In addition, whenever you sell an object, you can make an opposed Diplomacy check to automatically sell an object for 5% over its asking price.

Noble District:

The Noble District has traditionally been thought of as the city’s ruling district, even though Castle Teraknian isn’t technically a part of this district. Yet Sasserine’s trust in its rulers has been shaken, and nowhere is that loss of faith more evident than in this district. Today, the citizens of Noble District spend too much time bickering with those of Champion’s District and trying to organize their district into a self-sustaining society. Idle talk of seceding from Sasserine is commonplace in Noble District bars. The other districts increasingly view the Noble District as a place of decadence and vanity, and eagerly await the district’s fall under its own excesses.

The Noble District’s representative nobility is the Lidu family. With the end of the Teraknian family line over 100 years ago, the Lidus became the oldest noble family in the city. The family patriarch, Worrin Lidu, is a kind-hearted noble who may be too gentle and forgiving to succeed in Sasserine as a successful noble. His major concern today seems to be the reconciliation of the churches of Wee Jas and Kord.

If you’re from Noble District, you’re not necessarily the member of a minor noble house, although if you’re not, you probably have friends or associates who are. You may be from the middle class, in which case your family serves one of the noble families in some regard. Or your family could be involved in the arcanist scene, in which case you are no stranger to magic. Finally, you may be a student at the House of the Dragon, recently graduated (or worse, flunked out) from higher education. Citizens of Noble District are clean, cultured, and eschew physical labor, preferring to hire muscle or use magic to take care of tough jobs. You likely worship Wee Jas. If you worship Kord, you keep your faith secret. If you’re a specialist wizard, you’ve probably chosen conjuration, enchantment, illusion, or necromancy as your field. Other specialist wizards are not unheard of, but those who opt to specialize as evokers or transmuters are often thought of as blowhards with something to prove.

District Bonus Feat (Pick one)

Academy Graduate [General]
You attended one of several academies in this district, during which you were schooled in the finer arts of being an aristocrat. Prerequisite: 1st level only.

Benefit: Pick any three Charisma- or Intelligence-based skills. These three skills are always considered class skills for you. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks, and may use these skills untrained.


Knack for Magic [General]
Magic is not that mysterious to you, and its gifts have made your life a little easier.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Spellcraft skill checks. In addition, you have an innate talent for magic, granting you the following spell-like abilities as a 1st-level caster: 1/day—detect magic, light, and prestidigitation.


Although relatively small, Shadowshore is perhaps the most notorious of Sasserine’s districts. This strip of land nestled in the shadow of Champion’s District has long been a haven for thieves, thugs, and criminals of all kind. Generally, the only people who live here are those poor enough that their homes hold no attraction to thieves or those who can ably protect their property by wit or muscle. The city watch has all but given up on Shadowshore, and as long as nothing particularly destructive arises from the district (such as fires or riots) they generally leave it to govern itself.

The representative noble of Shadowshore changes more often than any other, as the post is traditionally held by the family (or even the individual) strong enough to protect it from his enemies. Currently, the holder of this title is Emil Dracktus—certainly an assumed name. Rumor holds that the Dawn Council would rather have someone less crude and more reliable in this post. Someone like Vico Bevenin of the Amedio Trading Concern, perhaps. Yet for now, no one (Vico included) has made a move on Emil.

Shadowshore is where the dregs of Sasserine seep to. If you grew up here, you had a rough childhood, and may have been forced to kill someone in order to survive. You’ve certainly seen your fair share of dead bodies; they turn up often in the alleys or under the piers. If you’re not the thuggish type, you either spent a lot of time hiding or developed a knack for fighting dirty. You may have been taken under the wing of one of the few semi-legitimate businesses to operate here, but more likely you’re a true child of the streets. Faith is hard to come by here, but if you’re a cleric you probably worship Olidammara, and you know that the god of thieves has some presence within these drooping slums.

District Bonus Feat

Child of the Shadow [General]
You were raised in the streets and back alleys of Shadowshore and have refined several talents and tricks valuable to survival in this neighborhood.

Benefit: You know Sasserine’s black market quite well, and need not make checks to locate its outlets. Further, in other cities, you have a knack for rooting out the underground markets. You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks made to learn about a city’s black markets. Growing up on the filthy streets of Shadowshore has also gifted you with several tricks you can use to ensure survival. You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks in urban environments. You are also adept at fighting in confined areas, such as narrow city alleyways or crowded taprooms. Enemies cannot gain cover from you if they are in your reach; you can thus attack someone around a corner without penalty. A creature with total cover from you still receives all benefits of his cover.


Like the Cudgel District, Sunrise is primarily residential. Yet the citizens of Sunrise are generally a bit better-off than their neighbors, in no small part due to the fact that many of them have stakes in the numerous plantations that dot the region surrounding Sasserine.

Sunrise’s representative noble family is the Knowlern family. Unlike the nobles of the other districts, the Knowlerns are elves. Lord Aniphastus Knowlern and his family have taken the preservation of the region’s wildlands to heart, and the foundation of Sunrise’s Standing Stone Park is one of their proudest achievements.

If you’re from Sunrise, you pride yourself on your even temper, your friendliness, and your optimism. There are certainly a lot of rowdy folk in Sasserine, but most of them avoid Sunrise for one reason or another. You may have a healthy interest in the natural world, in which case you’ve spent long hours exploring the safety of Standing Stone Park. Many who live here work for one of the plantations to the south, either in the fields earning an honest day’s wage or in the plantations themselves as servants or specialists. Most of the people you know worship Pelor, although any of the officially recognized faiths of Sasserine are welcome here.

District Bonus Feat
Student of Nature [General]
The wild has always excited you with its simple beauty and majestic creatures. It is no wonder that many of your talents let you better enjoy the natural world.

Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival skill checks, and one is considered a class skill for you. You also get a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist special attacks from plant creatures.

Greyhawk Deity Primer for Sasserine(if needed):

Pelor (NG) - God of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing. - Symbol is a Stylized Sun-Face
Domains: Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Protection, Strength, Sun
Weapon: Heavy Mace

Fharlanghn (NG) - God of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads. = Symbol is a Wooden disk carved with curved Horizon
Domains: Earth, Luck, Protection, Travel, Weather
Weapon: Quarterstaff

Kord (CG) - God of Athletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, and Courage. - Symbol is a Star composed of spears and maces
Domains: Chaos, Glory, Courage, Good, Luck, Strength
Weapon: Greatsword

Olidammara (CN) - God of Music, Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, and Tricks. Symbol is a Laughing Mask
Domains: Chaos, Luck, Trickery, Darkness
Weapon: Rapier

Procan (CN) God of Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, and Navigation. - Symbol is a Trident over Cresting Wave
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Luck, Travel, Water, Weather
Weapon: Trident

Saint Cuthbert (LN) God of Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Truth, and Discipline. - Symbol is a Starburst of Rubies, Wooden Billet, and Crumpled Hat
Domains: Destruction, Nobility, Good, Law, Protection, Strength
Weapon: Club

Wee Jas (LE) Goddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law. - Symbol is a Red Skull in front of a Fireball
Domains: Death, Knowledge, Charm, Law, Magic
Weapon: Dagger

Osprem (LN) Goddess of Sea voyages, Ships, and Sailors. - Symbol is a Dolphin, Sperm Whale, or Barracuda
Domains: Law, Protection, Travel, Water
Weapon: Trident

Xerbo (N) God of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business. - Symbol is a Dragon Turtle
Domains: Animal, Knowledge, Travel, Water
Weapon: Trident

Dot it if you got it.

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Ok folks, let's consider this a bit of a session zero. I'm looking to get some feedback from potential players to better put together a game that people can get excited and engaged in. I've put together some polls. Once I've got the base data I'll put together some campaign concepts that I would be interested in running that fit and we can have another poll. In the end, if what gets picked doesn't interest you, feel free to bow out. If we need more warm bodies, I'll recruit, but I think having an invested core group will help.

RPG Systems I am Willing to Run:

- Pathfinder 1e
- Pathfinder 2e
- 3.5e D&D
- 5e D&D
- Shadow of the Demon Lord
- 13th Age
- Dungeon Crawl Classics

Of these I've only run games for D&D and 1e pathfinder and would say I only have system mastery of 3.5/pathfinder

Straw Poll. Choose all that apply.

Potential Setting:

This is somewhat dependent on the system, as some have certain elements baked into them.

- Standard fantasy (Forgotten realms, Golarion, etc)
- Eberron(High fantasy, airships, etc)
- Dark Sun (fantasy Mad max)
- Planescape (This would be set on Sigil)
- Gritty low magic (old school D&D, OSR)

*Not necessarily these exact settings, but they serve as solid stand ins for types of game environments.

Straw Poll Choose all that apply.

Game elements and style:

Again this is a bit dependent on system.

I like games where life is cheap, (have a back up character)
I like games where I’m the hero of the story (you have plot armor)
I like exploration based games (hexcrawly)
I like lots of dungeon exploration.
I like urban adventures.
I like emergent storytelling that evolves as the game progresses.
I like being part of a well outlined narrative (think adventure paths or 5e modules)

Straw poll Choose all that apply.

We can discuss this all in here as well, but I'm a sucker for data, so please take the time to do the polls.

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Hey Folks,

I'm looking for a couple of more PCs for a Zeitgeist: The Gears of Revolution game that I am running. We are about to begin book 2. Here's a link to the Free Player's Guide if you are unfamiliar.

Current party is a 1/2 Orc Scarred Witchdoctor Hedge Witch, 1/2 elf synthesist summoner and a ratfolk alchemist (we also have a human investigator who is currently MIA, due to living in Puerto Rico, but I have high hopes of their eventual return)

The original character creation guidelines can be found HERE. You will be starting at level 2.

Regarding what I'm looking for in a player: I appreciate the ability to post daily, but don't require it. RPer are preferred, as this campaign has lots of NPC interactions.

I don't have any real timeline for this recruitment. It really depends on the level of interest, but as always sooner is better.

I'm sure I'm missing something, so if you have any questions let me know.

Hi Folks,

I'm looking for a couple of people to help fill out a Way of the Wicked campaign I'm running. We are near the start of book 2. Familiarity with the AP would be a plus, but is not required.

Current players include an antipaladin, a wizard and a sorcerer.

Starting level: 6
25pt buy
Races: Nothing weird
Alignment: LE prefered.
Classes: No Paladins or gunslingers. Other than that, anything goes. Summoners need to use unchained variant.
Hp: Max 1st, 1/2+1 HD all others.
Starting wealth: The PCs are pretty poor at the moment so 4K gp should put you at about where they are.

I don't need a background, but a brief character sketch would be nice. Everyone needs to somehow be affiliated with the church of Asmodeus.

Thanks for the interest, and let me know if you have any questions.

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The Little Boar inn wouldn't be out of place in a city ten times the size of Jameson's Crossing. A three story, sprawling old heap of a building, it, and its associated outbuildings, take center stage in the small community, servicing the merchants and travellers waiting to cross the Stikine river. Busy at the best of times, the inn is currently bursting at the seams, due to ferry being down for repairs. Patrons are packed into rooms like sardines, and horses are being housed in the courtyard, the stables having long been filled. Already 4 days into a two day repair job, the mood in the common room is foul and tempers are short, especially among the merchants who are watching produce ripen and profit margins shrinking, day-by-day. Most drink with a kind of grim determination, seeking release in oblivion. Outside, a steady, continual drizzle proves sufficient to quickly dampen the ambitions of anyone hoping to escape the oppressive atmosphere of the inn. Most return in short order to pleasures of the common room, wet and muddy.

Here you wait, with your fellow travellers, for the ferry to resume its route and your journey to continue. With little to do, but drink and talk, you while away the hours in conversation, hoping for something, anything to break the monotony.

You can dot the thread, post a character description, describe how you've been presenting yourself to the common room, etc. Once everyone is present and accounted for, we'll get this show on the road.

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Hi All,

Welcome aboard. Here's to hoping that this game works out as well in practice, as it does in my head.

Couple of Ground Rules:

1. Please be courteous each other. Character conflict is fine, but player conflict can ruin the fun for everyone.

2. Please be a team player.

3. Try not to metagame. It's hard to eliminate completely, but do your best. You are always welcome to ask "What would my character know?"

4. Be aware that I won't always run things exactly by RAW. I'm converting stuff from older editions and it doesn't always line up perfectly. I may also steal abilities and mechanics from other editions that I liked. For example, I might use the minions mechanic from 4e.

5. I'm not trying to kill you. The enemies are trying to kill you, and they won't always play fair. Just remember that an enemy in its lair almost always has the advantage, doubly so, if they know you're coming. Running away is always an option.

6. At any time, if you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

That probably enough for now. Let's make some characters.

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Hey folks, I'm looking for some warm bodies for a campaign I want to run.

Game Pitch:

1. This will be a D&D 5e game. Why? 5e strips a lot of mechanics out and streamlined a bunch of others. It's designed to promote narrative play, which is something I want to promote and I think translates well to PbP games. It's not perfect, but I think it fits better for the type of game I want to run.

2. This will be in a homebrew setting. I've been putting together some ideas for a campaign world that I want to unleash some PCs into. If you decide to partake in the game, you'll get more info, but in brief, it's a pretty standard, lowish magic fantasy setting. Lots of low level divine magic, less so arcane, few high level casters of any type. 5e is already designed to be pretty light on the magic items (eg no magic item shops), and in this setting I'm making it even more so. PC's will find magic items, and they will be awesome, but there never will be a bunch of minions walking around with +1 longswords.

3. I intend this to function as an open world game. I have no grand story that I want to tell, I just want to create a believable world to play in. I'm making a map and seeding it with NPCs, monsters and adventure hooks. These hooks are all for adventure from older editions. Basically a D&D greatest hits collection. During character creation, I want to work with the players to give them hooks to early game content, but not have any obligation to follow them. I want players to have the freedom to explore, find a ogre tribe and get eaten all at first level, if they so choose. You will all be starting in a tavern. Expect a very old school sort of vibe.

4. I want to have a game where player agency matters, where the clock is always ticking. You wont always be able to do everything. A tribe of goblins wont wait for you to rescue the princess from the evil wizard before they attack the village. I want a game where the PCs actions matter to the game world. Adventures won't just pause until you can't get to them, sometimes bad things will happen, or another group of NPC adventurers will have taken care of the problem instead.

5. For character creation, I want to recreate the feeling of sitting around a table as much as possible. When I recruit, I'm just recruiting players, not characters. Once I have the players, we'll roll for stats and build the party as a team. I'm planning on a rolling for stats in order (e.g. First roll STR, 2nd roll DEX etc). I want players to discover their characters, not just build some pre-defined idea they already have. I'll also work with the players to sketch backgrounds that fit the setting and have an adventure hook.

What I'm looking for in a player:

1. Activity: While I don't have any hard and fast rules for posting rate, obviously the ability to post more often is prefered. This sort of game is going to be dependent on player initiative, so if you are a more passive player, this might not be the game for you.

2. Engagement: This ties a bit into the point above, but is more than just that. I love it when a player messages me about things they want to do with their characters (goal, schemes, etc).

3. Creativity: I fully support collaborate storytelling. I'm intentionally leaving a lot of the setting vague so it can be fleshed out as we explore it. Want to start a thieves' guild or build a castle? We can do that.
So if this sounds like something that you might be interested in, drop a post to express your interest. I already have a couple of potential players, so I don't exactly know how many players I'll be recruiting. In the unlikely event of a heap of people that want to play, if you want to distinguish yourself, post a bit about want kind of game you'ld like this to be or what your expectations are for it. (Really, I just want to get a feel for the kind of player you are.)

Anywho, thanks for reading and let me know if you have any questions.

Island at the Center of the World:
              Act 1: The R.N.S. Coaltongue

Risur and Danor have been at war on-and-off for two centuries for control of the lush Yerasol Archipelago that lies between them. The current ruler of Risur, King Aodhan, was just a common soldier during in the Third Yerasol War, which ended forty years ago. He captured territory for Risur, earned the respect of the military and the adulation of the common people, and even seized control of Danor’s first steam-powered warship. People of Flint still talk about the day when he single-handedly steered the ship into Flint’s harbor as a spoil of war.

The king of the time chose Aodhan as his successor, and in the four decades since Risur has gone from owning a single captured steam engine to having an industrial revolution of its own. Today it prepares to launch its first armored warship to solely use steam propulsion: the R.N.S. Coaltongue, named after a mythic warlord said to breathe smoke and fire.

King Aodhan has come to Flint from Risur’s capitol to witness the ship’s launch.

Feel free to just dot the thread, so it shows up in your campaign tab.


Hi Folks,

I'm looking for a couple of players to top up a WotW campaign that I am running.

We currently have an antipaladin, a monk/cleric and a bard/alchemist. So at least one arcane caster would be nice

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts, I thought I would explain what exactly you are signing up for.

What to expect from this game.:

There will be no grid based combat. Combat will be held in the theatre of the mind. I will still post dungeon maps and the like, for orientation purposes, but we won’t be moving tokens on a board. This requires a few alterations to work smoothly.
1. No reach weapons.
2. There will be limited AoOs. Casting or using a ranged weapon in melee will probably be about it.
3. Flanking and the like. If multiple people are attacking the same target, it's 'flanked'.
5. Gentleman’s agreement: It will be mutually agreed that casters and ranged PCs and enemies are protected from melee attacks while melee defenders are still standing. I.e. I won’t bum rush your casters if you don’t bum rush mine.

The goal here is not to trivialize combat, but to speed it up.

Posting rate
I usually am able to check the boards daily, but my posting can be a little erratic depending on my workload and familial responsibilities. Generally, I fluctuate between daily and a couple times a week. As such, I’m not particular about my players posing habits, but try not to hold up the game. I will say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so I generally will keep up with the pace set by my players, whatever that might be. Note, if you disappear for a week, I'll probably drop you.

Posting style
I generally post shorter posts and I am fine with my players doing so as well. If you want to write more in depth posts, you are welcome to, but don’t make everyone read a novella. I prefer the RP that grows out of inter-PC interaction, than via epic flashbacks and inner monologue.

Realistically, by applying to this game you are looking at a four year commitment, at least. Obviously things come up and interests change, but if you’re applying, try to think of it as getting a low maintenance pet. It doesn’t require much attention, but it does require it every day or so. That being said, I will be taking board history and number of previous posts into account during my evaluations. I don’t have any hard cutoff point, but if you’re just starting out, this might not be the best place to apply.

So you still want to apply...

Races: Human, Half-elf or dwarf prefered, as they are dominant races in the campaign. I won't outright ban anything, but know that I am biased in favour of those 3.

Classes: No gunslingers or paladins. Summoners must be of the unchained variety (other unchained variants are also fine) Everything else is probably fine.

25 pt buy. 2 bonus skill points per level Max HP at 1st, 1/2+1 for all other levels. LE prefered. 2 Traits.

You'll start at level 4, don't worry about gear yet, we're way below standard wealth levels at the moment, so I need to see what the other PCs wealth level is at first.

Don't worry too much about it just yet. A rough background is fine. Just have a reason why you would want to work for


the church of Asmodeus to overthrow a LG kingdom (Imagine if the least flexible Paladin ever got to form a kingdom. No freedom of religion, freedom of speech, super racist against non-humans.)

We can build it up if you get selected.

Note to those already familiar with WotW:


We are about to begin the breaking of Balentine. If you have previously played up to (or beyond) this point, you can create a character that escaped from Brandescar prison and all that jazz (including one of the campaign traits). Since you are already familiar with the plot, I would just dump you character in as if it had always been part of the party.

I think that is about it. I don't have a hard recruitment timeline, but no more than a week and as short as it takes for me to find a couple of characters I like.

If you have any questions, let me know, and thanks for the interest.

Hi folks, I'm trying to drum up interest for a re-recruitment for an ongoing WotR campaign.

We're earlyish into the second book and just hit level 6/1 mythic.

We've been without our oracle/hierophant for a while now and we really need someone to step up.

Due to the nature of the campaign, in that it doesn't make sense for random mythic people to just show up, the DM would like the replacement player to keep the same character as the original. This is just in terms of name, background and class. Alternative builds are fine, but you must have the Touched by Divinity campaign trait.

If this is something that you might be interested in, please go over the original recruitment thread, and say hi.

Recruitment Thread Linky

Original Player's Backstory:

Adalric was a member of a group of Mendevian Crusaders tasked with guarding the Wardstones. One night, something went wrong and a group of demons appeared. Terrified for his life, Adalric ran away, leaving his companions to die. Unfortunately, he couldn't run fast enough and was mortally wounded. Dying, his last sight was of Iomedae appearing and shaking her head in displeasure.

Adalric has no idea what happened in the next few months. All he knows is that he's been granted a second chance at life. His sole motivation is to somehow make up for his cowardice. "I can still see them in my dreams .... It's my fault .... Their blood is on my hands .... Never again..." When he heard the Wardstones had been breached once more, Adalric knew he had no choice but to go. Maybe this is his chance at redemption.

Hey Folks,

Going to be super specific here. Just looking for a cleric (fiendish vessel cleric of Asmodeus) for my WotW campaign. I am waving the racial requirement, so you don't have to be a tiefling.

Here's a link to the original recruitment thread. Make sure to read the 'what to expect from this game' spoiler, since I'm running combat a little oddly. You can do a focus/foible or 25pt buy. You don't have to follow the fluff requirements either. Finished crunch isn't necessary for an application

The PC's are still in the process of escaping, so you haven't missed much of the AP. I've already had two players flake out on me, so I'll probably be a bit biased in favour of established PbPers, but that's not a requirement.

I don't expect to get too many bites with such a specific request, so I'll probably only keep recruitment open for a couple of days.

Thanks for the interest.

Hey Folks,

Looking for some new blood for my Wrath of the Righteous campaign. We are in need of two PCs

1 Arcane caster going Archmage

1 Paladin going Guardian.

Character creation;

3rd level
20pt buy
Most races should be fine.
3k starting gold for the Arcane, 1k for the paladin (you'll get a magical longsword right off the bat)
2 traits, one should be the appropriate campaign feat.

Take a look at the other PCs to get a feel for what you're signing up for and if you have any questions let me know.

In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F.The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.

Condemned, the forsaken face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Not you. You will be spared this ordeal. You have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls. With steel, your crimes will be answered.

You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.

Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom.

For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done against her? Here the Red Feather Gang breathes its last breath.

Howdy folks! Thanks for joining my little game here. Hopefully we all get along and have a good time.

First thing first, let's roll for our remaining ability scores.
1d10+7 four times in order. No re-rolls no swapping ability scores. Yes this does mean our fighter could have 8 CON, but that's half the fun.

Once your scores are set, you can finish off you character sheets. Everyone gets an extra 2 skill points per level and feel free to co-ordinate skill point allocation. If you have any questions, let me know.

As for gear, you all start with nothing and all spell casters have their daily spells memorized. The gameplay thread is open, so feel free to make a post. Remember that all the PCs are already acquainted.

One last thing, while I'm not overly concerned about posting rate, if you fail to post for a week, without prior warning, I will replace you. I hope that doesn't seem too unreasonable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sometimes bad things happen for no reason. Sometimes we’re the reason.

The Kingdom of Talingarde is perhaps the noblest, most virtuous and peaceful nation yet founded. The royalty of this dominion has rescued a dispirited people from the brink of despair and darkness. They dealt with their enemies honorably and their allies faithfully. Talingarde is a paragon of the age, a bright shining city upon a hill. Yet the nation faces now its greatest test.That test is you. It is the ambition of our protagonists to do nothing less than destroy Talingarde utterly.

Welcome to my Way of the Wicked campaign recruitment. Before we dive into the nuts and bolts, I thought I would explain what exact you are signing up for.

What to expect from this game.:

There will be no grid based combat. Combat will be held in the theatre of the mind. I will still post dungeon maps and the like, for orientation purposes, but we won’t be moving tokens on a board. This requires a few alterations to work smoothly.
1. No reach weapons.
2. There will be limited AoOs. Casting or using a ranged weapon in melee will probably be about it.
3. Flanking and the like. In short, gone. I’m going to be co-opting the advantage/disadvantage system from the new iteration of D&D. In brief, either roll 2d20s and keep the highest or roll 2d20s and keep the lowest. I think this system will be great for speeding up PbP combat. I intend to use it for most, if not all , situational combat bonuses. Also, I intend to use it for flat numerical advantage. More PCs than enemies? Then you have the advantage and vice versa.
4. Sneak attacks: Extra dice apply when you have the advantage. This also applies to ranged attacks.
5. Gentleman’s agreement: It will be mutually agreed that casters and ranged PCs and enemies are protected from melee attacks while melee defenders are still standing. I.e. I won’t bum rush your casters if you don’t bum rush mine.

The goal here is not to trivialize combat, but to speed it up. Also, I think that having the advantage/disadvantage system might promote some creative combat set ups.

Posting rate
I usually am able to check the boards daily, but my posting can be a little erratic depending on my workload and familial responsibilities. Generally, I fluctuate between daily and a couple times a week. As such, I’m not particular about my players posing habits, but try not to hold up the game. I will say that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so I generally will keep up with the pace set by my players, whatever that might be.

Posting style
I generally post shorter posts and I am fine with my players doing so as well. If you want to write more in depth posts, you are welcome to, but don’t make everyone read a novella. I prefer the RP that grows out of inter-PC interaction, than via epic flashbacks and inner monologue.

Commitment: Realistically, by applying to this game you are looking at a four year commitment, at least. Obviously things come up and interests change, but if you’re applying, try to think of it as getting a low maintenance pet. It doesn’t require much attention, but it does require it every day or so. That being said, I will be taking board history and number of previous posts into account during my evaluations. I don’t have any hard cutoff point, but if you’re just starting out, this might not be the best place to apply.

So you still want to apply...

Character Creation

1. Fluff:
Guilty. You are a lawbreaker – the worst of the worst. Too dangerous to live amongst the good people of Talingarde, they dragged you in chains before a magistrate and condemned you. They sent you to the worst prison in the land and there they forever marked you. They held you down and branded you with a runic F. You are forsaken. You won’t be at Branderscar Prison for long. Branderscar is only a holding pen. In three days – justice comes. In three days – everything ends.
What a pity. If only there was a way out of this stinking rat-hole. If only there was a way to escape. If only...

Talingarde is basically the end result of what happens when the least flexible paladin ever gets to make a country. Everything is black or white. There is no room for grey in Talingarde and woe to any who see things differently.

Each PC was once a member of the Red Feather Gang. A band of robbers that up until recently plied their trade along a forested trade route. The band was made up of misfits of all colours, petty thieves running from the law, peasants that failed to pay their taxes, practitioners of non-Mitran religions, disenfranchised minor nobility, barbarians from the wildlands that ran afoul of the laws of civilized lands and even, just maybe, the odd Asmodean missionary trying to bring a wayward flock back to the darkness.

What originally started as simple robberies of taxmen and the like quickly escalated as the Crown devoted more and more resources to eradicating you all. Eventually they sent in the big stick and the collected might of the Knights of the Alerion was sent against you. They burned you out and ran you down. In a night of blood and fire, the Red Feather Gang was no more. Except for you. For you there was Branderscar

In short, all the PCs know each other, they don’t have to been friends, but they all have lived and fought together. All I need from you is to tell me how you ended up in the gang in the first place.

I will be taking 4 PCs for the AP and I am planning on making a balanced party both in terms of mechanics and personality. With that in mind, I will be looking for one PC that represents each of the four fundamental personality types, sanguine (pleasure-seeking and sociable), choleric (ambitious and leader-like), melancholic (analytical and quiet), and phlegmatic (relaxed and peaceful). Here’s a link to the tv tropes site, if you want more details. Feel free to use other tropes to describe your character as well. I don’t need reams of background, but paint a bit of a picture. Comparisons to other popular characters works too.

2. Crunch:

Ablity Scores
Focus and Foible:
Choose a Focus, an ability score at which you excel. You receive an 18 in that score.
Choose a Foible, an ability score that is your weakness. You receive an 8 in that score.
The other four, roll 1d10+7 four times in order. There are no rerolls or moving of ability scores. Those are your other four scores. ONLY INCLUDE YOUR FOCUS AND FOIBLE IN YOUR APPLICATION. The rest of the rolls will be done after selection.

Now, this is a campaign where you will do bad things, like killing LG angels bad, but that doesn’t mean you have to start off evil. Outright good characters won’t work, but neutrals with solid convictions will probably be fine. There are lots of reasons to want to see a regime change in Talingarde and you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

That being said, this is not the campaign for chaotic loners or free- spirited vagabonds. Those campaigns exist in abundance and if they are what you are looking for, perhaps you are in the wrong place. This is a campaign about joining an evil organization with a wicked agenda. Eventually, you may even come to control that evil organization. As such chaotic characters are discouraged.

Core only, unless you give me a fabulous reason, and even then, human are overwhelmingly the dominant race followed by half-elves and dwarves in a distant third. The previous ruling house before the Mitran revolution was half-elven and human conquerors destroyed the existing dwarven cities when they initially invaded the island.

No paladins, summoners or gunslingers, everything is else if fine. Ninjas and samurais should be re-skinned to fit the campaign. A few other tweaks also apply, e.g. antipaladins aren’t restricted to CE, but we will deal with those case by case. If you are unsure, just ask.

Advanced classes from the playtest are allowed, but may need to be ‘fixed’ when the official book is released in August.

Any two traits are fine, no need to select a campaign trait (campaign traits from other APs are fine).

Starting Gold and Equipment
The characters begin with nothing. They have no money, no weapons or armor, no gear, no animal companions of any sort and no material possessions besides tattered, dirty prison clothes. Equipment will be acquired in game.
• Alchemists begin without their formulae book, extracts, bombs or mutagens. They must have access to an alchemical lab or chemicals to have any of these abilities restored.
• Bards begin without their instruments.
• Cavaliers have lost their mount. Presumably their mount was slain or given to another during their capture. It can be presumed that their week of mourning is already in the past.
• Clerics begin having chosen all their spells for the day. They do not have their holy symbol or any material components however.
• Druids also begin having chosen all their spells for the day. They do not, however, have their animal companion with them. Presumably such a companion was slain during their capture or escaped and awaits them outside. Regardless, such beasts would never be allowed inside the prison. Only if they escape from Branderscar prison will they have a chance to reunite with their companion or conduct the ceremony to acquire another.
• Inquisitors and Oracles lack their holy symbol if they need one.
• Witches, Wizards and Magi do not have their spell books, material components, familiars or bonded objects. They do however begin with a full selection of memorized spells from before their incarceration.

HP: Max to start. At each level you roll for hit points (re-roll 1s), however see Villain Points

Villain Points: All PCs start with 1 Villain point and gain 1 Villain Point each time they level up. The maximum number of Villain Points a PC can have at a time is 3. Hero Point feats and spells are allowed.
You can use 1 Villain Point to do any of the following actions. You can only use 1 Villain Point per turn for these actions.
1. Gain an extra standard action during your turn.
2. Gain a +8 bonus to a d20 roll if spent before or a +4 bonus if spent after. This can also be used to effectively increase the DC of a spell by lowering a single target's saving throw in the same manner.
3. Ready an action at any time. (Must be done before a post is made; no retcons.)
4. Regain a spell or use of a limited special ability.
5. Reroll a d20.
6. Reroll for HP at a new level.
You can use 2 Villain Points to do the following, regardless of if you have used a Villain Point this turn.
7. Survive a fatal attack at -10, unconscious, and stable. (2 points)

I will be taking a balanced party. I have no particular class biases, but the final party will include arcane and divine casting, trapfinding, and have at least one female PC.

Recruitment will be open until I find what I’m looking for, but probably a week or so. I don’t need full profiles and only minimal crunch for submission. I’m looking for interesting characters and reliable players. Also feel free to apply as duos, trios or complete parties if you so wish.

Lastly, this is not a roleplay tavern, so please don’t clutter things up.

Thanks, and good luck.

Hey Folks,

I'm looking to inject some fresh blood into my Savage tide AP. We're just about done the first adventure and currently have a polearm wielding human fighter, an ifirit sorcerer and a half-elf rogue. I would be looking for 2 more PCs to join, at least one a divine spellcaster. We are using google drive for maps.

Character creation:

level 2
20pt buy
Hp: max at first, 1/2+1 each level after
Class: No Gunslingers or Summoners
Race: Nothing too weird
Starting wealth:1000gp
Traits: None, but you can take one of the city district feats laid out in Savage tide player's guide (free download link at the bottom) as a bonus feat.
Background: Don't need much. The PC's are currently in the employ of a noble, one Lavinia Vanderboren. The current mission is to capture or kill her murderous brother, so the new PCs would have been recruited by her to help out with that.

Recruitment will be open until I see something I like, but no more than a week. If you have any questions let me know.

Dot for fun and profit.

Welcome aboard folks.

I do have a couple of changes from VoV's character creation guidelines. I'm dropping the point buy down 20, average starting wealth and no channel divinity trait, because I'm a mean DM.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hey Folks,

I'm looking for 2 people to join one of the age of worms campaigns I'm running. I'm running it in Greyhawk, with mostly pathfinder rules. We currently have an alchemist and 2 oracles, so martial or arcane would be the best fit. This would be the third time I've had to re-recruit, so please only apply if you are serious about hanging around for a bit. Thanks.

We've just recently hit level 2 and are about halfway through the first module, which has all been just a random dungeon crawl. So very little plot or NPC RP has come up yet. No real timeline on when I'll close the recruitment, so no pressure. Rough background is fine, but if you're looking for inspiration, here's some background info on the starting town Linky

Character Creation:

25pt Buy: No score above 18 or below 8 after racial adjustment.
Starting Level:2nd. Campaign will end at 20-21st.
Classes:Core or APG only.
Note: This is a fairly undead and dungeon crawl heavy AP.

Races:Core only, though alternative racial traits from ARG or APG are fine.

Spells and Feats: Core and APG books only.

Traits: 1 Trait from any official (non third party) source.

Starting Wealth: Average per class (the party hasn't had a chance to sell any gear yet, so you can get a share of the current loot.)

Alignment: Any non-evil.

House rules:
1. All PCs get a free skill point/level for a profession.

2. Paladins can be of any alignment, but it much match that of their patron deity exactly. They must not knowingly break any tenants of their faith.

Let me know if you have any questions

Dot for fun and profit.

Shattered Star Discussion open for business.

Hey Folks,

I’m looking to run the Shattered Star AP and am in search of 4 brave adventures to take on this epic journey. To be honest, I might be over extending myself with this one, so you are warned, but even if I am, that will most likely only lead to a reduction in posting, rather than dropping the campaign.

Now that’s out of the way, I wanted to try something a little different with this recruitment. Instead of picking and choosing from individual submitted PCs, I want to select from finished 4-somes. So that puts the onus a bit more on you fine folks to discus and organize yourselves into adventuring parties. Once a group forms, have one member post the submission with links to each member’s alias page. I know this is asking a bit much from you all, but consider it a way of vetting your potential party members. As this will take a bit more effort and time, recruitment will remain open until the end of the month and I will make my selection on June 1st.

Since this is an AP recruitment, I will be somewhat biased towards players with a history on the boards and I will not be accepting anyone with less than 100 posts.

Notes on combat:
FYI, I will be doing map-less combat for this AP. As such, to simplify things a bit here are a couple of house rules:
1. No reach weapons.
2. The number of individuals attacking the same target determines flanking, e.g. If two players attack the same enemy in the same round, the second player will get the flanking bonus. Both players will get the bonus is subsequent rounds.
3. To reduce the one shotting of casters, I’m thinking of trying a front row/back row set up. Attacking a back row combatant with a melee attack would incur AoO from the front row fighters. This may evolve, but that’s what I’m thinking at present.
4. For splash and AoE attacks, I will determine the number of potential targets.

There may be others, but those are some things to keep in mind when designing your characters.

Character Creation Details:

This campaign is mostly a series of dungeon crawls, so plan you PCs accordingly. The Shattered Star player’s guide also has some useful suggestions.

Stats: 15-point buy. Feel free to stat dump away. But any stat less than 8 requires a defining characteristic associated with it.

Classes: No Gunslingers, Summoners or 3rd party.

Traits: 2: One must be a campaign or society trait listed in the Shattered Star player’s guide, the other may be from any Paizo product.

HP: Max at first. Average +1 all subsequent levels.

Starting Wealth: Average

Alignment: Any non evil

House rule: Paladins can be of any alignment, but it much match that of their patron deity exactly. They must not knowingly break any tenants of their faith.

Character Background:
A short blurb is fine, but feel free to include more. You all start off the campaign as new Pathfinders, so there’s not much need for great detail. Consider it more of a writing sample than anything else. The AP is pretty much just one long dungeon crawl and McGuffin hunt and I plan on just running it as is. It's adventure for adventure's sake and more of a splatter vs chatter AP, so PC motivations don't really matter so much.

As for posting frequency, I’m not a huge stickler for daily posting, but obviously more is better. Being able to post on weekends is also a plus. I’ll be lurking to answer any questions and look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Open for business. Dot it, if you got it.

Discussion thread open.

Open for business

Welcome aboard everyone.

Feel free to start putting together your characters.

GM Notes:
- No giant exposition heavy posts, or inner monologue please.

- Starting town info LINKY NPC info is correct, just not the deities worshipped.

- Diamond Lake is small (pop. ~1000), so all your characters should be aware of each other, at the very least, and some of them could even be friends, though I'll leave that to you.

- For combat, I'll do individual initiative and I'll roll and post the action order.

- I'm not a fun > everything else GM. I want everyone to have fun, but I generally don't bend rules and never fudge dice rolls to make it so. I'm not a fan of TPKs, but wont stop one from happening. Also, while none of the encounters in this AP are designed to be unbeatable, a number are quite unforgiving. Especially at low levels, you'll never be more that couple of big hits or a confirmed crit away from oblivion.

Character Creation:

30pt Buy: No score above 18 or below 8 after racial adjustment.
Starting Level:1st. Campaign will end at 20-21st.

Classes:Core only.
Note: This is a fairly undead and dungeon crawl heavy AP. Also, unarmed strike builds are suicidal. You have been warned.

Races:Core only, though alternative racial traits from ARG or APG are fine.

Spells and Feats: Core and APG books only.

Traits: 1 Trait from any official (non third party) source.

Starting Wealth: Average per class.

Alignment: Any non-evil.

House rules:
1. All PCs get a free skill point/level for a profession.

2. Paladins can be of any alignment, but it much match that of their patron deity exactly. They must not knowingly break any tenants of their faith.

Dot for fun and profit.

Dot for fun and profit.

Welcome aboard everyone.

Feel free to say your hellos and make any last minute changes to your characters, now that you know the content of the rest of the party.

GM Notes:
- Reminder, no giant exposition heavy posts, or inner monologue please.

- Diamond Lake is small (pop. ~1000), so all your characters should be aware of each other, at the very least, and some of them could even be friends, though I'll leave that to you.

- For combat, I'll do individual initiative and I'll roll and post the action order. I'll also recap each round before beginning the next.

- Unless someone has an issue with me doing so, I'll just roll save/skill checks for people when it makes to do. Basically, just to eliminate cases of you wanting to do something, me asking for a roll, you posting the roll, then me explaining the outcome. If I just make the roll, it speeds things up.

- I'm not a fun > everything else GM. I want everyone to have fun, but I generally don't bend rules and never fudge dice rolls to make it so. I'm not a fan of TPKs, but wont stop one from happening. Also, while none of the encounters in this AP are designed to be unbeatable, a number are quite unforgiving. Especially at low levels, you'll never be more that couple of big hits or a confirmed crit away from oblivion.

Anyways, I think that is enough for now. Gameplay thread is open for dotting, and let's see if this party will be able to stop the end of the world.

Welcome aboard everyone.

Feel free to say your hellos and make any last minute changes to your characters, now that you know the content of the rest of the party.

GM Notes:
- Reminder, no giant exposition heavy posts, or inner monologue please.

- Diamond Lake is small (pop. ~1000), so all your characters should be aware of each other, at the very least, and some of them could even be friends, though I'll leave that to you.

- For combat, I'll do individual initiative and I'll roll and post the action order. I'll also recap each round before beginning the next.

- Unless someone has an issue with me doing so, I'll just roll save/skill checks for people when it makes to do. Basically, just to eliminate cases of you wanting to do something, me asking for a roll, you posting the roll, then me explaining the outcome. If I just make the roll, it speeds things up.

- I'm not a fun > everything else GM. I want everyone to have fun, but I generally don't bend rules and never fudge dice rolls to make it so. I'm not a fan of TPKs, but wont stop one from happening. Also, while none of the encounters in this AP are designed to be unbeatable, a number are quite unforgiving. Especially at low levels, you'll never be more that couple of big hits or a confirmed crit away from oblivion.

Anyways, I think that is enough for now. Gameplay thread is open for dotting, and let's see if this party will be able to stop the end of the world.

Hey all,

I've been itching to run this AP for years, but haven't been able to get my RL group to bite, so I've decided to run it as a PBP. I'll be running it in the Greyhawk setting (because A. I'm too lazy to convert it and B. Greyhawk is awesome)

Looking for 5 players.

Couple of things:
1) This is, historically at least, a very lethal AP. Using the pathfinder ruleset, having 5 characters and a high stat buy should help mitigate that somewhat, but be prepared to have your character die.

2) I like my PBP posts short and to the point. Think 'tweet' length. Also, I can't stand inner monologues, don't know why, but I do. Don't use them. If I need an ooc clarification for your actions I'll ask.

3) I'm in PST(GMT-8), so just be aware that my posting times will reflect that.

4) Speaking of posting, daily would be nice, but I'm flexible. In combat, if you haven't posted in 2 days, I'll just GMPC you. If you disappear for a week without warning, I'm re-recruiting.

5) I'll be using google docs(or drive, whatever it's calling itself these days) for battle maps.

If you're still interested, see the character creation guidelines below. Recruitment will be open until Friday at whatever time I close it, or until new submissions peter out.

Character Creation:

30pt Buy: No score above 18 or below 8 after racial adjustment.

Starting Level:1st. Campaign will end at 20-21st.

Classes:Core + Oracle only.
Note: This is a fairly undead and dungeon crawl heavy AP. Also, unarmed strike builds are suicidal. You have been warned.

For clerics, a list of Greyhawk deities can be found with a quick googling, but the most prevalent in the starting town are St. Cuthbert and Heironeous. Feel free to pick any 2 domains that you feel are appropriate.

Races:Core only, though alternative racial traits from ARG or APG are fine.

Spells and Feats: Core and APG books only.

Traits: 1 Trait from any official (non third party) source.

Starting Wealth: Average per class.

Alignment: Any non-evil.

House rules:
1. All PCs get a free skill point for a profession. As long as they use the profession each level, they continue to get that free skill point at level up.

2. Paladins can be of any alignment, but it much match that of their patron deity exactly. They must not knowingly brake any tenants of their faith.

Character Background:

All PCs will be from the stating town, Diamond Lake. It's a rough and tumble mining town, full of avarice and corruption. I'll work with the selected players to integrate their characters into the city, so don't worry about details for now, but,

1: Tell me the defining characteristics of your character.
2: Do they have any family?
3: Why do they want to get out of Diamond lake, i.e. why give up what they have to become an adventurer.

Also, tell me why you want to play this particular AP